Intercourse between two shapeshifters! GM needs serious help!

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Hi Guys,

Im in a crazy position right now. We are playing the kingmaker Campain with a group of a witch, a blackblade, a human druid and a half ork / werewolf. We are focusing on the social playing in the campain sacrificing some of the economy play in kingmaker. That means we got lots of new NPCs and sidequests and less financial stuff.

And now comes the crazy part.
The druid and the half ork werewolf were having intercourse (wait for it...) while in their wild shape wolf form. They both were completely concious about the whole act with the intend of making an offspring.
Im in a crazy spot right now as a GM. I dont want to swing the "you cant do that" axe but i dont want to make a random decision either. The other Players in the group arent aware of the situation (ingame).

SO tell me:

When a human druid in wolf form, and a half ork/ lycanthrop in his wildshape are having intercourse would it be possible to have a living offspring out of this act? Furthermore while the show was going on, the werewolf was changing back from his wolfform into his hybrid form, so when the whole situation reached its climax we have a hybrid werewolf mating a druid in his wolf form.
After the act the druid changed back into her human form, being fertilized by a hybrid werewolf.

Im not joking and the two are serious about it. Im just kinda helpless due to this obnoxious act and need some serious help from you.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


Well you could just go and rule it was a human mating with a half-orc, which is perfectly legal. The offspring of such a union is a human, full-blooded human, no quarter-orc or anything.

Since the father was a werewolf you can give the baby the lycanthrop template from the start if you want.

The more disturbing thing is, that in my current game, my group tries to preasure my druid to have little babies with his tiger animal companion, because they want cute, tiny tiger cubs...
So far I was able to resist, but I'm afraid of getting my druid drunk :)

Well if it's cheeseburgers...

Druid is now a Lycanthrope, but no longer a Druid.

'Earth Mother' is displeased about the mating with an unnatural beast outside the order of Nature and punishes the Druid for being a willing accomplise to such a perversion of natures pure forms and the natural order.

Lycanthropy being a magical curse, to knowingly create such a creature is outside 'the balance'.

Had said Druid mated with a legit wolf then that would be different.

"Had said Druid mated with a legit wolf then that would be different."

Thanks for the quick answers.
Does it count , that the werewolf was in his wolfshape at the time of the act?

Why are relationships always so complicated?
Please give me more guys. I am desperate!

PS: Still favour the "paladinmethod"....

*scratches head*

I suppose the offspring would be a human natural lycanthrope, perhaps with the Racial Heritage Feat for Half-orc. Or keep it simple and make it a half orc natural lycanthrope.

I doubt Mother Nature would really have an issue with lycanthropes, but that would be GM interpretation.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would suggest talking with the players. They got you ino this mess, after all, but possibilities:
1) There is no pregnancy. I would flavour this as miscarriage when the druid shapechanges back to human as the baby is no longer compatible.

2) Druid gives birth to litter of puppies. These are not werewolves, just wolves, although they might be more intelligent than normal.

3) Druid is now pregnant with a normal, non-lycanthrope child.

4) Druid is now pregnant with lycxanthrope chuld. If you've read Fables, you know how much 'fun' that can lead to when the full Moon comes around.

Those seem to be the main options. The latter three will result in some time when the druid is fatigued/exhausted towards the ned of the pregancny and would put a crimp in advneturing.

At least this is entertaining. In a very disturbing way....
I should mention that our half ork werewolf got charisma 5. So i wont bet on cute puppies or sweet little lycanthropes.

it's an abomination with extra eyes and arms or something else malformed. Nature it's always pretty.

Jaoh San wrote:

Thanks for the quick answers.

Does it count , that the werewolf was in his wolfshape at the time of the act?

Well if we want to start getting all Druidical, the 'curse of lycanthropy' is not a natural one, and to purposefully create a life-form arbitrarily and outside the 'natural order' is certainly not 'neutral' in the classic sense. The choice has been made to afflict an unborn child with a magical malady that will (known fact) twist it's mind into (CE) a hunter and killer of man.

Not a neutral act, and not a good one either.

And certainly not in the 'balance'.

