The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Silver Crusade

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Just wanted to stop in and say I love all of you and you deserve happiness! <3 <3 <3

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I appreciate the sentiment in the light it has been offered. May wisdom and insight guide your path.

Silver Crusade

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Aww, I love you (and everyone else in here to be honest) too

Happiness and hugs to everyone!


Managing Editor

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For those not already familiar with it, I recommend the web series Carmilla, a Canadian lesbian retelling of Le Fanu's Carmilla set in a surreal college in Austria. It's delightful, and there's a ton of associated content—especially since one of the main actors has declared herself captain of a shipdom involving her character (LaFerry).

Oh, and watch with the subtitles on—they did their own, and sometimes use them as another venue for snark.

Silver Crusade

Judy Bauer wrote:

For those not already familiar with it, I recommend the web series Carmilla, a Canadian lesbian retelling of Le Fanu's Carmilla set in a surreal college in Austria. It's delightful, and there's a ton of associated content—especially since one of the main actors has declared herself captain of a shipdom involving her character (LaFerry).

Oh, and watch with the subtitles on—they did their own, and sometimes use them as another venue for snark.

Oooo, Thankies.

Liberty's Edge

Jessica Price wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

I'd argue that they aren't even as pro-white that they think they are... my general view of nationalists and alt right both. I used to help run a charity, and it was almost impossible to get "pro-white" people to donate to help white people.

Jessica Price wrote:
They're pro-white-cismale-gay. Not pro-LGBT.
Being unwilling to help poor white people doesn't mean you're not a white supremacist any more than being unwilling to help male domestic abuse victims means you're not a misogynist.

Very true. In fact I think that those who want to see themselves as superior due to being white or male or what have you just cannot stand seeing people similar to them in a position of weakness or being a victim

This is interesting: 5-marriage-is-valid/

Well, that made for uncomfortable reading. :(

Rysky wrote:
Judy Bauer wrote:

For those not already familiar with it, I recommend the web series Carmilla, a Canadian lesbian retelling of Le Fanu's Carmilla set in a surreal college in Austria. It's delightful, and there's a ton of associated content—especially since one of the main actors has declared herself captain of a shipdom involving her character (LaFerry).

Oh, and watch with the subtitles on—they did their own, and sometimes use them as another venue for snark.

Oooo, Thankies.

Carmilla is great and the subtitles are great. Totally worth watching.

LaFerry is a good ship, too.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Judy Bauer wrote:

For those not already familiar with it, I recommend the web series Carmilla, a Canadian lesbian retelling of Le Fanu's Carmilla set in a surreal college in Austria. It's delightful, and there's a ton of associated content—especially since one of the main actors has declared herself captain of a shipdom involving her character (LaFerry).

Oh, and watch with the subtitles on—they did their own, and sometimes use them as another venue for snark.

Oooo, Thankies.

Oh, absolutely, thank you! I was hoping to find a way to steer the conversation to it, given the sanguinary turn of some of the posts on the last page of this thread, but I'm glad I've been beaten to it!

I've only recently made time to watch it (only the first season, so far), and I hadn't thought to turn the subtitles on. Hmm...

*Continues to enthuse/squee/swoon, not quite all at once.* It's nice to hear other people have heard of and been amused by it. I've suggested it to my family, who enjoyed Buffy, and have an inkling of how much Le Fanu's short story means to me, but since it's only an inkling, they haven't checked the web series out yet. I'm giving them time - they'll see the error of their ways eventually. ;)

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Bob_Loblaw wrote:
This is interesting: Link

Linkified for your clicking pleasure.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey folks!

I've found myself having arguments with people online about these stupid bathroom bills. I was wondering if anyone has any links to some good online resources/statistics/etc...for debunking the anti-trans hysteria? I'd like to have them handy in the future so I don't have to go looking.

I cannot seem to copy and paste from my tablet but try googling "get the facts on the transgender bathroom issue".

The article isn't the best but it cites facts.

Oh man, I've seen some really insightful and well-written ones lately...but I can't for the life of me recall where. :/ I'll bring links here if I manage to re-find any of the better ones.

Scarab Sages

I think this is pretty linkworthy. I will buy the bundle this weekend and start digging in - I hope some of you find enjoyable stuff and a worthy cause there, too.

