A Message for Joseph Caubo

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Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Hey Joe, if at GenCon you decide to chicken out, you could always sit at my table. I can't promise I won't kill your PC but I can promise I won't run around giving everyone high fives after I do it.... ;)

That said, Kyle, be sure to swing by my table when the time comes for high-fives.

Oh, and the second and third times as well, if it wouldn't be too much trouble.

The Exchange

96 or so.

Nikolai, shouldn't the prayers have started by now?

I'm sure sweet Sarenrae's ears would love to hear your prayers of everlasting allegiance and faith.

Of course, the 'everlasting' part is what is up to debate. And hence this thread.


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Threads over it seems. Guess I can already mark a check in the "Nikolai survives" column.

The Exchange

Over? What?

No...I think Kyle just didn't Nikolai was worth taunting every day.

I mean, how much energy do you spend taunting a mosquito before you squash it? An ant before you stomp it? A pimple before it is popped?

Such is how Kyle thinks of Nikolai, methinks. Not worth the daily effort.


Baird and Friends: Don't speak ill of the dead. Also, dead characters aren't worth taunting.

Joe: Wheeee! Nobody's poking fun at my character! That means I win!

Sarenrae: Don't make me smack you where the sun don't shine, which is to say so far out of my faith that casting atonement will just cause wisdom damage.

Baird and Friends: Heeeeey! Sarenrae! Pull up a seat and grab a drink!

The Exchange

I taunt bugs before I kill them.

Checking your track record, Joe, I would say that you taunt players before killing them with bugs. See The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch and Exhibit A, a huge centipede.

The Exchange

Caepio Alazario wrote:
Checking your track record, Joe, I would say that you taunt players before killing them with bugs. See The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch and Exhibit A, a huge centipede.

A valid point. I did taunt the players with bugs.

Liberty's Edge

Joseph Caubo wrote:
Caepio Alazario wrote:
Checking your track record, Joe, I would say that you taunt players before killing them with bugs. See The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch and Exhibit A, a huge centipede.
A valid point. I did taunt the players with bugs.

Yeah Joe, and I taunt you with undying Venture-Captain Frogs...

Dan Cornett wrote:
Joseph Caubo wrote:
Caepio Alazario wrote:
Checking your track record, Joe, I would say that you taunt players before killing them with bugs. See The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch and Exhibit A, a huge centipede.
A valid point. I did taunt the players with bugs.
Yeah Joe, and I taunt you with undying Venture-Captain Frogs...

As everyone knows, in the game Frog-Paper-Bug Frog always defeats Bug. Somehow Paper defeats Frog, which seems most inexplicable to me. I suppose it borrows from the same logic used in Rock-Paper-Scissors.

(Can it be but 88 more days?)

The Exchange

87 or so, I think.

I've lost count of the times Nikolai has died in my head. Too many enjoyable deaths...and I don't even know him.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Painlord wrote:

87 or so, I think.

I've lost count of the times Nikolai has died in my head. Too many enjoyable deaths...and I don't even know him.


You don't have time to post in this thread - Kublacon is 60 hours away!

Liberty's Edge

I have my ticket ready for whatever Mr. Baird throws at us, and no matter what, I will be at Nikolai's side. Granted, it will probaby end up being as a pall bearer, but still... Nikolai is the lot that myself, Kasheed, Vyktor, Tevarin, and Marius have drawn in life, and even with that albatross upon our necks, we will not go down without a fight.

May the best man win, and just remember Kyle... if you can't kill Nikolai, I will.

So OOC, what APL are you guys going to be (please say 15+)?

As I understand it, they're all 14, but I would be all too happy to run Tomb of the Iron Medusa for as many as possible to bring them up to 14.5+.

6 level 14's = APL 15. Just enough. >:)

The Exchange

I am on the warpath to play Tomb for sure before GenCon. And maybe The Moonscar as well. Think of it, a table of level 16s?!

Joseph Caubo wrote:
I am on the warpath to play Tomb for sure before GenCon. And maybe The Moonscar as well. Think of it, a table of level 16s?!

Oh, no. Whatever will the scenario do..

The Exchange

So glad Nikolai is going to not die. I sleep comfortably knowing that he's a shoe in for coming out unscathed!

I also look forward to the day when only Nikolai's shoe returns from Magnimar.

The Exchange

I'm happy that Nikolai is getting practice sleeping so comfortably...he's getting used to it. Many mortals get all panicky when they are about to die and start doing bucket lists when they have limited time left.

But Nikolai is so comfortable with his coming demise that he sleeps comfortably. He doesn't even fight it anymore.

It's very noble. I'm impressed.

Nikolai needs to practice sleeping; I understand he'll be taking an indefinite dirt-nap come August.

The Exchange

I still waiting to hear some of Nikolai's prayers to Sarenrae.

Well, I guess he's decided that he's not worthy of her mercy? I dunno...I just think that I were about to die, I'd want to be right with my God.

Just sayin'.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Painlord wrote:

I just think that I were about to die, I'd want to be right with my God.

Just sayin'.


I thought you were (or at least claimed to be) your god ...