Afflicted lycanthrope or natural one? I'm reading over the template rules and the bestiary and it doesn't seem to have to turn the werewolf evil. It does note the existence of good werewolves. She could have natural werewolf puppies. Either way it is definitely in dm fiat area.

Well it's a half-orc, so it's not a 'natural' one.



A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited alignment, or teaches the Druidic language to a nondruid loses all spells and druid abilities (including her animal companion, but not including weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She cannot thereafter gain levels as a druid until she atones (see the atonement spell description).

(As I didn't find one with a quick search and don't have the time to make one: picture the following in the style of a motivational poster.)

The magical, omnipotent get-out-of-jail-for-only-2,500-gp card.

Yeah... no.

The half ork was afflicted by magic though a so called wolfmother that is the queen of a werewolf tribe in our campain. Our half ork is now the leader of the clan and i think he misunderstood the phrase territorial expansion.

So no, not natural. Abomination.

Atonement, and 'why its not a get-out-of-jail-free' card.

The creature seeking atonement must be truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds.

Wow, thats going to suck when the game turns to infanticide.

Nature can be harsh in restiring her balance.

there was a 3.5 3PP book (yes, it doesn't get more unofficial) saying that when a pregnant person changes his form, she looses her pregnancy.

So if it's a lvl 20 druid and it would keep its form for 9 (or however long wolf pregnancy is) months, it would all be dandy (assuming werewolves can mate with wolves, they are still werewolves whatever their shape).

So I would rule that the druid isn't pregnant anymore, and she needs a strong knowledge check to know why.

I also think that the atonement spell wont do it. Unless our druid will give away her offspring (or even kill it). We also have a witch with some high alchemy skills that could look into the case. but even now, she would have lost her druid features.

Otherwise I would find it 'lulz' to have the kid spirited away by a bunch of Lycanthropes set on taking power, and raising the heir to the Orkish throne and having baby-lycan grow up to being a face-ripping horro story Cavalier in command of a lycan army coming to take what is his being pretty hahahahahahhaah...hahahahahah...cough...hahahaha.

Or he shows his bad side by being a general horror story as he goes all bad-seed and starts killing everyone and everything. Hows that working out for you Dr Frankenstein?

Jaoh San wrote:
Unless our druid will give away her offspring (or even kill it).

Which still isn't setting anything right, it's just moving the problem.

I don't think this really counts as "stops to rever nature" but YMMV...

Works pretty well.

Imagin that we are playing kingmaker and are currently establishing our kingdome. The halfork is plotting his war with his wolves to take over the land, while his little werewolf offspring seeks to take the power of his wolfdad in a few years. makes a delicious villian for our group.
This story has a lot of potential. But i can see our druid crying right now...bitter tears.

You know...there is a certain point were even i drop the line. Sodomy is beyond that point.

I'm thinking there are no official rules for this situation.

My ruling as a GM? Treat as the offspring of a human and a half-orc (whether that's a human or half-orc baby, I don't know--may be setting dependent), but also treat as a natural lycanthrope. Depending on whether "love nips" were involved, the druid may also have contracted lycanthropy. There's no reason the druid couldn't be both a druid and a lycanthrope though. Hopefully her partner was considerate enough not to bite without consent though.

Also, 100% creepy scenario, just so you know.

Given that there are whole orders of werewolf druids running around the wilds of Andoran you are hard pressed for me to consider them an abomination to druidic powers. Magical curse perhaps but one which taps into wild/bestial forces.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

0_o o_0


I think i will make her do some fort. saves against lycanthropy and let the offspring be a child with nat. lycanthropy. Me and the other Gm are considering, if the wolfqueen will hatch the baby (steal it maybe. Anyone knows a spell with that she could inservt her fetus into her own womb?) and will rise it as a new leader who will be become the son and arch enemie of our half orc werewolf. So the two of them can fight fight about the tribe of wolves and maybe get rid of the wolf queen as their tyrannic leader. After all they are father and son.
I relly thank you guys for the creative and informative answers. if you got anything else (advice, ideas, rules) feel free to post them. The werewolf boy has still some time to grow and become whatever his fate will be.

Thank you and good night!

Shifty wrote:

So no, not natural. Abomination.

