Umbral Reaver |
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Let's have a thread for artifacts that scale by things like BAB, CL, skill ranks or number of penguins collected.
To start us off, here's something for paladins and antipaladins to fight over!
Asgolion, the Abyssal Claw
This jagged, vicious blade looks like it was carved from a single piece of yellowed bone. A hellish light seeps from cracks in its surface. Sapphires set in silver adorn a handle that is at odds with the frightful appearance. The blade is finely filigreed and engraved with images of angels and demons. The engravings depict the weapon itself being cut from the claw of some hideous beast, then weilded in battle against a heavenly host. On the opposite side it shows the same weapon in the hands of angels, being wrapped in wards and then taken back to fight its creators.
Asgolion gains the following enhancement bonus and special abilities based on the wielder's BAB:
BAB Bonus Special Abilities
1-4 +1 Change Form
5-8 +2 Pierce Resistance
9-12 +3 Bane
13-16 +4 Aligned, Awe
17-20 +5 Baneslayer
Change Form: As a standard action, Asgolion's wielder may will it to take the size and shape of any one-handed slashing weapon that he or she is proficient with. It retains this form until changed again.
Pierce Resistance: In the hands of a good-aligned character, Asgolion bypasses any damage resistance of evil outsiders except DR/epic. In the hands of an evil-aligned character, Asgolion bypasses any damage resistance of angels except DR/epic.
Bane: In the hands of a good-aligned character, Asgolion gains the evil outsider bane special property. In the hands of an evil-aligned character, Asgolion gains the good outsider bane special property.
Aligned: In the hands of a good-aligned character, Asgolion gains the holy special property. In the hands of an evil-aligned character, Asgolion gains the unholy special property.
Awe: Once per day, as a standard action Asgolion's wielder may hold it aloft and command his or her foes to fall, as the command spell. The DC is equal to 10 plus half the wielder's BAB plus the wielder's charisma bonus (if any). If the wielder is good-aligned, it affects all evil creatures within 30 ft. If the wielder is evil-aligned, it affects all good creatures within 30 ft. If the wielder is neutral with regard to good and evil, he or she is affected instead.
Baneslayer: In the hands of a good-aligned character, Asgolion's critical multiplier is increased by 1 against evil outsiders. In the hands of an evil-aligned character, Asgolion's critical multiplier is increased by 1 against good outsiders.
Asgolion is destroyed if a good outsider uses it to perform an unambiguously evil act or an evil outsider uses it to perform a totally selfless act.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Talon Of Mavan
Description: Talon of Mavan is a six feet long wooden staff topped with a piece of quartz held by talon-shaped forking. Below the top are three holes, one above the other, each half an inch wide.
It is said that Talon of Mavan was shaped and imbued with potent primal magic by elven or fey druid and it draws it's power from elemental spirits.
Abilities: In itself the staff acts as a +1 quarterstaff. The quartz crystal is imbued with healing power, allowing casters that have cure wounds spells on their spell list to cast it spontaneously (either by spending daily spell slots or converting prepared spells to cure wounds of the same level).
Additional abilities can be unlocked by placing motes of elemental essences within the holes in the shaft. Acquiring the motes should require major quest for each mote.
Air mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with air descriptor. Wielder of the staff gains +2 enhancement bonus to initiative checks per mote embedded.
Earth mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with earth descriptor. The wielder gains enhancement bonus to AC equal to number of motes embedded.
Fire mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with fire descriptor. The wielder gains fire resistance of 5 points per mote embedded.
Ice mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with cold descriptor. The wielder gains cold resistance of 5 points per mote embedded.
Lightning mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with electricity descriptor. The wielder can take a standard action to evoke single lightning strike as per call lightning storm spell once per day per mote embedded.
Water mote: Grants +1 enhancement bonus to caster level of all spells and spell-like abilities with water descriptor. The wielder gains ability to hold breath underwater for 10 minutes (1 hour with two motes embedded or constantly breathe water with three).
Each mote embedded increases the quarterstaff enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls by 1.
If at least two motes are placed within the staff, the wielder gains constant benefit of endure elements spell. Three motes grant the ability to summon medium elemental with subtypes matching the motes within the staff. The elemental remains in the wielder's service until dismissed or destroyed. If the elemental is destroyed the summoning power is suppressed for the following twenty-four hours.
Anyone can wield the Talon as a weapon but to gain access to any other benefits of this staff it must be attuned to the user by remaining in the new onwer's possession for at least 24 hours. Only one owner can be attuned to the Talon of Mavan at any one time.
Detect Magic |
Dreadfang, the Vampiric Dagger
This wicked, silver dagger resembles a sacrificial kris. Set within its hilt is a demonic skull, its eyes gleeming red. Pulsing with hungry light, it wants nothing more than to taste the blood of innocents.
Dreadfang increases in artifact level based upon the character level of its wielder. As it gains artifact levels, Dreadfang gains the following enhancement bonus and special abilities:
Character level, Weapon Bonus, Special Abilities
1-4th (+1) Evil Aura, Lifestealing
5-8th (+2) Improved Death Attack, Keen
9-12th (+3) Inspire Terror
13-16th (+4) Wounding
17-20th (+5) Energy Drain
Requirements: Wielder must be non-good. In the hands of anyone else, Dreadfang is treated as a Cursed Silver Dagger with a penalty on attack and damage rolls equal to the bonus it would otherwise grant. It may never reduce damage dealt to below 1 point of damage.
Dreadfang always forces its owner to employ it rather than another weapon, when in combat. Its owner automatically draws it and fights with it even when he or she meant to draw or ready some other weapon.
Upkeep: Each week Dreadfang's wielder must slay 2 HD worth of living humanoids per artifact level the blade has acquired. If Dreadfang's wielder is unable to do so, the blade reverts to a +1 Silver Dagger, and he or she takes 1d4 Constitution damage which cannot be healed during this time. While suffering from this Constitution damage, Dreadfang's wielder thirsts for blood. Once he or she has slain a living humanoid, Dreadfang's owner immediately regains this Constitution damage, and any hit points lost from it.
Special Abilities: Each of the following is an ability of Dreadfang, governed by its artifact level. The DC of any ability requiring a saving throw is equal to 10 + 1/2 the character level of Dreadfang's wielder + the Charisma modifier of Dreadfang's wielder.
Evil Aura: Dreadfang radiates strong aura of evil. When wielded, it masks the alignment of its wielder, as per the imbue with aura spell. Dreadfang's wielder is not allowed a saving throw against this effect. Additionally, for purposes of detection, Dreadfang's wielder has an aura of evil equal to a cleric of his or her character level. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Lifestealing: As an immediate action, Dreadfang's wielder may recover 1d6 hit points (or gain temporary hit points, if already at max hit points, lasting for 1 hour; maximum 10 temporary hit points per artifact level) when he or she deals damage to an enemy with Dreadfang. The amount healed increases by +1d6 for each artifact level beyond 1st. Dreadfang's wielder may benefit from this ability once per round, and only if his or her enemy has a Constitution score.
Improved Death Attack: Dreadfang's wielder adds the blade's artifact level to the DC of any death attack he or she performs.
Keen: Dreadfang gains the keen weapon property.
Inspire Terror: When Dreadfang's wielder benefits from Lifestealing, his or her enemy is shaken (or panicked, if it has at least 4 HD less than Dreadfang's wielder). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the wielder's character level (or half this number if panicked). A Will saving throw is allowed to negate this effect.
Wounding: Dreadfang gains the wounding weapon property.
