Danse Macabre

Nessus_9th's page

162 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Dr Styx wrote:
Looking at other water ships, top Acceleration is 30ft and top speed for a Large Ship is also 30ft. For a “bit larger” Ship top speed could be upto the low end for a Colossal Ship witch range from 60ft to 180ft.

By: a bit larger, I meant gargantuan instead of large.


Hello all, I am trying to figure out what would be a good speed for a ship, in this case it is like a Ship's Boat but a bit larger, with an engine, like 1920's tech.
The normal speed is 30ft with both propulsion methods and acceleration of 30ft.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Wow thanks everyone I was not expecting so many good responses!
The articles were especially useful in shaping the how I was going to go about the investigation, I kinda knew what I wanted to do with it but not how.
I have yet to read up on UI's advice but I will tomorrow.

I am GM'ing an Ocean's eleven (heists and bank jobs) type campaign set in the 1920's, one of the player's associate has died under dubious circumstances and now they will have to investigate and CSI their way to finding out who dunnit.

I was thinking of having them roll various skill checks to have them find clues (like a heal check to determine the cause/time of death, a perception check to see a bullet hole in a window pane... that sort of thing) followed by a chase scene to apprehend a likely suspect and a fight at the end.

Does anyone have any ideas about clues associated with a skill check i could give the players

you are correct darksol i specialize in illusions, nice ideas btw. i am looking into it as we speak! keep em coming

I am playing a oceans eleven type campaign (heists and such) and I am at a loss for ideas for a feat. I am a halfling lv.3 rogue/lv.2 wizard. I have taken the pass for human and child like feats to impersonate a human child when necessary. I know about skill foci and deceitful etc. so you might as well leave them out. There is little to no fighting in this campaign so I am not looking for those types of feats either. If there is anything your rogues (or roguish mages) have taken that might be useful it would be a great help. Thanks in advance!

thanks guys, LOVE the death from above
keep em coming!

I know of the spear dancer feats, but are there any others? I am playing a final fantasy D20 pathfinder with my friends soon and I would like to play a dragoon (jumping spear wielder). I am thinking of power attack, furious focus, lunge, stand still, combat reflexes... but these are generic feats that can be applied to almost anything, I am looking for spear specific feats. This is the class: Dragoon and the archetype Skylancer . If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
Is there any RAW way to set up your armor etc to do a point of damage to you should you fall asleep?

No, not that I know of

Diego Rossi wrote:
PRD wrote:
Calling: A calling spell transports a creature from another plane to the plane you are on. The spell grants the creature the one-time ability to return to its plane of origin, although the spell may limit the circumstances under which this is possible. Creatures who are called actually die when they are killed; they do not disappear and reform, as do those brought by a summoning spell (see below). The duration of a calling spell is instantaneous, which means that the called creature can't be dispelled.
The called creature get a a return ticket when it is called by the spell.

Fair play on that one, I had not seen that part of the conjuration description, nice catch.

Diego Rossi wrote:
"You can call twice your HD" is a minor improvement upon "8/12/18 HD" for you?

If it means I will have no control over his decisions and actions once he is on my plane and it costs 10,000gp to have him say no to me, then yes it is a minor improvement. I would much rather have an 18 HD creature be "forced" to do what I want than pay 10,000 gp to have a 25 HD creature tell me to go F myself, especially for a lv.9 spell

Diego Rossi wrote:
Longer than what? The only time limit is the "(up to 1 round/level)" part in the duration.

I agree with your question, longer than what indeed, because the only other time limit the spell talks about is concentration up to 1 round/level which is referenced as being part of the "plane shift" aspect of the spell, not the calling part. This is another poorly worded part of the spell.

"CampinCarl9127 wrote:
How about no. GM discretion is absolutely fine. It's one of the best tools of the game. Extrapolating and interpreting if a massive path of Pathfinder, like it or not. If you consider that ridiculous, then I would suggest playing a simpler system.

