Pretty basic shield fighter advice needed


Hello, my DM suggested I post my fighter build here for advice seeing as how it's my first attempt at playing one, so here it goes.
It's 15 point buy and I'm trying to focus on a balance between being a good defender and bludgeoning everything to death with my shield bash.

Str 16 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 8
Human Heart of the Wilderness variant trait. First level feats: Weapon focus: longsword, shield focus, combat reflexes
From there I'll pick up Stand still, twf, improved shield bash, missile shield, shield specialization, shield slam, disruptive, greater shield focus, bodyguard, spell breaker, shield master, ray shield, greater shield specialization, in harm's way, then the rest of the weapon focuses and specializations for longsword. Then probably pick up vital strike and teleport tactitian, but I don't think the AP goes past 15th level.

So what do you guys think? Any areas I need improvement or am I laying on the shield too thick? I was considering getting weapon focus shield spikes instead and choosing close weapon group as my main.

One thing I wasn't sure about was that I had planned on using a mithril heavy shield to bash. Would I still incur the -4/-4 or does mithril heavy still count as heavy? I guess I'm ok with using a light shield if I have to.
He's currently equipped with scalemail, a longsword, a spiked gauntlet and a heavy steel shield I don't plan on bashing with until I have the feats to back it up. I'll probably pick up a bow too just because.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sovereign Court

Solid build, I would add Iron Will at level 5: you can't defend anything if your mind is unravelling.

Yep, looks good to me. Go for it.

mithril heavy shield = heavy shield for the purpose of TWF? or since its mithril its still -2 / -2 attacks?

Oh, great idea with iron will. Totally forgot about will saves.

Well the rules for mithril armor say they lower the category (heavy becomes medium, medium becomes light). I was wondering if that applied to shields too, and if it made a heavy shield count as a light shield and therefore a light weapon for the purpose of twf. I think my DM said that it doesn't work as soon as it becomes a weapon. Not sure though.

No it doesn't apply to shields so far as I know, and although armour changes category in terms of encumbrance, you still need to have the proficiency with the armour it is. Therefore a heavy shield will still be a 'heavy' shield in terms of proficiency, and likely TWF.

Ok. Light shield it is then. Thanks guys. :)

The other thing you might want to consider is switching out your longsword for a Scimitar. The average damage on a d8 is 4.5, a d6 is 3.5, but when you get improved critical, a scimitar will crit on a 15 a longsword will crit on a 17, and that's pretty big. The majority of your damage doesn't come for the die you roll, it's the damage you add on. Take some critical feats like Stunning Critical and you're golden.

The Exchange

A Dwarf would be better. Higher WIS = better Will Saves. +2 vs. Spells. Take Steel Soul (from APG) to make it +4 vs. Spells. Your build looks solid, though. . . for an humie.
Also, have you thought about something along the lines of one of the Archetypes, like Shielded Fighter (from APG,) emphasising your Shield Bash technique or Tower Shield Specialist (from UC,) playing-up a more comprehensive level of defense.
Since you like Combat Reflexes/Stand Still/etc., Phalanx Soldier (from APG) does some neat stuff with versatile defense. A Plain-Jane Fighter works great too; you can do cool things, dialing-up or down emphasis on Shield Bash/TWF (a non-TWF shield fighter is underrated,) as you like.
Anyway, just some stuff to think about. Have fun!

Jodokai wrote:
The other thing you might want to consider is switching out your longsword for a Scimitar.

I had originally planned on taking some kind of exotic weapon but it just started stacking on feats I wanted to save for more shield bashing. I'd love to just play a 2 shield fighter but my DM doesn't like the idea xD. (and yes I know shield bonuses don't stack, I just love shields that much.)

DwarfsRBest wrote:
A Dwarf would be better.

Hah! I thought of a dwarf for a long time but that 20 speed kills me. I like that a fighter can eventually move full speed in armor. Probably the main thing that attracted me to the fighter in the first place. I promise my next character will be a dwarf though. ;D

I'm not a fan of archetypes in general. They can do some great things and really help portray a character you're envisioning, but I always feel like there's some huge drawback. I believe with that one it's the armor training. I really love armor training. and the weapon training will be used for shield bash anyway.

I will check out Phalanx Soldier though. Thanks for the advice.

Liberty's Edge

CrusaderEm wrote:

I had originally planned on taking some kind of exotic weapon but it just started stacking on feats I wanted to save for more shield bashing. I'd love to just play a 2 shield fighter but my DM doesn't like the idea xD. (and yes I know shield bonuses don't stack, I just love shields that much.)

Uh...the scimitar is Martial. That's why he suggested it. No additional investment required.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
CrusaderEm wrote:

I had originally planned on taking some kind of exotic weapon but it just started stacking on feats I wanted to save for more shield bashing. I'd love to just play a 2 shield fighter but my DM doesn't like the idea xD. (and yes I know shield bonuses don't stack, I just love shields that much.)
Uh...the scimitar is Martial. That's why he suggested it. No additional investment required.

:O Holy cow, you're right. ...I've been playing for over 2 years and I always thought it was exotic. Why? Wow, well that'll require some more investigation. Thanks for the heads-up!

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