Atonement, and 'why its not a get-out-of-jail-free' card.

The creature seeking atonement must be truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds.

Wow, thats going to suck when the game turns to infanticide.

Nature can be harsh in restiring her balance.

Note that "must be being truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds" isn't the same as "must be setting right its misdeed", the same way that "desiring to eat half a metric ton of ice cream" isn't the same as "eating half a metric ton of ice cream". ;)

Now, regarding that pregnancy thing...

If a druid uses wildshape, what happens to whatever is in his/her intestines? It's either melded or resized.
What happens if you swallow something in animal form and then shift back to normal? As long as there's enough space to fit, it's still there, right?

So... I know, this is getting kinda gross, but we're all adults, aren't we...
Let's just say if there's some fluid in a certain body cavity of said druid, won't it still be there when the druid shifts back?
Since the actual fusion of egg and sperm cell normally happens some time after the act, the only thing we'd have to determine is the nature of the sperm cells of the werewolf.

Taking a step back... If you are a werewolf and shift into wolf form, get injured and spill blood on the ground, and then shift back.
Is that blood still "yours"? To use the classical examples, can a hunter or diviner take that blood to trace you?

The only thing I found on that question is the locate creature spell, although that doesn't actually use any part of the creature to trace the connection or something. It says it _can_ be fooled by polymorph effects (which the change shape ability of the lycantrophe is) while locate object says it _is_ fooled by those... which probably means "ask your DM".

In my opinion, the genetic information in those cells should be that of the half-orc, modified by the afflicted lycantrophy, or maybe it's added to it.
IF the actual fusion of cells is successful, the offspring should be a human (probably with racial heritage half-orc) or half-orc, but with the natural lycantrophe template.

Anyway... You know what? If they want to have children, without any magical-shapeshift-could-influence-the-impregnation-stuff, the druid and the half-orc just need to be in their natural forms in the moment of... insemination... And they're done.

Druidess is stuck for (wolf gestation period) in wolf form. Litter are mix of human and half-orc theriamorphs (wolves that can assume human form). The template is on d20pfsrd. Mom, if wolf mating is typical of predatory animals, is an afflicted werewolf. She becomes the "mysterious killer" of Chapter 2 during her "black outs". These last won't start until after the pups are weaned.

Too many male players love to play female characters and get them pregnant because they don't understand the repercussions. Having spent years among pregnant women (I was adopted by their tribe), I would set the following rules:

First Trimester: Sickened
Second Trimester: Sickened and Fatigued
Third Trimester: Fatigued, and Staggered

I would also argue that any blow or event causing the mother more than 10% of her hit points would endanger the child. (Make the CHILD make a Fortitude save with DC = 10 + each 10% of damage).

After setting those ground rules, I would have a major story event happen during the druid's third trimester.

See how funny she finds it having to sit out an entire adventure because of her depravity.

ADDENDUM: My tone sounds a bit too harsh here. I do think it's a really cool story line, and I think it's worth playing out. But too many PCs think that pregnancy is just a walk-in-the-park they can "music montage" their way through. I'd like to see at least one nasty plot twist happen during the pregnancy, so the PCs understand that running about and getting pregnant willy-nilly DURING AN ADVENTURE isn't the wisest course of action.

And yeah, I have no idea what the kid would be; I think other people have better ideas than I would come up with anyway.

Cyberwolf2xs wrote:
Shifty wrote:

So no, not natural. Abomination.

Atonement, and 'why its not a get-out-of-jail-free' card.

The creature seeking atonement must be truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds.

Wow, thats going to suck when the game turns to infanticide.

Nature can be harsh in restiring her balance.

Note that "must be being truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds" isn't the same as "must be setting right its misdeed", the same way that "desiring to eat half a metric ton of ice cream" isn't the same as "eating half a metric ton of ice cream". ;)

Now, regarding that pregnancy thing...

If a druid uses wildshape, what happens to whatever is in his/her intestines? It's either melded or resized.
What happens if you swallow something in animal form and then shift back to normal? As long as there's enough space to fit, it's still there, right?

