Zen and the Monk

Homebrew and House Rules

I guess the biggest complaint about the Monk is MADs (Multiple Attribute Dependency). How about a little fix that may alleviate this problem. Rename the AC Bonus column in the Monk Table to Zen Bonus. Now what does this mean? It means, we add the Wis bonus & this bonus not to just AC. We add it to BAB and damage as well. It allows one stat, Wis, to do the heavy lifting for the class. The other stats are nice to have a bonus in, just as it was with the standard AC bonus, but now the majority of your build can concentrate on a good Wis. the BAB & Damage won't benefit unless we are using Monk Weapons.

I do like the idea. Although you can't add a stat to BAB. An attack bonus maybe, but never BAB. @_@

The only other thought, is that I don't think everyone feels that their monks are Zen Buddhists. :D Can you come up with a different name than Zen? Otherwise, I'm interested in the idea.

Zen is just the first thing that came to mind, mainly because there used to be a feat in 3e called Zen Archery. Besides, Zen is the only thing I can think of that alludes to using Wisdom for something. Ki Focus, maybe?

As an attack bonus, yes. I would hesitate to use it as a damage bonus. It still reduces MAD that way, as it cuts from Str/Dex/Con/Wis by making either Str or Dex less of a priority. I would not want to make Str a dump stat by replacing the Str bonus with the Wis bonus.

Dabbler wrote:
As an attack bonus, yes. I would hesitate to use it as a damage bonus. It still reduces MAD that way, as it cuts from Str/Dex/Con/Wis by making either Str or Dex less of a priority. I would not want to make Str a dump stat by replacing the Str bonus with the Wis bonus.

I can see that. Leave the stats relevant, but not as relevant. Make it for Attack & AC. There is no way to allow it to help with Con. Plus, I wasn't wanting to replace any of the stats. Dex still applies to AC. I still want Str to apply in combat. It just gets augmented the same as Dex does with AC.

Full Wis to hit right outta the box? Is that in addition to strength or in place of?

Also, would it apply across the board or only to UAS and monk weapons?

I would say that like Weapon Finesse it is in place of strength, and I would certainly apply it across the board.

I was thinking in addition to Str, but only to Unarmed & Monk weapons. That would minimize the urge to dip. In place of Str would have people dumping their Str. It sounds like a lot, but if you think that most of the time, the Monk will flurry & get a -2 to hit, then it isn't as bad. Besides, we are talking a bonus to hit. Damage is still Str based.

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