The Teensiest Troublemaker


Sovereign Court

I'm thinking of making a Gnome or Halfling character that uses Reduce Person to make himself Tiny. (This might be a PC, or it might be an NPC the party I'm GMing for fights - in which case, using a Potion of Reduce Person to do so is fine.)

He'd probably be a rogue or a vivisectionist alchemist - someone that likes sneaking around, possibly setting traps, and laughing at the big lugs that try to catch him while he pokes them in painful places. Obviously it would be a finesse build. A pure spellcaster is possible, but kind of defeats the point. (Arcane Trickster might be viable, though.)

Any fun ideas for this, guys?

PS: I know Tiny creatures don't threaten outside of their square, and they have to move into others' squares to attack (inducing AoOs) - does that mean they can end a move in an opponent's square, even though they take up a quarter of a square?

Liberty's Edge

Tiny creatures can't Flank...which really screws Rogues and Vivisectionists, making this a bad idea mechanically.

Not necessarily, it certrainly screws close combat Rogues but it might be viable for ranged combat Rogues (aka the Sniper).

This would work great for a bomb-focused alchemist. Could still be a sneaky character for sure.

Reduce Person is basically +2 attack/+2 AC for ranged characters. If you're high enough level, use the Combine Extracts discovery for combo Reduce Person+Shield extracts

Take the Pyromaniac alternate racial trait for the gnome for a little extra bomb damage.

For a PC you probably need to get the Precise Shot feat and the Precise Bombs discovery, which fills your feats and discoveries through level 3. For an NPC villain, you can skip that and rush straight for stink bomb (Smoke Bomb as your second level discovery, Stink Bomb at third with the Extra Discovery feat).

The Tumor Familiar discovery would allow a tiny PC to cause a lump of his flesh to detach and grow into a creature large enough to use as a mount - which makes for a disturbing mental image if nothing else...

Before i read this post i had a look at the Advanced Races Playtest. So a fun idear came to mind ...

Make two guys with this concept, maybe twin brothers that competent with each other who does better pranks.

Use Ratfolk as race this dudes are used to "swarm" an opponent:

Swarming: Prerequisites: Medium or smaller
size; Benefit: Members of this race are used to living and
fighting communally with other members of their race.
Up to two members of this race can share the same square
at the same time. If two members of this race that are
occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are
considered to be f lanking that foe as if they were in two
opposite squares.

Make one a rouge and the other one vivisectionist. The alchemists shares an invis potion with his brother. Both sneak into the enemys square. They then count down for three while the opponent tries to find them.
"THREE !!!! TWO !!! ONE !!! ATTACK ".


I had a gnome (bomb) alchemist NPC use reduce person on himself and fly around chunking bombs at my PC's. It was quite combat effective. He was the one NPC who got away. /salute

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Breiti wrote:

Before i read this post i had a look at the Advanced Races Playtest. So a fun idear came to mind ...

Make two guys with this concept, maybe twin brothers that competent with each other who does better pranks.

Use Ratfolk as race this dudes are used to "swarm" an opponent:

Swarming: Prerequisites: Medium or smaller
size; Benefit: Members of this race are used to living and
fighting communally with other members of their race.
Up to two members of this race can share the same square
at the same time. If two members of this race that are
occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are
considered to be f lanking that foe as if they were in two
opposite squares.

Make one a rouge and the other one vivisectionist. The alchemists shares an invis potion with his brother. Both sneak into the enemys square. They then count down for three while the opponent tries to find them.
"THREE !!!! TWO !!! ONE !!! ATTACK ".


That is an AWESOME idea. Good call!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Reynard_the_fox wrote:

I'm thinking of making a Gnome or Halfling character that uses Reduce Person to make himself Tiny. (This might be a PC, or it might be an NPC the party I'm GMing for fights - in which case, using a Potion of Reduce Person to do so is fine.)

He'd probably be a rogue or a vivisectionist alchemist - someone that likes sneaking around, possibly setting traps, and laughing at the big lugs that try to catch him while he pokes them in painful places. Obviously it would be a finesse build. A pure spellcaster is possible, but kind of defeats the point. (Arcane Trickster might be viable, though.)

Any fun ideas for this, guys?

PS: I know Tiny creatures don't threaten outside of their square, and they have to move into others' squares to attack (inducing AoOs) - does that mean they can end a move in an opponent's square, even though they take up a quarter of a square?

And yes, they can end their move in an opponent's square.

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