Anthony Kane |
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This is an archetype that I've been working on for a while now. Now I will freely admit this is not something of my own design. The Doctor Archetype is a splicing of several other archetypes into one whole.
Here are the archetypes from which this prototype was drawn from:
Ultimate Magic: The Chirurgeon
Ultimate Magic: The Vivisectionist
Paizo Fans United: The Herbalist.
The purpose of this archetype was to design a healer based around the Alchemist class. With their extracts representing medical curative potions and medicines used to enhance or retard physical and mental abilities which the Alchemist extract list does naturally.
This posts lists the class features that have been changed to make the Doctor archetype.
Class feature changes at 1st level
Medicinal Alchemy: replaces Alchemy.
Medicinal Alchemy: As Alchemy with the following exceptions.
-To Learn or use an Medicinal Extract the user must have a wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the medicinal extract level.
-The difficulty class for a saving throw against a doctor's medicinal extract is 10 + the medicinal extract level + the doctor's wisdom modifier.
-When using the Heal skill the doctor gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on Heal skill checks. In addition doctor modifies several of the abilities listed under the Heal skill description.
-Long Term care: The patient recovers 2 hit points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 hit points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient recovers 2 ability score points per level for every full 8 hours of rest in a day or 4 ability score points per level for each full day of complete rest. The patient uses either their own level or the doctors level (whichever is higher).
-Treat Deadly Wounds: When a doctor treats deadly wounds they can restore more hit points than the average person using the heal skill. The patient is healed a number of hit points/per class level where the number of hit points restored is equal to the doctors wisdom modifier times the patients character level or hit dice. If they exceed the DC of the check by 5 or more than they can increase the number of hit points healed by half.
-Treat Poison and Treat Disease: In both cases if the Doctor's Heal skill check exceeds the DC of the poison or disease then the character being treated receives a bonus to their next saving throw but the competence bonus is now equal to either +4 or ½ the Doctors ranks in the Heal skill whichever is greater.
Sneak Attack: Replaces Bombs
Starts off with 1D6 sneak attack damage at 1st level which increases by 1D6 at every odd Alchemist class level. If the Doctor winds up taking levels in another class that grants sneak attack damage the two classes stack for the purpose of determining the total number of sneak attack dice the Doctor receives.
-Sneak Attack as Rogue ability. At any level where discoveries are gained the doctor may select Rogue talents that are marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effects of sneak attack damage. The doctor may also select the Extra Rogue Talent feat but may only chose from talents marked with an asterisk that modify or change the effect of sneak attack damage.
Why sneak attack instead of bombs. The reason for this change was due to the fact that bombs didn't quite fit. It seems more logical to allow the doctor to be able to strike precisely, and the sneak attack rogue talents could be used to represent a knowledge of anatomy and how that knowledge can be used to cause all sorts of disabling effects with Sneak attack dice.
Tonics: Replaces Mutagens
Tonics: Grant a +4 Alchemical Bonus to a selected ability score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution). Lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + the users Constitution modifier + 2 additional rounds for every character level the user has. After the effect ends the user is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds the Tonic was active
The Doctor may prepare a number of tonics equal to 1 + wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 at 1st level). Tonics take 1 hour each to prepare. She can prepare an additional tonic for every 4 class levels gained beyond 1st.
Unlike Mutagens, Tonics may be used by anyone.
Using a Tonic is a standard action just like using a Mutagen.
Using Multiple Tonics at once
A character may try to combine the effects of multiple tonics but doing some comes with great risk.
-First: If a character imbues a tonic that is already active, already active being defined as applying an alchemical bonus to an ability, it resets the number of rounds that the tonic would be in effect but the character will still be fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the combined total number of rounds that the tonic was active. (example: If you character is already under the effects of a tonic that provides a +4 alchemical bonus to Strength, then drinking another tonic that grants a bonus to strength does not double to bonus or have any other effect other than increasing the number of rounds that the tonic will remain in effect).
-Second Combining 2 different Tonics can have amazing or deadly results depending on how they interact.
After each tonic beyond the first is consumed roll a D100 and Consult the following table:
01: Deadly poison: The user is dead. No saving throw.02-03: Lethal poison. The user is allowed to make a saving throw. The DC equal to 10 + Doctor's class level + The doctor's wisdom modifier + the combined total of bonuses the character would have received from the Tonics) Success results in the user still being alive but suffering a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonics would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. The user is also sickened for 1 hour per tonic consumed.
04-08: Mild poison: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or suffer a penalty equal to the bonuses the tonic's would have granted to the ability scores that would have been affected. If the saving throw is successful then the penalties are halved. In either case the user is still nauseated for 1 hour per tonic consumed.
09-15: Sickening effect: Tonics do not mix: The user must make a saving throw with the DC equal to 10 + the doctor's class level + the doctor's wisdom modifier or be nauseated for 1 hours. Any Tonics the user had in effect end immediately.
16-25: Cancellation: Tonics do not mix but cancel each other out: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user has in effect stop working immediately.
26-35: Failed Mixture: Tonics do not mix: The user does not need to make a saving throw. The new Tonic simply fails to mix or work. Any tonics the user already has in effect continue functioning as if the new tonic had never been introduced.
36-63: Somewhat Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together but their durations are halved. Any tonic the user already has in effect has its duration cut in half. If this would result in a duration reduced to less than one round that tonic's effect ends immediately.
64-91: Successful Mixture: Tonics mix together. Each tonic the user has in effect lasts until they would normally expire.
92-96: Highly Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic imbued by the user would expire.
97-99: Super Effective Mixture: Tonics mix together. All Tonics the user already has in effect work normally. The duration of all tonics the user already has in effect now lasts until the most recent tonic the user imbued would expire. When the duration expires the target is not fatigued.
100: Perfect Synthesis: Tonics Mix Together. All Tonics the user already has in effect increase their modifier to the highest modifier in effect. The duration for all tonics now last for 24 hours. The user is not fatigued after the tonics effects end.
(side note bonus points if anyone out there recognizes this table, or can tell me where I got the inspiration for it)
Tonic Discoveries:
-Tonic of Quickening: Increases the users base land speed by 10ft and receives a +2 bonus on initiative.-Greater Tonic: Grants a +6 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution and a +4 bonus to a 2nd ability score, both of which are chosen when the Alchemist prepares the tonic. The Alchemist must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.
-Grand Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, a +6 bonus to a second ability score, and a + 4 bonus to a third ability score. The Alchemist decides what ability scores receive these bonuses when the tonic is prepared. The Alchemist must be at least 16th level and possess the Greater Tonic discovery before this discovery can be selected.
-(Grand discovery) True Tonic: Grants a +8 Alchemical Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The Alchemist must already have selected the Greater Tonic and Grand Tonic discoveries.
Behind the design: Why Tonics Initially I wanted to give this idea a name like drugs, or medicines or something that would clearly illustrate the use of performance enhancers. I did not want to use that type of terminology because ultimately I understand children play this game and the game has enough problems without someone getting the idea that it endorses drug use. So I settles on an old name for medicine, Tonics. It was a term not already in use like potion or elixir. At your table feel free to call this whatever you want.
Self Sufficient: Replaces Throw Anything at 1st level.
Changes at 2nd level
Infuse Curative: Replaces Poison Use
-At 2nd level, the doctor's medical extracts of cure spells automatically act as infusions, and can be used by non-alchemists. When the doctor prepares his extracts, he may choose to render any or all of his infused curatives inert and prepare other extracts to replace them (unlike infusions, which continue to occupy the alchemist’s daily extract slots until consumed or used).
Changes at 3rd level
Quick Healing: Replaces Swift Alchemy.
-Quick Healing: At 3rd level a Doctor can execute skills of healing with amazing speed. The times required to perform all non combat related actions (such as treating disease and treating wounds from caltrops...) is reduced by half. Thus where it would normal take 10 minutes to treat disease with the heal skill the doctor can do so in 5 minutes. Where it would take a character 1 hour to treat deadly wounds, the doctor can perform the same amount of healing in ½ and hour. Long term care only requires 4 hours of full rest or half a day of complete rest. This also means that character heal twice as fast if they take a full 8 hours of full rest or a full days worth of complete rest.
-Finally providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison is reduced from a standard action to a move action for the doctor.
Changes at 6th level
Anaesthetic: Replaces Swift Poisoning.
-At 5th level, the doctor learns how to supplement uses of the Heal skill with pain-killing drugs. He gains Skill Focus (Heal) as a bonus feat. Any use of the Heal skill that has a risk of harming the patient (such as extracting a barb) only deals the minimum damage when performed by the doctor.
Swift Healing: Adds to class features/replaces nothing.
-Swift Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison, from a move action to a swift action.
Changes at 10th level
Power over Death: Replaces Poison Immunity
-At 10th level, the doctor adds breath of life to his formula book as a 4th-level extract. His infused curative ability applies to this extract.
Changes at 14th level
No Side Effects: Replaces Persistent Mutagen.
-The Doctor's Tonics no longer cause him or the users of his tonics to become fatigued after their effect wears off.
Changes at 18th level
Instant Healing: Replaces Instant Alchemy.
-Instant Healing reduces the time for providing first aid, treating a wound or treating poison for the doctor from a move action to an immediate action.
So there you have it, my changes to the Alchemist class to combine all these archetypes into one. Is it still an archetype, or is it now an alternate class? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

