Am I the only one who imagines other posters as actually being good looking

Off-Topic Discussions

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People always tell me I look like my cousin Sock.

pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

I'm only a year older than you.

Silver Crusade

Imagine Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Now remove the facial hair, add some more hair up top, better dressed (not by much), shoes, a little younger, way different personality, no chain, um......, okay really not like Carl, except portly and a little balding up top. That's me.

pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?

The Exchange

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?

I still have a tendency to imagine other posters as kids. At 36 I know I'm not exactly the Old Man on the Mountain, but it feels that way sometimes.

And no, 23 is still a baby. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I‘m a warthog faced, vomitous mass. Children shriek at my hideousness, babes weep at my approach, women cry out “Dear God, what is that thing?”


That's why I wear this sheet.

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?

Well I mostly was talking about the pics in that thread link posted earlier which seemed to be mostly 35+ year old people. I guess those are just the type of people who have the time to browse the off topic section of a tabletop gaming messageboards. Sweet, I'm a minority!

pipedreamsam wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?

Well I mostly was talking about the pics in that thread link posted earlier which seemed to be mostly 35+ year old people. I guess those are just the type of people who have the time to browse the off topic section of a tabletop gaming messageboards. Sweet, I'm a minority!

Well if anything you're still a minor (depending on which country you're in). Even TOZ is apparently only like 20 something, which is weird because I actually imagined him older.

Hitdice wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Anyway, all and all based on the thread I got to see, posters aren't that bad looking allowing my views of the internet to foster. Ashiel and Kelsey are probably really freaking hot and just don't wanna post their pics so we won't stalk them.
Naw, I don't post a pic because I'm a tranny and therefore hate my (male) body. Once I get some hormones and surgery, I'll post.

So long as you keep your pants on, feel free to post with just the hormones :)

(That came out wrong? Hardly the first time.)

This reminds me of certain short movie that was spread on internet a few years ago...

Moorluck wrote:
I still have a tendency to imagine other posters as kids. At 36 I know I'm not exactly the Old Man on the Mountain, but it feels that way sometimes.

And this reminds me when I went with a few friends from gaming club for a picnic and it occured me that I am the youngest present (I think I was 30 then). Which lead all participants to joke about their age.

Uh, that was over one and half year ago... I must get used to being 32 since monday.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have platoon leaders in my company who were in high school while I was invading Iraq. :/

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I have platoon leaders in my company who were in high school while I was invading Iraq. :/


Silver Crusade

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I have platoon leaders in my company who were in high school while I was invading Iraq. :/

I can outdo that. My last deployment-- several of the young privates I spoke with during the mission (none of them actually fell into my section), were born after I'd already completed my first 3 year tour in the Regular Army and was in my first stint with the National Guard. I believe, though I think it's really close-- but the youngest officer I know of on that deployment, was born after I started Basic Training. :P

How long it takes to advance to platoon leader, counting from enlistment?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Finn K wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I have platoon leaders in my company who were in high school while I was invading Iraq. :/
I can outdo that. My last deployment-- several of the young privates I spoke with during the mission (none of them actually fell into my section), were born after I'd already completed my first 3 year tour in the Regular Army and was in my first stint with the National Guard. I believe, though I think it's really close-- but the youngest officer I know of on that deployment, was born after I started Basic Training. :P

Was his birth date minus nine months close to your first leave? ;)

Cosmo wrote:

If it makes you feel any better, I am incredibly good looking. I am also staggeringly talented, loveable, charitable, funny, charismatic, intelligent, and with very nice facial hair.

I am also the most modest person you will ever meet.

All of this is completely true.

Cosmo is also a disturbingly good poet. (I have proof.)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
How long it takes to advance to platoon leader, counting from enlistment?

Since the USA is still collectively stupid enough to let someone go to college, get some pseudo-military training through ROTC (or, worse yet, go through those abysmal excuses for military preparation that are the service academies)-- then someone waves the magic wand, gives 'em their "butter bars", declares them "leaders of men"-- they go to their Basic Officer Leadership Course-- and there they are: brand new Lieutenants and Ensigns-- ready to screw everything up as platoon leaders (among other tasks). Takes getting your Bachelor's Degree, + about 5-11 months for that Officer's Basic Course, depending on which Branch the Officer was commissioned into.

Doesn't take anywhere near long enough; and none of them are required to have time in the enlisted ranks before they get commissioned. Hmmm... Actually, since we did have a couple of officers who'd barely hit 21, some of them were definitely born after I'd gone to Basic Training.

Drejk wrote:

Was his birth date minus nine months close to your first leave? ;)

Well, for a few of them the timing would have been about right... :D

(seriously though-- naw, none of them line up for right place and right time; and I always use protection)

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What's the difference between a private and a lieutenant?

A degree.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I must be a glass-is-half-full kind of guy. I tend to picture everyone anonymous to me as pretty good-looking.

I think it comes from having something of a cinematic mind. I just picture everybody at their computer the way they would look if they were members of a film cast.

I don't know about any of you, but I'm dead sexy.

Perchance I should get a new photo of my handsome self?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm paler than this. It's a good representation of my wings, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

Would it be out of place and post a pic like a cam whore?