Energy Drain: When Dreadfang's wielder benefits from Lifestealing, his or her enemy gains 2 negative levels. A Fortitude saving throw is allowed to negate this effect.
Detect Magic |
Drejk, the only thing that I feel is unclear about your artifact is the "per mote" phrase.
Example (Air Mote): Wielder of the staff gains +2 enhancement bonus to initiative checks per mote embedded.
So, is that +2 per mote of any type OR per air mote?
Your water mote section specifies that the benefit of its water breathing ability is increased with the application of more water motes within the staff's sockets, which leads one to believe that unless otherwise specified the phrase refers to the total number of embedded motes.
Detect Magic |
Vagrant's Boots
Leather straps wrap about these worn, dirt covered boots.
The Vagrant's Boots increases in artifact level based upon the Survival ranks of its wearer. As it gains artifact levels, the Vagrant's Boots gain the following special abilities:
Survival Ranks, Special Abilities
1-5 Tireless Pursuit (Constant)
6-10 Longstrider (Constant)
11-15 Pass Without Trace (Constant)
16-20 Feather Step (Constant)
Special Abilities: Each of the following is an ability of the Vagrant's Boots, governed by its artifact level.
Tireless Pursuit: The wearer of these boots gain the constant effect of the tireless pursuit spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Longstrider: The wearer of these boots gain the constant effect of the longstrider spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Pass Without A Trace: The wearer of these boots gain the constant effect of the pass without a trace spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Feather Step: The wearer of these boots gain the constant effect of the feather step spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Vagrant's Cloak
This ragged cloak has many lose strings and patched spots. It is lose fitting, with a low, uneven cowl.
The Vagrant's Cloak increases in artifact level based upon the Survival ranks of its wearer. As it gains artifact levels, the Vagrant's Cloak gain the following special abilities:
Survival Ranks, Special Abilities
1-5 Endure Elements (Constant)
6-10 Silk To Steel (Constant)
11-15 Glide (Constant)
16-20 Planar Adaptation (Constant)
Special Abilities: Each of the following is an ability of the Vagrant's Cloak, governed by its artifact level.
Endure Elements: The wearer of this cloak gains the constant effect of the endure elements spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Silk To Steel: The wearer of this cloak gains the constant effect of the silk to steel spell, though he or she may use it with the Vagrant's Cloak rather than a scarf. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Glide: The wearer of this cloak gains the constant effect of the glide spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Planar Adaptation: The wearer of this cloak gains the constant effect of the planar adaptation spell. This effect cannot be dispelled.
If both of these artifacts are worn, after 24 hours they become attuned to the wearer. At this point, the wearer of the Vagrant set gains a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for each artifact level these items have acquired (maximum +5). An attuned wearer of both these artifacts can cast know direction, purify food and drink, and hide campsite at will, with a caster level equal to his or her character level. He or she may also conjure the Vagrant's Pipe as a move action. Dismissing this item as a free action causes it to wink out of existence, until the next time it is summoned.
This wooden piped, carved of elm, is everburning. At will, its owner may light this pipe, despite any weather condition. As a standard action, the owner of this pipe may cause smoke to bellow forth from the pipe, as per the fog cloud spell (although, the duration is only 1 minute per level). Additionally, if the Vagrant set have reached 3rd artifact level, their owner can use this pipe to cast wind walk once per day as a spell-like ability. His or her caster level for the purpose of determining the effect of this ability is equal to his or her character level.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Drejk, the only thing that I feel is unclear about your artifact is the "per mote" phrase.
Example (Air Mote): Wielder of the staff gains +2 enhancement bonus to initiative checks per mote embedded.
So, is that +2 per mote of any type OR per air mote?
Your water mote section specifies that the benefit of its water breathing ability is increased with the application of more water motes within the staff's sockets, which leads one to believe that unless otherwise specified the phrase refers to the total number of embedded motes.
Actually all abilities are per mote of any kind - I don't expect duplicate motes of the same element. Yes, I should be more clear on that.
E.g. Merryn, the Witch (who is wielder of the Talon in my current camapaign - with no motes as of yet) finally acquires lightning mote. Now the staff is +2 quarterstaff granting +1 enhancement bonus to electricity spells and allows calling lightning storm once per day for single strike. A few levels later after a combat with sea dragon she acquires and embedds a water mote. The Talon Of Mavan becomes +3 quarterstaff granting +1 enhancement bonus to CL of electricity and water spells, allowing for two lightning strikes per day, giving a constant endure elements and 1 hour of holding breath in water. One travel to the City Of Brass later, Merryn gets her hands on mote of fire turning her staff into +4 quarterstaff that grants +1 enhancement bonus to CL of electricity, fire and water spells, resist fire 15, 3 lightning strikes per day, constant endure elements, constant water breathing and ability to summon medium elemental limited to electricity, fire or water subtypes.
I keep refreshing the page in hope's that another artifact will show up. (This was a wonderful idea for a thread, Umbral Reaver!)
I saw it in archives and saved it from fading in the depths of obscurity! ;)
Umbral Reaver |
Spines of Rovagug
They are said to have been hewn from the very body of the Rough Beast when the gods battled it and bound it within the earth, later captured and worked into terrible weapons by a hidden cult dedicated to an unknown god. This matched pair of foot-long spikes have been fashioned into wands with needle-sharp tips.
The Spines of Rovagug have no special abilities when separate except that they may be wielded as masterwork daggers. Only when wielded as a pair do they have the following enhancement bonus and abilities, based on the wielder's caster level:
CL Bonus Special Abilities
1-4 +1 Somatic Weaponry
5-8 +2 Forceful Unbinding
9-12 +3 Maltheist
13-16 +4 Plane Shift
17-20 +5 Devastating Arrival
Somatic Weaponry: The wielder of the Spines of Rovagug may cast spells as though both hands were not holding anything.
Forceful Unbinding: Whenever the wielder of the Spines of Rovagug dispels a spell, he or she may have creatures affected by the spell (if any) take damage equal to the spell's level.
Maltheist: Whenever the wielder of the Spines of Rovagug casts a spell that deals damage, it deals an additional 1 point of damage per die to creatures that can cast divine spells.
Plane Shift: Once per day, the wielder of the Spines of Rovagug may cast plane shift as a spell-like ability.
Devastating Arrival: Whenever the wielder of the Spines of Rovagug casts a spell of the teleportation subschool to transport him or herself, he or she may spend a swift action to cast a spell that has a casting time of a swift action or less. This spell targets the point of arrival of the teleportation spell immediately before the caster arrives.
The Spines of Rovagug are destroyed if one is sent to the plane of positive energy and the other is sent to the plane of negative energy simultaneously.
I think the wording needs some work. Oh well!
OldManAlexi |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Top Hat of the Frozen Gentleman
This top hat was commissioned by Sir Reginald Wornsworth, a rather eccentric gentleman with a love of penguins. Oddly enough, Sir Wornsworth was worried that the hat would fall into the hands of penguin-haters and thus, asked that the hat only function for those who shared his love of penguins.
The powers of the Top Hat of the Frozen Gentleman are based on the number of penguins that the wearer owns.
Penguins Special Abilities
1-4 Gentlemanly Presence
5-8 Noble Stride
9-12 Honorable Duelist
13-16 Feeling Brisk
17-20 Monocle
Gentlemanly Presence: Your enemies are hesitant to harm such an upstanding gentleman. You may use your points in Knowledge(Nobility) in place of your AC. If you act in an ungentlemanly fashion, this ability is suppressed for 24 hours.
