WIll this party survive Carrion Crown?

Carrion Crown

Liberty's Edge

The characters are as follows
Elf Wizard-Evoker
Human Inquisitor
Human Bard
Human Rogue
Human Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light archetype)
Half-orc Barbarian

The wizard never played a wizard before, the Barbarian, Wizard, Inquisitor and Paladin have never played 3/3.5 before. Not sure about the Rogue. Most are experienced gamers in other systems, but I am wondering if Carrion Crown will beat them down and leave a bad taste in their mouth. It took a while for me to get them to agree to play PF and I want to keep them playing it. Any advice?

Even if they're inexperienced with the system, having the paladin/inquisitor combo in the party should be able to steamroll pretty much everything. Just run the encounters as written, and you should be fine.

I'm running a four-player party (reach fighter, monk, cleric, ranger) through Harrowstone, all new to 3/3.5/PF, and the combat encounters haven't been much of a challenge for them yet (we'll see how that goes as they get into the lower levels of the prison). If anything, the RP-ing aspect has been more difficult for them.

Grand Lodge

Its written for 4, you've 6... you'll be fine, as M has said, the inclusion of the Pally and inquisitor makes it a STRONG party

Unless your GM increase the number of bad guys encountered by 50%, this is going to be a cakewalk. Like Macharius said, the Paladin and the Inquisitor are really strong classes for this AP. I would add that if the Ranger takes undead as his favored enemy, he is going to perform very well. Also, thanks to Magic Missile and Force Missile, the Evoker is going to be a boon to the party when they will fight incorporeal foes.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Eh, don't over-stack on undead-killing. You'll regret it come book 2.

It's got a bunch of neutral-aligned golems that hit like a truck and are immune to most magics. And book 2 is hard in general.

Liberty's Edge

Most of the party picked their own characters, the paladin chose his class based on advice from others and disliked it, so now he wants to play a fighter instead. The healing lack is my real concern. Sure, with that many characters they can kill everything, but will they survive with no primary (Cleric/Life Oracle) healer? We have already started and they are really keen to get to the prison, but with so many characters, the XP split makes leveling harder. If I increase the encounter difficulty or number of encounters, will they be too worn down to make it through with the limited healing?

Solution: have Father Grimburrow offer them free healing once they start getting into the prison. It's one of the potential rewards listed for gaining a high Trust score anyway; you can just decide that the good Father approves of their work and wants to support that. He's a comparatively high level cleric -- a channel energy once or twice per day is no sweat off his back.

Jerald Schrimsher wrote:

Most of the party picked their own characters, the paladin chose his class based on advice from others and disliked it, so now he wants to play a fighter instead. The healing lack is my real concern. Sure, with that many characters they can kill everything, but will they survive with no primary (Cleric/Life Oracle) healer? We have already started and they are really keen to get to the prison, but with so many characters, the XP split makes leveling harder. If I increase the encounter difficulty or number of encounters, will they be too worn down to make it through with the limited healing?

Wand of Cure Light wounds and they are fine.

They are a big party with lots of melee and a bard. If the Wizard is smart enough to learh Haste, it should be ok.

If you're concerned about leveling at the right times, you could have them on the fast XP track? That's what my group does with six people parties in APs. They do the normal medium track for four person and split the difference for five person.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Your party has 2 people in it capable of automatically employing wands of cure (whatever) wounds, and both your Inquisitor and Bard can heal in an emergency (not recommended as spell choices, but...meh). Your paladin, of holy light or whatever, could have acted well as a primary healer thanks to his increased use of lay on hands

Meh, so long as your party is tactically minded you'll be fine. Warn them it'll be tough, tho.

Sovereign Court

As long as someone is capable of cure spells you are good.

I have a Cleric, Sorceror, Barbarian, Alchemist and Rogue in my party. They steamrolled a lot of fights once they worked out what to do. Just be careful with splatterman. I nearly TPKd with him.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If your tactics are solid and you have a source of healing, you'll do ok.
Make sure the Rogue is good at detecting traps...you'll thank me later.

Pali/Inquis should suffice. I always like having a full divine in the party for access to their class-exculsive spells, but that's me.

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