This is me showing off some skin It's not really NSFW or anything but maybe something people wouldn't feel comfortable looking at work.

Your permissions are not enabled for those not your Facebook friend to see that photo. You need to change it to public if you want to feed others to engage in Facebook voyeurism.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

TriOmegaZero and Finn K wrote:
We have been in the Army too long and need to retire...

C'mon and free up some promotions fer us younglings! I've been an E-6 too long...

Screw promotions. Free up room for more recruits so I can try and get a waiver out of MEPS. Technically, I can join the military again if I can talk MEPS into thinking I won't have to be discharged a second time.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
TriOmegaZero and Finn K wrote:
We have been in the Army too long and need to retire...
C'mon and free up some promotions fer us younglings! I've been an E-6 too long...

IIRC TOZ is not so old to be blocking promotions... Much.

Grand Lodge

...I hit RCP next year...

Urizen wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

Would it be out of place and post a pic like a cam whore?

This is me showing off some skin It's not really NSFW or anything but maybe something people wouldn't feel comfortable looking at work.
Your permissions are not enabled for those not your Facebook friend to see that photo. You need to change it to public if you want to feed others to engage in Facebook voyeurism.

Publicized for Voyeuristic Pleasure ;)

Dark Archive

Azure_Zero wrote:
Mesomorphs gain muscle easily (even a walk can put on muscle) and can gain fat easier than a Ecto, but harder than an Endo. Mesomorphs also like action.

Oh, I do so like me some'a that there action!

Sovereign Court

Moorluck wrote:
I still have a tendency to imagine other posters as kids. At 36 I know I'm not exactly the Old Man on the Mountain, but it feels that way sometimes.

Get off my lawn, rugrat!

Scarab Sages

Holey Sheet wrote:
I‘m a warthog faced, vomitous mass. Children shriek at my hideousness, babes weep at my approach, women cry out “Dear God, what is that thing?”

A duel, sir!

To the Pain!

Scarab Sages

Bruunwald wrote:

I must be a glass-is-half-full kind of guy. I tend to picture everyone anonymous to me as pretty good-looking.

I think it comes from having something of a cinematic mind. I just picture everybody at their computer the way they would look if they were members of a film cast.

Oh, they are; it's just Meet the Feebles.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

Would it be out of place and post a pic like a cam whore?

This is me showing off some skin It's not really NSFW or anything but maybe something people wouldn't feel comfortable looking at work.
Your permissions are not enabled for those not your Facebook friend to see that photo. You need to change it to public if you want to feed others to engage in Facebook voyeurism.
Publicized for Voyeuristic Pleasure ;)

First thing that came to mind: Keanu Reeves during the Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure era.

Sovereign Court

OK, so this is what I look like.

No, it's not really me, but if you go to PaizoCon in July, you'll recognize me. ;)

really, I swear, just ask Daigle or Boomer or Erik or Timitus or Zuxius or thelesuit or ... heck any of the folks I hung out with during PaizoCon 2009 and 2010

Finn K wrote:
Drejk wrote:
How long it takes to advance to platoon leader, counting from enlistment?

Since the USA is still collectively stupid enough to let someone go to college, get some pseudo-military training through ROTC (or, worse yet, go through those abysmal excuses for military preparation that are the service academies)-- then someone waves the magic wand, gives 'em their "butter bars", declares them "leaders of men"-- they go to their Basic Officer Leadership Course-- and there they are: brand new Lieutenants and Ensigns-- ready to screw everything up as platoon leaders (among other tasks). Takes getting your Bachelor's Degree, + about 5-11 months for that Officer's Basic Course, depending on which Branch the Officer was commissioned into.

Doesn't take anywhere near long enough; and none of them are required to have time in the enlisted ranks before they get commissioned. Hmmm... Actually, since we did have a couple of officers who'd barely hit 21, some of them were definitely born after I'd gone to Basic Training.

Heya Finn.

I typed something about you telling us how you really felt about officer training in the US military, Finn, about four times. But it kept coming off either snarky or hateful, so I gave up.

But I hear you. :D

To Topic:

Ragnarok Aeon,

I "lurked" on the Paizo messageboards quite a while before I even posted. I arrived to Paizo / Pathfinder once I decided to "get back into table-top gaming" after a long hiatus.

I registered here on in October of 2008, a few months after the 4th Edition of D&D had been released. The so-called "Edition Wars" were in high swing back then, so threads and posts were pretty hot-and-heavy.

Once I realized that I couldn't associate a specific avatar (other than known Paizo folks) to specific people, I pretty much started ignoring avatars (other than taking the person's choice as a data-point when typing to them / near them).

Of course, TOZ is guilty in this matter (as many others I'm not aware of I'm sure) ... I couldn't understand why some of "his" posts were so lucid and praise-worthy while others were so ass-backwards and crazy. Then I realized more than one person could have that pirate-guy avatar ... and relaxed.

I was also deeply-impressed that the Paizo folks were fully-engaged with their customers, and started posting under my real name.

So now, unless someone self-identifies or links to a picture of themselves off-messageboard, I just choose to think of everyone I meet here as glowing balls of happy light, behind a keyboard (or other, more user-friendly device).


