A Message for Joseph Caubo

Gamer Connection

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Joseph Caubo wrote:

Nikolai just got a whole lot harder to kill.

I cannot speak to the accusations of cowardice against Nikolai. Such allegations are without merit!

Is that going from "nearly impossible to keep alive" to "might die if an NPC sneezes too hard?"

FWIW, Joe, it won't be me or any of my NPCs who kill you. Your own party will betray you and deal you the first death of the evening. Guaranteed.

Silver Crusade

Kyle wasn't able to kill me directly either. He used a bunch of self centered characters to offer me as a sacrifice to a vudrani god during the scenario finale...

Directly or not, the result was still the same Mr. Luckett. You're just one of many VO's to cross over into the afterlife at my table.

The Exchange

My party won't betray Nikolai! We are a TEAM!

Silver Crusade

They will when the other option is a TPK.

All of us die or just the paladin...

The Exchange

Not a paladin! A cleric 8 / holy vindicator 7!

Shadow Lodge

I believe he was speaking of his own character's death at Kyle's hands.

Shadow Lodge

What is this garbage about Marius being too afraid to show up in Magnimar? Some lame excuse about spell research?

The Exchange

G*ddamn!! How many days now!?!

I entrust one of you many yahoos to get me details of the game. I've been following this thread for nearly 6 months. SIX MONTHS!!!

I don't know that I'm rooting for either side, but only that much fun/pain/suffering/stories are had.

Make it so!


The Exchange

Don't worry, chronicles of my survival will be told across the land.

3 days Caubo. 3 days.

The Exchange

Until your agony is finally realized? I know, I smell your fear too.

Scarab Sages

I'm rootin for you Joe! From the safety of my home in ATL but I'm still rootin for you Joe.

The Exchange

Thanks Bart!

Get ready, Kyle Baird.

Scarab Sages

Joseph Caubo wrote:

Thanks Bart!

Get ready, Kyle Baird.

My Kellish is rusty, but I think what Nikolai means is...

"Let's get ready to Chaaannellllll!"

The Exchange

Hours away.

12 short hours.

The Exchange


7 more left in this world, Nikolai.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He did it. Fair death, my fort save sucked.

The Exchange


I finally feel closure.

/me retreats back to demiplane of pain to ponder on life and loss of life.


Liberty's Edge

We survived Rounds 1 and 2, although I too died due to a bad save(although not permanently). While I cannot say what killed me, since it would ruin the enjoyment of people that have yet to play, I can say the story is awesome, and Mr. Baird did a wonderful job of helping to write this year's special.

Once again, kudos to Marius, Kasheed, Vyktor, Tevarin, and yes, even Nikolai... it feels good to be level 16! And, thank you Mr. Baird for an awesome two days!

Scarab Sages

(Kasheed walks forward and bows respectfully)

I can now say that I have stared into the face of certain death, and yet still stand to tell the tale. You are a worthy and honorable opponent. (Kasheed bows again)

Out of character, it was a weekend to remember. Part 1 was an incredible challenge and part 2 was truly epic. It was an honor to fight alongside my fellow Diamond Dust Cowboys and to sit at Kyle's table for both nights. Actually surviving both parts is just icing on the cake. The celebration afterwards was a thing of legend. I think I may have contracted lycanthropy and may become a Were-Baird. Hard to tell as the beard was a pre-existing condition.

Thanks again to Kyle Baird for running such an epic table and showing the true danger of the "iterative attack".

13 people marked this as a favorite.

For those watching at home, I present the gruesome details of how Sarenrae turned her back on our poor Nikolai.

Caution, contains massive Race for the Runecarved Key spoilers!

The scene: The Auction.

Eight Lissalan cultists crash through the Cathedral of Abadar's windows, 4 summoning bone devils and the other 4 casting control type spells. The party considers fighting for a moment and the decides that these mooks are only here to prevent them from going after the assassin. They all get in position and dimension door out... except Nikolai. They hadn't noticed the one bone devil sitting back staring at them and not attacking and when Marius cast his spell, a thin green line sprung up and struck poor Nikolai, keeping him on this plane and preventing his escape. Poor Nikolai was stuck in the Cathedral as the wizards started casting walls of force and walls of stone, preventing his exit and sealing his fate.

But poor Nikolai fought on and through an act of fate was able to survive and chase after his party who had left him for dead.

The Cowboys encountered the greater invis'd assassin and Tevarin suffering a cruel fate. By the time Nikolai arrived on the scene, several of the assassin's friends had showed up and were occupying the team. They didn't realize that the assassin had skipped three turns to watch Nikolai rushing down the street. Let's jump into game speak:

ME: Nikolai, you finally catch up to the rest of the party and are on the map!
JOE: About time!
ME: Let's see who's up in initiative. Oh, it's me!
ME: Nikolai, what's your AC?
JOE: 40-something.
ME: what's your AC with no Shield or Armor bonus?
JOE: What?!
ME: Does a 32 hit your AC w/o a shield or armor bonus
JOE: Yes...
ME: Make a Fort Save
JOE: ROLLS A 4! Shirt Reroll! ROLLS A 2!
ME: Joe you failed a death attack. You be dead. *cue celebration including jumping around and dancing with John Compton*
JOE: ...
JOE: ...
JOE: ...
JOE: Wait, I have this hair clip thing that can negate one sneak attack per day and I use it to prevent the death attack. I win! You suck Baird! You can't kill me!! I win!!!
ME: Okay, fine. Do I still get my iterative attack?
JOE: Yeah
ME: Okay. SWIFT DEATH! Give me another Fort Save.
JOE: What?!?!?! ...rolls... A THREE!!!
ME: You be dead! Again! *cue another celebration*

For what it's worth, Joe needed to roll a 5 to survive. :D

There was only a 0.8% chance that Nikolai was going to fail three fort saves. Obviously Sarenrae was not with him that day.

For the record, Joe's tears are delicious!

Kyle Baird wrote:
For those watching at home, I present the gruesome details of how Sarenrae turned her back on our poor Nikolai.

Please, Sarenrae turned her back on Nikolai around level 3. It's been nothing but arrogance and painful voice acting since then.


*cue celebration including jumping around and dancing with John Compton*

Maybe next time we can dress as cultists and behead an effigy of Nikolai to mark the occasion. Bonus points if one of us packs dark red Kool-Aid to toast with and drink.


For the record, Joe's tears are delicious!

Relishing Caubo-tears in person should be a new criterion for becoming a 5-Star GM.

The Exchange

Caepio Alazario wrote:
For the record, Joe's tears are delicious!
Relishing Caubo-tears in person should be a new criterion for becoming a 5-Star GM.

You can add my tears to the mix...I weep for the beauty of what I just read.


The Exchange

LOL probably one of the best moments I've had playing PFS.

Swift death?

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