wraithstrike |

I don't seem them as higher or lower versions of the same condition, unlike the fear conditions.
As for dazing spell it takes up 3 higher slots which really lowers the save DC, and partial effects don't make it work. The save has to be failed. Unless the player is trying to make the save DC's really high it won't work that much. If he is trying to make them really high then the monsters are in trouble anyway.

Mabven the OP healer |

Daze and Daze Monster are both Enchantment(compulsion)[mind-affecting], and many things are immune to that. I don't see any language in Dazing Spell that specifies that it works exactly like Daze or Daze Monster, so by RAW those with immunity to Enchantment(compulsion)[mind-affecting] don't seem to be immune to Dazing Spell effects, but I would not be surprised if the Rules as Intended would allow such creatures to be immune to Dazing Spell.

Hyla |

Daze and Daze Monster are both Enchantment(compulsion)[mind-affecting], and many things are immune to that. I don't see any language in Dazing Spell that specifies that it works exactly like Daze or Daze Monster, so by RAW those with immunity to Enchantment(compulsion)[mind-affecting] don't seem to be immune to Dazing Spell effects, but I would not be surprised if the Rules as Intended would allow such creatures to be immune to Dazing Spell.
Thanks, I like that even better as a houserule.
I have a lvl 11 Sor in my game that dishes out dazing (electric) fireballs with DC 25. 3/day they are persistant (via rod). Thats a "win the encounter" card 3/day. Its too good by RAW, IMO.

Hyla |

If you have a problem with the Dazing Spell feat, nerf that, don't nerf daze itself for anyone else that might use it through some other means.
Since no player ever used an ability or spell to daze a creature before this is not really a probloem. Really what means (besides the daze spells which no one uses) are there?

Archaeik |
StreamOfTheSky wrote:Well, the Dazing Assault feat, for one.Ok. Anything else?
It doesn't completely follow that Stunning Assault is an upgraded Dazing Assault (just as Dazing isn't an upgraded Bloody)
The only feat I'm aware of that implies anything is Stunning Critical that implies Stunned is an upgraded Staggered
Not to derail the thread, but I've always found the relationship between Sickened and Nauseated to be more confusing than this

wraithstrike |

There are not a lot of ways to daze creatures because nothing is immune to it, and if they were related the rules would say so. Stunning is more common because more things are immune to it.
Having similar penalties does not mean two things are related.
The daze spell is used, and it is good spell to take actions away. Daze monster is not used that much, but that is because it is not good enough for its level.

Asphesteros |

StreamOfTheSky wrote:Well, the Dazing Assault feat, for one.Ok. Anything else?
The metamagic feat dazing spell. Applied to a damage over time spell like acid arrow, it forces saves over multiple rounds, any fail applying a multi-round daze, with saves refreshing the daze still ongoing, making a stun-lock equivelent effect. It can likewise be used on AoE spells to render groups of things impotent. While it doesn't kill things outright, it renders them so ineffectual for so long, it amounts to the same thing. It uses a higher level spell slot, but, considering all the means out there to change energy types otherwise manipulate spells, only a very few corner case encoutners can be challenging where it's available.