Broken Towers (Inactive)

Game Master JonGarrett

The Glorious Website
Underground Fortress

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Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

"Sorry nothing, old man." Mihara smiles. "I should be thanking you for this," she explains, nodding towards her third tail as a means of explanation.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Upon entering the room, Selena runs up to Zhen and hugs him. "You don't have to feel sorry about anything, Grampa. We're okay." the half-succubus manages to say after a few moments of silence: she still isn't able, tough, to add 'But are you okay'?.
Unable to add anything else, Selena lets Zhen go, staring at the floor.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth rushes forward with Selena, hugging him around his neck. This time there is no jealousy or vying for attention. She nods in agreement with Selena. When she s done, she steps back and leans against the succubus, both looking for, and offering support wrapping an arm around the raven-haired girl's waist.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Aibek remained well back while following the others in with soft rolling footsteps into the room. Still mildly dazed and overwhelmed, Aibek merely gave the fainted nod to acknowledge the words Zhen Halfblood, the legend who was struggling to survive before their eyes, let alone anything else Aibek had long heard, has said.

Aibek stopped at the back edge of the group in the dimmest spot and stayed back, stayed quiet, feeling the desire to be as small as possible in a body that felt larger than ever. Aibek's body felt well as Zhen described, though Aibek was unsure how these doctors would know the health of a witchwolf let alone a shadow creature one, but inside was clouded, small, and feeling unworthy. Aibek felt the most the witchwolf could do was be quiet, out of the way, to not take up any space or time from those truly wanted by and close to Zhen Halfblood - not the random whelp of long ago friend who just happened to read the letter first and take a muddled chance.

Aibek just watched in silence with soft dark eyes, trying not to look at anyone directly, and usual measured mixed expression, feeling very heavily grounded to the floor at that moment but wanting to remain out of the way of the others.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

With Selena and Ayreth occupying the old Zhen, Mihara opts to stand back as well. She slowly edges over to stand close to Aibek, whispering a few rods.

"You too, huh?" she asks, letting context speak for her.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum followed along without a word. At the sight of the fallen warrior again his pity is invoked on the unfairness of it all. To die fighting or hold true to some course was one thing but to fade away from old age or some cowards curse was far to shameful. He would remember to make those responsible pay in the worst way, their end would not be quick.

"You can not be blamed for what you did not know. It is pointless to say otherwise and unnecessary."

As far as he was concerned, he had only been forced into long rest and marked with some symbols. Hardly anything to be concerned about.

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

Sorry for the delay. I've not been too well. You may notice this happens to me a lot.

Zhen nodded. "Well, you all seem well enough. That's something. That's enough. I don't want to see any you hurt because of this. But...I feel it's more important than one old man's revenge. Kira and Kharl informed me of what was said and done at the temple. To use such resources...still, our enemies have tipped there hands there. Hopefully you will all be prepared for such tricks now."

The big Half-Orc sighed. "Time is not on my side, so let us get the business out of the way. A ship is ready and waiting, with provisions and such, at the docks. Once you take control of Khalharum send word and more people and supplies will be sent so you can start building. What you do, exactly, will be up to you, but I suggest a certain focus on trade and defense. You are in the perfect place for trade if you can keep merchants safe...and as to defense, well, Solku is close by."

Zhen made a face. "Vile place. I should have burned it. Your enemy will be near by, and will probably use Solku, so keep one eye on that place. My people will also lend aid when they can, but...well, I have other obligations."

Leaning back, the old man asked, "Now, any questions?"

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I think you mean Okeno right?

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Probably. Not kidding about not being well.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

"It sounds like you've gotten pretty much everything in order, actually." Azri said, smiling slightly. "Rest assured that I plan to give plenty of... incentive... for others to not bother those you've entrusted to us." And oh, did she have plans for those who would threaten the city she was working to rebuild. While her own feelings headed for the use of magic, she had no intention of creating a simple group of tower intellectuals who never actually did something with their magic. She planned to make it clear from the start that those who came to learn had a duty to use their abilities in defense of the city. It might take some time to really get it going, but... well, time was one thing she had plenty of.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

"I do wonder, Halfblood, do you know who it might be that wishes to see our taking of Khalharum delayed? Any foes, perhaps, who might profit from its current state? It would be good to know who we should expect to face." Mihara inquires.

