Shiver Me Timbers! A New Pathfinder Adventure Carrrrrrd Game Experience!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Ahoy, landlubbers! I'm Gaby, one of Mike's developers on the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. I'd be remiss if I didn't begin by thanking you all for your support of the game. Thanks to you, the game is doing so well that we're already working on another set! Developing this game has been a total blast, and it's been so much fun to watch everyone enjoy something I got to help create.
If you haven't guessed from the awesome Daryl Mandryk cover art, the new set is going to be adapted from the popular Skull & Shackles Adventure Path! A private playtest is starting soon, and the game will launch at Gen Con Indy in August of 2014. So, now that the catfish is out of the bag, what exactly is there to look forward to in the Skull & Shackles set of PACG?
New character classes: We're bringing seven new character classes from the Pathfinder RPG to the Pathfinder ACG. The Oracle, Gunslinger, Magus, and Swashbuckler will debut in the Skull & Shackles Base Set, along with the returning Bard, Fighter, and Rogue. The Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck will introduce the Alchemist, Witch, and Warpriest, along with the Druid. (Not familiar with the Swashbuckler or the Warpriest? They appear in the upcoming Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide—check tomorrow's Paizo blog for more on that!)
Guns: There's going be a Gunslinger, so we'd better have some guns for her to sling. Big guns, little guns, sneaky guns! Pew pew pew!
Pirates: Now with piratical accessories! Our pirates may be helpful or they might be the sort of scallywags who will make you walk the plank. Your character may even be a pirate! Of course, pirates need pirate gear, so you can expect to find eye patches, tricornes, and the like.
Sharks: Dunnn dunn.… dunnn dunn… dunnndunnndunnndunnndundundundundundun. Being that I work at Lone Shark Games, I'm pretty stoked about sharks appearing in this game.
Ships: It's pretty hard to have adventure on the high seas without ships, so there might be a ship or two in this set. But watch out: there might also be some sea monsters that like fish and ships.
Booty: I don't want to say too much, but we're definitely going to have some pirate booty in this game. It'd be wrong not to.
Swashbuckling: Many times, your character will be swashbuckling. Sometimes that will help you and sometimes it won't. The pirates you meet will care quite a bit about whether or not your buckles are swashed.
New challenges: With new adventures come new challenges. Ships and seas are full of perilous and rewarding tasks. (Protip: I just told you a new type of barrier.)
Sharks: Did I mention sharks? There are going to be a lot of sharks.
There are a couple other very exciting aspects to PACG: Skull & Shackles. First, you'll be able to play Rise of the Runelords characters in Skull & Shackles and vice versa. Yeah, we're totally backwards compatible. Second, Adventure Decks will be released MONTHLY, which means less waitin' and more keelhaulin'! And don't forget the part where you can save money! Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Subscribers get 20% off of MSRP, free promo cards, and discounts on Ultrapro's upcoming PACG character mats and other Ultrapro PACG accessories yet to be announced!
Stay tuned in the coming months for more news about PACG: Skull & Shackles! Here's hoping you and your salty crew have smooth sailing ahead!
Gaby Weidling
Developer, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
More Paizo Blog.
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game
Skull & Shackles
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The AP link is broken for me; it looks like it points to where it should point to just
Cool. Given the switch to monthly release, will an AP still have six adventures? Or will there be twelve expansion decks?
I'm incredibly excited about this!
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This comes out in August. My birthday is in September. I smell drunken nautical-themed shenanigans.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Steve Geddes wrote: Cool. Given the switch to monthly release, will an AP still have six adventures? Or will there be twelve expansion decks? I was wondering the same thing? Will that be 12 Adventure decks with 6 for the AP and 6 others or are we talking 2 APs with base sets per year?
I am hoping we are not looking at 6 months without content.
Aye, that's great news (as a prior Navy man, I feel I can get away with that)!
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
That's pretty awesome. Also... Swashbuckler? Warpriest? Advanced Class Guide?! *swoons*
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
My group had a pool going on what the next box set would be so now it looks like I get to pay the winners! LOL
By the way we figured this was in the top three or four. Below are what we came up with as the most likely.
