"Woodcutters' Guild" / Price of Immortality modules

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Our GM has been taking us through the Price of Immortality modules and we just finished up the "Masks of the Living God". I joined mid-campaign so I have no idea at what point in the first two modules I got in on the action.

Anyway, as part of a character backstory for a homebrewed campaign I'm now running one of my players made reference to the Woodcutters' Guild.

So I've got a non-spoilery question. Do the Woodcutters play a part in the bigger picture outside of the Price of Immortality trilogy? If not, I'm going to basically just turn them into a sort of mafia type organization.

No, they don't. I've read through the Price of Immortality on several occasions and I hope to run it to completion at some point, but after 5 read throughs, and only the vaguest inkling that the Woodcutters Guild was even mentioned anywhere in the three modules, I believe I'm safe to say they are a non-entity in the storyline.

Tels wrote:
No, they don't. I've read through the Price of Immortality on several occasions and I hope to run it to completion at some point, but after 5 read throughs, and only the vaguest inkling that the Woodcutters Guild was even mentioned anywhere in the three modules, I believe I'm safe to say they are a non-entity in the storyline.

Thanks Tels. Looks like our GM had made them a bigger entity in the campaign than they were supposed to be before I joined in. One of the other players took a turn as GM on a homebrewed one-timer and he used them too.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I don't think they have any other references, but it is mentioned that the leader of the Woodcutters Guild aspires to power, which makes for a good source of conflict if you plan to stay focused on Kassen.

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