Noble Stride: You may move through all forms of snowy or icy terrain at your normal speed without any impairment. You may move across thin ice as though it were solid ground.
Honorable Duelist: In honorable combat, your weapons gain the frost special ability. In a formal duel, they gain the icy burst special ability. If you attack your enemy in a dishonorable fashion, this ability is suppressed for 24 hours. Any attack made in defense of penguins is considered honorable, no matter how dastardly.
Feeling Brisk: You refer to any amount of cold as a brisk chill. You gain Endure Elements in regard to cold environments and cold resistance 20.
Monocle: The hat conjures a monocle that grants you true seeing. This effect has a caster level equal to the number of penguins owned and can be dispelled. A new monocle is conjured 1d4 rounds later.
Well, you asked for an item that scales with number of penguins collected.
Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Sword Of The Returned
Description: Sword Of The Returned is a four feet long bastard sword with blade made of mithral, etched with images of countless knights in regal posses. The hilt of the weapon is made of magically hardened gold, adorned with engravings of peaceful faces with closed eyes.
Abilities: It is a +1 mithral bastard sword that shows its true power when its wielder dies and is returned to life afterwards.
For wielders that were raised or reincarnated it is +2 weapon.
For wielders that were resurrected it becomes +3 weapon
For wielders that were returned to life with true resurrection, miracle or wish it has +4 enhancement bonus.
The sword also gains bane weapon property against creature type (and subtype if required) against the creature that killed the wielder, switching to a new type each time the owner is killed.
Each time the wielder is killed while wielding the sword one of the images etched on the blade is energized with a small shred of the wielder's soul. Those bound shades can be invoked to help the wielder as a swift action to provide flanking or aid another for one round. When the wielder is dazed, stunned, unconscious, paralyzed, petrified, dying, dead or otherwise incapacitated a shade may or may not (player's choice) be released from the blade to act on the character's behalf for one round and using his stats. Each shade can be invoked only once, forever released from the blade afterwards.
While being killed and returned with breath of life repeatedly binds the character's shades to the blade, such blatant imbalance between life and death has a large chance of attracting the attention of inevitables, aeons, psychopomps, daemons or other entities interested in souls.
If the blade is wielded by another creature that dies and thus attunes to the blade the sword's bond with previous owner is undone and all the shades bound are immediately released.
Destruction: If the wielder willingly uses the sword of the returned to commit suicide and delivers killing blow to oneself with it (as opposed to opening veins and bleeding to death, for example), his soul is forever destroyed and the sword shatters. There is some speculation based on some esoteric arcane theories that the sword could be used in great necromantic ritual focusing self-hatred and hatred of all life that would turn the one who'd commit suicide into an ascended (or descended, depending on point of view) daemonic entity, possibly on par with one of the Horsemen.
So, here we have weapon with power based on collecting the character's deaths. It came to me when I was trying to design weapon that would collect souls of defeated opponents and would grant various powers based upon their types.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Twilight Of The Penguins
Description: This trident made of green-tinted metal is the last line of defense against the unholy menace of penguins! Those black and white freaks are hidden worshipers of unnamable things from the Dark Tapestry hiding in the frozen wastes (which can be clearly discovered by watching their fish-like behavior, despite their masquerade as flightless birds). Thankfully, the white necromancer Albron "The only slightly mad" Nerbalath pierced their ingenious disguise and decided to get rid of the alien threat! For that and only that purpose he bound his immense intellect into the weapon of mass penguin destruction.
Abilities: Twilight of the Penguins is a CN intelligent +1 penguin bane trident with Intelligence score of 20, Wisdom score of 6 and Charisma score of 12. It is capable of speech, knows Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal and Protean and has 5 ranks in Knowledge [nature] skill. Its senses extend to 30 feet range but it can detect its dedicated foes, the penguins, within 60 feet radius. Clearly, its purpose is to save the world from the black and white menace. To further this noble goal, Twilight of the Penguins uses their own unnatural taint against themselves binding their evil in their corpses. All penguins killed with this weapon raise as tiny zombies 1d4 rounds after being killed and are bound to follow the Twilight's wielder as per animate dead spell. The wielder of the trident can control four HD of animated penguins per character level possessed (plus any bonuses to caster level). Regretfully, regardless of the commands issued, the penguin zombies always follow the wielder of the trident outrightly refusing to keep more than 100 feet away from him. Thankfully, due to their staggered movement most wielders of the Twilight can outrun penguin zombies, for a time, at least.
However, taint inherent in penguins is so great that even the benign necromancy of Albron himself cannot hold complete mastery over. The more penguin zombies are controlled by the Twilight wielder, the more unpredictable results manifest:
4-19 HD of penguin zombies controlled: Wielder becomes infused with power of frozen wastes where penguins dwell granting him constant endure elements effect.
20-35 HD of penguin zombies controlled: Unearthly cold of the penguin zombies allow them to walk on water leaving a path of frozen water that lasts for the next 10 minutes allowing their master to follow them.
36-51 HD of penguin zombies controlled: Polar aura of the penguins becomes strong enough to deal 1d6 points of additional cold damage with their natural attacks and grants them death throes special attack making their corpses explode with freezing cold when destroyed dealing 2d6 points of cold damage to all adjacent creatures or half on a successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10).
52-67 HD of penguin zombies controlled: Once per day, the wielder may command the zombie penguins to focus their power and summon single greater ice elemental, 1d3 huge ice elementals or 1d4+1 large ice elementals as per summon monster VII spell. After the spell ends the wielder of the trident is left confused for the following 1d10 minutes.
68+ HD of penguin zombies controlled: The wielder feels overwhelming and irresistible compulsion to kill penguins. He gains a cumulative +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks and caster level for one minute after killing a penguin. He also gains regeneration (fire, good) of 1 per 20 penguin zombies controlled that remain within 60 feet.
If the wielder ever collects 80 HD of penguin zombies created at the same time their concentrated taint tears away bonds controlling them, unleashing their vileness on the world. The penguin zombies immediately burst open sending waves of freezing cold and their inhuman spirits fuse into 12 uncontrolled advanced giant elder ice elementals that go into wild rampage against all living or undead beings nearby. Wielder of the trident is always their first target.
Such event is an enormous shock to the bearer of the Twilight of the Penguins stunning him for one round. A successful Will save (DC 25) renders him staggered for one round instead.
Tels |
Twilight Of The Penguins
Description: This trident made of green-tinted metal is the last line of defense against the unholy menace of penguins! Those black and white freaks are hidden worshipers of unnamable things from the Dark Tapestry hiding in the frozen wastes (which can be clearly discovered by watching their fish-like behavior, despite their masquerade as flightless birds). Thankfully, the white necromancer Albron "The only slightly mad" Nerbalath pierced their ingenious disguise and decided to get rid of the alien threat! For that and only that purpose he bound his immense intellect into the weapon of mass penguin destruction.
Abilities: Twilight of the Penguins is a CN intelligent +1 penguin bane trident with Intelligence score of 20, Wisdom score of 6 and Charisma score of 12. It is capable of speech, knows Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal and Protean and has 5 ranks in Knowledge [nature] skill. Its senses extend to 30 feet range but it can detect its dedicated foes, the penguins, within 60 feet radius. Clearly, its purpose is to save the world from the black and white menace. To further this noble goal, Twilight of the Penguins uses their own unnatural taint against themselves binding their evil in their corpses. All penguins killed with this weapon raise as tiny zombies 1d4 rounds after being killed and are bound to follow the Twilight's wielder as per animate dead spell. The wielder of the trident can control four HD of animated penguins per character level possessed (plus any bonuses to caster level). Regretfully, regardless of the commands issued, the penguin zombies always follow the wielder of the trident outrightly refusing to keep more than 100 feet away from him. Thankfully, due to their staggered movement most wielders of the Twilight can outrun penguin zombies, for a time, at least.