While what you say is true, you cannot deny the fact that some spells are -- how should I put this -- better worded and more concise than others which is why they come out with erratas and rule question forums and FAQ sections and so on and so forth, and in no way is that a bash on GM's discretion which is fine as you say, but when a spell is not worded/balanced/understood correctly it leads to confusion and correction. Gate is one such example, one that has not properly addressed imho. I understand and share your view on Extrapolating and interpreting, however there is a certain give and take on that front which is why RAW and RAI exist as 2 separate entities. What makes role-play games so good is that there is a fine balance between DM discretion and written rules, to suggest that me making a point about an unclear spell was meant as DM discretion as a whole is what is truly ridiculous.

As for your explanation about the spell (the 2nd post) I loved it, as a GM that is the kind of stuff I would do as well. That being said this question was about the clarification of the hazy rules surrounding Gate.

Crimeo wrote:
2) You promise 3 day's pay for 3 day's work, and your CL is 3 or greater.

If I am in control of the creature, can't I require that he will demand no payment?

Crimeo wrote:
5) You now keep controlling it in every respect other than its ability to go back to its own plane at any time.

It does not state in the spell that it is teleported back to its own plane, only that it is "freed" to do so, does that mean that if it has no way of planar travel that I maintain control of it and can demand it do more services?

this is what I mean with gate, the wording way to vague, they were super thorough with magic jar (1 and a half pages worth of thoroughness) but with gate it seems that the devs just said "f&#$ it, they'll figure it out" I would like to get a big discussion going about this with hundreds of posts to try and get the dev's attention on this poorly made spell, as it stands now this spell is like 75% DM's discretion because you have to extrapolate and interpretate, guess and discuss, deduce and compare... it is ridiculous.

well it would appear that it has not been answered because I looked it up and its not there...Gate really needs an overhaul because it is the most vaguely worded spell ever, there are so many questions abut how it works it is ridiculous

When you say

Crimeo wrote:
And the longest provided category for service = 1 day.

where do you get this info? If it is from lesser planar ally then it should be 1 day per caster level I understand the category part of what you are saying, however, how do you equate the category of the services (i.e. 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day) to the actual control of the creature, no where does it specify the length of the control, only "upon completion of the service it is free to return to its plane". Even if you were saying that the max time you have control over a creature is the same as the services part of lesser planar ally it should be 1 day/caster level...before it is free to return to it's plane.

My group is looking to start a P6 game, is the abridged version the only one available? What about the P6: apocrypha? Where can I find the complete rules on both mods? Where can I donate to the cause? Do I have to buy the books or are they free to download? I'm very interested in this and wish to know more about it!

I have several questions about gate but I cant find much answers, except in this thread where the question was FAQ'd and it says "answered in the errata". Problem is, I cant find the damn thing, please someone help.

necro thread, it says that this question was answered in the errata, where can I find it?

Crimeo wrote:
2. How long does it last? There does not appear to have any time limit on the creature who is called.

The gate pull is instantaneous and then they are on your plane now permanently until they travel back.

Uncontrolled generic creature (overly high HD) OR any specific individual of ANY HD - it now runs around on your plane and does whatever it likes as long as it likes and goes back whenever it likes. It could stay and roam for 100 years if it wants.

You can also try to hire it to do stuff using the rates in lesser planar ally, but it wouldn't have to accept the deal.

Controlled generic creature - you control it forever, except in one important regard, which is that you do not control when it can go back to its home plane after completing any services you hire it for (before that you do). For services, the text refers you to lesser planar ally, which says anything hazardous up to 1 minute is 100gp/HD, etc. etc. Since there is no category for "longer than 1 day" in lesser planar ally, the maximum duration would therefore be 1 day for FULLY controlling a creature.

After services rendered, it says it is "freed to return to its own plane" so presumably you still control it in every sense EXCEPT when it returns to its own plane, which it will probably almost always decide to do immediately. I'm not sure what would happen if it didn't want to -- could you still make it? Seems unclear. But not really very important, because even if it refuses, you could just say "okay go hide under that rock forever then" and it would have to do so until it gave up and decided to return to its own plane.

