Chovesh |

L5 Character with the following progression:
L1 Druid FEAT: Boon Companion
L2 Sorcerer(Sylvan) gains animal companion
- Animal companion level caluclation:
---1) Sorcerer 1 - 3 levels = -2 (but must be 1 minimum)
---2) Druid level stacks with other class levels that have Animal Companions
Therefore Sorcerer is 1(The Minumum)+ Druid Level 1 = 2
And both animal companions are L2.
Some would argue that the Sorcerer based animal companion is still L1, but I don't see the requirement of ignoring the Druid levels, rather I see that the Sorcer Level as Druid equivalent needs to be calculated FIRST and then the Druid level stack on that.
Now if Boon Companion were taken on this second (Sorcerer) companion, then it would be.
Sorcer 1 (treated as 4 levels higher [Sor5]) - 3 = 2 (which is his total character levels anyway).