"Beyond this, I have a request to make," she adds. "Is there someone in your entourage who might be able to get a message to Tien, and more specifically to the Moon's Whisper? I have much to tell my kin, part of which is urgent. I would be forever grateful."

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

"I have no idea." Zhen shrugged slightly. "Most of the people who wished me harm and had this kind of power are long dead or otherwise indisposed. But from what we have learned they have access to especially powerful poisons, can command some kind of devil judging by the fire based nature of the creature you faced and the Asmodean holy symbol it used as an anchor."

He considered the second for a moment. "I can have a Sending spell send to an agent closer to them. It'll still take a few days to reach them, but should reduce the time for the message to reach them. We can send several, to make it big enough."

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth's expression takes on a stoic quality as she calms. "It is time for haste considering the lengths to which our hidden enemy has gone to delay us." Ayreth grunts, seemingly agreeing with herself. Emmitt licks his paws and cleans his face.


Feel better soon.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Aibek eyes moved to Mihara's as she spoke. The witchwolf has a strong desire to pull back further, out of the way and out of notice, but also to respond. Lips slowly started to move, but Aibek could not will any words to come to mind or mouth. Mild relief as Zhen spoke again and pulled everyone's attention, including Aibek's, back to where Aibek thought it should be.

Listening, silent and still, and taking up as little of anyone else's time or space as possible, Aibek only gave the faintest of nods as Zhen spoke to show intentful listening, mild sparks to wide dark eyes as the thoughts of sending messages came to the forefront at the reminder of getting help for Kira if not connecting with home. Aibek wondered a moment which messengers Zhen Halfblood had found originally to go into werewolf territories....

Aibek resisted the strong desire to agree to haste. While feeling unworthy and out of place - and a great drive to find this enemy - Aibek did not want to push anyone who wanted more time to leave, it was unlikely to change what they all saw before them, nor dare to push Zhen away from the others whom he likely greatly cared for when this long task might mean...

Aibek glanced down briefly with jaw softly locked together, taking slow quiet breaths. When everyone else was ready, Aibek would follow and do what was needed, that was part of the piece Aibek has picked, and for now Aibek would wait, hold still, and give others the time needed.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Azri wasn't entirely confident of her ability to handle devils yet, but she had absolutely no intention of remaining so weak forever. "One way or another, we'll figure it out." Azri promised. She could probably try casting some divination spells once she got stronger, ideally to find out more about whoever she was targeting...

Yes, who she was targeting. She wasn't simply going to wait around forever - if she could find out who was trying to stop them, and be certain she had the resources necessary to take them down, she had every intention of being proactive. It would be a good message to everyone else, too - Khalharum would protect itself.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum tapped his still bare chest.

"Master Halfblood, could you have someone find out what all these symbols are for me. So far I only know of one and I would not like to draw inaccurate conclusions. As for the city we are to claim."

He shifts Tsui into view.

"Trade is not my specialty, I do not play such games as merchants do. As well, my idea of defense is a strong offensive aspect. Leave me some warriors and I can make them stronger with the discipline of my people. Sadly my skills are all that I can offer to that city."

He thinks for a moment more.

"Perhaps not. Could you get a Xtabay clipping?

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Get better soon Overlord!

Staring at the floor, Selena is at first a little surprised by Ayreth, but then she leans back too on the white-haired woman. "Thanks." she says to Ayreth, smiling faintly.
I guess she's family too, uh?