-- Andy

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yep. My avatar is pretty close to accurate. And the ladies love me... Why? Because I'm typing this with somethin' and it ain't my beak or my claws.

I'd waggle my eyebrows if'n I had any.

Mikaze wrote:

It's okay, he's still seaworthy.


[paranoid] Are you calling me fat? [/paranoid]

Nah, just 'big keeled'.

Silver Crusade

Kajehase wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

It's okay, he's still seaworthy.


[paranoid] Are you calling me fat? [/paranoid]

Nah, just captain material. ;)

Which raises the question of whether you can marry people on land as well as at sea. I'm not sure how that works.

Urizen wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

Would it be out of place and post a pic like a cam whore?

This is me showing off some skin It's not really NSFW or anything but maybe something people wouldn't feel comfortable looking at work.
Your permissions are not enabled for those not your Facebook friend to see that photo. You need to change it to public if you want to feed others to engage in Facebook voyeurism.
Publicized for Voyeuristic Pleasure ;)
First thing that came to mind: Keanu Reeves during the Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure era.

Cool, 'cause Keanu is like my role model sort of.

So I have this one picture that's sort of androgynous looking before I cut my hair. Why is it that so many girls like the hair?

Mikaze wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

It's okay, he's still seaworthy.


[paranoid] Are you calling me fat? [/paranoid]

Nah, just captain material. ;)

Which raises the question of whether you can marry people on land as well as at sea. I'm not sure how that works.

What does being a captain have anything to do with marrying people? Does marriage fall under the captain's purview once you leave the land masses? Because the oceans are international and Kajehase is the king on the sea?

Oh lord, it's hard to be humble.
When I'm perfect in every way.
I can't wait to look in the mirror.
I get better looking each day.

To know me is to love me.
I know I'm a hell of a man.
Oh lord, it's hard to be humble,
But I'm doing the best that I can...

Silver Crusade

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
TriOmegaZero and Finn K wrote:
We have been in the Army too long and need to retire...
C'mon and free up some promotions fer us younglings! I've been an E-6 too long...


Missed something in my posts, I think you did. :P

My last deployment was in 2009. I retired in 2010, and I've already cleared the way for you young whippersnappers... (plus I was an E-6 when I retired anyway-- you think you got it hard waiting for a promotion in the Regular Army-- you really have to wait for someone to die to open up a slot in Guard and Reserve units, particularly if you're in a small MOS.

Andrew Tuttle wrote:

Heya Finn.

I typed something about you telling us how you really felt about officer training in the US military, Finn, about four times. But it kept coming off either snarky or hateful, so I gave up.

But I hear you. :D

I had to cut and rewrite what I said 7 times in that post, otherwise it would've been a lot a snarkier... ;)

Seriously-- Most of the officers I served under were mediocre at best, there were way too many poor officers, and although I served under a few truly outstanding officers, there were too few good ones that I saw in the commissioned ranks. I don't blame the people who become officers-- most of them I'm pretty sure were (and are) basically decent human beings to start with-- but I really don't think we've got a good system for selecting, training and qualifying, mentoring, promoting and retaining officers in the United States Military, and IMO it shows in the results we have for a lot of the leadership (and the whole "0-defect" never ever take a risk, bureaucratic mastery, avoid being the one held accountable if anything can go wrong, crap I saw from my view in the ranks, is part of that system).

I'm sure a lot of people's experiences were different than mine, and YMMV-- I also mean no offense to people who happen to be (or were, if they're out now) commissioned officers, but it's kind'a hard for me not to hate officers on general principle after some of the truly abysmal leadership I had on two deployments (on one of them, yes, officer mistakes cost lives unnecessarily, and I've never forgotten or forgiven that-- I admit, that's one of my many issues I should handle better that the psych types tell me is part of the PTSD problems I have now). I do remember that the gut-reaction to hate, is my issue and not fair to the person who may be an officer, so I try to not lash out at people over it-- I apologize for not always being successful at that effort.

Moorluck wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
pipedreamsam wrote:
After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.

Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?

I still have a tendency to imagine other posters as kids. At 36 I know I'm not exactly the Old Man on the Mountain, but it feels that way sometimes.

And no, 23 is still a baby. ;)

So many old people on these boards...flexes younger 30-something body

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I have platoon leaders in my company who were in high school while I was invading Iraq. :/


I am, in fact, a sexy and hirsute goblin.

Don Juan de Doodlebug in action: Beware, ladies!

Bruunwald wrote:

I must be a glass-is-half-full kind of guy. I tend to picture everyone anonymous to me as pretty good-looking.

I think it comes from having something of a cinematic mind. I just picture everybody at their computer the way they would look if they were members of a film cast.

If that cast is the rocky horror picture show you might be onto something...

Dark Archive

Aaaaahhh whatever. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm f$!+ing hot. Imagine me naked all you want.

Scarab Sages

Still the same picture from the sockpuppet thread, but since it is still more or less acurate (no, that was a renaissance fair, I am not normally wearing this kind of clothes) and one of the few pictures of me floating around anywhere in the web, this has to do.

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