Cledwyn's Confection Castle

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I'd just like to announce that at long last, my fighter - Cledwyn the Steadfast - has finally established himself in a brand-new bakery in Absalom, just outside the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge.

Aw yeah.

Purchased the "Tavern" vanity for 5PP. Although I don't get the day job bonus (only applies to Profession:Bartender, not Profession:Baker), I do get the Kn:Local/Gather Info bonus while in Absalom and more importantly, I get to tell people I have a bakery in Absalom. Additionally, I got the Seneschal for 2PP so I have someone to run it while I'm on missions (even though mechanically I don't really need to). I might make a PC out of him at a later date.

The Exchange 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Entering the bakery is a rough-looking Varisian man wearing a tricorn hat displaying runic symbolism of Besmara. This and the cutlass at his side and pistol on his belt betray his seamanship. He enters and looks about the shop and wide smile and a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Good day 'n well met, sir. My name is Bartolomae Aguillosa, head o' the Merchantium Arcadium shipping conglomerate 'n fleet captain o' da Verdant Osprey. I am sure you have 'eard of me. *bows* I 'ear dis be'in the newest, 'n bestest place ta find da most delicious pastries in al' o' the Inner Sea. If dat be true, perhaps me network can 'elp in da distribution of said confectionaries. I 'ave 'n extensive network o' contacts though da region and me fleet and caravans can ensure prompt delivery. Aye, fer sur' we can come to an arrangement that'n be quite profitable for both us. All I ask in return is a small cut o' da profits, 'n da occasional use o' yer store ta hold some o' me goods while in transit through dis fine city o' Absalom. What say ye, good sir?"

I think my VC status is blocking my ability to post using my charactrer's avatar image so feel free to check his PAGE with updates coming soon ;-)

Grand Lodge 2/5

Sorry, I only make partnerships with people who can demonstrate a reasonable command of the common tongue, and I give preference to those who are well versed in multiple languages.

Cledwyn has 17 INT and a +14 in Linguistics; thirteen languages spoken. Guy like that has standards, you know? ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

lol...we'll I can't do anything about his accent or enunciations. He is not your equal in Linguistics, but he is on his was to being a master of many languages. Already has Aquan, Taldane, Kelish, Osiriani, Skald, Varisian, Tien, Shoanti, & Minakian. He is currently sudying Azlanti and Thassilonian with the intent of learning Ancient Osiriani, Tengu, and Vurani soon thereafter.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

A scrawny boy of perhaps 14 or 15 years old enters the bakery and looks around. His clothes are a little baggy, as if he were given hand me down clothing from a larger adult. He approaches you, and shakes your hand enthusiastically as he begins to talk.

"Good day, sir! My name is Corin, and I know that you're Cledwyn the Steadfast. I recognize you from seeing you around in the Pathfinder Lodge over the last couple of years. Your exploits as a Pathfinder are legendary. It's such an honor to meet you, sir."

"I was wondering if you might be interested in hiring me to work in your bakery. I work very cheap - Instead of paying me in coin, I just ask that you teach me something about adventuring. Ever since my mentor, a Pathfinder named Dinarek LaDrock, freed me from slavery six years ago, I've been training to become an adventurer like him. While Dinarek lets me stay in his home, and gives me food and clothing, he's frequently away on Pathfinder business. So when he's not here to train me, I've continued my education by working as a valet to any Pathfinder who will teach me something in return. I've learned to use swords, bows, and even some magic along the way, along with knowledge in a great many different areas. And I'm always interested to learn more from any Pathfinder who will teach me, so I can work for the Pathfinder Society as a field agent some day."

"I promise I'll be a hard worker for you. And I'm very friendly, so I'm sure your customers will like me. In fact, in repeating the tales of the many Pathfinders I've met who have told me about their adventures, I've earned something of a reputation as a storyteller. I've been told that if my career as an adventurer doesn't work out, I could probably survive as a performer instead."

Grand Lodge 2/5

*throws a broom over the counter*

Impress me and you'll hear how I dealt with hellhounds on one side and Aspis agents on the other.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

The steady calm of Cledwyn's Confection Castle is momentarily disrupted by the flash of a woman tumbling through the front doors off the street. She rolls off to the side, crouching against a wall as a trio of "legally ambiguous" men poke their heads in the door for a moment, before continuing their search elsewhere.

