As we got out of HoH and into TotB I thought we were done with ghosts for the most part, but our first encounter in TotB was incorporeal. So if someone could tell me avoiding spoilers, how much more incorporeal is there in TotB.
Thanks for the reply. That will make some of our players happier. There is nothing more depressing than having no way to contribute to a fight or at least feel that you had some impact.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I hope you are not using the old 3.5 rule that magic weapons have a 50% miss chance? I didn't know that this is different now until only a year ago or so.
So you didn't give them any of the treasure in Haunting of Harrowstone? Because as I recall there were a decent number of magic weapons in there. Hm .... mostly arrows, now that I think of it ...