Legacy of Fire - Genies and Wishes
Skull and Shackles - Pirates
Curse of the Crimson Throne - For those that can count in order;)
Carrion Crown - Vampires & Werewolves
I am also glad they are going to monthly... as that could lead to two sets a year as a possibility.
If i am already a PACG subscriber will this product be included or will i need to start a new subscription?
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Steve Geddes wrote: Cool. Given the switch to monthly release, will an AP still have six adventures? Or will there be twelve expansion decks? Each AP will still have 6 Adventure Decks. Our current plan is that we'll launch the third AP in February 2015.
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Tracker1 wrote: If i am already a PACG subscriber will this product be included or will i need to start a new subscription?
Part of the sub—your subscription continues until you cancel it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Great move with going monthly.
S&S is absolutely the right choice but I was thinking of the same options as you Thazar.
Unbelievably excited for this!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Awesome news all the way around.
Any new Iconic art (or any new art.) in any of these sets?
I heard there's a new pirate movie coming out... It's rated ARRRRRRRRRR. (Sorry couldn't resist!)
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Vic Wertz wrote: Tracker1 wrote: If i am already a PACG subscriber will this product be included or will i need to start a new subscription?
Thanks Part of the sub—your subscription continues until you cancel it. Haha! Whoops! Sorry Honey I didn't know it would keep going.. :P
The gift that keeps on giving!
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I'm a little confused. There will be sharks, right?
I thought there was a Token of Remembrance around here.
Kevin Mack wrote: Any new Iconic art (or any new art.) in any of these sets? There will be *lots* of new art in the S&S set—even more than there was in RotR. The iconics, though, will be the standard Wayne Reynolds illustrations.
Will there be a basic introductory adventure in the base set, akin to Perils of the Lost Coast in the RotR base set?
Yes. Basically, the format of S&S will mirror the format of RotR in just about every way, apart from Adventure Decks coming out much faster. (And yes, there will be promo cards...)
Great! I'm looking forward to it, and doing my best to forward this to BGG (where I'm sure the same questions will be posted dozens of times before long)
Vic Wertz wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Cool. Given the switch to monthly release, will an AP still have six adventures? Or will there be twelve expansion decks? Each AP will still have 6 Adventure Decks. Our current plan is that we'll launch the third AP in February 2015.
** spoiler omitted ** Awesome. Thanks Vic.
Can we put in requests?
Vic Wertz wrote: (And yes, there will be promo cards...) Came here for this; was not disappointed. Can't wait to see them...I hope one of them is GROG.
PACG is my most played game in recent memory and am looking forward to future releases. I'd be wary of release overload though. A new base more than once a year might be PACG overload.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The bimonthly rate is too slow, gaming-wise. Me and my fiancee blew through the Burnt Offerings in 2 weeks and now we're waiting for the second set... which won't last 2 months, that's for sure :)
Steve Geddes wrote: Vic Wertz wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Cool. Given the switch to monthly release, will an AP still have six adventures? Or will there be twelve expansion decks? Each AP will still have 6 Adventure Decks. Our current plan is that we'll launch the third AP in February 2015.
** spoiler omitted ** Awesome. Thanks Vic.
Can we put in requests? It's not locked down, so feel free to start a thread for that.
(For what it's worth, there are two that I personally consider frontrunners.)
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Monthly will be so much better. One thig I'd liketo see box design wise: get rid of the space that exists for expansion boxes, replace it with more space for cards, 1 large space per 110 card expansion. I may be influenced by my sad need to sleeve cards.
Vic Wertz wrote: Kevin Mack wrote: Any new Iconic art (or any new art.) in any of these sets? There will be *lots* of new art in the S&S set—even more than there was in RotR. The iconics, though, will be the standard Wayne Reynolds illustrations. I was thinking more action scene art with the Iconics rather than new standard Iconic art.
Yep—there will be a lot of new art of that type.
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I was wondering if there are any numbers out on how many RotR base sets are being purchased compared to character expansion decks. It would be nice if the base set was simply a 6 player game with some 600 starting cards.
While I love this game, and the idea of monthy releases with the new base set; $400 a year to keep up with the PACG seems pricey for a lot of younger players... and maybe some older ones too ;)
$20 for a character expansion that should really be incuded in the base game just seems expensive for no real extra game content.
