Iconic stats

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Does anybody know if there is a PDF with the 1st level wrote-ups of all of the iconics

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lefty X wrote:
Does anybody know if there is a PDF with the 1st level wrote-ups of all of the iconics

Actually not all the iconics have official write ups. The Pathfinder society page on this site has 1,4, and 7th level writeups for the fighter, wizard, cleric, and rogue, as well as the samurai, gunslinger, and ninja. Most of the others have no stat blocks at all. Although if you search the Paizo blog you'll see a writeup for Seltyiel as an Eldritch Knight and some others, although I think all of the writeups in that blog are technicaly obsolete and no longer "official".

So has anyone taken the level 1 versions from the AP and put them online, or posted them? I'm not trying to bypass buying them, but it would be a silly investment for 2 pages of stats.

Dark Archive

I tried to make stat blocks from the data in the character sheets.

On d20pfsrd.com look at the NPC DB and search by their names.
It's been awhile and it was my 1st and only attempt to translate a character sheet to a stat block.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just download the iconic pregens from here.

The original AP iconics were 3.5, not Pathfinder. These are the official real deal. If it's not in the SRD, we can't post it here. (or anywhere else for that matter.)

I know the AP write-ups aren't SRD, but I think that would be a cool thing for them to put up for free. ALL of the iconics' 1st level stats in one big PDF. Especially considering we aren't getting anymore base classes anytime soon.

LazarX wrote:

1) Just download the iconic pregens from here.

2) The original AP iconics were 3.5, not Pathfinder. These are the official real deal.

3) If it's not in the SRD, we can't post it here. (or anywhere else for that matter.)


1) not the same point buy, AP uses 15, PFS uses 20.

2) Some got upgraded to Pathfinder.

3) Paizo can make them for/in the SRD/PRD if they want.

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Here's some of the stats listed on the Paizo blog. Not first level as requested, but still fun to have in my opinion.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ian Davison wrote:

Here's some of the stats listed on the Paizo blog. Not first level as requested, but still fun to have in my opinion.


Be aware that some, if not most, of those stats are obsolete. They're all perfectly usable though.

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