3. If it is under my control and is there is no time limit could I technically not pay it anything and have it work for me for thousands of years?
No, you can only pay for services taking up to 1 day, and after that it gains its freedom of choice for when to return home. See above. And if you don't pay after the agreed time (max 1 day), you become a slave of its god or...

Where does it state that you have control over it for 1 day, if you are referring to lesser planar ally it says 1 day/caster level but even then, it is only a guideline for rewards, nothing else. I understand that you are trying to help me, but what I need is not your/someone's interpretation of the spell, what I need is RAW, which is why I posted it in "Rules Questions".

God I hate this spell, it has some of the vaguest wording of any spell. Is there an FAQ on it or an errata because this is ridiculous... It might as well be " Do whatever or, like, have control over something for a time but... you know... you gotta pay it a bit or something or like they will be mad and s$&~"

Diego Rossi wrote:

The Gate spell has a duration, see above.

The instantaneous part is only for the "pull" a creature part. Ir reference planar ally for reasonable reward (and that implies that you reference it for appropriate tasks too).

The duration you are referring to is for the teleportation aspect, there is apparently no duration on the calling effect, it says to see lesser planar ally for appropriate rewards, and thus, the tasks linked to them but it appears to be meant as a guideline.

Furthermore, how long does the "control" aspect last? If I have total control over a creature then there should be no need to reward them for their service right?
According to your logic gate is a very minor improvement on planar ally except it costs 10,000gp right off the bat? for a 9th level spell? To me this makes no sense.

Avh wrote:

You first call one or several outsiders, costing you 10000gp. You control them for 1 round/level for free.

Beyond that, you need to bargain with it/them as with lesser planar ally.
The maximum duration you can have one outsider with you is 1 day/level.

Is that an assumption on your part or is it RAW? (RAI or RAW) because I see nothing in the gate spell that lets me control it for 1 round/level and nothing stating that there is any max duration whatsoever, furthermore if there was such restrictions it would hardly be worthy of a 9th level spell when you could do basically the same thing without paying an extra 10,000gp with greater planar binding (granted there are a couple of differences between the 2 but nothing worth 10,000gp)

Avh wrote:
Nessus_9th wrote:
At lv. 19 a summoner acquires the gate spell as a spell like ability. Since a spell like ability does not require material components am I right in assuming that the summoner would waive the 10,000 gp cost of calling a creature?
Summon Monster I (Sp): Starting at 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, he can expend uses of this ability to fufill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.
Yes, you have to pay the 10000gp.

I was not aware of that, nice catch. I added a couple of questions though, i was too hasty in my earlier posting

I have a couple of questions about the gate spell, more specifically the calling creatures aspect.

1. Since a spell like ability does not require material components am I right in assuming that a spell like ability would waive the 10,000 gp cost of calling a creature?

2. How long does it last? There does not appear to have any time limit on the creature who is called.

3. If it is under my control and is there is no time limit could I technically not pay it anything and have it work for me for thousands of years?

thanks in advance

necro thread the link seems dead

Kalindlara wrote:

Sorry - the post you were responding to said "arcane caster". The warpriest could be VMC'd, though. Unlikely, but possible.

A warpriest could use it to fervor herself some healing or activate sacred weapon.

makes sense and is useful anyway you split it, the warpriest is one of the most swift action starved classes anyhow

Korak The Boisterous wrote:
Nessus_9th wrote:
making someone swallow a fireball bead
I assume you refer to delayed burst fireball. On that note how about the campfire bead? Easily affordable to any smalll kingdom.

I was indeed refering to delayed blast fireball, I am not familiar with the campfire bead though? I assume that it is a campfire in a bead?

I made a vishkanya bolt ace with a double crossbow with sleep venom, ability focus (+2 DC poison) feats, which means that, given enough time, he poisons all his bolts and shoots 2 at a time (double xbow). the poison is at +4 DC of what it should be and is free (vishkanyas produce their own poison doses once per constitution score/day). Plus vital strike, deadly aim, improved critical and all the archer requisite feats.