However, taint inherent in penguins is so great that even the benign necromancy of Albron himself cannot hold complete mastery over....
Lol, I just started reading this thread, and was considering posting a penguin artifact, as I honestly expected the first artifact to be one. Glad someone else thought to do so :)
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Blasting Rod
Description: Blasting rods take the form of two feet long metal scepters topped with gemstones. They are ancient devices that were created to unleash torrent of devastating energy without depleting the user of spells.
Abilities: Each blasting rod is keyed to one type of energy (usually acid, cold, electricity or fire, rods keyed to sonic or force are extremely rare) to be attuned to the character while preparing spells or meditating to refresh daily spell slots by spending single daily spell or spell slot of 1st or higher level. Doing so creates mystical bond allowing the character to use the rod for the next 24 hours. Anyone else except the attuned wielder attempting to handle blasting rod suffers 1 point of energy damage per level of spell used for attunement every round.
Attuned wielder may activate the blasting rod by taking a standard action to shot a 30 feet long ray of energy dealing 1d6 points of energy damage per level of spell used to attune the rod. Blasting rod may also be used by attuned wielder as a melee weapon delivering energy damage on a successful melee touch attacks.
Unattuned wielder may use the rod to smash the foes in melee as if using light mace.
Sundered blasting rod immediately explodes dealing 2d6 points of energy damage per level of spell used to attune it within 30 feet radius spread. A successful Reflex saving throw halves the damage (saving throw DC is 10+twice the level of spell used to attune the rod).
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Royal Crown Of The Heroic Sovereign
Description: A crown made of gold, silver, iron and precious gems that seems to glow with inner light. It was forged for a adventurous king errant known for his preference of resolving threats to his kingdom personally. He was successful as both adventurer and ruler, popular and efficient, known for his selection of competent lieutenants and a gift of healing, until he met an untimely death at the hands of evil dragon marauding the wilds of his kingdom.
Abilities: Anyone can wear royal crown to gain +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma score. However, if the wearer possess Leadership the true power of the crown shines: the wearer, his allies within 30 feet, his cohort, followers and bound companions gain morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, ability checks and skill checks equal to the highest character level amongst his followers. The crown wearer also gains the ability to use Lay On Hands as a paladin of level equal to his cohort's character level (or effective cohort level in case of monstrous cohorts).
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Royal Crown Of The Witch-King
Description: A circlet made of black adamantine and steel alloy with sharp, dagger-like spikes extruding from it. It is told that the royal crown of the witch king was worn by a wizard sovereign of a long forgotten city-state that achieved lichdom. His undeath lead him, however, to neglecting his royal duties and following decline of the city into the oblivion.
Abilities: Anyone can wear this royal crown to gain +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma score. It has much more functionality in the hands of spellcaster with the Leadership feat, however. Such wearer can draw magical power from his loyal minions - he may take a standard action to recall used up spells or daily spell slot by tapping the lifeforce of a living follower within 30 feet. The follower is fatigued and the character regains used spell or daily spell slot of level equal to the follower's character level or lower. Each follower can be targeted with this ability only once per week.
Additionally the wearer's cohort gains share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells, speak with master, spell resistance and scry on familiar as if was familiar, using the cohort's level in place of master's level.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Signet Of The Eight And The One
Description: A ring of reddish-tinted gold with infernal seal carved directly into a large central ruby, surrounded by eight lesser gemstones. The gems are dark until an eerie fire is lit within each when their power is unlocked.
Abilities: The Signet of the Eight And The One has great power over the devilkind when mastered.
At first it grants ability to consume soul gems and gain fast healing from them as if the wearer was a fiend, immunity to poison and ability to communicate telepathically with devils within 100 feet range.
Each of the gems is linked to one of layers of hell. To unlock its power the wearer has either to visit that layers of hell and survive there for at least week or have encounter with archdevil ruling that layer and survive. Either achievement lits a spark of eerie infernal fire within the gem associated with that layer.
The Signet grants +1 profane bonus to all Charisma-based ability and skill checks made to interact socially with devils per gem activated and +1 profane bonus to saving throw DCs of all spells and abilities the character uses on devils per three gems activated.
The wearer can tap each unlocked gem once per day to cast summon monster (fiendish creatures and lawful evil outsiders only) of level equal to layer associated with that gem (e.g. tapping gem of Dis produces summon monster II).
Additionally, the wearer gains benefits of favored terrain special ability or adds +2 bonus to existing ability on each layer he has unlocked.
![]() |
![His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9500-5-Gutwad.jpg)
Some interesting ideas. I really was intrigued by Drejk's Sword of the Returned in particular.
A question though, and this may be tainted by my old school memories from yesteryear but isn't one of the primary points addressed in artifacts the downside?
I recall (again fuzzy memory) that every artifact had a con to weigh on the pros that made you second guess if you even wanted the thing.
Has that gone away?
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
A question though, and this may be tainted by my old school memories from yesteryear but isn't one of the primary points addressed in artifacts the downside?
I recall (again fuzzy memory) that every artifact had a con to weigh on the pros that made you second guess if you even wanted the thing.
Has that gone away?
I think that main point of artifacts was always that they are stranger and quirkier than regular items. Of course, old school magic items were quirkier, more unpredictable and less regular than 3rd edition and later magic items, which were heavily tamed, in large part thanks to simplified item creation rules available to PCs. Item creation in 2nd edition was much-much greater undertaking (I don't recall if the rules existed prior to AD&D 2nd Dungeon Master Guide - as I disliked 2nd edition rules, the book was quite good, I still miss that I sold it away, I could always find decent use for gemstone tables describing their color and such). I think that more demanding item creation was quite fine in itself when it came to permanent items as it forced characters to do actual research and questing to make decent magic items, but tedious and overblown in case of some minor items, especially limited use ones, like scrolls, potions and wands - it would be hard to explain number of scrolls, potions and +1 longswords available in some of the modules when taking into account difficulty of their creation.
Old school artifacts tended to be more powerful than "regular" items and bending the rules even more than "regular" items (scrolls and potions are good example of difference between old AD&D and 3rd edition - some of them duplicated spell effects, others did not). Being more powerful is common, but not necessary for me part of being an artifact. What is the most important part of an artifact for me is being nonstandard.
*by quirkier I mean both the drawbacks of using items, which you may recall from old school times (like making Will save, er, saving throw against spells with Wisdom adjustment each use of major power or shifting alignment one step towards Chaotic Nutty) and specific requirements of using items - like attuning items through specific acts, rituals, accidents and chains of quests, like recharging them after each use with certain acts, rituals, etc or just having them weird limits.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Miser's Purse
Description: A purse made of the finest leather adorned with gold and silver threads.
