Waking up.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I haven't noticed any rules for waking people up, for example: the person on watch spots a bad guy and he yells for the group to wake up. Most of the GMs I've played with have had a rule: DC 15 fort save to wake up when you aren't ready for it. I haven't seen any such rule, so I think it's a hold-over from an earlier edition.

What is the official ruling on waking up when you aren't ready?

It's a standard action to wake some one you are adjacent to and sleeping people get a perception check to hear noises witch can wake look at the perception rules and i think the standard action is in the appendix under sleep sorry I don't have my books with me.

BlueAria, that is for magically sleeping people. Its typically assumed that screaming Red Alert! Red Alert! will wake anyone that is not magically sleeping. - Gauss

Sleeping characters can make Perception checks at +10 to the DC. Presumably, when you're aware of something, you become conscious, though I suppose it does not say that specifically. Hearing the sounds of battle 10 feet away from you is a DC 6 Perception check while asleep.

The Exchange

Gauss wrote:
BlueAria, that is for magically sleeping people. Its typically assumed that screaming Red Alert! Red Alert! will wake anyone that is not magically sleeping. - Gauss

This is the way I play. The DC to notice the sounds of battle is -10 (which should include the sound of weapons clanging and men yelling) and the DC to make a perception check while asleep is +10. Those add up to a DC 0 perception check. The person on watch in a typical huddled-around-a-camp-fire setup is no more than 10 feet away, making it a DC 1 perception check. Unless you dumped Wis and never put any ranks in perception, this should be an auto-succeed.

Camp ambushes suck for the party anyway. The fighters have changed out of their heavy armors and into their chainshirt night gowns. The wizard's protective magic is likely expired. It will take anyone asleep at least a round to stand up and ready a weapon or shield. No reason to make these, usually random, encounters unduly hard.

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Waffle_Neutral wrote:
Gauss wrote:
BlueAria, that is for magically sleeping people. Its typically assumed that screaming Red Alert! Red Alert! will wake anyone that is not magically sleeping. - Gauss
This is the way I play. The DC to notice the sounds of battle is -10 (which should include the sound of weapons clanging and men yelling) and the DC to make a perception check while asleep is +10. Those add up to a DC 0 perception check. The person on watch in a typical huddled-around-a-camp-fire setup is no more than 10 feet away, making it a DC 1 perception check. Unless you dumped Wis and never put any ranks in perception, this should be an auto-succeed.

D'oh - for some reason I put in the +5 modifier for a closed door… time for me to sleep I think. Hopefully my door won't prevent me from hearing the alarm next to my head!

I would say you can wake up someone who is asleep with a standard action regardless of if it is magical sleep or mundane sleep. :)

Anyway yeah I mentioned the perception check, too. Although it never says you wake up you just know whats going on? HaHa that seems like a fun rule to play with.

Your guy on watch is only 10' away! Yeah, I would own your party! It will be so easy to see him! I always hide when I am on watch. I want the surprise, not to be surprised.

Komoda wrote:
Your guy on watch is only 10' away! Yeah, I would own your party! It will be so easy to see him! I always hide when I am on watch. I want the surprise, not to be surprised.

I suppose you have a point there - technically those on watch would want to be in dim light so that they may make use of Stealth. A hooded lantern in the center of camp would put the watchman 35 feet away - making an alert a DC 3 check in total for those slumbering by the light.

The entire perception thing while asleep has had me thinking how anybody with a high perception bonus can sleep at all. I mean, somebody with a +10 while asleep can hear as well as somebody with a +0 while awake.

There are alot of people (myself included) that are aware of their environment while sleeping. What really bugs me is when my environment is quiet. THEN I wake up because something is wrong. - Gauss

Quoting my gf right now: "When I am noisy he keeps sleeping but when I'm trying to be quiet he wakes right up to find out what I am up to."

I see. That's actually rather interesting.

The solution to that is white noise - that is, a high Perception character might need to do something to *increase* their DC in order to get some good rest!

As a GM I don't think I would punish a player for being skilled at something. But it is interesting to consider.

Dark Archive

We usually treat it as an automatic action.

Though if flaws were ever introduced "Heavy Sleeper" would be an interesting one.

~Heavy Sleeper~
Prerequisite: Anything that is not immune to sleep, if you become Immune you lose the flaw (and any benefit taking the flaw may give you)
Effect: You require a DC 20 constitution check to wake up on the first round of being woken up, the DC drops by 2 for ever consecutive round you attempt to wake up. You also suffer a -2 to saves against sleep effects. Fire reduces the DC to 10 automatically.

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