Permanency on a Staff?

Rules Questions

I'm currently playing a summoner, and I want to get access to permanency and arcane sight. Best plan I've come up with so far is to commission a staff with the two above (and detect magic so I can actually refill it).

However, I'm not sure how permanency's GP cost interacts with the normal rules for putting a spell with an expensive material component on a staff, since the cost is variable. My interpretation is that there's no additional cost to place it on the staff itself, but the normal material component cost has to be provided on use.

Is this correct?

You could have an amount of diamond dust made into the staff's construction.

RAW doesn't really cover variable material component costs, however. As I see it, though, you are correct. As long as the diamond dust gets provided somehow, it works for me.

Well the reason it's an issue: When crafting a spell into a staff that has an expensive material component, you have to pay fifty-fold the price.

Unrelated, but we saved a boatload of cash in a ludicrously high-powered game when we made a Staff of Wishing. Took awhile to build up to it though, was a party of five and we were able to get 120 ability score boosting casts out for the price of 50.

Some suggestions: (since puttin perm on a staff requires DM adjudication of some kind anyway)

1) skip the gold cost for perm when creating the staff but require the user to pay it for each use.

2) Pay 50x the cost of the most expensive permanencied thing. (ouch!))

3) pay 50x the cost of just the one spell you want it to be able to permanence. and then it'd only ever be able to make that spell permanent.

I think 2 or 3 (either really) are more "RAW than 1, but i think 1 is probably more fair.

I'd just make Perm cost 3-4 charges (as a DM) to keep you from being able to have it uber handy every day in case it got dispelled or something. :)

but thats just me.


Actually making it cost more than 1 charge is more advantageous for the user, since it massively cuts down the cost of the staff, and permanency isn't exactly something you're going to need very often. Hell, I set it up to require 5 charges when I initially priced out the thing.

I would price it at 50x the cost of the most expensive spell you want permanent, so 50x7.5k would let you cast everything from read magic to greater magic fang, but not animate object.

On the other hand if I were the GM, you would have lace my sweets with acid and hit me on the head with your metal-bound-corerulebook to get me to allow that staff. (that's the only explanation I can think about for a staff of infinite wishes that's not a major artifact)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry, but no way would I let an item like this pass. And seriously, I can't think of any real reason for such an investment. It's not like you'd be casting that spell every day.

This goes even more ditto for your Staff of Wishing. Both of these are better suited to Magic-Ridiculous campaigns.

Aranai wrote:

I'm currently playing a summoner, and I want to get access to permanency and arcane sight. Best plan I've come up with so far is to commission a staff with the two above (and detect magic so I can actually refill it).

However, I'm not sure how permanency's GP cost interacts with the normal rules for putting a spell with an expensive material component on a staff, since the cost is variable. My interpretation is that there's no additional cost to place it on the staff itself, but the normal material component cost has to be provided on use.

Is this correct?

Technically you would pay a certain amount during construction and it would handle up to that GP divided by 50.. thus if you wanted to handle 5000gp cost it would be a quarter of a million gp.

It is abusive in the end game only if cash gets out of hand, but then pricing, etc on staves are messed up enough as it is. Frankly so are all consumables.. who would pay double for a 2nd level wand of clw, etc?


Liberty's Edge

I did the perm thing using a ring of spell storing. hand to wizard to cast see invis, than same for perm, including material cost.

Richard Leonhart wrote:
On the other hand if I were the GM, you would have lace my sweets with acid and hit me on the head with your metal-bound-corerulebook to get me to allow that staff. (that's the only explanation I can think about for a staff of infinite wishes that's not a major artifact)

Oh, the staff of wishing ended up basically becoming an artifact. Once it was created we only had about one more session until the game ended. All of the characters were 30th level (20 class levels, 10 PrC levels) by that point, so there was really nowhere else to go.

EDIT: And "Magic-ridiculous" was a very good description of that particular campaign. Though that was the entire point of said campaign, really.

The rules for magic item creation, including the chart detailing the costs, are just guidelines.

There's nothing that says that you can't have a Staff of Permanency that has a small bowl at the top in which you place the diamond dust needed to cast the spell from the staff. Each casting requires that you refill the bowl. Attempting to cast without filling the bowl either fizzles, gives a spell blight, etc...

Alternatively, if you're just looking to cast Permanency once to gain Arcane Sight, you can just get a scroll of Permanency and Use Magic Device it...

Was going for a staff due to wanting to use it for multiple things over the levels. Namely, arcane sight, see invisibility (for more than just me, the party uses invisibility a lot), and greater magic fang, since it's absurdly cheaper than an amulet of mighty fists.

Aranai wrote:
Was going for a staff due to wanting to use it for multiple things over the levels. Namely, arcane sight, see invisibility (for more than just me, the party uses invisibility a lot), and greater magic fang, since it's absurdly cheaper than an amulet of mighty fists.

Well... add the small bowl at the top to place reagents into. Maybe design it so that it already has the magical properties of one charge stored in it, and part of the recharge process is adding more reagents as well as expending a spell slot.

Keep in mind that you can only recharge one charge on the staff per day, so if you're looking to get heavy use out of those other spells you may be disappointed... That is, unless you would only need to use it once every few days.

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