So... I know, this is getting kinda gross, but we're all adults, aren't we...
Let's just say if there's some fluid in a certain body cavity of said druid, won't it still be there when the druid shifts back?
Since the actual fusion of egg and sperm cell normally happens some time after the act, the only thing we'd have to determine is the nature of the sperm cells of the werewolf.

Taking a step back... If you are a werewolf and shift into wolf form, get injured and spill blood on the ground, and then shift back.
Is that blood still "yours"? To use the classical examples, can a hunter or diviner take that blood to trace you?

The only thing I found on that question is the locate creature spell, although that doesn't actually use any part of the creature to trace the connection or something. It says it _can_ be fooled by polymorph effects (which the change shape ability of the lycantrophe is) while locate object says it _is_ fooled by those... which probably means "ask your DM".

In my opinion, the genetic information in those cells...

Me and the other GM ( we change every 5 evenings) were talking about that case with our old biology books by our side and we nearly came to the same understanding.And sincce she is a druid and is able to polymorph, considering her natureaffinity it should be possible. And btw we arent talking about rape or something else. The two were freely together and knew what they are doing.

I mean we are talking about a fantasy roleplaying game, and if the druid and the werewolf have fun with " what would happen if" , i, as a GM, should give them the satisfaction and fun to see what happens. After all i think this is what this game is all about. Its a strange scenario, but we all have our own sense for fantasy. And if there is one thing that i can say about the whole story, then that it is somewhat original and new.

I am currently working on a genetic tree to confirm the result of the act, but i think the most interesting story would be, that the offspring is a Human/Lycanthrope with no allignement ( still fighting with my self if it should be chaotic evil, because our paladin wont take it very kindly) that will be raised secretly and maybe will become a main NpC later in the campain.
Since i have a monk in this group as a PC i hope my own creation wont kill me in the end, but thats always the risk with creating powerful Villians isnt it?

Another thing is, that our druid is the councelor in our newly found kingdome. And even, not considering the whole wolfthing, a bastard without a father raised by a women in a high role will mix up the whole campain a lot. Im smelling treachery, uprisings and streets filled with blood. Lets see what the Spymaster has to say about that...

Turin the Mad wrote:
Druidess is stuck for (wolf gestation period) in wolf form. Litter are mix of human and half-orc theriamorphs (wolves that can assume human form). The template is on d20pfsrd. Mom, if wolf mating is typical of predatory animals, is an afflicted werewolf. She becomes the "mysterious killer" of Chapter 2 during her "black outs". These last won't start until after the pups are weaned.

The group already encountered the werewolf from chapter 2. They decided to bring them to the wolf tribe and save his life. The halfork werewolf got the role of the Royal Headsmen and i gave him the permission to decide if he wants to kill the barbarian or bring him to his wolfqueen.

But this makes it even more difficult, because the townpeople are getting suspicious, and imagine what they will say when they realise, that there is a werewolf tribe, 2 hexes away from their city, a wild werewolf pardoned that slaughtered two of their citizens and that their beloved councelor is pregnant with another werewolf. As i said. I smell uprisings and a lot of blood.
good for them, the Marshall they hired is a well known Val-helsing type of guy monter-hunter with a nice russian akzent.

Classic pathfinder...classic!

Edit: oh, and i think she will need some disguise self for the round belly.

NobodysHome wrote:

Too many male players love to play female characters and get them pregnant because they don't understand the repercussions. Having spent years among pregnant women (I was adopted by their tribe), I would set the following rules:

First Trimester: Sickened
Second Trimester: Sickened and Fatigued
Third Trimester: Fatigued, and Staggered

I would also argue that any blow or event causing the mother more than 10% of her hit points would endanger the child. (Make the CHILD make a Fortitude save with DC = 10 + each 10% of damage).

After setting those ground rules, I would have a major story event happen during the druid's third trimester.

See how funny she finds it having to sit out an entire adventure because of her depravity.

I like that idea. I find her being staggered a bit too much, but i think i will adopt the other ideas.

Nice one.

EDIT: In addition. The driud is a female player, and the half orc is a male player. coincidentally the two are also together in besides our gametable. This was the first time they played characters that came together in this way. normaly they just beat themselves bloody. Dont know if i should take this outcome as a progress.