With a bit of a chuckle, the Varisian stands and dusts off her jacket. It takes a moment to for the realization of her awkward interruption to register on her face. "Oh dear me, pardon the intrusion," she says, walking up to the counter. She gives an melodramatic curtsy, "Miss Lucia Lazarovich, at your service." She rises, then continues, "now then, one of your finest cupcakes my friend!" Adding with a wink to Cledwyn, "I'm in the mood for something sweet."

Grand Lodge 2/5

*gestures to the assorted cupcakes stacked on a rotating, tiered display tower*

Take your pick. Once you've paid, that is. A silver for the basics, a gold for the specialties.

Scarab Sages 5/5

I think this is an indication that you need to create a InCharacter site Cledwyn....

and work on a floor plan. and hire more help.

"Oh, and is my order for a dozen Cherry Tarts ready? These would be "specials"... " a Plat. Piece on the counter.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

With a flick of the wrist a gold piece is between Lucia's knuckles, dancing between her fingers as she rolls it back and forth. She steps aside, allowing both Kat to finish her business and Lucia the time to decide what she wants to eat.

So many decisions! What does she have to choose from, Jiggy?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Oh, by the grace of Abadar himself, is that a loaf of Andoran Truffle-bread?! Why, I've only rumors of such a confection, how much for a loaf? I simply *must* try it and add it to my collection of knowledge. Although I do seem to be short of gold. Perhaps, ahh, a story, or some long lost recipe? I'm sure I know something of interest to you...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****


This is the reason to be the most powerful mage in all Absalom and not of somewhere else.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Should we tell 'em how ye poisoned some of yer party members one time? hehe ::wink::

Grand Lodge 2/5

Deanoth wrote:
Should we tell 'em how ye poisoned some of yer party members one time? hehe ::wink::

Hey, you can't find the good stuff if you don't experiment! Besides, now I can record for posterity that cinnamon compsagnathus turnovers are toxic, thus saving many future lives.

Even in my failures I'm a hero!
Bluff check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Scarab Sages 5/5

Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
Deanoth wrote:
Should we tell 'em how ye poisoned some of yer party members one time? hehe ::wink::

Hey, you can't find the good stuff if you don't experiment! Besides, now I can record for posterity that cinnamon compsagnathus turnovers are toxic, thus saving many future lives.

Even in my failures I'm a hero!
Bluff check: 1d20-1

Kat listens carefully to Cledwyn:

sense motive: 1d20-2 = (2)-2 = 0
"a true hero!"

The Exchange 2/5

A slight breeze drifts through the doorway, cooling Cledwyn's sweating brow. As he turns from the tray of hot pastries he was fussing over, before him stands a familiar face.

The elf's skin is sunkissed, his long pale hair a tousled mess, and his limbs are supple yet corded with steely sinews. His casual traveling clothes and cloak are a mixture of greys, blacks, and browns, perfect for blending into a wall or alleyway. His violet eyes casually seem to take in everything, and nothing, at a single glance. As they lock on to you, a wide smile creases his face. "Hello my friend, it brightens my day to see you." he says with lyrical tones, "My companion and I are so happy that you have finally established your own little nest here in the city, the succulent scents that drew us in here assure us that you will be a great success."

It is then that you notice the four foot long wasp silently clicking it's way into your shop on six dainty legs. It's antenna practically quiver in every direction at once and it's wings begin to hum with a low excitement, something you have only ever seen in times of battle alongside it, and it's Ranger master. "BzzZZzzt practically begged to stop in and see you, I think he actually misses you as much as I have." He puts a hand out to stroke it's bulbous head and the giant insect seems to calm momentarily. "I do believe he's a bit hungry though, I think it best if we find him something to eat, and quickly."

"One pail of sugar water please."

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Bbauzh: [Enters loudly and ostentatiously in his full Knight Captain Eagle Knight dress uniform—much like his hero, the Andoran Faction Leader] Cledwyn my friend! Glad you get bakery! You deserve!

