Gate and the missing text?

Rules Questions

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata.
Ashiel wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

That is not what I mean. The gate rules say you get to control an outsider, but for longer service you have to bargain with it.

My question is if you are not trying to get a longer form of service how long do you get to control the outsider?


If you choose to call a kind of creature instead of a known individual, you may call either a single creature or several creatures. In either case, their total HD cannot exceed twice your caster level. In the case of a single creature, you can control it if its HD does not exceed your caster level. A creature with more HD than your caster level can't be controlled. Deities and unique beings cannot be controlled in any event. An uncontrolled being acts as it pleases, making the calling of such creatures rather dangerous. An uncontrolled being may return to its home plane at any time.

If you choose to exact a longer or more involved form of service from a called creature, you must offer some fair trade in return for that service.

Well there seems to be a paragraph of text missing from the PF version of gate that specifically covered that, which is one of the reasons the Paizo version doesn't read correctly. In the same subrules for the calling of creatures, the 3.x version of haste says the following:

SRD-Gate wrote:
A controlled creature can be commanded to perform a service for you. Such services fall into two categories: immediate tasks and contractual service. Fighting for you in a single battle or taking any other actions that can be accomplished within 1 round per caster level counts as an immediate task; you need not make any agreement or pay any reward for the creature’s help. The creature departs at the end of the spell.
This would be after sacrificing the 10,000 gp in offerings, by the way. For some reason this text is absent in the PF Gate, despite the fact the text in PF gate references it.

How long do I get to control a creature since the 3.5 SRD text was removed?

FAQ please.

It says in the Duration line:

instantaneous or concentration (up to 1 round/level)

So I'd say the control lasts concentration (up to 1 round/level). I guess you could make the case that the concentration duration only applies to the portal form; I never thought about it before.

That is in the section for keeping the gate open, just like it was in the 3.5 text for the purpose of traveling through it.

necro thread, it says that this question was answered in the errata, where can I find it?

Errata should already be applied to the PRD. So whomever made that notation on the OP seems to be wrong or misunderstanding the question. Although it is not unheard of for errata to not make it into the PRD. Such as all divine casters (not just clerics written before) being allowed to leave spell slots empty to fill later in the day, which shows up in my printed 6th edition CRB but not the PRD.

cast Thread Reanimation

Searching in the messageboards I wasn't able to find a satisfying answer to the OP question (BTW is have been asked many times) or even better a FAQ or an Errata which is not the case as someone marked in the OP post, and given this thread was the most recent I considered best to continue here instead of opening a new one.

My interpretation is as follow:

- The duration of Gate when used to call a creature is instantaneous.
- If you call a single creature whose HD are no bigger than your CL is under your control.
- Creatures under your control not require a payment for their services, the payment for services only apply to creatures called who are not under your control.
- The duration for the control is the same as the calling, which is instantaneous.

Now I know my interpretation can seems too lenient but by RAW that is what I get. It will be most preferable to get a FAQ, actually I found this as a missing opportunity to not have been covered in Monster Summoners Handbook, perhaps word count didn't allow it. Also if this have been given an official answered please post the link.


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