Abilities: The miser's purse is just what is sounds to be. A purse that is capable of holding cash. However, it is not an ordinary purse, it is capable of holding great amount of coins acting similarly to specialized bag of holding and infusing the bearer with great confidence, growing with the value of money stored within the purse. The bearer gains listed morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and skill checks:
600 gp: +1 bonus
4,700 gp: +2 bonus
16,400 gp: +3 bonus
48,000 gp: +4 bonus
137,000 gp: +5 bonus
There are certain limitations on use of the miser's purse. First the bearer of the purse is magically compelled to spend at least one hour every day counting the money stored within the purse, being unable to rest until the counting is completed. Additionally at least one gold coin has to be added to money stored within each day or the bonus is suppressed - regaining the bonus requires adding one coin for each missed day and three days of regular additions. Taking away any money stored in the pouch replaces the morale bonus with shaken condition for one day per gold coin removed. Losing the pouch in any way bestows shaken condition for number of days equal to gold pieces lost within. The bearer of the pouch may freely give it away without acquiring additional penalties, ending his link with it but it does not remove shaken condition already received - such ailment has to pass normally or be ended with miracle or wish.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Description: A spear made of polished dragon bone of aged ivory color, with the head made of blackened, scorched metal shard.
Story: Thousands of years ago, when the humankind was young and inexperienced, unable to protect oneself from the ravaging monsters before capturing protective gaze of deities, an unnamed village was a part of hunting territory of a pack of rapacious dragons. Its denizens were incapable of stopping the beasts from devouring their supplies or even their children for generations. One spring, a youngster hunter roaming the wilds reached the seaside where he heard a voice that advised him how to release the village from the clutches of the beasts. Following the instructions, he crafted a trap in one of the mountain valleys using a freshly killed deer as a bait. When one of the wild dragons came, attracted by the scent of blood the trap was triggered crushing the dragon with avalanche. The hunter took the bones, the teeth, the heart, the tongue, the blood and the vicious saliva of the dragon. He used the bones to craft the spear, using the blood to temper the shaft and the head made of the strange stone that was left on the beach for him by the mysterious voice. The heart and the tongue he ate, as instructed by his unknown patron earlier gaining the strength and cunning of the beast. He grounded he teeth and mixed with the saliva and certain herbs to brew a venom with which he poisoned a few sheep and used them as bait for the rest of the pack. When the beasts came and teared the sheep apart and devoured, they grow slow and sluggish allowing him to move out of his hiding with his new weapon and deliver a killing blow to each of the monsters. The first one and second died before even noticing the danger, third was capable of evading the first blow but fell from the second. Only the fifth dragon regained its senses and fought back, delivering a mortal wound to the hunter before bleeding to death. The hunter was buried by his folk and hailed as a champion and savior and later the people started to worship him as a hero and a deity. His spear was kept in the village to be wielded against future threats for many generations, until the village grew into town and then a city and finally falling into crumbling ruin many generations later.
Abilities: Dragondoom is a +1 dragon bane spear that throbs gently when a dragon remains within 100 feet (unless protected from divinations). A heroic character that uses the spear to kill true dragons, finds the spear to be even more powerful in his hands, depending upon age category of the most powerful dragon he killed.
After participating in killing of a dragon character may consume it's heart to gain bloodline powers of a draconic sorcerer of a level equal to the dragon's CR. Only one bloodline may be accessed in this way at any one time - consuming heart of a different dragon killed replaces previous bloodline with a new one.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Desert Outfit
A set of items bound together by their common origins. They belonged to a nomad dervish and bandit lord that made a pact with spirits of scorching sun, sudden storms and desert's night chill.
Scorching Sun and Sudden Storm
Description: A pair of scimitars with identical blades. Scorching sun has reddish-gold hilt and a small fiery ruby in it's pommel while sudden storm has silvery-blue hilt and a small pale sapphire in it's pommel.
Abilities: They are twin scimitars with enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to number of desert outfit pieces worn. Scorching sun is also a flaming weapon while sudden storm has shocking property.
When the wielder critically hits with both scimitars in the same turn a wave of chilling cold is unleashed dealing 1d6 points of cold damage per piece of desert outfit worn in a 15-ft.-long cone-shaped burst (successful Reflex saving throw halves the damage, DC 15+weapon enhancement bonus).
Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms And Armor, Two-weapon Fighting, cat's grace; Price +1 bonus.
Desert Mail
Description: A chain shirt made of the adamantite with each link individually enameled white.
Abilities: An adamantine chain shirt with enhancement bonus equal to number of desert outfit pieces worn. Each day, after the eight hours of rest, the wearer gains five temporary hit points per piece of desert outfit worn.
Desert Veil
Description: A nondescript white woolen burnous, the type that is worn by desert nomads with a veil that easily covers head and face.
Abilities: It provides the wearer with constant endure elements and grants resistance bonus to all saving throws equal to number of desert outfit pieces worn.
Desert Runners
Description: A pair of worn leather boots of light brown color.
Abilities: Desert runners grant their wearer +10 feet enhancement to land speed and allow ignoring sand-related difficult terrain. Additionally the wearer gains competence bonus to Acrobatics, Stealth and Survival checks equal to twice the number of desert outfit pieces worn.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Tomes Of Lore
Tomes of lore contain secrets that can be tapped by those capable of understanding them. Each of the tomes focuses upon a specific knowledge skill augmenting magic used by their readers.
Description: Each tome of lore is heavy hidebound book with metal hinges and covered in mystical runes.
Powers: Each tome of lore augments certain spells of its reader. To benefit from a tome of lore, the character has to spend at least one hour studying the book and have at least one rank of Knowledge associated with the book. He gains the benefits of the tome for 24 hours or until he reads another tome of lore. Anyone without at least one rank of Knowledge associated with particular book trying to read it becomes confused for 1d10 rounds (Will negates, DC 16).
Tome Of Arcane Devastation: Whenever the character casts a spell that deals acid, cold, electricity, fire or force damage he adds his ranks in Knowledge [arcana] to the total damage done. This additional damage apply only once per spell, not to every missile or ray and only on initial damage roll if the spell deals damage more than once. This bonus damage is not increased by Empower Spell feat but is multiplied on critical hit.
Tome Of Monstrous Forms: The character gains temporary hit points equal to his Knowledge [dungeoneering] whenever he casts a polymorph spell upon oneself.
Tome Of Siege Demolitions: The character ignores up to one point of object's hardness per point of Knowledge [engineering] when casting a spell that damages any objects.
Tome Of Natural Remedies: Whenever the character casts Conjuration (healing) spell he may heal the target of one point of hit point damage per rank in his Knowledge [nature] skill. This is in addition to any other healing provided by the spell.
Tome Of The Planar Servants: Creatures summoned by the character's spells have temporary hit points equal to his ranks in Knowledge [planes] skill.
Tome Of The Risen Servants: Undeads created by the character's spells have temporary hit points equal to his ranks in Knowledge [religion] skill.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Blade Of Mastery
Description: The blade of mastery is a vague sword-like beam of grey mist that collapses into a sword when claimed of the type that would be the most beneficial for the wielder (i.e. the one he has the most weapon-specific feats and abilities supporting it).
Abilities: The blade of mastery has enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls determined by the total number of combat feats possessed by its wielder.
The same bonus is added to the character's CMB when performing disarm or sunder maneuvers and to CMD when defending against disarm and sunder attempts.
When the current wielder dies, gives the weapon away or loses it due to successful disarm the blade disperses into a sword-shaped cloud again, until claimed by another character. Otherwise the weapon cannot be taken away or stolen, dispersing and reforming at the owner's side.
Characters without proficiency in any type of sword find the blade intangible and cannot claim it at all.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Nightwatcher
Description: A short sword with ornate hilt and a pommel that transforms to match the heraldic crest of a city it is currently attuned to.
