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A 'simple' debate has popped up in two of my groups and I am unsure of the answer so we decided to ask the community. Hopefully you all know.
The question is twofold:
1: A potion of cure light wounds, how much does it heal?
2: A wand of cure light wounds, how much does that heal?
Some players say it is the minimum caster level when it comes to the bonus hp. Thus less for a potion then a wand. Others say that doesn't count at all.
I find some evidence to support either theory.
Does anyone know? And if so is able to give me a source?

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They both emulate the same spell, so they both heal 1d8+CL (max +5).
Typically, both potions and wands are made at minimum caster level, so both would heal 1d8+1.
Both are also capable of being made at a higher caster level (unless you're in PFS Organized Play), increasing the bonus but also the price.
Potions are Spell Level X Caster Level X 50gp.
Wands are Spell Level X Caster Level X 750gp.
All clear now? :)

Khuldar |

A 'simple' debate has popped up in two of my groups and I am unsure of the answer so we decided to ask the community. Hopefully you all know.
The question is twofold:
1: A potion of cure light wounds, how much does it heal?
2: A wand of cure light wounds, how much does that heal?Some players say it is the minimum caster level when it comes to the bonus hp. Thus less for a potion then a wand. Others say that doesn't count at all.
I find some evidence to support either theory.
Does anyone know? And if so is able to give me a source?
When a magic item is created, it is made with a set caster level. The default is the minimum level, but you get what you pay for. Stock potion and wands of CLW are both 1d8+1, as the minimum CL for casting cure light is 1. While you need to be a 3rd or 5th level caster to take the item creation feats, unless you pay the higher cost, all you get is the 1st level effect.
Potions are 50x spell level x caster level
Wands are 750x spell level x caster level.
The minimum caster level is what is required to cast the spell, not qualify for the feat. It prevents you from making potions of cure moderate at CL 1.

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Just to further explicate, since the minimum caster level for a cure moderate wounds wand is 3, the default listing for such wands would be as a 3rd level caster and priced at 6x the cost of the default cure light wounds wand. 3rd level caster x 2nd level spell. If the wand was made by an oracle, the price would go up to an 8x multiple as it would be CL4.

Target_Player |
We always house ruled that the minimum item creation level is whatever level you could attain the feat. Meaning you couldn't make a wand of Magic Missile that was level 1. It would have to be level 5. Looking at the book, I guess they are 1d8+1 potions, but we have always charged 75 gp and had them heal 1d8+3.