dbass |

100: Perfect Synthesis: Tonics Mix Together. All Tonics the user already has in effect increase their modifier to the highest modifier in effect. The duration for all tonics now last for 24 hours. The user is not fatigued after the tonics effects end.
(side note bonus points if anyone out there recognizes this table, or can tell me where I got the inspiration for it)
Knucklebone of Fickle Fate Table 7-13 from the Advanced Players Guide?

Anthony Kane |

Anthony Kane wrote:Knucklebone of Fickle Fate Table 7-13 from the Advanced Players Guide?100: Perfect Synthesis: Tonics Mix Together. All Tonics the user already has in effect increase their modifier to the highest modifier in effect. The duration for all tonics now last for 24 hours. The user is not fatigued after the tonics effects end.
(side note bonus points if anyone out there recognizes this table, or can tell me where I got the inspiration for it)
incorrect, sorry... think older

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This seems to be designed to power up the alchemist and shortening the pc work day.
You're changing their "spell casting" attribute to something more favorable. You're granting them more flexible (and more powerful) mutagen. Sneak attack seems out of place (yes, yes, I know, knowledge of anatomy, blah blah. . . If you're a doctor seems like an awful use of your medical knowledge.)
Personally, I would probably change bombs into "temporary potions of curing" allowing bomb damage to serve as healing (single target) and a discovery to turn them into something you can pass out (rather than something you have to use on other people) and another discovery to make them splash healing. I would leave spell casting attribute alone (understanding how bodies function requires intelligence), and would come up with something vastly different to replace tonic. (I have absolutely no idea what.)