Abilities: The Nightwatcher is a +1 short sword that grants its wielder darkvision with 60 feet range (or +30 feet range to existing darkvision). Once the wielder is given a position of martial authority (commander of city watch, royal guard, officer of an army, militant noble, champion of local ruler, recognized hero) within a large town or larger settlement the sword's capabilities enhance.
Corporeal or sergant: The weapon gains merciful property.
Low-ranking officer: The sword becomes +2 weapon.
High-ranking officer: The weapon gains humanoid bane property with humanoid subtype determined by the dominant race of the settlement.
Commander, champion or hero: The sword becomes +3 weapon.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Gravekeeper
Description: A black iron scepter with the head reminiscent of a raven.
Abilities: The Gravekeeper is a +1 cold iron undead bane heavy mace of disruption. The bonus increases to +2 if the wielder is capable of casting raise dead, +3 if the wielder can cast resurrection and +4 if the wielder can cast true resurrection.
Each time the wielder of The Gravekeeper returns another creature to life with one of these spells the scepter is imbued with the power of death, storing within a spell-trigger activated slay living spell. Only one spell can be contained within the scepter at any one time.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Description: A greyish-green moss that covers the body of its host with a thick carpet of living armor.
Abilities: After a mossmantle is put on it requires 1d3 days to acclimate to its new host. Once its tendrils root in the host body the mossmantle gain enough susteance to provide it's host with armor bonus equal to his base Fortitude save. This armor cannot be improved with enhancement bnus. Its benefits come at cost, however, as the moss doubles the sustenance needs of the host, doubling amount of food and water needed and halving the time the host can hold his breath. Additionally any magical healing received by the host is halved while all the negative energy damage suffered in increased by 50%.
A mossmantle worn by a character with high base Fortitude save gains additional properties. At +5 or more it has wild armor property but any form taken is covered with moss tangle. At +8 or more it grants +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. At +11 the wearer casting transport via plants may travel to a patch of moss of his size or larger - the mossmantle itself acting as a plant for the plant of his size for the purpose of that spell.
If the wearer of the mossmantle ever succumbs to death effect dying in the process the moss dies instead, keeping the wearer alive and affecting him with heal effect (CL 15th).
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Th following artifact is for use in game where fame/infamy is used:
Emblem of Renown
Aura strong enchantment and necromancy; CL 20th
Slot none; Weight 5 lbs.
No true description of this emblem can be given, as it changes shape to match the will of it's bearer. The emblem can take any shape the bearer desires as long as it is a steel object that weighs 5 lbs. This emblem must be mounted on the top of a flagpole, staff, or similar item and be visible to have an effect. The bearer of the emblem has a frightful presence that affects creatures up to 60 feet away and has a DC = 10 + fame/infamy score.
As the bearer gains in fame/infamy, so does the power of the emblem of renown. All allies and enemies within 60 feet are affected by the emblem. Allies are granted mental strength and enemies are distracted by the emblem.
Fame/Infamy Score: Effect of Allies
1-5: +1 morale bonus on mind-affecting spells and abilities
6-10: +2 morale bonus on mind-affecting spells and abilities
11-15: +3 morale bonus on mind-affecting spells and abilities
16-20: +4 morale bonus on mind-affecting spells and abilities
21+: +5 morale bonus on mind-affecting spells and abilities
Fame/Infamy Score: Effect on Enemies
7-13: -1 morale penalty to CMD
14-20: -2 morale penalty to CMD
21+: -3 morale penalty to CMD
The emblem must be covered in excrement and buried in a lead case underground for twenty-one years.
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Kaika's Ensemble
This set of items was the legendary assassain Kaika's typical equipment.
Kaika's Dirk
This obviously old, medium dagger looks worn down, and seems to be starting to rust. Different shades of dried blood speckle the blade.
Abilities: Kaika's Dirk grows in power depending on the wielder's sneak attack damage.
Sneak Attack Dice | Enhancement Bonus | Abilities
0 | +0 | Eversharp
1 | +1 |
2 | +1 |
3 | +2 |
4 | +2 | Sundering Sneak Attack
5 | +3 |
6 | +3 | Lucky Sneak Attack
7 | +4 |
8 | +4 | Powerful Critical
9 | +5 |
10 | +5 | Sneaking Death
Eversharp: Kaika's Dirk is always extraordinarily sharp, regardless of its condition. It deals damage as though it was a size larger weapon, and it does not suffer any penalties of the broken condition.
Sundering Sneak Attack: When dealing sneak attack damage with Kaika's Dirk, you may deal your sneak attack damage to the target's armor as well.
Lucky Sneak Attack: Three times per day, when sneak attacking with Kaika's Dirk, you may roll your sneak attack dice twice and take the better result.
Powerful Critical: Kaika's Dirk's critical modifier changes from x2 to x3.
Sneaking Death: Whenever you deal sneak attack damage with Kaika's Dirk, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+number of sneak attack dice+number of equipped items of Kaika's Ensemble) or die. This is a death effect. Any creature immune to critical hits or sneak attack is immune to this effect.
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Kaika's Wrap
This ancient dark cloak is covered in holes and tears. Upon closer inspection, it is difficult to precisely determine where the cloak's edges are.
Abilities: Kaika's Wrap grants the wearer concealment. For each piece of Kaika's Ensemble equipped, including this one, the concealment's miss chance increases by 5%.
Full Set: When all pieces of Kaika's Ensemble are equipped together, the wearer has total concealment.
Kaika's Threads
This dirtied vest has a puncture hole through the exact area which would cover the wearer's heart. Looking at the interior, it seems much thicker than if viewing from the outside.
Abilities: Kaika's Threads protects the wearer from sneak attack from an opposing assassin. For each piece of Kaika's Ensemble worn, including this one, the wearer can negate 1d6 of incoming sneak attack damage per attack.
Full Set: When all pieces of Kaika's Ensemble are equipped together, any critical hit against the wearer is treated if its critical multiplier were one lower. If this should reduce an attack's critical modifier to x1, the attack does not deal any critical damage.
Kaika's Sleeves
These thick leather bracers look like they are nearly coming apart. When put together, either stacked on top of each other or both held in one hand, they seem to almost meld into one another.
Abilities: As a full-round action, you may attempt to grapple an opponent who is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC against you. If the grapple check is successful, you may make a single sneak attack against the opponent as well. You gain a bonus on the grapple check equal to the number of items from Kaika's Ensemble that you currently have equipped.
Full Set: You may use the previous ability as a standard action.
Kaika's Lens
This flat, thin crystal is exactly the size of a medium creature's eye surface. Looking through it, the world is suddenly incredibly clear.
Abilities: Kaika's Lens functions as a singular Eye Of The Eagle. For each piece of Kaika's Ensemble you have equipped, including this one, the competence bonus to Perception increases by one.
Full Set: You may see invisible creatures as per a constant see invisibility effect.
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Kaika's Curse
This thin, jet black collar is in supernaturally good condition. Even after covering it in mud, it comes out completely clean. When buckled, the clasp seems to partway merge with the rest of the material.
Abilities: Once donned, all pieces of Kaika's Ensemble, including this one, become bound to you. No piece may be removed, disarmed, or stolen without first successfully casting remove curse (DC25+number of pieces, or DC30+number of pieces for Kaika's Curse). In addition, once per day at a random time, the wearer must make a Will save (DC 15+total number of pieces equipped since the last save) or be compelled to immediately kill the wearer's ally, friend, or loved one that is physically closest to him. He may not rest until the target is dead.
