How could I release Rovagug, or even a spawn of Rovagug?

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I have been dying to know how to free Rovagug and unleash him upon the world.
Any advice would be amazing

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

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Step 1: Become a god.

Adam Daigle wrote:
Step 1: Become a god.

Is that really the only way?

Well, since the Gods buried him inside the world, giving Asmodeusthe key, I would say not exactly. His spawn burrow through the world, so apparently the prison is not exactly waterproof, probably more aquestion of him being chained there. Thus... Get ashovel and dig. If you find him, and he doesn't eat you (most likely outcome), you still need that key. Good luck with getting it without being a god yourself. Ask Cayden's herald for how to deal with the big A, I guess.

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Grargfarger wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Step 1: Become a god.
Is that really the only way?

Actually thats merely step 1, and the easy part. After you become a god you need to take out ALL the other gods, because every god from Saranae to Azmodeus is going to stop squabbling in order to curb stomp you.

oh jeez, so in other words, so impossible not worth trying???

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Locate and destroy all the Star Towers and I believe the you could possibly free Rovagug. First you have to have knowledge of the Star Towers and what they do. I think the Towers are a closely guarded secret, and their power wouldn't be revealed by any God that opposes Rovagug (which is just about every one of them). With that in mind, it should be exceedingly difficult to discover their existence, their use, and where they are.

However, one should not, if you destroy the Star Towers, and weaken the cage holding Rovagug, you would also unleash the fury of all the Gods. Remember, every God formed an alliance to seal Rovagug away. Good, Evil, Neutral, they all worked together to seal away a monster that was too dangerous to be let loose. You know something is an evil beyond all comprehending when deities that are the very anti-thesis to one another, join forces to fight a common foe.

There would be no place in the realms of Heaven, or the deepest pits of the Abyss that would be safe for you. Asmodeus and Sarenrae would combine forces to hunt you down. Aroden and Zon-Kuthon would imprison you. Iomedae and Norgerber would fight you. Your title would be Anathema, your name, a Curse. Your only hope of salvation would be the Rough Beast himself, but he would be interested only in your destruction. He cares not for his followers or their actions, only for his freedom, revenge on those who imprisoned hi, and the total destruction of existence. Nothing else matters.

ahhhh, good to know!!!
I really dont plan on living if I complished setting him free, my goal is to just kill everything :D
Chaotic Evil whoop whoop

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You're forgetting your soul. Granted, you'd kill everything, but then your soul would be condemned to literally, eternal torture. Hell, you might be subject to a special torture inflicted by all the Gods as punishment.

But, like I said, you'd have to learn of the Towers in the first place. It's unlikely you'd ever do so as all the other Gods would actively shield their knowledge from those who seek to destroy them.

Not only that, if you attempted to destroy a tower, you would be directly threatening the power of the Gods, and, well, they did create Achaekek to stop people from doing just such actions. How well can you fight off the Assassin of the Gods?

You make an assumption that Asmodeus would be opposed to loosing Rovagug. The whole thing was just his manipulation of the other gods to get them to provide him with a superweapon. The fools actually fell for it and think Asmodeus is doing them a favor. If it suits his needs and fits into a loophole in his agreement, he might be all for letting the Beast romp a bit, especially if he gains more from it than he loses.

HappyDaze wrote:
You make an assumption that Asmodeus would be opposed to loosing Rovagug. The whole thing was just his manipulation of the other gods to get them to provide him with a superweapon. The fools actually fell for it and think Asmodeus is doing them a favor. If it suits his needs and fits into a loophole in his agreement, he might be all for letting the Beast romp a bit, especially if he gains more from it than he loses.

You know what, this statement just pisses me off in so many ways I can't even properly express it. I've re-written a reply to this comment upwards of 7 times. I could literally rant and rave about this one post for hours. I mean, this statement rubs me raw in so many ways, I literally wish I could hide every comment you've ever made on this board. I'm simply going to leave it here and hope someone else can put into words what it is that I so dislike about this comment.

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I agree with Tels on this.

Why would Asmodeus have helped beat Rovagug in the first place? If someone did free that guy, Asmo would be one of the first to die since some stuff mentioned Rovagug knowing that Asmodeus not only has the key, but has also made this fact common knowledge for the guy. It took EVERY DAMNED GOD THERE WAS TO BEAT ROVAGUG!! Even if Asmodeus was as much a mastermind as you'd think, the pure power difference is FAR TOO BIG!!