That gives us 1 ranged touch attack for 4d8 + deadly aim and 2d4 acid or fire (acid/fire bolts) + DC 21 fort or staggered and then unconscious by the poison + crit 17-20 each round. I have not played this char yet I made him as a cohort for my summoner, I hope I gave you an idea or two.

TimD wrote:

What era of FR are you running in?

In 1E or 2E (I can't recall which) there was a whole series of modules that took place in that area as well as the Bloodstone Lands book.

It's a really weird area because the Bloodstone Lands were heavily ret conned. If I recall correctly, it was originally invented for the Battlesystem™ Game TSR did and then briefly was used for the area surrounding the Salvatore books before finally being moved to its current location (though strangely, Salvatore later wrote a book about some of the villains going to that area, I think even though it's no where near Icewind Dale).

Vaasa and Damara were intentionally made to be aggressive towards each other and are something of opposites. If working on something in Vaasa, I'd make sure you don't have anything too similar in Damara.

For background stuff, assuming they're still around you could have some conflicts between the Spysong Network and Citadel of Assassins (or their successors) as well as those who are seeking (or have found) some aspect of the Witch-King Zhengyi's magics.

Hope that helps.


nice to see another realms-o-phile, I am setting it in 1374 DR (16 years after the time of troubles, towards the end of the 3.5 FR) I already have the factions and powers fleshed-out as well as all the backround stuff. The citadel of assassins are basically the remnants of the cult of orcus and the church of kiaransalee seeks to destroy them. The zhentarim opposes the rising power of the warlock knights. I am a big R.A.S. fan and have read all his FR books (and some from other settings). What I am really looking for is a cool idea for an evil-ish city, something original that the players can return to in the future to try and sort it out. thanks for the responses everyone

Otherwhere wrote:
Something that would help: knowing the level and party composition. Racial restrictions? Class/alignment restrictions?

party is lv.3

half-drow paladin of Illmater (FR god of mercy)
Dwarf hunter
human bard
oread war priest (I dont know of which god because he just made this char, his old char died in the last game)

there are no racial, class or alignment restrictions. It is a frontier land, not many people live in Vaasa and those that do know how to fight, there are a lot of humans and dwarves, very little elves and small races. Bounty hunters from all over come to Vaasa to make it big, bounties are offered for the ears of monstrous races (orcs, goblins, gnolls, giants etc.) Hope this helps a bit and thanks for the excellent ideas everyone, keep em' comming!

now we're talking! I had to get salty for the ideas to come in lol

@rub-eta just to clarify I am not asking you to "make my game for me" but rather give me ideas (maybe cool towns and cities that you guys have seen in your games) to inspire the creative processes. That is why I was vague about what I wanted any idea is a good idea

-tying someone to the front of a canon and then shooting it

-burying someone up to their head and waiting for the tide to come in/slather honey on his face and wait for ants to eat it off

-using hot tongs to rip out someone's [insert various body part here]

-making someone swallow a fireball bead/acid/molten metal

-making someone choose between 2 horrible torture methods repeatedly (it's making the prisoner choose that is the real torture, if he refuses to choose then do both)

-making someone swallow caltrops then use a powerful magnet to get them back out again (not through the mouth if you know what I mean)

-tying someone in fine razor wire that cuts them if they move and casting irresistible dance on them

Green Smashomancer wrote:
Well, you may want to try the Houserules forum to start, I've flagged the thread to be moved there.

what does houserules have to do with anything? Is it because im not playing a PF adventure module? I'm asking for advice on a city I'm trying to make...

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond, I don't know how I'll be able to choose just one idea!