As Okeno, the devil controlling Redemption, and the ones that poisoned Zhen are mentioned, the half-succubus visibly grows more and more enraged. For a while she only stays silent, clenching her fists, as a faint wasp's buzzing sound hums from the symbol on the back of her hand.
"Let them come. Slavers, devils, and whatever else they want to throw at us: it won't make a difference. We will wipe them out. I will wipe them out. I will personally chase them over all the Inner Sea if necessary: I won't stop until I've broken each of their bones and ripped their guts out with my bare hands-".
Selena stops as she realizes what she's saying, scared by her own voice. Going back staring at her feet, she adds weakly "Let's just go as soon as possible..."

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

Welp, dizziness and hallucinations don't make good posts. GM be trippin'!

Zhen nodded. "The Dragonic one is Sovereign, the Ignan Underworld and the Terran is forest. We can find someone to translate the other two easily enough, I'm sure. As for an Xtabay cutting...I don't know. I'll make inquires. Or at least tell someone to do so. Although I cannot imagine why you would want one - as I understand they are carnivorous plants.

Zhen smiled at Serena. "You are by nature one of the Savored Sting's chosen. Use that anger, as I did when I was young...but remember to listen to wisdom as well, my dear."

Zhen glanced around. "If that is all, shall we say our goodbyes? As many of you have noted, we have not the time for long goodbyes."

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I see you got the good stuff. Just kidding. xP

He went through the new symbols in his mind, he thought their was some connection but it was escaping him at the moment. When Zhen speaks on the plant he requested.

"Indeed they are. But it is their method of hunting that is of interest. They give off a pollen that causes one to sleep, normally ignoring those unaffected. They have been known to be used as barriers and nonlethal guardians. If you catch their victims fast enough at least. If cultivated properly they are both pleasing to the senses and a unexpected defense to outsiders."

He had hunted down one mad druid that surrounded his home in deadly plants. He had considered the assassin vine but they were to aggressive and he had no desire to try and raise any of those alone. He had neck pains for weeks because of them and that druid.

"You have my thanks Master Halfblood."

He waited for the others.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Hallucinations? D:
Selena raises her head when Zhen speaks to her. "I will." she nods, trying to draw a smile.

The half-succubus listens with interest at Nigrum talking of killer flowers. "That sounds amazing! I want those! But...won't they be dangerous to us, too?" she asks with interest.
Well, I had heard once of a giant flower that eats people alive after luring them by turning into a naked woman.
Ah, the beauties of nature!


When the others are ready, Selena will leave with them, not before hugging Zhen one last time.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

"Indeed not. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can get revenge for you." Azri said, smiling slightly as she turned to go. She... wasn't very good with goodbyes. Instead, she quietly began gathering her things, heading out to the front gates once she was certain she had everything needed for the journey. Fortunately, the lack of needing to eat meant she didn't need much in the way of supplies, though she did grab the tools for her craft as she pondered what she could do.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

At Selena's question he shakes his head.

"It's only dangerous if you don't know about them or are unprepared. There are a number of counter measures to keep us safe, the most obvious is to stay out of their range. Alchemist use xtabay pollen as a common ingredient in sleep powders and such. That is also why they have a number of ways to safely harvest it."

Some used mask so they would not breath it in, alchemical antidotes, and others relied on the strength of their own body. That last one had been his answer when he had encountered them himself. But he would not wish to rely on it, one xtabay's pollen may not be as potent as the next.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth squeezes Selena's arm again before tentatively stepping forward. She holds up her marked palm to her grandfather Zhen. "I could... I mean, we... err,that is... you could become a Rider. Just like he did." she offers. Several of the stars in the galaxy mark slowly twinkle.


Overlord or Kn: Religion(DC20):
Ayreth is offering to take on Zhen's spirit as a Rider, a spirit that would haunt her.

Haunted Ones link.

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

Zhen looked down and paused, considering, before shaking his head. "You have quite enough to deal with, and while continuing on with life has it's appeal my story is done now. That's no bad thing. I haven't accomplished everything I wished, seen everything I could have, but I am proud of what I have done. And I proud of those that come after me."

Laying down on his bed, Zhen sighed slightly. "I am told I will not live out the night. So thank you all. If it brings you peace then know that there isn't any pain now. I am simply tired. I wish to sleep, now, and see those who have gone before me. And if you ever have a need, a true need, well...I will be around. Goodbye. Go now, with my love and blessings."

