Addicted2Fail |

Hey guys, will soon be starting the kingmaker campaign and was looking at playing a sorcerer for the adventure. Im just looking at spells, bloodlines, feats etc and just was looking for a hand.
Originally I was going to run destined bloodline for the 'leadership' feat among other things. Due to various reasons that don't need to be discussed this feat will not be used during the campaign. Making me rethink this bloodline.
I do like the idea of a crow/raven as a familiar, and as such was comprehending the arcana bloodline. I'll also add my character is going to be human.
I'm curious what ideas for spell and feat selection anyone would have. Being the only arcane caster I was thinking, item creation feats to e a necessary part of this for later times in the adventure.
At the moment i haven't looked too in depth into specialization into one school, so any ideas in reference to what spells are a must would be appreciated.
The DM has also informed us that he will be running in depth environmental factors, such as weather, starvation, getting lost etc.
Also being of limited skills as far as classes go, would it be worth taking feats to enhance skills? And what craft/profession skills would prove useful?
Cheers everyone in advance.

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This was just posted on another thread not too long ago, and I give full credit to RavingDork for it:
The build can easily be changed to a human.
Also, here's a different kind of Sorcerer, built as a half orc, but human isn't a stretch at all:
Half-Orc Paladin 11 (Oath of Vengeance) / Sorcerer 1 (Draconic Bloodline) / Dragon Disciple 8
STR - 17 (+2 racial bonus, +1 at 4th)
DEX - 12
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 8
CHA - 15 (+1 at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th)
Additional attribute bonuses:
From Dragon Disciple class features - +2 STR at 7th, +2 STR at 9th, +2 CON at 11th, +2 INT at 13th
From Eldritch Heritage feat line - +2 STR at 11th, +2 STR at 15th, +2 STR at 17th
Natural Armor bonuses:
Draconic Bloodline - +1 at 7th, +1 at 13th
Eldritch Heritage feat line - +2 at 13th
Dragon Disciple - +1 at 6th, +1 at 9th, +1 at 12th
1st (P1) Skill Focus: Survival
2nd (P2)
3rd (P3) Intimidating Prowess
4th (P4)
5th (S1) Eldritch Heritage (Orc bloodline: Touch of Rage), Eschew Materials
6th (DD1)
7th (DD2) Power Attack*, Furious Focus
8th (DD3)
9th (DD4) Still Spell
10th (DD5) Toughness*
11th (DD6) Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc bloodline: Strength of the Beast)
12th (DD7)
13th (DD8) Improved Initiative*, Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc bloodline: Fearless) or Corugon Smash
14th (P5)
15th (P6) Dreadful Carnage
16th (P7)
17th (P8) Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc bloodline: Power of Giants)
18th (P9)
19th (P10) Stunning Assault
20th (P11)
* indicates Bloodline feat
Opportunistic Gambler
Magical Knack
Sacred Tattoo (alternative racial trait)
Of course, he gets a ton of abilities: Darkvision 60', Detect Evil, Lay on Hands, Divine Grace, Paladin Immunities & Auras, Smite Evil, Divine Bond, Breath Weapon, Blindsense 30', Fire Resistance, Touch of Rage, Power of Giants (+6 STR, -2 DEX, +4 CON, +4 Natural Armor, Reach) and spells from both Paladin and Sorcerer classes. I'll get to spells in a sec.
One of the things I like about him is how he seems to get nice bumps every level from a variety of places... scaling up potently from first all the way to 20th. And he's an absolute beast at 20th - consider:
Strength 42 (30 naturally, +6 from Power of Giants, +6 from Belt) - +16 attack, +24 damage
Base Attack Bonus - +17/+12/+7/+5 attack
Power Attack & Furious Focus - +0/-5/-5/-5 attack, +15 damage
Touch of Rage (lasting 2-5 rounds) - +10 attack, +10 damage
Large-sized +5 Keen Flaming Greatsword of Speed - 1 additional attack, +5 attack, +1d6+5 damage
Smite Evil (19 Charisma naturally, +6 headband) - +7 attack, +11 damage
That all adds up to something around +55/+50/+45/+40/+35 attack (-5 each if I lump in Stunning Assault) for 2d6+1d6+65 damage per hit with wicked crit potential. Between Smite and his Natural Armor bonuses he could have as much as an additional +18 to Armor Class to go along with those seriously enhanced saves. Obviously all of those bonuses won't often be up at the same time, but with multiple Smites for evil foes and Touch of Rage for non-evil, he should be formidible no matter who he faces. Figure by level 15 he'll pretty much Perma-Intimidate the battlefield the moment he makes his first kill, and those penalties to saves makes Stunning Assault at 19th that much more likely to take effect.
Anyway, I think I've pretty much done right by my feat selections and my traits though I'm open to any and all suggestions... I am torn between a wickedly effective Corugon Smash at 13th or the addtional +2 to Natural Armor from the Eldritch Heritage feat. Also trying to decide between the Weapon Bond or the Mount for his Paladin Divine Bond ability.
