OmNomNid |

Hello everyone! So listen, I've recently had this class idea to introduce into my games for PCs and NPCs alike. I think it's a brilliant concept. I also think it's a horrible idea, if it is done wrong.
Here's the basic idea: the Champion class, a 20 level base class that is built-as-you-play using rules from the Mutants & Masterminds RPG series. Certain formulas and guess work is going to be needed to make it balanced, I know; but I feel it can be done. The issue though? I'm not sure how it can best be done. If at all.
So my fellow gamers let's rap. Which edition of M&M should I use? 1st or 2nd? Ideas for the Champion class itself, share them. Even if you think this is the stupidest idea ever let me know; just share your thoughts on this class concept. Meanwhile I'll be trying to sketch up a class outline.
Thank you for reading this and remember: failure to respond will result in the gnome uprising; and you don't want those short monsters to win, do you?

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I'm not exactly sure what you want here.
A point-buy class? Could work, the problem with it is the complete customization would make it really strong. Here is my thoughts on it.
Start with the weakest possible version of all basic stats.
HD: d6s
Poor Saves
Poor Base Attack Bonus
Skill Points: 2+INT with no class skills
No special abilities or spells
These all cost 0 points. Anything else costs various amounts of points. To be completely fair tally what some of the other classes have before hand to get an idea of how many points players should have to build their class.
Alternatively they could all start with those stats and as they level up they gain points to spend. Starting as the obviously weakest class at 1, being about on par at 10, and being clearly superior at 20. Of course with intentional overpowering this class would obviously be restricted to certain campaigns.

OmNomNid |

Thank you very much for the feedback. And yes, I am trying to create a point-buy class.
Your suggestions have been noted are being found to be quite helpful. Though I do have to question the lack of class skills; as OPed as this class my turn out even I find that a tad harsh.
Oh, and before I forget to mention certain powers will obviously be removed for building with. No/limited Immunity, limited Regeneration, no Copying. Remove Gadgets and skill buying with build points. Feats from M&M can be purchased with the build points, but cannot be taken as normal feats/bonus feats.

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Thank you very much for the feedback. And yes, I am trying to create a point-buy class.
Your suggestions have been noted are being found to be quite helpful. Though I do have to question the lack of class skills; as OPed as this class my turn out even I find that a tad harsh.
My intent was that class skills could be "bought". Similar to how you purchase skill ranks in M&M (1 points for 4 Skill ranks). You spend 1 point and can add 3 skills to your "class skills" list. (again a rough idea)
Oh, and before I forget to mention certain powers will obviously be removed for building with. No/limited Immunity, limited Regeneration, no Copying. Remove Gadgets and skill buying with build points. Feats from M&M can be purchased with the build points, but cannot be taken as normal feats/bonus feats.
Wait so you want to use powers directly from M&M? I thought you wanted to simply create a pathfinder system of character building similar to M&M...
Why exactly do you want to do this? The class is going to be horrifyingly imbalanced without taking apart the entirety of both systems.
In the end you are better off choosing one and making similar effects to the other to fit your idea.
"Powers" can easily be represented by Spell-like abilities in Pathfinder
and Spells etc. can easily be represented with powers in M&M.

OmNomNid |

OmNomNid wrote:Thank you very much for the feedback. And yes, I am trying to create a point-buy class.
Your suggestions have been noted are being found to be quite helpful. Though I do have to question the lack of class skills; as OPed as this class my turn out even I find that a tad harsh.
My intent was that class skills could be "bought". Similar to how you purchase skill ranks in M&M (1 points for 4 Skill ranks). You spend 1 point and can add 3 skills to your "class skills" list. (again a rough idea)
Oh, and before I forget to mention certain powers will obviously be removed for building with. No/limited Immunity, limited Regeneration, no Copying. Remove Gadgets and skill buying with build points. Feats from M&M can be purchased with the build points, but cannot be taken as normal feats/bonus feats.Wait so you want to use powers directly from M&M? I thought you wanted to simply create a pathfinder system of character building similar to M&M...
Why exactly do you want to do this? The class is going to be horrifyingly imbalanced without taking apart the entirety of both systems.
In the end you are better off choosing one and making similar effects to the other to fit your idea.
"Powers" can easily be represented by Spell-like abilities in Pathfinder
and Spells etc. can easily be represented with powers in M&M.
1. I see what you meant now with skills. I like it and it is ripped straight from M&M, but I still think they should simply have class skills. I have one or two players who alreadt meta-power their class skills.
2. I never thought about a unique list for this class, nor using spell-like abilities. I'll need to look into that.
I still wish to capture elements of the M&M list however. The whole point of this class is to attempt to create a superhero, only for playing in a world full of magic and the supernatural; basically so the 'super' in superhero means little.