Full Set: The remove curse DC to take off a piece of Kaika's Ensemble becomes 40, and it becomes impossible to take off Kaika's Curse without first removing a different piece of the set. The DC to resist killing an ally, friend, or loved one increases to 25.
Destruction of Kaika's Ensemble
Should a single creature ever keep the entire set equipped for 30 continuous day, and resist killing a single, living thing the entire time, each and every piece of Kaika's Ensemble will crumble to dust.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Description: A thin silvery metal sheath covering the skin of its wearer with esoteric patterns. According to some sages, a steelmind is sort of symbiotic elemental life-form that is telepathically attracted to strong minds providing them with protection in exchange for steady supply of psychic energy.
Abilities: In its inert form, a steelmind is a pool of liquid metal that will visibly twitch when a sapient creature (Int 3+) comes close. Once touched with bare skin it will spread over the body forming runic patterns in 1d3 weeks and initiating an empathic link to its wearer. The host of a steelmind gains an armor bonus equal to his base Will save (this armor cannot be enhanced) but requires two additional hours of rest per day to gain regular benefits of rest. Additionally the host halves all healing and damage received from exposure to positive and negative energies.
Steelminds are known to have vulnerability to mental effects, however. Each time the host uses mind-affecting spell or ability, he gains penalty to AC equal to level of spell or spell-like ability for one round. Each non-instantaneous mind-affecting ability currently used by the host or affecting the host bestows -1 penalty to AC. These penalties stack but cannot exceed the armor bonus of the steelmind.
A steelmind worn by a character with high base Will save gains additional properties. With base Will save of +5 or more it gains ghost touch armor quality. At +8 or more, the wearer is protected with constant planar adaptation adjusting to a new plane in 1d4+1 rounds. The host with base Will save of +11 or more gains mindsight with 20 feet range, feeling the presence of creatures with Intelligence score within range as if using blindsight. Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are undetected by this ability.
TheRedArmy |
![Follower of Shelyn](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9050-ShelynFollower_90.jpeg)
Malthindor This was a RPGA item in 3.5. Don't remember it exactly, so I'm going off memory - with minor editing and ab-libbing [sic].
The legendary blade, Malthindor. The usurper Jaginor slew his king Arthagas with this very blade. While each were accomplished spellcasters, Malthindor only grew stronger with Jaginor's arcane power. While other blades can be improved upon and enhanced, none can match Malthindor's abilities, which respond only to arcane casters.
It is a blade of pure blackness, seemingly sucking light out of the air into it's blade. The handle is made of deep green leather, with small gold wire wrapped around it down to the pommel, which is a pure silver version of a crown, representing Jaginor's tyrannical desires.
Malthindor is an Adamantine blade. It's powers increase based on the level of arcane spells its wielder can cast. It is also a shapeshifter - it can become any weapon at will, but this requires great effort by its wielder.
1st & 2nd: +1 Adamantine Shapeshifter, Bane
3rd and 4th: +2 Adamantine Keen Shapeshifter, Bane, Recall
5th and 6th: +3 Adamantine Keen, Frost Shapeshifter, Bane, Recall, Defy
7th and 8th: +4 Adamantine Keen, Frost, Wounding Shapeshifter, Bane, Recall, Defy, Darkness
9th: +5 Adamantine Keen, Frost, Wounding, Unholy Shapeshifter, Bane, Recall, Defy, Darkness, Annhilate
Special Ability Descriptions:
Shapeshifter: A shapeshifter blade is one that can take any form it's wielder wishes. The wielder must make a spellcraft check any time he wishes to change it. This is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. His check result determines which weapons he can turn it into.
5: Any one-handed simple weapon, or any ranged simple weapon.
10: Any two-handed simple weapon.
15: Any one-handed martial weapon, or any ranged martial weapon.
20: Any two-handed Martial weapon.
25: Any one-handed Exotic Weapon, or any ranged exotic weapon.
30: Any two-handed Exotic Weapon.
Any ranged weapon he forms the blade into automatically creates normal (non-magical) ammunition for itself. Should it be a throwing weapon, it immediately reforms itself in his hand as soon as it strikes its target (or misses). Therefore, he is always counted as being armed with it. However, he can only ever make a single attack with a throwing weapon in a single turn.
Bane: If this weapon is drawn from a sheathed position during an encounter, all enemies within 30 feet are treated as though they had Bane cast upon them (Save DC = 10 + 1/2 wielder's level). A given enemy can only be affected by this ability once per day, regardless of if he saves or not.
Recall: This weapon can be used to re-cast a spell already cast by it's wielder, once per day. The spell must have already been cast that day to be recast.
Defy: If the wielder of this blade is forced to roll a will save for a mind-affecting spell, he may opt to automatically succeed against the save. He may do this once per day.
Darkness: At will, the wielder of this blade may cast Darkness, centered on himself. (Save DC = 10 + 1/2 the wielder's level).
Annihilate: If this blade ever delivers a killing blow to a living being, that being can never be resurrected without a True Resurrection, and the caster of such a spell must have at least 50% of the body for the entire duration of the casting.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Sovereign Executioner
Description: Two-handed, double-bladed axe with metal haft. The handle is wrapped in black hide that can be identified by learned individuals as coming from a minor devil. The head of the axe is engraved with stern armor-clad figures on both sides.
Abilities: The Sovereign Executioner is a tool of merciless law. It's an LN intelligent +2 axiomatic executing* greataxe with Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 10 and Ego score of 14. It communicates telepathically with its wielder, has 5 ranks in Knowledge [local] and Knowledge [nobility]. It's purpose is to execute criminals legally convicted by a rightful court of law - it can cast hold person (as 4th level spell, DC 16) against such targets. Justice or guilt is meaningless to The Sovereign Executioner, however. It is only interested in the legality of the court and following the letter of law when issuing the verdict.
During an actual execution legally sanctioned by a rightful court of law the axe has humanoid bane quality, matching the convict's subtype (if humanoid).
If The Sovereign Executioner is ever used to legally execute a member of reigning royal family it permanently grows in power. If the executed convict is a cousin, an uncle, a nephew, a niece, a grandparent or a grandchild of the reigning monarch, the axe becomes a +3 weapon and its Ego increases to 16. If the victim is a sibling, a child or a parent of the reigning monarch the enhancement bonus grows to +4 and Ego to 18. If the weapon is ever used to execute a reigning monarch with the blessing of the law (a rare task indeed, as a few monarchies have laws allowing for a higher legal authority than the monarch himself) it becomes +5 weapon with Ego of 20.
If The Sovereign Executioner is ever used in act of unlawful regicide its spirit is shattered. Doing so would either destroy it or twist it into a weapon of chaos and anarchy.
Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms And Armor and death knell, slay living or circle of death; Price +2 bonus.
Drejk |
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Edge Of Anarchy
Description: A crimson-tinted double-bladed greataxe with incomprehensible patterns etched on its head. The black hide wrapped on its handle is torn and soaked with blood.
Abilities: It is a CN intelligent +5 anarchic executing greataxe with Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 14 and Ego score of 20. It communicates telepathically with its wielder and has 10 ranks in Knowledge [nobility] skill. It acts as a bane weapon against humanoids that are of royal blood, up to two times removed from a reigning monarch.
The whole purpose of this insane item is to topple governments and end royal bloodlines - the wielder gains +2 luck bonus when fighting against agents of government performing their governmental duties or acting on behalf of legal ruler.