How is the average almost as much as the "expensive" rate??

Scarab Sages

Arakhor wrote:
How is the average almost as much as the "expensive" rate??

It is a charity operation - parts (you can determine what part) of your payment goes to charity - basically some people make donations - sometimes a few hundred bucks - and get the bundle as a small compensation. I have seen average rate surpass the 'expensive rate' in previous bundles.

The average rate surpassed the expensive rate in the Pathfinder bundle specifically. I think it got to be a couple dollars over because people kept going for the hardcopy starter set (I forget what it's called).

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Hrothdane wrote:

Hey folks!

I've found myself having arguments with people online about these stupid bathroom bills. I was wondering if anyone has any links to some good online resources/statistics/etc...for debunking the anti-trans hysteria? I'd like to have them handy in the future so I don't have to go looking.

Here are a couple:

Minnesota has had protections for trans people in place since 1993. Minneapolis has had them in place since 1975.

(via MSNBC)

So you can point out that protections for trans people are not new.

And here is an excellent quote from the Los Angeles Unified School District, which is the largest public school system in California, and the second largest public school district in the US:

The Los Angeles Unified School District, a community of 550,000 students, has allowed transgender students to use the bathrooms they identify with since 2005. “I have never had misconduct by a transgender student. A lot of fears people expressed, we have never realized those, we have never seen them,” says Judy Chiasson, who runs the district’s office of human relations, diversity and equity. “We’ve been doing this for 11 years. It works.”

via Time Magazine, via Media Matters for America

Rysky wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
Plus what other colour could you wear for an international proletariat socialist revolution? And it hides the inevitable bloodstains.
Coagulated blood is dark brown. I never understood that redcap nonsense.
I think with Redcaps is that they're supposed to be continually soaking their caps so they stay as red and bright as they can. Letting them coagulate would probably be a mark of shame for them.

I bet calling someone a "browncap", or accusing them of "going brown", would be popular insults for them. They never understand why it makes other races giggle.

And they won't be giggling for long.

Silver Crusade

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
Plus what other colour could you wear for an international proletariat socialist revolution? And it hides the inevitable bloodstains.
Coagulated blood is dark brown. I never understood that redcap nonsense.
I think with Redcaps is that they're supposed to be continually soaking their caps so they stay as red and bright as they can. Letting them coagulate would probably be a mark of shame for them.

I bet calling someone a "browncap", or accusing them of "going brown", would be popular insults for them. They never understand why it makes other races giggle.

And they won't be giggling for long.

Ugh, shin kicking little bastards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jessica Price wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:

I'd argue that they aren't even as pro-white that they think they are... my general view of nationalists and alt right both. I used to help run a charity, and it was almost impossible to get "pro-white" people to donate to help white people.

Jessica Price wrote:
They're pro-white-cismale-gay. Not pro-LGBT.
Being unwilling to help poor white people doesn't mean you're not a white supremacist any more than being unwilling to help male domestic abuse victims means you're not a misogynist.

This is why intersectional bigoted racism is extremely important.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
KSF wrote:
Hrothdane wrote:

Hey folks!

I've found myself having arguments with people online about these stupid bathroom bills. I was wondering if anyone has any links to some good online resources/statistics/etc...for debunking the anti-trans hysteria? I'd like to have them handy in the future so I don't have to go looking.

Here are a couple:

Minnesota has had protections for trans people in place since 1993. Minneapolis has had them in place since 1975.

(via MSNBC)

So you can point out that protections for trans people are not new.

And here is an excellent quote from the Los Angeles Unified School District, which is the largest public school system in California, and the second largest public school district in the US:

The Los Angeles Unified School District, a community of 550,000 students, has allowed transgender students to use the bathrooms they identify with since 2005. “I have never had misconduct by a transgender student. A lot of fears people expressed, we have never realized those, we have never seen them,” says Judy Chiasson, who runs the district’s office of human relations, diversity and equity. “We’ve been doing this for 11 years. It works.”
via Time Magazine, via Media Matters for America

Thank you! ^_^

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Hrothdane wrote:

I feel like my #brand is growing stronger. ^_^

I finally got my copy of Gay Berlin. Found one in good condition at a used bookstore in the Castro for less than Amazon was asking before shipping, and snapped it up.

