Soulkeeper |

I am only asking to understand, not start a debate.
I did some searching but didn't find any thing specific to what I was seeking.
Is Monte still with Paizo and now also with Wizard's as well, or has he left here and gone there?
I'm a recent convert from 4E to Pathfinder, and was a 3.5E before that, so I'm only asking to understand. I still read a lot of the talk on 5E, which to me seems so much like a move back towards 3.x, but regardless, just asking.

Evil Lincoln |
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I don't think Mr. Cook was ever employed by Paizo except as an adventure writer and consultant during the design of PFRPG. Never a full-time gig though.
He's a prolific figure in the RPG world, and has his fingers in many pies, so to speak.
Try to avoid thinking of WotC and Paizo in adversarial terms — a lot of those people are still friends personally. It's quite possible to work with people from both companies. They're competing games, not mortal enemies. :)

CaptainJandor |

CaptainJandor wrote:The Vampires can be a useful tool to my own ends, but fight for them? My dear captain, that is beneath me.Evil Lincoln has it right :)
The question is, Evil Lincoln, do you fight the vampires or fight FOR the vampires?
I would expect nothing less, Mr. Evil Lincoln. :D