Outstanding, this was my 2nd favorite AP after Rise of the Runelords so I'm excited to get this one.
Although I do have to say I'm disappointed to see a new base set and not just AP packs and new character add-ons.
Keep the card box slots please! I like the portability of taking the whole thing with me (especially when flying) without having loose decks (and you have to be able to restore to earlier points when you have several different groups of players at different points.
It would be hard to determine, but I suspect the sleevers are in the minority, and the current box is good for those who don't). I partially sleeve - putting my character decks and the location cards that get frequently handled in sleeves.
I think a new base is necessary with each AP; the base cards provide a more thematic base of play. As for the money; you aren't required to buy every AP. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Each AP will come to $180, assuming 1 base set at $60, a character add on at $20, and 5 additional adventures at $20 each. So that's $360 a year. If they didn't sell a base set, we'd be seeing 6 adventures at $120, or $240/year. So that's $60 extra per AP. I can swing an extra $120/year, even as a poor graduate student. If money is tight, be wise in your purchases. Maybe have a friend buy one AP and you buy the other. More cost for more material is no reason to complain; we as a community have largely been asking for more, and Paizo is giving us what we asked for.
Oh, well you are at least right about the math. Not sure what I was thinking about when I came up with $200 an AP!

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vagabondriot wrote: I think a new base is necessary with each AP; the base cards provide a more thematic base of play. As for the money; you aren't required to buy every AP. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Each AP will come to $180, assuming 1 base set at $60, a character add on at $20, and 5 additional adventures at $20 each. So that's $360 a year. If they didn't sell a base set, we'd be seeing 6 adventures at $120, or $240/year. So that's $60 extra per AP. I can swing an extra $120/year, even as a poor graduate student. If money is tight, be wise in your purchases. Maybe have a friend buy one AP and you buy the other. More cost for more material is no reason to complain; we as a community have largely been asking for more, and Paizo is giving us what we asked for. I rather liked the slower pace of every other month.
Guess I'll have to skip at least half of the new sets, getting every second or third set since I'd like to buy other games too, not just blow my yearly games budget on only Pathfinder.
I would definitely be up for some advanced paths though and I wouldn't even mind if they were a monthly release.
I dunno, I just kind of feel like it's now just turned into a big cash grab; "Holy *, this thing really took off, let's start churning out 2-3 sets per year and roll in the bucks".
I'd imagine this wasn't a real conversation, just not really making me feel hyped like while I've been waiting for my set to arrive (just a couple days now).
I suspect that a fair number of players will pick and choose APs, but I will be getting everything myself. I really enjoy everything about this game.
Wow, this was not the choice I was expecting for the second card game AP! But now that I see it, I think it's an AWESOME choice. Actually, Skull & Shackles was the AP that I started subscribing to Pathfinder for, and I think it's a great path (even though my group never played past Book 1).
Know I'm in the minority, but I gotta say I don't like the monthly shipping. The reason I was really able to add it to my budget was the bi-monthly schedule. Guess I'll see how things are looking come August, cause I do want them sharks....
Abbasax wrote: Know I'm in the minority, but I gotta say I don't like the monthly shipping. The reason I was really able to add it to my budget was the bi-monthly schedule. Guess I'll see how things are looking come August, cause I do want them sharks.... That would work out better for me also. Im on the other side of the world and my local games shop doesn't even have pathfinder listed. Reliable international shipping aint cheap. Maybe customer service will be able to allow us to stagger our shipping over 2 purchases or so.
I am all for monthly. :)
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Backwards compatible...
You know what that means...
So with the returning classes (Bard, Fighter, Rogue, and Druid) will they be the same as the ones in RotRL or will they have new mechanics so that the ones from the original set won't be duplicated?
Excellent! I'll be buying it all up! Thanks guys!!!
atheral wrote: So with the returning classes (Bard, Fighter, Rogue, and Druid) will they be the same as the ones in RotRL or will they have new mechanics so that the ones from the original set won't be duplicated? I'm expecting different mechanics because Mike has posted before that they were planning to have different versions of Valeros in different base sets if they were able to make more base sets. We'll find out in December when the playtest materials go out :)