Besides being a fascinating story, it's useful research for my magic/dieselpunk "Let's portray 1940s fantasy Germany as having never been ruled by Nazis, and make it a functioning republic and protagonist nation". I can't just not use something as interesting as 1920s German LGBT culture for this project.

As an aside, it's a fun project. There's so much you can do with 1920s German culture moving forward a couple decades once you remove the goose-stepping genocidal fascists from the equation.

Anyway, Gay Berlin looks like a fascinating book.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Tragedy in Orlando. This has topped the list as the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Per the initial reports, the shooter was specifically targeting the LGBT community.

I just have no words...

I think at least a few regulars on this thread are from Florida. I am hoping they were not there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

Tragedy in Orlando. This has topped the list as the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Per the initial reports, the shooter was specifically targeting the LGBT community.

I just have no words...

I think at least a few regulars on this thread are from Florida. I am hoping they were not there.



Celestial Healer wrote:

Tragedy in Orlando. This has topped the list as the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Per the initial reports, the shooter was specifically targeting the LGBT community.

I just have no words...

I think at least a few regulars on this thread are from Florida. I am hoping they were not there.

It appears to have been ISIS inspired now according to the news, but regardless of why it happened, it's a horrific tragedy.

My thoughts and prayers to those in the nightclub and the families of all those impacted by this. :(

Silver Crusade

I don't even know what to say yet.

Liberty's Edge

Just learnt about it. I hope everyone here and their loved ones are okay. And I feel the greatest sadness to those who were hurt by this act of madness and hate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So heartbroken.

Hug your friends today and tell them you love them. Love wins. It's the only way

Scarab Sages

;_; There are no words to put my feelings in. I hope everyone here is OK. ;_;

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While I was still reeling from the Orlando news, here in Los Angeles, a man was arrested with guns and explosives this morning. He intended to head to the Pride parade. However, he went to Santa Monica, CA, not Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood. Welcome to jail, jerk.

Love and solidarity to Orlando from an ally.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shocking and tragic. I also hope everyone is okay.

Shadow Lodge

I have no words...

This was a monstrous act. I can only pray for those lost, and their families. I pray none here was injured or worse, and that heir friends and families are safe.

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Todd Stewart wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Tragedy in Orlando. This has topped the list as the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Per the initial reports, the shooter was specifically targeting the LGBT community.

I just have no words...

I think at least a few regulars on this thread are from Florida. I am hoping they were not there.

It appears to have been ISIS inspired now according to the news, but regardless of why it happened, it's a horrific tragedy.

My thoughts and prayers to those in the nightclub and the families of all those impacted by this. :(

His parents have reported that he wasn't fasting or praying or practicing Muslim, and was openly homophobic. He might have cited ISIL, but this was definitely very much a homophobia issue.

I literally woke up to this news. "Hey, [KC], we're making bacon and eggs. Did you hear about Orlando?" As such, I've pretty much been upset and pissed off all day. There is such a sickness in this country.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Tragedy in Orlando. This has topped the list as the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Per the initial reports, the shooter was specifically targeting the LGBT community.

I just have no words...

I think at least a few regulars on this thread are from Florida. I am hoping they were not there.

It appears to have been ISIS inspired now according to the news, but regardless of why it happened, it's a horrific tragedy.

My thoughts and prayers to those in the nightclub and the families of all those impacted by this. :(

His parents have reported that he wasn't fasting or praying or practicing Muslim, and was openly homophobic. He might have cited ISIL, but this was definitely very much a homophobia issue.

I literally woke up to this news. "Hey, [KC, we're making bacon and eggs. Did you hear about Orlando?" As such, I've pretty much been upset and pissed off all day. There is such a sickness in this country.

Other sources have suggested a connection. It's at least possible his parents are downplaying his religion.

Basically, we don't know the details of his motivation and won't for awhile yet.

Still, it does seem more motivated by homophobia than the more directly political terrorism Daesh usually prefers, even if he was inspired by their ideology.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

It is funny to me how eager the media has been to downplay the "gay" part of "gay nightclub" while laser-focusing on the "Muslim" part of "dubiously Muslim shooter".