Hey everyone! [to all the patrons] He best baker in world! Me know, he taught me to bake, and that no easy task!

I take one of those squishy things you made me in jungle!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
Deanoth wrote:
Should we tell 'em how ye poisoned some of yer party members one time? hehe ::wink::

Hey, you can't find the good stuff if you don't experiment! Besides, now I can record for posterity that cinnamon compsagnathus turnovers are toxic, thus saving many future lives.

Even in my failures I'm a hero!
Bluff check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Compy, I have to say is such an unique dish, someone had to try it at least once.. who better then your party members. Someone had to be the Guinea Pig eh.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

*wanders into the bakery*

"Cledwyn, I have an 'adventure' for you. It's guaranteed to be one Hell of a good time. It will really ignite your very soul. Interested?"

*grins innocently*

Silver Crusade

Awww bro, whadju sellin' in 'ere, eh?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Care Baird wrote:

*wanders into the bakery*

"Cledwyn, I have an 'adventure' for you. It's guaranteed to be one Hell of a good time. It will really ignite your very soul. Interested?"

*grins innocently*

Did you miss the part where I'm a man of intellect?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Orcland Mighty-Arm wrote:
Awww bro, whadju sellin' in 'ere, eh?

All the best standard confections, a few specialties of my own design, plus custom orders on a case-by-case basis. Also, Pathfinders get a discount.

The Exchange 5/5

Kat looks around and counts Pathfinders to herself...

"One, two, ... six! Demons- and I just had my nails done! Not a time for adventuring! I'm out of here!" Casts Vanish, and with a swirl of unseen silk, ducks thru the door...

Grand Lodge 5/5

A shadow falls over the door as a hulking figure stands outside briefly pondering whether polite folk knock on the door to a business before entering. After a few seconds, he decides against it, and simply pushes open the door, revealing a massive half-orc.

He stands near 7' tall, is suprisingly clean cut, and wears (uncomfortably) the crisp and clean uniform of a freshly-minted Lance Corporal of the Andoran Eagle Knights. He pulls at the collar of his shirt a bit, looking about the place uneasily before wandering up to the counter.

Clearly he is having trouble finding the words to be as diplomatic as his new station requires of him, "Good day, uh, sir. Your shop...very nice looking. Many people say good things about it...I looking for something sweet. What you recommend?"

Grand Lodge 2/5

If you don't know what your sweet tooth wants, I suggest the sampler tray, for 25 silver.

Grand Lodge 5/5

"That sound good to me. And I would also like something drink, too, uh...please."
The half-orc digs out a small pouch of coin, pulling out three golden coins of Andoran-mint, passing them to Cledwyn. "Keep change, and keep drink coming." He turns with the tray and begins walking to a table before turning back towards the preprietor briefly, "Please.", he says with a big toothy grin.

Grand Lodge 5/5

A slight figure, completely shrouded walks silently in through the door, followed by a large brutish character; his tail peace-bonded to his leg he walks with a slight shuffle hop.

Browsing the goods before her she reaches out a dealthy gray hand and points towards a platter of Spearmint Nibbles and then folds her hand to indicate the desire for three.

She places her money on the counter, has the brute behind her pick up the tray and looks around for the darkest possible corner. Spying one in the back of the store, she bypasses the shiney elf and settles in, summoning a toadstool footrest when she reaches her corner.

Daintly lifing off her head coverings, the Dhamphir begins to nibble on the treats while surveying the room.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Cledwyn stirs a bowl of batter and starts spooning it into a cupcake pan while mumbling something to himself about being the only normal person in Absalom.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Perception 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19 to hear Cledwyn mutter.

The half-orc continues munching on the freshly baked goodies with a wide smile on his face.

Scarab Sages

I've been eyeing this thread for awhile, wondering if I should post or not. Since I just had my first game in 11 months yesterday, and Qa'Pelos is not longer on hiatus, I decided I would come up with a backstory about his absence from adventuring, what he's been doing that whole time, and a way to re-introduce him to adventuring! Turns out, he became a merchant, and put to good use those ranks in Craft(Weaver) that he's been amassing since Season 0!!

