Ferocity / Diehard and Healing

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So, if you have the Ferocity trait or the Diehard feat, and you are limited to one action per round... what about these two additional modifiers to that circumstance.

What happens when Ferocity/Diehard kicks in after your move action? Say you move, get hit with an AoO, activate Ferocity/Diehard... do you then get to try to move again or use a standard? Technically, the number of actions you get per round... do you get these "funded" to you when your turn begins so you should still have the other action to spend, or do you just no longer get that action. Not seeing in the rules where it outlines this scenario.

The other question is, what if you start your turn with Ferocity/Diehard active, and use a standard to heal yourself above 0 HP. Do you then regain your move action you would not otherwise have had?

Scarab Sages

setzer9999 wrote:
What happens when Ferocity/Diehard kicks in after your move action?

As soon as you gain the staggered condition, you're limited to a single move or standard action. Since you didn't previously have this condition during your turn, any actions you took don't matter.

setzer9999 wrote:
The other question is, what if you start your turn with Ferocity/Diehard active, and use a standard to heal yourself above 0 HP. Do you then regain your move action you would not otherwise have had?


You take a move.
You get limited to taking a standard action or a move on your turn.
You've already take a move on your turn, your turn ends.

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