Jaoh San wrote:

I like that idea. I find her being staggered a bit too much, but i think i will adopt the other ideas.

Nice one.


But dude, try hanging around with an 8-months-pregnant woman some time. "Staggered" is being generous. I mean no offense, but our friend could barely make it up and down our stairs to make it to our gaming room. We had to start opening the garage door so she could bypass the stairs. It isn't fun.

And I hereby recant my previous position that it's only male PCs running around getting pregnant willy-nilly during adventures.

NobodysHome wrote:
Jaoh San wrote:

I like that idea. I find her being staggered a bit too much, but i think i will adopt the other ideas.

Nice one.


But dude, try hanging around with an 8-months-pregnant woman some time. "Staggered" is being generous. I mean no offense, but our friend could barely make it up and down our stairs to make it to our gaming room. We had to start opening the garage door so she could bypass the stairs. It isn't fun.

Did she also could fly and turn into a wolf? Cause that could slighty solve the problem in the pathfinder game.

I dont want to destroy the players childwishes with some roleplaying game and i think i will give her some mild reminder of being pregnant when she tries to use some acrobacy, stealth and speed checks.
As i said. i find this whole setting very fresh and original and dont want to break her character with this or even make her go to our witch to try something cruel (on the other hand, our druid would never do that, ingame or outgame...)

Some women deal with pregnancies much more easily than others. Fort saves or perhaps Con checks would seem in order to reflect that. But certainly fatigued plus your armor doesn't fit during the third trimester.

My $0.02 worth...

A born lycanthrope is as natural as any other animal or sentient, it's born, not created. So no issues there.

I'd have the baby(s) be human natural lycanthropes, and give them a Half-Orc Racial Heritage feat from birth, and possibly also give them the 'Swift Kitsune' feat that lets kitsune change forms quickly, to represent them having a natural affinity for their animal forms.

Jaoh San wrote:

Did she also could fly and turn into a wolf? Cause that could slighty solve the problem in the pathfinder game.

I dont want to destroy the players childwishes with some roleplaying game and i think i will give her some mild reminder of being pregnant when she tries to use some acrobacy, stealth and speed checks.
As i said. i find this whole setting very fresh and original and dont want to break her character with this or even make her go to our witch to try something cruel (on the other hand, our druid would never do that, ingame or outgame...)

Fair enough. It sounds like you're approaching this really well, and your players will appreciate you all the more for it.

I look forward to following this thread and seeing where it leads. I'd appreciate it if you'd post after the whole thing has played out and let us know what happens.

Shure. I will keep you up to date. TO be honest iam probably more curious about the whole story then the players themselves.
I modified the kingmaker campaign heavily, because none of my players are barely interested in the whole financial/economy side of it. So i wrote nearly 25 NPC that arrive at their kingdome every few days.
The spymaster is able to intrigue in all of the stuff, every one of them will have personal guards (the witch already started an affair with her guardian knight) and it feels a lot more like "A game of thrones" , than the original campaign. Im pretty satisfied right now, because everyone is counting their intrigues, exploring the wilderness and defending their kingdome, still feeling as a part of some united kingdome. For me it is a really new way to experience the game, and the unborn werewolf babe is just what i needed to get the druid a personal side-quest, which every PC got right now.

For example the blackblade with his blade that more and more starts to talk to him, the witch establishing her forbidden affair with her guard, observed by the spymasters spies, the ork leading his werewolftribe, and the paladin recruting some new paladins to defend the Kingdome from the threat of the wordwound.

Also the spymaster got in contact with nearly the whole underworld of golarion to maximise his power. ( he also got into contact with the actual underworld which resultet in a kohort of drow standing in their throneroom asking for the promised "slavedelivery". They really have to learn how fragile their new kingdome is)

Really fun. I really can recommend the kingmaker campain.

Jaoh San wrote:

Im in a crazy position right now.

Considering the tittle vocabulary, Honey Badger thinks that is a poor choice of words. LOL

Odraude wrote:

I doubt Mother Nature would really have an issue with lycanthropes, but that would be GM interpretation.


P.S. The druid IS probably an inflicted lycanthrope now.

I would have another vote in for just normal warewolf babies.