I'm fine with what my usual Paladin spell suite will be, but I'm struggling a little bit when it comes to my choices of Sorcerer spells. I want them to be buffs and attacks that will continue to be effective all throughout the life of the character. Remember that I take Still Spell at 9th level and the character will normally be wearing full plate and carrying a Falchion or Greatsword. I'm listing below what I'm currently planning on going with, but none of it is etched in stone:
5th & 6th level (Spells per day: 1st - 4)
0 - Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield
7th level (Spells per day: 1st - 5)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield
8th level (Spells per day: 1st - 6)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor**, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield
9th & 10th level (Spells per day: 1st - 7, 2nd - 4)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor**, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield
2nd - Scorching Ray
11th level (Spells per day: 1st - 7, 2nd - 5)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor**, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image
2nd - Pyrotechnics, Resist Energy**, Scorching Ray
12th level (Spells per day: 1st - 7, 2nd - 6, 3rd - 4)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor**, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image
2nd - Pyrotechnics, Resist Energy**, Scorching Ray
3rd - Hasten
13th level and up (Spells per day: 1st - 7, 2nd - 7, 3rd - 5)
0 - Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark
1st - Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor**, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image
2nd - Pyrotechnics, Protection vs. Evil (Communal), Resist Energy**, Scorching Ray
3rd - Dispel Magic, Fly**, Hasten
** indicates Bloodline spell
Some of the spells I'm also considering might be:
Burning Hands & Moment of Greatness at 1st level, Eagle's Splendor (for whenever I Smite), Flaming Sphere & Touch of Idiocy at 2nd level, Blacklight & Fireball at 3rd level
Finally, herre's a Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple build made to be a caster. Sorry, but there are no spells listed with this one:
The character as he stands now:
Half-Orc 2nd level Paladin / 10th level Sorcerer (Gold Dragon) / 8th level Dragon Disciple
STR – 16 (+2 Racial bonus, +1 at 4th and 8th, +2 at 7th, 9th, 11th, 15th and 17th )
DEX – 12
CON – 14 (+2 at 11th)
INT – 10 (+2 at 13th)
WIS – 8
CHA – 16 (+1 at 12th, 16th and 20th)
Natrual Armor +1 at 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 12th, and +2 at 17th
(* all bonuses from leveling, feats and class features included)
1st - Skill Focus: Survival
3rd - Combat Casting
3rd - Eschew Materials
5th - Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline)
7th - Power Attack (Bloodline feat)
7th - Furious Focus
9th - Arcane Armor Training
10th - Improved Initiative (Bloodline feat)
11th - Arcane Armor Mastery
13th - Toughness (Bloodline feat)
13th - Arcane Strike
15th - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline)
17th - Quicken Spell (Bloodline feat)
17th - Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc Bloodline)
19th - Dreadful Carnage or Dazing Spell
Magical Knack (+2 Caster level)
Opportunistic Gambler (Morale bonuses last 1d4 rounds longer than normal)
Sacred Tattoo (+1 luck bonus to saves, replaces Orc Ferocity)
In addition to his spell-casting abilities, he'll eventually have access to Tough of Rage (6+ times/day) which should mesh well with Opportunistic Gambler, Power of Giants, Claws & Dragon Bite, a Breath Weapon, Wings, Darkvision 60', Blindsense 30', Fire Resistance and the ability to assume the Form of a Dragon multiple times a day.
Consider half orc if using fire spells for increased damage.
+4Str from DD
+6str (inherent) from EH:demonic
+6Str (enhancement) from belt
+6str (morale) from vengeful outrage (spell)
+10(size) from form of the dragon III
Again, I've pulled these builds from other threads because I thought they were interesting and I could get ideas from them. I take no credit for any of them. Hopefully they'll help you, too.

Nimrodii |

Considering the environmental factors I would consider getting either Orc or Boreal bloodline to get survival as a class skill. You could also get survival as a class skill via trait I'm sure there is one. All you would need to get with a survival check is a 10 to find food for yourself and a 15 to avoid getting lost and predict the weather. Consider Endure Elements (I would weigh it against more combat control or damaging spells, though human substitution does allow you more spells known)I am a big fan of Color Spray early on you can always drop it later but early on it can end encounters and should be pretty useful for most of the early encounters that Kingmaker has to offer.