Incense of meditation and wizard spells


Lantern Lodge

I think that means your Cleric 1 will get the maximized effect.

After all when you cast an arcane spell you don't add your divine spellcaster levels (Cleric lvs) to your spells do you?

Caster Level wrote:
A spell's power often depends on its caster level, which for most spellcasting characters is equal to her class level in the class she's using to cast the spell.

So even as a Wizard 9/Cleric 1, you only have CL 1 as a Divine caster and CL 9 as an Arcane one.

Meaning that incense of meditation should not affect the wizard side of you...

Liberty's Edge

Sorry, totally tried deleting the OP when I realized I dropped this in the wrong forum. This was meant for Rules Questions.

I honestly don't think the intent was to maximize cleric spells (and wasn't going to use it beyond that), I was just curious if this was a loophole in RAW.

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