Ragnarok Aeon |

Sometimes when I read that a poster is a girl, I can't help but wonder if she's hot. Am I the only one that does this? Is this bad? Do women ever wonder if guys behind the text are good looking?
I'd like to think it's not just the fact that they're girls, because most times when I think about people it just defaults to the most optimistic vision possible regardless of their gender, that maybe everyone is secretly a ham or a hottie hiding behind a screen, unless they actually say they're not.
Maybe it's because I like to consider myself a geek but and I'm just projecting my own experiences onto the internet. I'd like to think that any random person on the internet is not what the media portrays (you know the over weight, smelly guy living in his mom's basement) and in fact just seems like an overused stereotype and I think I would actually be surprised to find a poster who fit that description.

Shadowborn |

Gamers run the gamut on appearances, but I will say that there is a stereotype for a reason. If I'd gone into genetics, I'd be looking for a fat grant so I could isolate the "nerd gene" and see what sort of physical features it's commonly tied to.
I have to say, Ragnarok, that yours is the most...optimistic outlook I've seen on the internet.

Azure_Zero |

Gamers run the gamut on appearances, but I will say that there is a stereotype for a reason. If I'd gone into genetics, I'd be looking for a fat grant so I could isolate the "nerd gene" and see what sort of physical features it's commonly tied to.
I have to say, Ragnarok, that yours is the most...optimistic outlook I've seen on the internet.
Or you could look at sheldon's body types and I think the most common types for a "nerd" will be those closer to Ectomorphy or Endomorphy.

Ragnarok Aeon |

I'm not that good looking. Then again, I'm a pre-op tranny, so I have an excuse :D
Pft, I don't judge how good looking a person is by what's going on their pants. I don't see why a pre-op tranny can't be hot...
What do you mean? Are you saying the photos next to the posts are fakes?!?
Could be, it's hard to tell. If I could just have my own custom avatar... Well, no, I think that would be further off than what I have here.
Gamers run the gamut on appearances, but I will say that there is a stereotype for a reason. If I'd gone into genetics, I'd be looking for a fat grant so I could isolate the "nerd gene" and see what sort of physical features it's commonly tied to.
I believe it's people with the money only hire people with preselected defined stereotypes that make intelligent look evil or alone or ugly and that being dumb is good, sociable, and pretty. This is part of their plan to dumb out the world in order to take control by making ignorance look more appeasing.

Ragnarok Aeon |

Would it be out of place and post a pic like a cam whore?
This is me showing off some skin It's not really NSFW or anything but maybe something people wouldn't feel comfortable looking at work.

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What do you mean, all gamers are good looking.:) Seriously though I often think the same thing as most avitars are good looking but then again I also assume people on the radio are good looking and am later shocked when I actually see them. Obviously what is good looking is based on personal perspective (I mean Paulina thought Rick Ocasek was handsome)but I have seen plenty of good looking people at cons and some not so good looking people as well which makes sense because most people tend to be "average". I think there is a law or bell curve or something that accounts for that.

Shadowborn |

Shadowborn wrote:Or you could look at sheldon's body types and I think the most common types for a "nerd" will be those closer to Ectomorphy or Endomorphy.Gamers run the gamut on appearances, but I will say that there is a stereotype for a reason. If I'd gone into genetics, I'd be looking for a fat grant so I could isolate the "nerd gene" and see what sort of physical features it's commonly tied to.
I have to say, Ragnarok, that yours is the most...optimistic outlook I've seen on the internet.
It's not just body type though, which can be changed to a certain extent through diet and exercise. With countless forays to gaming stores and conventions, I've noted that there is a certain "look" that is common enough that I've thought people were related when they weren't even from the same state. This is purely anecdotal, and not all-inclusive, but its happened enough to cause me to speculate about a "nerd gene."