Tels wrote:
HappyDaze wrote:
You make an assumption that Asmodeus would be opposed to loosing Rovagug. The whole thing was just his manipulation of the other gods to get them to provide him with a superweapon. The fools actually fell for it and think Asmodeus is doing them a favor. If it suits his needs and fits into a loophole in his agreement, he might be all for letting the Beast romp a bit, especially if he gains more from it than he loses.
You know what, this statement just pisses me off in so many ways I can't even properly express it. I've re-written a reply to this comment upwards of 7 times. I could literally rant and rave about this one post for hours. I mean, this statement rubs me raw in so many ways, I literally wish I could hide every comment you've ever made on this board. I'm simply going to leave it here and hope someone else can put into words what it is that I so dislike about this comment.

Really? You actually got angry about this? It's only a game.

Someone needs to play Devil's Advocate (literally) from time to time to keep some fresh options and interpretations out there.

Icyshadow wrote:

I agree with Tels on this.

Why would Asmodeus have helped beat Rovagug in the first place? If someone did free that guy, Asmo would be one of the first to die since some stuff mentioned Rovagug knowing that Asmodeus not only has the key, but has also made this fact common knowledge for the guy. It took EVERY DAMNED GOD THERE WAS TO BEAT ROVAGUG!! Even if Asmodeus was as much a mastermind as you'd think, the pure power difference is FAR TOO BIG!!

No, the power difference isn't that big. Asmodeus knows when to conserve his strength and let the others waste their energy (or lives in the case of at least one god) getting the job done. Now, at the least, he has a "mutually assured destruction" backup for loosing the Beast should any succeed in killing him (he doesn't just have the key, he IS the key). Now the other gods have to help keep him alive against his rivals lest they risk loosing the Beast.

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Everything you're saying, HappyDaze, is in direct conflict with the published material. Additionally, you're creating unofficial information to support your position and passing it off as truth. This is fine in your home game, where you are encouraged to change the story to fit your desires and needs, but inappropriate in a discussion regarding the official setting as published.

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There is no point in even trying to argue anything with you. I can tell from your comments that there is nothing anyone can say that will convince you that Asmodeus isn't some all powerful super deity. You are convinced that Asmodeus is so much more intelligent than anything the universe of Golarion can produce, that he can single handedly manipulate the universe and all it's deities and beings to serve his every purpose.

In your eyes Asmodeus simply faked that he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Rovagug, that he allows all the good gods to oppose him and stop his worshippers from succeeding in their plots. Because apparantly, Asmodeus planned for it all to happen in the first place. Basically, Asmodeus is awesome because Asmodeus is Asmodeus and any who don't realize that Asmodeus is Asmodeus and therefore should be treated as Asmodeus deserves to be treated, are probably belligerent savages that need to be killed or converted over to Asmodeus' teachings. After all, Asmodeus is Asmodeus and only Asmodeus deserves to followers because no one else is Asmodeus otherwise they would be Asmodeus and that's impossible because Asmodeus is Asmodeus.

So yeah, done paying attention to this thread, since I am a belligerent savage and all.

Tels wrote:

There is no point in even trying to argue anything with you. I can tell from your comments that there is nothing anyone can say that will convince you that Asmodeus isn't some all powerful super deity. You are convinced that Asmodeus is so much more intelligent than anything the universe of Golarion can produce, that he can single handedly manipulate the universe and all it's deities and beings to serve his every purpose.

In your eyes Asmodeus simply faked that he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Rovagug, that he allows all the good gods to oppose him and stop his worshippers from succeeding in their plots. Because apparantly, Asmodeus planned for it all to happen in the first place. Basically, Asmodeus is awesome because Asmodeus is Asmodeus and any who don't realize that Asmodeus is Asmodeus and therefore should be treated as Asmodeus deserves to be treated, are probably belligerent savages that need to be killed or converted over to Asmodeus' teachings. After all, Asmodeus is Asmodeus and only Asmodeus deserves to followers because no one else is Asmodeus otherwise they would be Asmodeus and that's impossible because Asmodeus is Asmodeus.

So yeah, done paying attention to this thread, since I am a belligerent savage and all.

There's no argument. I'm proposing a different spin on the story - one that Asmodeus worshippers might cling to. There might even be some truth to it, at least around the edges.

I rather like the idea that Asmodeus participated expressly for his own benefit. He picked up street cred with the goody goody gods, may have enjoyed seeing a rival fall to Rovagug during the caging, and may well be holding the key as a trump card in case someone tries to eliminate him. None of this really conflicts with the setting.

