Boar Style feat and bleed damage

Rules Questions

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The Boar Style feat reads as follows:
You can deal bludgeoning damage or slashing damage with your unarmed strikes—changing damage type is a free action. While using this style, once per round when you hit a single foe with two or more unarmed strikes, you can tear flesh. When you do, you deal 2d6 bleed damage with the attack.

The pertinant part of the bleed rules read as follows:
A creature that is taking bleed damage takes the listed amount of damage at the beginning of its turn. Bleed effects do not stack with each other unless they deal different kinds of damage.

Given that you can change the damage type as a free action between bludgeoning damage or slashing damage with the Boar Style feat, does that mean you could stack bleed damage using this style by changing the type of attack from one type to another? This ofcourse assumes you successfully hit your opponent more than once?

"Bleed" IS the type of damage, it's neither bludgeoning or slashing, so no, it won't stack

Archaeik wrote:
"Bleed" IS the type of damage, it's neither bludgeoning or slashing, so no, it won't stack

Ok. Thanks for the clarification.

...and as far as I can tell, that means that in this case the 'bleed' damage is only the damage type, which means that it does not continue each round as bleeding damage... Or am I wrong here?

It's highly in dispute.

By bleed they probably meant rend. But what's done is done.

Any official input or very clever answers in other dispute-thread's? :P

...yeah, yeah, I'll go and search the forum :)

Derwalt wrote:
...and as far as I can tell, that means that in this case the 'bleed' damage is only the damage type, which means that it does not continue each round as bleeding damage... Or am I wrong here?

Bleed is a damage type, one that is explained here. If it is bleed damage, then it occurs at the beginning of the bleeding creatures turn, until a DC 15 heal check.

Derwalt wrote:

Any official input or very clever answers in other dispute-thread's? :P

...yeah, yeah, I'll go and search the forum :)

I haven't heard an official clarification, but my reading of the forums has it that the bleed occurs like a bleed. However most everyone thinks that they did not mean to use the term "bleed."

Bleed effects do not stack with each other unless they deal different kinds of damage.

As I understand it, this is meant to clarify that you can be bleeding hit point damage, strength damage and wisdom damage all at the same time (for example).

If you're suffering from 1d6 hp bleed and you get hit for 2d6 hp bleed, you now only suffer from the 2d6 hp bleed effect. If you are bleeding 1 CON and get hit with a 2 CON bleed attack, you now only suffer from the 2 CON bleed. But you can be suffering from both of those at the same time.

If you're suffering from 1d6 hp bleed and you get hit for 2d6 hp bleed, you now only suffer from the 2d6 hp bleed effect. If you are bleeding 1 CON and get hit with a 2 CON bleed attack, you now only suffer from the 2 CON bleed. But you can be suffering from both of those at the same time.

The problem with worrying about it this way is that it's very hard to remove less than all the bleed effects at once, so unless it's an unusual situation where varying levels of bleed have durations, it's not even worth tracking.

Until there's errata or some confirmation of PFS rules adjucation, the bleed from this feat indeed happens at the start of every turn
I'm actually quite surprised they've let it go this long, BUT their issue with making a change is probably that they don't want to let people qualify for the Rending Fury chain(sadface)

Coming a little late to the party but the Boar Shred Feat in the Boar Style Train states " While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent's flesh, once per round at the start of that opponent's turn he takes 1d6 bleed damage. The bleed damage dealt while using Boar Style persist even if you later switch to a different style."

If Boar Style did a continuous 2D6 bleed then why would an enhanced Feat in that Style Train only do 1D6? My conclusion is that the 2D6 is a one time thing as part of the initial attack damage and then if you have Boar Shred that becomes 2D6 on the attack and then 1D6 in subsequent rounds.

Am I crazy?

I would tend to agree with Thelo's definition of the style feat. Reason, under the definition of damage, nowhere is bleed listed.
Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Energy, Ability, nonlethal, precision, positive & negative energies are listed but bleed isn't. It is a condition caused by damage, not a damage type itself.

It is not bleed damage of any kind. It is just "extra points of damage." See the first to second printing errata of the Ultimate Combat book. (Update 1.1)

Keiger wrote:
It is not bleed damage of any kind. It is just "extra points of damage." See the first to second printing errata of the Ultimate Combat book. (Update 1.1)

The one released within the last month? In a thread a year old? ARISE MY CREATION, ARISE!

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