Ronin3058 |
Hello everyone
I've played around with the dragon disciple prestige class but I'm not happy with it.
We play the Kingmaker AP and our characters are now at level 8.
At the moment I play a sorcerer but I want something more exciting.
One of my ideas is a dragon disciple. Here are my thoughts until now:
25 point buy, Core, APG, UC, UM and the bestiaries are allowed.
Race human
Str: 15 (+2 racial, +1 at 4th level)
Dex: 14
Con: 15 (+1 at 8th level)
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 7
1 Monk (Martial artist)
2-5 Druid
6 Sorcerer Draconic/Empyreal
7-11 Dragon Disciple
12 -x barbarian
empyreal sorcerer allows me to dump cha, the dip into monk gives me more AC.
I favor wildshape over form of dragon because it is more versatile.
Enough level to take the +4 str and then go further with barbarian.
Feats would include shaping focus and power attack.
Would this be a decent melee fighter? Or is there another way to get a somewhat different melee character?

Kolokotroni |

I dont think this will work overly well, you are spreading yourself very thin in some key areas. Namely your spell casting and your wildshaping. The dragon disciple wont advance your druid casting or your wildshaping. Which means you wont ever get more wild shapes per day, or have it last more then 5 hours. Your sorceror casting will alway always be low in terms of level.
If you want to go this kingd of route I would go monk 5/Sorc Draconic/Empyreal 1/ Dragon disciple x
The monk abilities stack much more effectively with the dragon disciple then a druids do as flurry of blows scales with your bab to a degree, and AC bonuses and ki will scale with your wisdom improvements.

Quandary |

Just go mostly Druid with a few levels of Monk.
Maybe add some Fighter or Barbarian, but you don't want to lose that many levels of Druid.
Different Druid Archetypes focus on a 'class' of Animal, giving you a boost to Wild Shape in those (and a detriment in others, but if you pick one good at melee you're golden).
Or, if you're actually interested in Dragon Disciple for it's own sake (I didn't see anything backing that up)
You should drop the Druid aspect... There's different ways to get Claws/Bite 'all the time' so you can fight with Natural Weapons all the time independent of Form of Dragon Spells/Ability, Using the Shapeshifter Ranger (and the Bonus Feat that grants Claws) is a good way, Bite can be picked up via Half-Orc Feat I believe. Going Empyreal/Draconic Cross-Blooded can make the 1 level Monk dip worthwhile, although just using Light/Mithril Armor and/or the first Arcane Armor Feat should be able to drop your ASF% to 5% or so, which is 'do-able' IMHO.

![]() |

I think you should drop Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple, too. Instead, look to the Eldritch Heritage (orc) feat chain. That way you can still boost your Str but focus on your Wild Shape.
A level of Monk will allow your Wis mod to go to AC, and two levels gives yet another bonus feat and increased saves and evasion, so that's popular for Druids. Barbarian has the benefits of rage and increased BAB.
If you want to go for Dragon Shape over Wild Shape, I'd say drop the Druid aspect. Paladin 2/Sorcerer 10/Dragon Discliple 8 is a solid build that can melee as a dragon and still cast well. Pick up your Dragon Form spells and you're set.

Oterisk |

I think you should drop Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple, too. Instead, look to the Eldritch Heritage (orc) feat chain. That way you can still boost your Str but focus on your Wild Shape.
A level of Monk will allow your Wis mod to go to AC, and two levels gives yet another bonus feat and increased saves and evasion, so that's popular for Druids. Barbarian has the benefits of rage and increased BAB.
If you want to go for Dragon Shape over Wild Shape, I'd say drop the Druid aspect. Paladin 2/Sorcerer 10/Dragon Discliple 8 is a solid build that can melee as a dragon and still cast well. Pick up your Dragon Form spells and you're set.
This is good advice.

Ronin3058 |
Thank you for the advice.
Usually I play a barbarian or fighter or sorcerer/cleric.
The other four characters are: oracle (nature), cavalier, monk and a ranged fighter.
Playing sorcerer ends in summoning and watching the fight...
For buffing there is already a sorcerer cohort.
So I want a different melee character, maybe with buffs or other spells.
The Orc bloodline isn't allowed, maybe I could talk the GM into allowing Boon Companion. Every form of dinosaur is forbidden, neither as wild shape nor as animal companion.
I could take the big Cat for sure, but I don't know about the wild shape alternates.
Assuming I'm allowed to take Boon companion:
Race human
Str: 15 (+2 racial, +1 at 4th level)
Dex: 14
Con: 15 (+1 at 8th level)
Int: 8
Wis: 14
Cha: 13
1-3 Barbarian
4 Monk (Martial Artist)
5-x Druid
1 Power attack / Skill Focus (Knowledge Planes)
3 Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal)
5 Natural spell (Do you think I need this feat?)
7 Boon Companion
9 Shaping Focus
11 Imp. Eldritch heritage (Abyssal)
As Animal companion I would take a Big Cat and my favorite wild shape form would be the earth elemental.
If I'm can't take Boon Companion I would take the Wolf domain to get Imp. trip for free