The old Half-Orc sighed and closed his eyes.

Feel free to post reactions and such. One you're ready IC head down to the Lady Wave

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth leans down and kisses Zhen's cheek. "Thank you for everything," she whispers before standing up and moving out of the way for others to say their final goodbyes. Her shoulders shake and her eyes are wet as she makes her way to the door.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Hope you feel better soon, Jon.

"Farewell, old man." Mihara says solemnly. "May you find peace and joy where you are ascending to. If you happen to meet him, please give Father my regards."

Having said her piece, Mihara steps away, opting to leave those closer to the old Zhen than herself to their goodbyes. To distract herself, she turns to thinking of the message to send home. She had heard of the limits of a magical sending before; such messages were sometimes sent to the Moon's Whisper from the mainland.

After some thought, she eventually settled on her final message, commiting it to memory:

Mihara. Arrived safely. Zhen dying. Given quest: rebuild ancient city. Staying long time. Artifact gave third tail, Saroku stripes. Confused. Hakeru safe? How everyone? Love.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

"No..." a whisper barely escapes Selena, the half-succubus's eyes starting to water. With shaky steps, she manages to make her way next to the half-orc, getting on her knees and hugging him.
"Goodbye, grampa..." Selena whispers after kissing him on the cheek, as tears started to blur her vision.
What...what should I do? Is this really the last time I'll be seeing grampa? I...I...

After what it feels like an eternity, Selena stands up again. Walking toward the door, she feels her legs getting heavier and heavier. She tries to take a deep breath to calm down, but the half-fiend manages only to sob. Feeling as the very ground beneath her feet was crumbling, she reaches for Ayreth's blurred outline's hand, squeezing it softly. Catching a glimpse of the white-haired woman's face only makes Selena worse, seeing the reflection of her own emotions.

Like Ayreth did before for her, Selena hugs the oracle tightly, looking for and offering support.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Azri quietly pulled her hood up, shrouding her face as she waited by the entrance. She... didn't really feel like showing anyone else her expression right now, as she grieved in her own way. She'd always been a bit of a forward-looker, though - and in her current state, she saw no reason to change that. Don't spend time being sad... instead, change the world to how you want it to be.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth grips Selena in return, offering what strength she can at this time. Emmitt even pops his head out to rub against her cheek. Ayreth says quietly, "It is small comfort now, but in the future, remember that he goes peacefully."

Rubbing the succubus' back, she says much more fiercely, "And now we go to visit justice upon those who did this evil." Several of Ayreth's tears fall on Selena's shoulder.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Her face still buried in Ayreth's shoulder, Selena nods vigorously when the oracle speaks. " Yes, we will." she replies, hugging the white-haired woman tighter.
Even if the tears weren't stopping, Ayreth's warmth and words calmed her a little.

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

Unless anyone has other business to attend to, in which case do the usual two timezone posts, we shall continue.

Time passed, given those who needed it time to recover there emotions and pack there belongings. Messages and instructions are sent through the household of Zhen Halfblood as the Half-Orc finalizes requests and makes last minute arrangements.

With the setting sun comes the journey down to the docks. As one would expect of Khatapesh the docks are a hive of activity. Ships of all sizes from most lands line the wharf, and the market for seafood minutes from the sea means stalls and hawkers wherever there is space.

Of course, the darker side of Khatapesh rears it's head here too. Slaves work the yards, scrapping the hulls of ships or running errands with the brand or tattoo of there master displayed. Futher away, about as far as you could get, private quays with the yellow masted ships of Okeno's Fleshfairs unload there latest catch.

Your ship is a medium clipper, a fast ship made of well aged oak and painted dark blue to protect from the water. What exposed wood you can see is varnished and polished to a shine. The men and women of her crew move with speed, efficiency and a banter that would make many people blush.

