Mark Knights |
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I will preface this question with the fact that I have spent some time scouring the net for an answer to this with nothing specific leaping out at me. Last night I was running the second module from the Serpent Skull series (Racing to ruin) The following should not be read if you are considering playing this module :)
Then there were the salt wights who drain con on a successful slam attack, not to mention the Blue Spirit Warrior that is a more traditional wight. The monk started going for his quarter staff and I soon worked out that this was because of the draining attack rather than any desire to use his staff and we discussed if there would be any drain. While happy to use his quarter staff for the night other players scoured the rules for me while it was not their action but no satisfactory answer was found.
Today I have been doing some research and while I have found no specific answers I have found some answers that may provide me my house rule unless someone from Paizo can point me at the definitive ruling... So my house rule goes like this;
1. If a creature does additional damage on an attack from an energy type (e.g. Fire, acid etc.) that a person striking unarmed also take that damage on a successful strike;
2. (and this ruling comes from the info under ability drain on a d20 rules page I found on the web) If a creature has an ability that must occurs after a particular type of attack (e.g. A wight's energy drain after a successful slam attack) that ability is not activated by an opponent striking the creature with an unarmed attack;
3. In exception to rule 2, if the ability is a touch attack from the creature (such as the multiple powers that can be used by a ghost on a successful touch) that ability is activated by a successful unarmed strike from an opposing creature
I know my wording may suck slightly but what do you think of the above rules as house rules. And if I am wrong and have simply missed the correct rules can someone please direct me to the actual information that I should be referring to.

StreamOfTheSky |

Unless it states in the description that a creature attacking with X (whether it be unarmed, natural, non-reach, whatever X is specified to be) takes damage, they do not take damage from attacking such a creature. Just because a creature deals a certain kind of additional energy or spikes damage or whatever on its attacks does not necessarily mean creatures attacking it suffer this.

Ice Titan |

3. In exception to rule 2, if the ability is a touch attack from the creature (such as the multiple powers that can be used by a ghost on a successful touch) that ability is activated by a successful unarmed strike from an opposing creature
That's hideously rough.
A monk flurrying on a ghost at level 20... 20d6 damage. 7 attacks... 140d6 if the monk hits the ghost every time.
A monk flurrying a lich at level 13 has to make 5 saves versus Save or Die paralysis if they hit every time.
Stuff like that. It's just mean as hell.

Lobolusk |

There ar certian demons Balors? i think that have Acid skin that deals Acid damage, but besides that it is really up to you I remember that ooze, and i was swallowed whole by it and almost killed in 2 rounds.
EDIT: I was a unarmed fighter and several, of the monsters in that AP had mold, or Fire or Acid,
he made me wear gloves, to deal with it. if it make sense during the Encounter run with it., there is no hard and fast rule. but if a monk can punch chain mail, he probably can deal with a little acid splash.