After killing a reigning monarch, the The Edge Of Anarchy unleashes a wave of wild magic that acts as a word of chaos spell (CL 13th). When the wielder of the axe manages to vanquish whole royal bloodline, up to cousins twice removed, he is granted a single wish.
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Executing: Melee weapon only. Any living creature dropped below 0 hit points with executing weapon is killed unless protected from death effects. Any creature killed with executing weapon (either through hit point damage, failed saving throw against coup d'grace or failed saving throw against massive damage) is considered to be killed with death effect and cannot be raised from death nor reincarnated.
Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms And Armor and death knell, slay living or circle of death; Price +2 bonus.
This is my favorite bit of the thread so far. Needs a bit of work, but I like it.
Johonoknat |
![Count Strahd Von Zarvoich](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Count.jpg)
Oooh, always loved Legacy Items, here is one I made for a Paladin of Pharisma in my game.
Solemn the Fatebender
This Cold Iron Bastard Sword seems to shine with a faint blue-white light, and seems to always be subtly shifting, as if it were made of mercury. The hilt is wrapped in black velvet strips, and the pommel is wide, and inscribed with the six suits of a Harrow deck. When swung or unsheathed, the sword never makes even the tiniest of noises.
Solemn gains in power every other level the wielder posses.
1- +1 Bonus, Can turn into a Lance as a move action
3- Can cast Gentle Repose on a slain enemy
5- Frost Enchantment
7- +2 Bonus
9- Holy Enchantment
11- +3 Bonus, Bend Fate, Action Die rolled are d8's rather than d6's when using this weapon
13- Icy Burst Enchantment
15- +4 Bonus
17- Endless Fate +1 Action Die/Session
19- +5 Bonus, Fate of Heroes, +1 Hero Point/Level
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
I will commit a small thread necromancy by assembling a new (borderline necromantic) item of power.
Blood Collector
Description: This small chest is made of dark mahogany with gold-plated hinges and latches. Once opened it reveals a complete portable alchemical kit, full of vials, bottles and jars containing ingredients. On one side is a set of ampules filled with blood samples.
Abilities: Blood collector is a fully equipped masterwork portable alchemical kit with nondimensional storage space capable of storing five cubic feet of alchemical ingredients. Its primary function, however is a form of blood alchemy allowing the user to brew polymorphing elixir from samples of humanoid blood.
A skilled adept of alchemy with 3 or more ranks in Craft [alchemy] can spend one hour and single dose of blood taken from a humanoid to procure elixir that will transform him into specimen of the donor's race as per alter self spell that will last for up to 24 hours. Finished elixir must be drank soon after completion as it loses its potency after 10 minutes. Multiple doses of blood can be mixed together to extend duration of the effect.Unlike alter self spell, this transformation cannot be dismissed voluntarily before its full duration passes, unless the subject uses the set to brews a counter-elixir (which takes 4+1d6 minutes).
A brewer with 9 or more ranks in Craft [alchemy] can procure analogous elixir tuned to another person, whose blood sample he has in addition to the blood required to brew the elixir itself.
After attaining 13 ranks in Craft [alchemy], an elixir capable of duplicating effects of giant form I spell can be brewed and with 15 ranks giant form II. Either can be mixed only for the brewer himself, however.
Blood Collector grows in power when supplied with samples of blood taken from different kinds of humanoid. For each humanoid subtype present in the collection the subject of transformation elixir gains +1 bonus to current and maximum hit points. This bonus hit points are lost when the transformation ends.
Additionally, if the collection contains at least 30 samples of blood taken from different people of the owner's subtype, the owner does not age and is immune to non-magical diseases.
Each blood sample can be stored for up to one month before it goes stale, spoils or drys up which encourages regular replenishment of supply.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
Armor Of The Ironlords
Description: A bluish-tinted full plate armor that magically shows the heraldic device of its wearer.
Abilities: Armor of the ironlords is a +1 full plate that can be comfortable worn for extended periods of time if correctly adjusted to specific person (a task taking at least three days for skilled armorer, at least one week if done unskilled). Once the armor is tailored to particular wearer, his coat of arms appears on the front of the armor. Enhancement bonus of this armor increases to +2 if the wearer has at least +5 base Fortitude bonus, +3 with base Fortitude bonus of +8 and +4 for wearer having +11 base Fortitude bonus. Wearers with Endurance feat improve the enhancement bonus by 1 more point.
Each day, after eight hours of the wearer's rest, the tailored armor of the ironlords gains a pool of temporary hit points equal to one-quarter of its wearer permanent hit point pool. These hit points protect both the wearer and the armor from incoming damage.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Devourer Of Spirit
Description: A blackened taloned bird-like forearm, partly covered in very fine gleaming scales. A tangle of strange colored veins and nerves dandles from the butchered stump. It is rumored to come from unknown daemon that was killed for his monstrous, even for a daemonic standards, voraciousness.
Abilities: The devourer of spirit is powerless until it is surgically attached in place of severed left hand of a medium humanoid. A successful Heal check (DC 25) is required to perform the implantation and the patient suffers 2d6 points of Charisma damage as he is overcome with malignant fever and haunted with blasphemous nightmares following the implantation. Once the fever passes the devourer implantation process is finished and its powers awaken.
The host of the devourer gains single claw natural attack dealing 1d8 points of damage that is treated as magic and evil weapon with critical multiplier increasing to x4 when performing coup d'grace action. In round in which it is not used to attack as a part of attack, full attack or charge actions it can be used to deliver quick strike making single attack as a swift action. If it is used to deliver killing blow (through hit point damage, coup d'grace or massive damage) to a Fey or Outsider it attempts to capture the victim's spiritual essence unless the victim makes a successful Will saving throw (DC 10+one-half of the host's HD+the host's Charisma modifier). Captured essence is trapped within the spirit vanquisher granting it enhanced powers based upon power of the spirit trapped:
The devourer can only hold single spirit at any one time and cannot trap another essence if it is already holding one.
Summoned creatures, nor those created with illusion (shadow) spells cannot be trapped by the devourer.
Empty devourer urges its owner to search for, attack and consume fey and outsiders and has Ego score of 15 for this purpose.
Drejk |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Red.jpg)
The Master Ring
Description: The master ring is a plain and simple, made of tarnished silver with worn-away glyphs engraved on its surface.
Abilities: While most rings interfere with each other, preventing functioning of all rings worn on a hand, the master ring taps the power of any rings worn on the same hand growing in power as more powerful rings are put on neighbour fingers. Remaining rings go inert, as usual but the master ring gains powers based upon the total base price of rings worn on the same hand.
With 8,000 gp of base price of rings worn on the same hand, the master ring grants +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and AC.
After passing the threshold of 32,000 gp of base price of rings worn, the bonus increases to +2.
At 72,000 gp, the bonus increases to +3. Additionally, the ring grants +1 luck bonus to caster level.
At 128,000 gp, the luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and AC increases to +4, the luck bonus to caster level increases to +2 and the wearer can use arcane mark and prestidigitation at will.
After reaching 200,000 gp in base price of rings worn, the master ring grants +5 luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws and AC, +3 luck bonus to caster level and makes the wearer immune to starvation, thirst, aging and non-magical diseases.
Thefurmonger |
Dotting this as it is AMAZING.
Anyone have any ideas for something built for/by a Oracle of Flames?
Patron Elemental lord Ymeri, The Lady of Flame.
I was tossing some ideas around of a meta-magic rod perhaps?
Or a take on Wild armor, one that works with their psudo-wildshape, Form of Flames.
Any Ideas would be great.