Seriously though if posts are not about unchained builds and pummeling style it's just not sexy enough to elicit a response... *sigh*

I'm currently running a game in Vaasa from the forgotten realms campaign setting and there is not much cannon about this region (which is why I chose it). It is a kind of land between Mongolian and Scottish cultural influences, the players are caravaneers tasked by their little hamlet to bring the year's goods to market in the neighboring land of Damara, they are about to pass Maur-Eturo, a city where 4 not oft used trade roads meet. I would like any cool city ideas you guys might have such as:

1.who rules the city?
2.what goes on within?
3.what kind of organizations live there?
4.what kind (if any) of gods a worshiped?
5.what kind of notable locations/NPCs are there?
6.any urban adventure rumors might the players hear about?

I already have a couple of ideas: A bleak city of little politics where slavers and bounty hunters thrive, the strong survive and the weak are enslaved or die (if they are lucky). I am not stuck on this however, if someone has something better then I would not mind changing my ideas on Maur-Eturo. I am open to all suggestions!

dot and thanks a lot, good work!

Numarak wrote:

I have to say, prior to answering, that this was not my former position about the subject of incorporeality, but after arguing with other, who are wiser than me, over it, my standing is like follows:

1) Yes. Being incorporeal is a bonus, such as being invisible, or being hasted, or whatever bonus you can imagine. As a bonus, and not specifically stated on the opposite, it can only give benefits. There are maybe few occasions where a bonus applies some kind of penalty, but in such cases, the penalty is specified on the rules. When not specified, and having two options, you must consider the most beneficial option for the target of the bonus.

2) I would say yes, although the summoned creatures won't be incorporeal if they wouldn't naturally be in other circumstances.

yes thats what I believe as well, and of course the summoned monsters would not be incorporeal since they do not have the shroud.


Pfsrd wrote:

Spectral Shroud: This thin, bleached cloth covers the wearer’s entire torso. Some also cover the wearer’s face, but don’t interfere with the wearer’s vision. The morbid burial shroud grants the wearer some affinity with the spectral dead.

The wearer can discern invisible or ethereal creatures as though using see invisibility. Once per day, the wearer can become incorporeal for 10 rounds and gain a fly speed equal to half his base speed with perfect maneuverability.The wearer can’t attack while incorporeal, but can dismiss the effect as a move action.

Pfsrd wrote:
An incorporeal creature has no physical body. It can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. It is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Even when hit by spells or magic weapons, it takes only half damage from a corporeal source (except for channel energy). Although it is not a magical attack, holy water can affect incorporeal undead. Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature. Force spells and effects, such as from a magic missile, affect an incorporeal creature normally.

I have a couple of questions about this:

1) Can the incorporeal character cast a spell normally against corporeal opponents or does the 50% miss chance apply to him? (I believe, since there is nothing stating the contrary, that it does not apply and the char can cast spells normally)

2) In the spectral shroud it states: "The wearer can not attack while incorporeal". Does this mean however that I can cast non aggressive spells like summon monster? (I believe so)

Any help with this would be appreciated
thanks all

Light Steps (Ex): At 6th level, a ninja learns to move while barely touching the surface underneath her. As a full-round action, she can move up to twice her speed, ignoring difficult terrain. While moving in this way, any surface will support her, no matter how much she weighs. This allows her to move across water, lava, or even the thinnest tree branches. She must end her move on a surface that can support her normally. She cannot move across air in this way, nor can she walk up walls or other vertical surfaces. When moving in this way, she does not take damage from surfaces or hazards that react to being touched, such as lava or caltrops, nor does she need to make Acrobatics checks to avoid falling on slippery or rough surfaces. Finally, when using light steps, the ninja ignores any mechanical traps that use a location-based trigger.

So no, I wouldn't think so.

Hmm. I guess there really isn't any way to make this kind of build... the closest thing would probably be a divination wizard with the scrying school and the infiltrator familiar archetype...

Eltacolibre wrote:

This build might help you:

I can see your future

It does all the scrying, augury and the likes you could ever need.

thanks for the build advice, however I dont think my GM will allow the harrower anyone got anything else?

Michael Talley 759 wrote:
well Extend Spell and Spell Focus (Divination), Persistent Spell might be useful for those rare spells of Divination that you want the enemy to fail, Still and Silent Spell as well to help keep anyone from noticing her doing the casting like her father.

