Munkir |

These Humans are more fiction than fact though they all share similar Traits .They are said to be born on a Harvest moon. There have only been 2 known appearances in the last 700 years.
The Kadzuki have Red Hair and Red eyes. They stand taller then most and have thick tanned skin. They prefer to sleep outside where they can see the moon and the stars. They enjoy combat and regularly train. There sense of Honor bounds them as they find it very difficult to lie but because of this they can easily desire a persons true intentions.
+2 Strength +2 Wisdom -2 Intelligence :Kadzuki are strong and willful but they care little for anything other then combat
Low Light: Kadzuki can see in Low light up to 60 feet.
SpellLike Ability: Anticipate Peril1/day (caster level equals the Kadzuki's total HitDice Max 5).
Thick Skin: +1 AC Natural Armor.
Honor: A Kadzuki recives a -5 on all Bluff Checks but Gains a +2 on all Sense Motive Checks
Languages: Kadzuki begin play speaking Common. Kadzuki with high Intelligence scores can choose any bonus languages.[spoiler=Note]
So what do you guys think please rate.

Munkir |

Thank you for the input.
This is my first crack at something like this and i plan on using it for a PC soon.
I could see this being a monster instead of a Race.
I know 700 years is a long time but these where the only known appearances that doesn't mean that there aren't others. Typically these humans look just like humans other besides the extra bits. So if you where to see one the only thing you would see is a really tall human with red hair and red eye thats not that odd or distinguishing. Also these guys are wild they seek out wildernesses.
The whole moon bit has nothing to do with there combat prowess its only gives them the extra bits.
In truth this powerless entity only wants to experience life and all it has to offer unfortunately he is only able to manifest his will every years on a harvest moon.
-Note- When his will does manifest itself he quickly finds as many creatures currently being born transferring part of his consciousness into the child this manifest in many forms depending different variables that Nib doesn't even understand.

Munkir |

Other than that, I think it's a bit on the weak side.
If you could clarify what is weak about it?
The backstory is a little lacking for my taste but this is something i came up with today i still need to write a lot more.
I think the Abilities and states are good im trying to keep them balanced and logical.
I find there are some similarities between the two mostly dealing with the honor and affinity for combat and there is bound to be even more that have a similar code of ethics.
There are more differences then similarities as far as i can tell.
I was thinking of putting some LVL dependent spells in here like the fletching have and also removing the spell like ability it currently has or at least altering it.
Thanks for the input

Munkir |

These Humans are more fiction than fact though they all share similar Traits .They are said to be born on a Harvest moon.There have been only a few recorded in history.
The Kadzuki have Red Hair and Red eyes and they stand taller then most. They prefer to sleep outside where they can see the moon and the stars. They enjoy combat and regularly train. There sense of Honor bounds them and they find it very difficult to lie but because of this they can easily discern a persons true intentions.
+2 Strength +2 Wisdom -2 Intelligence
:Kadzuki are strong and willful but they care little for anything other then combat
Low Light: Kadzuki can see in Low light up to 60 feet.
Bonus Feat: You may select a Bonus feat at first lvl
Honor: A Kadzuki recives a -5 on all Bluff Checks but Gains a +1 Morale on all Sense Motive Checks. (this later becomes a +2 at 4th lvl and a +3 at lvl 8)
Languages: Kadzuki begin play speaking Common. Kadzuki with high Intelligence scores can choose any bonus languages.
SpellLike Ability:
Combat Sense-At 3rd Lvl the Kadzuki can Anticipate Peril 1/day (caster level equals the Kadzuki's total HitDice Max 5)
Combat Link-At 6th Lvl the Kadzuki can use Battlemind Link 1/day (caster Level Equals the Dadzuki total Hitdice Max 5)
Combat Veteran-At 9th Lvl the Kadzuki is immune to age detriments.This acts as the Spell Age Resistance
Here is the new build what do you think i got rid of the nat AC because i felt it didn't really fit. Also i didnt want to restrict players to skin color.

Cheapy |

And now it's too powerful :) I think just giving one extra small bonus to the original version would be fine. You could, of course, use the Advanced Race Guide playtest rules found here to craft a race. From what I gather, the rules will change a decent amount when it's actually released due to a reexamination of the fundamental tenet of the playtest. Namely that all the core races are 10 points.
...I just learned that I'm not so hot at making new races with so little information.
I like the hinted connection to the moon that it originally had, so I was playing with something that was like this:
"Moon Fury (Su): On days where there is not a new moon, whenever you attack you can choose to take a -1 penalty to AC and receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls. If you decide to use this, it is in effect until the beginning of your next turn."
It ties the moon and combat aspects together, however this shouldn't be done if the natural armor +1 is kept in. Otherwise, it's basically an always on +1 to hit.
Giving them powers against lycanthropes could work too, but I'm not sure.