Assuming that lycanthropy is 'frowned upon', the couple are going to have to work pretty hard to cover this up in general, if anyone who is not utterly loyal finds out, and isn't silenced, you can bet that 'van helsing' is going to discover this, and do something about it.

That said, i'm not sure that either my players, or i as a GM, would have the maturity to deal with this kind of situation 'properly'. we would all just 'move it off-screen' and pretend it never happened!

I'm gonna watch to see how this progresses too!

Honey Badger wrote:
Jaoh San wrote:

Im in a crazy position right now.
Considering the tittle vocabulary, Honey Badger thinks that is a poor choice of words. LOL

Indeed. Some cruel mocker could paint a wonderful picture of that situation. But then i am to disturbed to further think about that. Still i decide to not change my words, cause they are (to be honest not intentionally) freaking hilarious!

Banatine wrote:

I would have another vote in for just normal warewolf babies.

Assuming that lycanthropy is 'frowned upon', the couple are going to have to work pretty hard to cover this up in general, if anyone who is not utterly loyal finds out, and isn't silenced, you can bet that 'van helsing' is going to discover this, and do something about it.

That said, i'm not sure that either my players, or i as a GM, would have the maturity to deal with this kind of situation 'properly'. we would all just 'move it off-screen' and pretend it never happened!

I'm gonna watch to see how this progresses too!

I see, the two lovers are drawing attention and getting some fans.

I am still not shure if the marshall will go against the werewolves. Till now he is only angered by undead. Still the werewolves are a potential threat to the realm. He will be my cleaner if everything goes messy.

But the covering up part will be hard, thats for shure. Especially with the spymaster always behind their backs.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Odraude wrote:

I doubt Mother Nature would really have an issue with lycanthropes, but that would be GM interpretation.


P.S. The druid IS probably an inflicted lycanthrope now.

Yeah, the druid will have to make some saving throws to clear that. God, i am fearing a kingdome of werewolves mating randomly...

You have brought this upon yourself, by allowing a player to continue playing his character after he has changed into a werewolf. It is generally a bad idea to allow a character to gain power from being inflicted by a curse/disease. Take his character away from him, and force him to roll a new character, or have his god remove the curse, but for the love of everything holy, don't allow a pc to be a werewolf. Wolf babies are the least of the problems you are going to face from this decision.

Mabven the OP healer wrote:
You have brought this upon yourself, by allowing a player to continue playing his character after he has changed into a werewolf. It is generally a bad idea to allow a character to gain power from being inflicted by a curse/disease. Take his character away from him, and force him to roll a new character, or have his god remove the curse, but for the love of everything holy, don't allow a pc to be a werewolf. Wolf babies are the least of the problems you are going to face from this decision.

This is, gladly, not our problem. He isnt getting anything from his curse. We managed to use his lycanthropy for simple roleplaying purposes.

he is getting wildshape, smell as perception, and a +2 str / -2 char.
Thats all. being a full werewolf at lvl 5 would be too strong indeed. He is roaming around in his hybrid form and, for example isnt getting any DR or natural armor. Also he isnt changing his allignement. As i mentioned earlier, the curse was brought to him by a witch that crowned herself mother of wolves and is the leader of a werewolf tribe in a forrest near the PCs city.
Me and the other Gm just like to give each PC sort of a personal sidequest to make them feel special and giving them a proper spotlight. We never had a problem with that and for now even the werewolf story fits him and makes the game more interesting than annoying.

Anyone said Spawn of Lamashtu yet?

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Anyone said Spawn of Lamashtu yet?

Never heard of it. Tell me everything you know.

Jaoh San wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Anyone said Spawn of Lamashtu yet?
Never heard of it. Tell me everything you know.

Just this. I was kind of kidding, but it could make for an interesting plot device.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Jaoh San wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Anyone said Spawn of Lamashtu yet?
Never heard of it. Tell me everything you know.
Just this. I was kind of kidding, but it could make for an interesting plot device.

Sounds neat.

As i already said, we are planning to get the child robbed by the queen of wolves, who later will try to bring the offspring to fight for her and take his place beside her for his father our half orc. But Lamashtu should give us a good kick off to start that story. thanks!

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