Darth Knight |

Sometimes when I read that a poster is a girl, I can't help but wonder if she's hot. Am I the only one that does this?
Is this bad?
Only if you dislike disappointments.
Do women ever wonder if guys behind the text are good looking?
Not a woman, I am sure some wonder.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:It's not just body type though, which can be changed to a certain extent through diet and exercise. With countless forays to gaming stores and conventions, I've noted that there is a certain "look" that is common enough that I've thought people were related when they weren't even from the same state. This is purely anecdotal, and not all-inclusive, but its happened enough to cause me to speculate about a "nerd gene."Shadowborn wrote:Or you could look at sheldon's body types and I think the most common types for a "nerd" will be those closer to Ectomorphy or Endomorphy.Gamers run the gamut on appearances, but I will say that there is a stereotype for a reason. If I'd gone into genetics, I'd be looking for a fat grant so I could isolate the "nerd gene" and see what sort of physical features it's commonly tied to.
I have to say, Ragnarok, that yours is the most...optimistic outlook I've seen on the internet.
Body type is not something you can change,
Ectomorphs have high metabolisms and resist gaining muscle or fat, and our sensitive to there environment.Ectomorphs have low metabolisms and gain muscle and fat, but fat is gained easier and is harder to burn off, They are slow but very social.
Mesomorphs gain muscle easily (even a walk can put on muscle) and can gain fat easier than a Ecto, but harder than an Endo. Mesomorphs also like action.

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Well... according to my Facebook friends, I was apparently some kind of teenage heartthrob back in high school. Pity I never realized it back then. I only had half a head of hair at any time back then, I wouldn't have believed it.
It's amazing what people will admit to, decades later.
(Although, more recently in business school, I remember working in one team on a business case. When meeting one of the other guys, he pointed at me and responded, "You! You're the guy that all the women in my Corporate Valuation class group can't stop talking about! We've wasted hours on you!" So there's that.)
As to the "Nerd Gene," what is the gene for goatees?

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Maybe we visualize people we've never really seen because our brains demand some form of order, some ruleset that has to just "be" in order for our experience to make sense to us. Assuming everyone whom I speak with online about mutual interests is human, I do try to figure out what they look like. It's not an unnatural process at all.
I'll admit though, my visualizations of people--gleaned from what they say or how they sound over the phone--are wildly better than the reality! OTOH, I tend to game with some really pretty girls and a lot of fairly hot guys. While I hope that extends to me, I doubt I would rate as more than "right around average".

Ragnarok Aeon |

If I mess up my hair and find a blue scarf, I think I could pull off my avatar. God I'd love a blue scarf like that (which is why I chose the avatar).
Truthfully, I'm an impossibly physically average human. So I could pull off a lot of characters by virtue of commonality. I only say I'm good looking because I don't actually believe it (and if I did that would just be vain), therefore giving me to believe that those that say that they aren't must be really good looking.
Edit: really thinking about that statement. I really just think everyone is uber hot if I have to visualize on my own. Of course I'm rather receptive to the term "hot" which for me varies between voluptuous to slim and everywhere in between.

Hitdice |

Lord Dice wrote:only if she can fire a laser from the jewel at the brow of said crown.Freehold DM wrote:I'm all for tiara jess door. What other accessories should we include?Tiara? Crown.
If the the Crown Jewel {r} is found to be non-functional DiceCo {tm} will provide a Necklace of Fireballs free of charge.
(It's cool, we make them in house, total tax write-off.)

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Anyway, all and all based on the thread I got to see, posters aren't that bad looking allowing my views of the internet to foster. Ashiel and Kelsey are probably really freaking hot and just don't wanna post their pics so we won't stalk them.
Naw, I don't post a pic because I'm a tranny and therefore hate my (male) body. Once I get some hormones and surgery, I'll post.

Hitdice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:Anyway, all and all based on the thread I got to see, posters aren't that bad looking allowing my views of the internet to foster. Ashiel and Kelsey are probably really freaking hot and just don't wanna post their pics so we won't stalk them.Naw, I don't post a pic because I'm a tranny and therefore hate my (male) body. Once I get some hormones and surgery, I'll post.
So long as you keep your pants on, feel free to post with just the hormones :)
(That came out wrong? Hardly the first time.)

Kirth Gersen |

What amazes me is that houstonderek, Jess Door, TriOmegaZero, and I all somehow found avatars that look suprisingly like us. (I'm thinner than my avatar, and my horns are less obvious, but you can't have everything. Also -- and I may be kidding myself here -- but I like to think I have a lot more black and less gray in my hair.)