The door gently opens, with a tinkling of the bell above the doorframe. A tall, solidly built Garundi man wearing an Osirion cloth headdress enters, the door being held by a slightly older gentleman who bears all the trappings of a merchant's seneschal. The large man is dressed in thick, grey robes adorned with leather braids, tassles and shining medalions and bears a strange jeweled setting upon his brow. He steps toward the bakery racks, eyeing the pastries within.
The seneschal approaches the proprietor and says, "Pleasant day, goodman Baker. I am the proxy of Qa'Pelos of Sothis, mercer of silks and fine cloths, and famed agent of the Pathfinder Society. He is preparing to host a very large party, introducing certain select members of the trading councils of The Coins to his busniss ventures. He is to serve four courses, each in a different location about the city. Aperitif and apetizers will be served while touring his caravan, which even now sets up pavillions outside the city. Chilled wines and small sandwiches are to be served on the deck of his mercantile vessel. Lunch is to be served on the veranda of his Artisan's shop which is putting out awnings for the occasion, and dessert and liqueurs will be served following the meal in a well-appointed hall at the Osiorion Embassy here in the city.
We have checked around, and you are the most highly recommended Confectioneer within 50 miles of the city. You are hereby requested to attend the event, but also, to have your cooks prepare and cater the most auspicious affair."

The quiet man looking at pastries turns his head tranquilly, nods respectifully once, and blinking his eyes languidly simply says, "Verily."

So, lots and lots of PP spent on vanities, because I didn't think that I would be playing him again! So, now he's got quite the setup!

Sovereign Court 5/5


Ethan pops in his head...smells like Xander's used Gnome pants. No way I'm going in there. Cledwin, stick to fighting, you at least make a reasonable meat shield.

Alas, I cannot post as anybody but myself on the PFS boards, so you do not get the joy of Ethan himself pointing this out.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Cledwyn flicks a hidden switch under the counter, activating the arcane mark trap near the doorway. Ethan returns to the streets of Absalom with a phallus on the seat of his pants.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/55/5

A small mousey man holding a sheaf of papers ducks his head into the bakery

"Hi.. ah uhm. thats. Could I get 2 dozen sweet rolls" there's a growl from outside "and three meat pies." another growl "ok, FIVE meat pies. And maybe put upsomeflyiers for Taghaur Wilderness Tours? All proceeds to help the rare and unique creatures of the mawangi expanse..."

Liberty's Edge 4/5

"Gee, Mister Cledwyn, your bakery sure is popular among Pathfinders. Thank you so much for the opportunity to work here! I've learned so much about adventuring just from talking to you and the other Pathfinders who come in here all the time."

"I heard that some new recruits were officially promoted to field agents last week, and I was hoping Venture-Captain Dreng would pick me to be one of them, but he didn't. I'm sure it'll happen soon, though."

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Corin LaDrock comes into the bakery, but instead of his plain clothes that he normally wears when sweeping the floors as an employee, he's wearing a chain shirt and buckler, with a sword on his belt, and a backpack, bow, and quiver strapped to his back.

"Mister Cledwyn, I just wanted to come in and let you know that I won't be able to work for you here in the bakery any more. I've been made a full Pathfinder field agent, and I'm on my way to the docks now to catch a ship to Andoran. I'm really glad they're sending me to Andoran for my first mission. As a former slave myself, I like the Andoren ideals of freedom and liberty for all, and helping to promote those values is a large part of why I wanted to be an adventurer in the first place."

"Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and thank you before I leave. I've learned so much about adventuring from working here and talking to you and the other Pathfinders who come in. I just hope I can have a long and successful adventuring career like you. Anyway, I should be back from this mission in a few weeks, so for once, I'll be able to come in here and tell the story of my own adventure instead of just repeating the tales of others."

Grand Lodge 2/5

*tosses the kid a muffin*

Good luck, kid.

Scarab Sages 5/5

"here's hopeing the Grand Master looks after this kid... he's plainly going to need it."
A little swish of silk, and a hint of sandlewood&jasmine in the air as someone unseen slips out just before the door closes behind Corin.

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