A New Look at Stunning Fist

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi all!

I was on another thread and in writing a response to someone's post, I got an idea. What if we threw out the Stunning Fist feat completely? I mean, does anyone except monks actually take that feat? Instead, we go back to stunning (for monks) in a similar fashion to the original AD&D that Gygax wrote.

Stunning Fist (Ex): Whenever a monk successfully confirms a critical hit with his unarmed strikes, the creature struck will be stunned until the start of the monk's next turn unless it successfully makes a Fortitude saving throw against a DC equal to 10 plus one-half the monk's level plus the monk's Wisdom modifier.
Multiple successful stunning fist attacks by a monk in a single round increase the amount of time the creature remains stunned by 1 round for each additional successful attack. (I.e., a monk confirms three critical hits against a creature, who fails two saving throws. The creature is stunned for two rounds, the stun ending at the start of the monk's turn on Round 3.)

This doesn't change all that much of the monk, except that it is now possible (unlikely, but possible) that he might be able to stun an opponent for a couple of rounds. Basing it off of a confirmed critical hit means that a monk is given more of an incentive to pick up Improved Critical.

Still, I don't know. That's why I want your opinions. Feel free to comment.

Master Arminas

Sovereign Court

and more incentive to use unarmed strikes. +1 from me.

I want a feat that allows you to channel unarmed damage improvements thru a weapon that modifies unarmed strikes (cestus, brass knuckles, etc.) and call it greater unarmed strike. I want something beyond GMF.

Or ki focused, keen weapons with a high threat range. Problem with Improved Critical is a monk cannot take it until 13th level.

Sovereign Court

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they get it at level 10 as a monk bonus feat


At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:

Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows, and Spring Attack.

Sovereign Court

well, that is to say they have the option. monks that like to do unarmed damage may opt for medusa's wrath instead, but non punchy punch monks would take imp crit all day.

Biggest problem with that is that it is on a critical hit for a "weapon" that only crits on a 20 (plus a confirmation roll) which means less than 5% of the time.

I know my monk character would be lucky to have had more than 3 successful critical hits on Unarmed Strike attacks and he's now level 7...

I like it as it sits. I would prefer the DC was easier to get to a more effective level. It seems that most of the time the creatures you most would like to stun are virtually immune by virtue of high fortitude saves.

One thought would be for the damage dealt by the blow to affect the DC (maybe increase the DC by 1/2 Damage or 1/3 Damage value), or for critical hits to raise the DC...

Sovereign Court

there are several feats that increase the DC of abilities/spells, could ask paizo for one or houserule it.

Improved Stunning Fist: +2 DC
Greater: monks use their total monk level when calculating DC (normal is half)

Nezthalak wrote:

they get it at level 10 as a monk bonus feat


At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:

Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows, and Spring Attack.

Ah, missed that one! Thanks.

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