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I take small comfort in the completly fictional image of Muhammad Ali waiting to beat the shooter into a bloody pulp. Hopefully someone else can too.

I have words: Holy s$%%. HOLY S&@@. WHAT THE F#@~?!

I thought this kind of thing was supposed to be limited to third-world countries. But here? Right in the U.S., after love has officially won? This is not supposed to happen. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

G+*~&+n... I...


This is not supposed to happen.

I hope that the families of those involved will heal. I hope that this never happens again.

The Doomkitten wrote:

I have words: Holy s*+*. HOLY S&!%. WHAT THE F@*+?!

I thought this kind of thing was supposed to be limited to third-world countries. But here? Right in the U.S., after love has officially won? This is not supposed to happen. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

G$~!&%n... I...


This is not supposed to happen.

I hope that the families of those involved will heal. I hope that this never happens again.

We're awash in guns and hate. What do you expect?

This one was Muslim with possible connections to Daesh, which adds a twist to the mix.

The man thankfully intercepted with guns & explosives on his way to attack the L.A. Pride parade was not Muslim, which is more common in the US for attacks on LGBTs. Interestingly I haven't seen the word "terrorist" attached to that story.

It will happen again. I'm sorry. We need to find a way to stop the escalation of hatred, but I don't know how. It's a smaller and smaller minority every year, but a more extreme and desperate one.

The Doomkitten wrote:

I have words: Holy s~~$. HOLY S@#+. WHAT THE F!*$?!

I thought this kind of thing was supposed to be limited to third-world countries. But here? Right in the U.S., after love has officially won? This is not supposed to happen. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

G$$~*!n... I...


This is not supposed to happen.

I hope that the families of those involved will heal. I hope that this never happens again.

This shouldn't happen anywhere. But this sort of thing happens fairly regularly in the US - mass shootings happen semi-regularly. This is the worst in US history, but there have been some really bad ones regardless, just not specifically aimed at LGBT people. Some were aimed at children, one in Canada (not the US) was aimed at women. This isn't something that "doesn't happen here." It's something that happens here all too often.

And it is upsetting because it does, and this one is also upsetting because of the homophobia.

Project Manager

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The connect with Daesh, let alone Islam itself, is pretty tenuous at this point, thejeff. It was a homophobic hate crime. Why are you so invested in pushing the Islam angle?

Liberty's Edge

They did post that seven hours ago when it seemed far less tenuous, it's the only thing they posted, and saying that the news reported it as such isn't really pushing an angle in any meaningful sense.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

There has been a fair amount of LGBT erasure in some of the early reporting on this story, with some outlets not identifying that this was a gay nightclub until they were called out for it. That is surely a betrayal of the LGBT community and a horrid way to add insult to injury.

I do think the "terrorism" vs. "hate crime" argument may only just be beginning. In the spirit of trying to defuse arguments before they flare up, I would advocate that we as a society should evaluate where the line between the two is actually drawn (and are they mutually exclusive).

From where I am sitting, I think we should refer to every hate crime as an act of terrorism, not to erase who is being targeted, but to illustrate that the bigoted perpetrators of hate crimes are nothing more or less than terrorists, using the same tactics to terrorize and intimidate a community. If the shooter were a Christian, like the Roanoke, VA, anti-LGBT attack some 15 years ago, or the racially-motivated Charleston shooter, I would be comfortable labeling those as acts of terrorism as well.

When the terrorism angle is used to divert attention from the fact that this attack was motivated by homophobia, however, that is not okay.

Project Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oops, sorry--was confusing Todd and thejeff.


Jessica Price wrote:
The connect with Daesh, let alone Islam itself, is pretty tenuous at this point, Todd. It was a homophobic hate crime. Why are you so invested in pushing the Islam angle?

I'm not invested in pushing any angle. When I posted earlier, CNN had just reported that the shooter had called 911 and pledged to ISIS, and that was later confirmed by the ranking Democratic member of the house intelligence committee.

I just said what was on the news about a horrible tragedy and a homophobic hate crime.

Edit: updated. Saw your updated post.

Liberty's Edge Developer

Is everyone from this thread safe? Did we have anyone in central Florida?

I used to go to this club. It was one of the nicer, safer clubs in central Florida. I can't even grasp the scale of all this.

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