Thanks for the tips, I'm looking for a build as well, as for her father not noticing... I'm not trying to make an exact replica of Barbara Gordon lol just a sort of felicity smoak type. (for Arrow fans) I'll link some info on her so people who dont know who this is can have a better idea. Basically someone who gives me a stream of information on the situation while I am in the field.

I am the leader of a guild of vigilantes and I have leadership. I want my cohort to be a sort of Oracle (as in Barbara Gordon, not the class) so I was thinking something like a diviner that scries on enemies and facilitates communication between members of the guild.
He/she will need to be good at:

- Scrying
- Divining
- Spying
- Communication
- Knowing what comes next
- Investigation

Has anyone made this kind of character?
What are it's strengths and limitations?
Is it a viable concept?

Any and all help is appreciated, I've seen some char concepts that were out of this world on these forums so I am appealing to all those inventive and creative players to help make something memorable.

Thanks in advance!

If this question intrigues you as it does me, please FAQ my original post so that we might eventually have dev's rule on this. thx but by all means continue the discussion.

Lincoln Cross wrote:
Just because they had it worded better in another location doesn't mean that's not whwhat they intended here.

Having something worded differently means it's different, what you are saying is akin to saying: spellcasting is worded differently in the wizard class than in the sorcerer class but it does not mean it's different.

Lincoln Cross wrote:

Look at the armor and the sword pictures in the legendary item section of mythic adventures. The sword drips with acid and the armor has wings. I don't know of a +1 option for armor to add wings. This tells me that they intended there to be many ways to customize your legendary item.

I want to make the most incredible suit of armor ever, and I think legendary armor is the way to do it.

How is that even an argument? The drawings might have nothing to do with the upgradable ability, it might just be to show the difference between a legendary item and a non legendary item, and anyways since when are we going on images to describe an ability?

As I have stated above, I believe that if they wanted it to be like an item creation feat they would have listed the feat you need to refer to, but they didn't, so obviously they meant it to be different

here is another example:

Crafting Mastery (Ex): You can craft any magic item as if you had the necessary item creation feats. If you actually have the item creation feat needed for a magic item you're crafting, whenever you attempt a skill check to create that item, roll twice and use the higher result, and you make twice as much progress on the item for any time spent. This ability does not reduce the item's cost or any other requirements.

Why don't they go into detail about what you can craft and give examples? Why do they do it for the upgradable ability ONLY?

bumping again

The Human Diversion wrote:
From the way I've read it, Mythic Upgradable Legendary Items work pretty much like normal magic items, except you don't need someone with craft magical arms and armor to make them - you just spend the gold and some time and it happens.

But if that was the case why wouldn't they just say:

You are treated as having the necessary magical crafting feat for your legendary item (craft wondrous item, craft wand, craft rod etc.) and it only takes 8 hours and half the price.

Why go through the examples of what you can upgrade when they don't even do that with the actual feat? The wording and the examples that are given lead me to believe it was not intended to be like craft wondrous item (for example) and let you just keep piling on abilities. Again, my only argument is that the wording is different from other abilities who emulate item creation feats. For example the scarred witch doctor's ability:

At 5th level, the scarred witch doctor gains the ability to add magical abilities to her mask as if she had the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

They don't give examples like upgrading a minor ring of inner fortitude.

Uwotm8 wrote:
What's the disagreement, exactly?

one of our players believes that he can put any ability (I.E. speed and such) and the GM believes that he can only upgrade it with +'s (or from flaming to flaming burst). Anyway I think we should FAQ this, alot of people have different opinions on the subject and it would be nice to have a definitive answer from the developers, being a myhtic ability however I dont think it will be a priority though :( Our GM ruled that it would work how he though it should, meaning that he can only apply +'s and the player in question was VERY unhappy with this.

I'll bump this because it is a big disagreement within our game and I would like to resolve it once and for all

happy boxing day!

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