Scarab Sages

Do not fear, Nikolai. As the unspoken leader of the group, you should be the first to confront all dangers put before us. I will be only an Abundant Step away (only about 960 feet). Just make sure to scream very loudly so that I can hear you over the distance penalties...

The Exchange

Bring it on.

The Exchange

No more countdown? Guess we know that Baird is on the run. Nikolai and the Diamond Dust Cowboys will prevail!

The Exchange

Joseph Caubo wrote:
John Compton wrote:

That's how our home group is looking. Here's how it would look for Joe Caubo's character:

Finish your normal career at 12.0
Complete Eyes of the Ten at 13.2
Complete Academae of Secrets at 14.2
Complete Tomb of the Iron Medusa at 15.2
Die in Race for the Runecarved Key.

Interesting. Death is in my future at the table but not Nikolai. NIKOLAI LIVES ON FOREVER!

This is so cute! Nikolai actually has plans for 'life' after the Runecarved Key!


I remember when I had mortal dreams. Foolish, foolish, foolish mortal dreams.

How many days now until the reckoning? I've lost count with the number of souls I've consumed over the eons.

Tis nice to know that mortal's folly of this mortal's hubris has not been dimmed by reality of certain death.


The Exchange

The days do not matter because all there is ahead of me is life.

The Exchange

So close.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kyle Baird wrote:


19 (crit threat)

Does a 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (4) + 39 = 43 confirm?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have to apologize in advance, Kyle, as I will be feeding the six-person group to Tomb of the Iron Medusa in another week. I will happily package the mushy remnants of Nikolai to send to Gen Con for your GMing pleasure.

18 (another crit threat)

Does a 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (17) + 39 = 56 confirm?

Scarab Sages

Caepio Alazario wrote:
I have to apologize in advance, Kyle, as I will be feeding the six-person group to Tomb of the Iron Medusa in another week. I will happily package the mushy remnants of Nikolai to send to Gen Con for your GMing pleasure.

I have not seen Nikolai in the field for some time now. I fear his tenure at the Acadamae has already made him mushy and soft(er). Although I am reluctant to disturb a resting place of the dead, I feel obligated to follow Nikolai into the Tomb to ensure others do not die because of his folly.

I must now go spend gold to increase my Constitution...

The Exchange

43 does not confrim.

17! (still a crit threat!)

Does a 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (10) + 39 = 49 confirm?

The Exchange

Yes. :(

What brokenness is this +39 coming from?

Scarab Sages

Joseph Caubo wrote:

Yes. :(

What brokenness is this +39 coming from?

Obviously he has Favored Enemy(Caubo)and a Caubo Bane weapon. (And probably True Strike thrown in for good measure.)

Somewhere a Dawnflower Sash just went off...

I don't need True Strike.

Damage including rend: 8d6 + 2d10 + 4d8 + 2d6 + 112 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 1, 4, 6, 4, 2) + (3, 8) + (4, 2, 5, 5) + (2, 6) + 112 = 181

Plus give me a Fort Save, DC 34

Still up?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Does he have Stoneskin up?

You need a skin of stone to sit at a table with Kyle and take all the crap he flings out... ;)

Joseph Caubo wrote:

Yes. :(

What brokenness is this +39 coming from?

It is derived from the number of times you have bragged about Nikolai's invulnerability. I would count myself lucky that Kyle never heard all of your boasting in Georgia.

Dragnmoon wrote:

Does he have Stoneskin up?

You need a skin of stone to sit at a table with Kyle and take all the crap he flings out... ;)

Stoneskin? Pfah! Kyle picked up the Adamantine Will feat several levels ago (gained from supping upon slain PCs and consuming their most valuable items). It grants him an automatic success on all Will saves against pitiful mewling while also allowing him to overcome DR/adamantine.

The Exchange

Have no fear, I'm still here!

Scarab Sages

Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai wrote:
Have no fear, I'm still here!

... thanks to a wish for the divine assistance of Iomedae. Her followers are a little over zealous sometimes, but they are at least honorable (unlike some holy crusaders that I know...)

I presume John failed where I shall not?

Kyle Baird wrote:
I presume John failed where I shall not?

You give me too little credit. I killed Nikolai before he could even act. He also fell to negative hit points twice in the first encounter.

Nikolai was a few moments shy of returning as an incorporeal worshiper of Sarenrae. I'm sure that that would be the final straw in her granting spells to the foppish Qadiran.

It's a real embarrassment that the Sarenraite was resurrected by an Iomedaen priest. I thought the sun witch was the one with the healing domain.

Liberty's Edge

John did not fail; I was there. Instead, every time Nikolai went down, you could hear with a decent enough perception check, Breaths of Life granted by the various gods trying to keep Nikolai alive, as none wanted to claim him as their own.

You should have seen Nikolai cowering, all alone in the beginning of the Tomb. I do believe "I'm not going anywhere... I'm scared" came out of his mouth more than once.

The Exchange

Nikolai just got a whole lot harder to kill.

I cannot speak to the accusations of cowardice against Nikolai. Such allegations are without merit!

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