In the midst of the organized Chaos stands a heavy set drwaf, his flaming red beard reaching to his waist and plaited in an intricate pattern with infinite care. The butts of two huge pistols stick out from the holsters on his waist.

He glances over to you at your approach. "What can I be doing for you?"

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth stays close to Selena as the group moves towards the docks, sometimes just reaching out with a hand. Whether seeking or offering comfort, it is not clear, perhaps both. What does become clear is Ayreth's distaste for slavery, evident by her expression. "Freedom is everything. No one should be trapped by another," she says quietly to no one in particular.

At the ship, Ayreth steps forward, using the huge unstrung bow as a walking stick. "I am Ayreth Bloodmoon. We seek the captain of the ship, or the quartermaster, on behalf of Zhen Halfblood. Our business will be known to such."


Is the name of the ship visible? Did Grimrod lead us here, or someone else?

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Little retcon

At Zhen's passing, Nigrum raises his own hood over his head. Only his strange eyes clearly seen in shadow. He draws great Tsui and brings the blade down, it slides with almost unnerving ease into the very stone floor before Nigrum, until it's hilt stands at his waist level. Placing both hands atop each other he speaks in the language of his people.


"While your death was brought in shame, your honor remains whole. May your rewards be deserving of you, your will be done in those who you placed your trust in. By my honor as a swordsman and before all who hear me. This I vow, your enemy will fall. The final gift that can be given."

A pulse of unseen but felt energy radiates from Nigrum. After a moment he pulls out Tsui from the stone's embrace and sheaths it. The first time anyone has seen him do so without blood or an enemies destruction touching the blade.

Feel free to open the spoiler regardless of language known, Nigrum used protection from evil without knowing. ;)

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Azri quietly followed Ayreth - with her hood down. Very few people would realize she wasn't living, given how lively her flesh looked (and she certainly didn't mind that!), but more to the point, most men saw women as less than threatening... and she was happy to contribute to making a friendlier impression. For now, she kept quiet, content to let the others talk.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Am I to assume Mihara's Sending was sent?

Mihara follows closely in human form, taking in the unfamiliar sights. As the party comes to the uglier sides of the city, Mihara finds herself drifting towards Ayreth, Selena, and Azri's huddle.

"Are... such things widespread in these western lands?" She asks, whispering.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Docks: Before ship

"All too often, Mihara. Khalharum will not be so," Ayreth says with conviction. She looks to the others for confirmation that they feel similarly..

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

He did not approve of slavery, no such thing existed among his people. But many confused service with slavery and that distinction did mean a lot.

"Perhaps they are serfs or indentured servants. If they are true slaves then it is regrettable."

Katapesh had plenty of slaves, but they would have none if every slave refused to submit. If every slave murdered their would be masters or died in the process, slavery would be pointless in itself. Magical forms of forced servitude were costly and uncommon, going against the principle of slavery. Some people simply choose to be conquered rather then death. That was something he could not understand.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Before the ship
Staying close to Ayreth and squeezing her hand when she reaches out to hers, Selena sneers when they enter the docks area. "Well said." she nods to her white-haired relative. "Seeing things like this disgusts me. Even if here it's not as bad as the Slave Pits at home, we'll be seeing the worst of the worst, with Khalharum being so close to Okeno."

"When you are in places like this, foxy, look straight in front of you, keep your pace, and don't make eye contact." Selena winces, thinking of the Puddles. "I would like to avoid for Khalharum to develop a place such as this, yes. We'll just have to avoid leaving a part of the city to itself, nipping the problem in the bud."

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

As she traverses the densely populated area, the kitsune seems to be quite intent on taking in the sights. Closer observation reveals that she's looking at the people walking about. Someone with knowledge of the Kitsune would soon realise that she is 'collecting faces'; commiting visages and forms to memory for later use.

"I doubt serfs would be branded like cattle." Mihara replies to Nigrum.

She then nods silently to Selena's advice.

It's a shame we can't do much to help these people. Let us hope Khalharum can rise above this and show the example.

