Seaborne Bloodline Arcana

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

As written, it is: "When you are in a body of water large enough to float in, your effective caster level is increased by 1."

My question is: Does this apply if you are in a boat? I can see the argument either way, but it would be significantly more useful if the answer is yes (particularly for the Skull and Shackles AP).

DM discretion. I'd say no. In does not equal on or near.

Agree with Asterclement Swarthington. The wording is a little vauge, but it seems that if you are on a boat you are not in the water itself, the boat is. It would probably come down to GM discretion, but I forsee many more GMs saying no than saying yes.

This is why you get yourself a magic animated bathtub to adventure in.

Benly wrote:
This is why you get yourself a magic animated bathtub to adventure in.

Well, the actual reason is because you want to shoot fireballs while taking a bubbly bath.

But yea, that works too.

Benly wrote:
This is why you get yourself a magic animated bathtub to adventure in.

Cauldron of flying, anyone?

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