Chokers and Full Attack

Rules Questions

One of a Choker's special abilities grants it an additional move action each round. Does this allow it to move and full attack? The bit that's confusing me comes from the description of a full-round action: "[a full-round action] can't be coupled with a standard or a move action".

I'm leaning on the side of yes, but an arguing player says no. Is there an official verdict here?

Grand Lodge

I don't think so. When doing a full-attack, you're basically giving up everything else (sans swift and free actions) to perform them. Even if you get extra move actions, I don't think you'd be able to use it AND full-attack at the same time.

Chokers are an exception to the rule. They have an extra move action, and a full round which can be performed as a full round action, or stand/move, move/move.

If it makes you feel better, they where nerfed from their 3.5 interpretation which had the following

Quickness (Su)

Although not particularly dexterous, a choker is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra standard action or move action during its turn each round.

This led to an awful lot of shapechanged wizards casting two spells a round.

Grand Lodge

Well, specific trumps generic, and I believe the choker is a good example. Many monsters break the rules, and this one looks like one those.

+1 for move + full-round action. A full-round action is essentially a standard action plus a move action for nearly all purposes. Also, specific trumps generic.

Full attack prevents moving only because full actions combine a standard action and a move action. Staggered character cannot take full attack because ha has only standard action. Choker has standard action and two move action, which means that after making full attack it has move action left (or after moving it has a standard action and a move action left, depending on desired order of actions).

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