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

You are currently on your own, as Zhen's household prepares for him finally slipping away. The ships name is painted on the side in a lavish hand, the Lady Wave

The Dwarf nodded to Ayreth. "I do be Captain Whitebard, in service to the House of Halfblood for this particular moment. We have been awaiting your visitation. Once you are stowed we should be ready to depart within one hour."

The Captain gestures to the ship. "You all be welcome aboard the Lady Wave. She is one of the fastest cargo-carrying vessels in any sea, as you shall see. I will have you at yon city in five days and nights. Mind, you may not remember all the nights - I have a fine cellar for a ship."

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

"Thank you very much," Mihara replies, bowing in respect to the captain. "She is a very fine ship indeed."

Mihara waits as her companions get a chance to greet the captain as well, and allows herself to be led to the party's quarters.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth smiles at the obvious pride in the Captain's voice, her grief lifted for a moment. "Many thanks, Captain. A fine lady, and well-loved, by the looks of it. Permission to come aboard?"

Assuming it is granted, Ayreth will step aside so that everyone can board before her. Her smile fades as she looks back to Katapesh for a long moment. Emmitt nips her on the neck when the moment lasts just a little too long. Shocked out of her reverie, she walks up the gangplank to board, smiling once again.

Once on board, she will approach the captain. "As I said, Captain, I am Ayreth. These are my companions..." Ayreth will introduce each person, first-name only. Before offering their names, she gives each a chance to give any non-verbal cues that they don't want their real names given.


Just double-checking because he's a dwarf: Whitebard or Whitebeard?

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Azri blinked at the mention of alcohol, filing a mental note on the subject for later consideration, even as she walked onto the ship and looked around. She wasn't scared of drowning - that was hard to do when you didn't need to breathe - but it would be rather inconvenient to walk to their destination, regardless of how confident she was that she'd eventually get there. "Are there any dangers on the waterway we should be aware of?" she inquired. "We can probably help defend your vessel if necessary, but I'd like a little time to prepare for any problems you think we're likely to face."

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Selena nods and smiles when Ayreth introduces her. While in other circumstances she would have rushed to the cellar to check if there were anything good, the half-succubus wasn't in the mood for drinking for obvious reasons.

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

"Mostly those," Whitebeard pointed towards the yellow sailed boats. "They're vicious and fast like a pike. They sometimes like live prey, oh but they do, but between your fine selves and my own crew and guns we shall teach them a lesson or two."

He consulted the ledged in his hands. "Now, the Halfblood be hiring the Lady Wave on the basis of transporting yourselves, five horses, a...hippogriff?" the Dwarf titled his head little. "Well, we've set up something on the foredeck. Is there any other effect you be bringing, or shall you be wanting to see your rooms?"

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

"My only things are those I'm carrying." Azri said. That was mostly just repeating the obvious, but it was always best to be clear when dealing with any kind of merchant. With that, she stepped a little ways to the side, providing a visual (as well as verbal) indicator that she was done and ready to go. Best to keep things easy for others, yeah?

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

"No, I'm fine." Selena adds quietly, waiting to be showed to her room.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

The hippogriff is Alerdene, Nigrum's mount. Our characters have seen her while riding to the temple, though it hadn't been made a big deal of yet.

Mihara joined Azri. "Much the same. I have everything I need here."

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

"Aye, captain. I believe we are ready. Our time here is at an end.," Ayreth says caustically.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum spares a glance at the yellow sails. Gnolls come to mind. He had been offered jobs by slavers, he refused them all. He did not capture slaves, he captured and more often killed the dishonorable. An escaped slave deserved their freedom by his thinking and the gnolls never pressed him the way they did just about everyone else. He did not know if it was due to his reputation or strength, he had heard gnolls respect only what can cause them fear and overpower them. Then he may have their respect, not that he cared for it. He brings his attention back to the captain.

"I carry most of my things, the rest is with Alerdene. I will check on her shortly. Best keep her well feed or she may eat the horses."

With that he climbs on board. Taking only the time needed to find out the location of his quarters before visiting his mount.

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