Heaven's Agent wrote:
Everything you're saying, HappyDaze, is in direct conflict with the published material. Additionally, you're creating unofficial information to support your position and passing it off as truth. This is fine in your home game, where you are encouraged to change the story to fit your desires and needs, but inappropriate in a discussion regarding the official setting as published.

It's hardly inappropriate to stoke creative fires. I never stated my views were canon - or even that I run it that way in my games - but this is General Discussion, not a study of published canon.

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HappyDaze wrote:
It's hardly inappropriate to stoke creative fires. I never stated my views were canon - or even that I run it that way in my games - but this is General Discussion, not a study of published canon.

This is a general discussion about the published cannon. Your creative fires, though valid ideas, are off-topic for this thread, and would be in many threads on this particular area of the boards.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Heaven's Agent wrote:
This is a general discussion about the published cannon.


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HappyDaze wrote:
You make an assumption that Asmodeus would be opposed to loosing Rovagug. The whole thing was just his manipulation of the other gods to get them to provide him with a superweapon. The fools actually fell for it and think Asmodeus is doing them a favor. If it suits his needs and fits into a loophole in his agreement, he might be all for letting the Beast romp a bit, especially if he gains more from it than he loses.

Wow, you really struck a nerve for some reason with this post. I have to admit I was shocked when people started ripping you for it. Especially since it was one of the more helpful of the posts.

I understand the importance of canon on this board in particular, and I will admit that I have not read a whole lot of the different setting/campaign books, but I do not know why this might not be true. Paizo seems to be pretty intentionally vague when it comes to stuff like this, so they tend to let GMs take what they wrote and run with it. If anyone has anything that would disprove that Asmodeus would not let out Rovagug if it was in Asmodeus's best interest or that he did not have additional motives in helping (in all honesty he does not seem like he is all that altruistic, but he does seem rather cunning), then feel free to prove the possibility wrong.

That being said, since the the setting is both fictitious and a living work, and even beyond that, one that is interpreted and manipulated by multiple third parties, it seems reasonable to get as many diverging view points as possible. Obviously something like sacrifice 30 sheep in his name is not going to work, or be all that helpful, what HappyDaze says seems like it could at least add to the game. "You can't, give up and just move on" does not really add to fun of anything in my opinion.

So to the OP, it would seem you have three options (all of which fall on an epic scale, and will most likely fail) but might be fun to try none the less.

1) Become a God and commit genocide upon all the other Gods. Which if you can do that, you are just sort of adding a step by freeing Rovagug, since you are more bad ass then he was anyhow.

2) Learn the existence of, and then destroy the Star Towers, all the while fending off the Gods and any other high level being that would hate to see existence end. Speaking as a GM, this would be the method I would use if it was a CE campaign and all the PCs had the same goals.

3) Alternative ending: Kill Asmodeus, trick someone else into killing him, or just convince him to let Rovagug out. This one seems like the easiest of the three, but also has the highest percentage to not work at all. If you are going at it alone, this seems like the most likely option to give a shot.

Step 2a) Get key to Rovagug prison from Asmodeus.

Step 3b) Find out that Asmodeus didn't have the key after all.

Step 3c) Try to find the real key now that the gods are aware of your intent.

Grand Lodge

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Step 1: Become a god
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Release Rovagug
Step 4: Profit!

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If you are trying to release a SPAWN of Rovagug...

I have three words for you:

Legacy of Fire. The whole AP is about releasing a Spawn of Rovagug and how to do it. And they even have an entire section in one of the Modules devoted to his other Spawn...

Grargfarger wrote:

ahhhh, good to know!!!

I really dont plan on living if I complished setting him free, my goal is to just kill everything :D
Chaotic Evil whoop whoop

Wouldn't the annihilation of everything be Daemonic Neutral Evil?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

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In other news, perhaps Groetus will help?

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gigglestick wrote:
Grargfarger wrote:

ahhhh, good to know!!!

I really dont plan on living if I complished setting him free, my goal is to just kill everything :D
Chaotic Evil whoop whoop
Wouldn't the annihilation of everything be Daemonic Neutral Evil?

No, daemons just want to destroy all mortal life. Annihilating all of creation is Lawful Evil - just look at the asuras.

Shadow Lodge

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Also don't forget Asmodeus being the cunning devil he is, wouldn't have Rovugug just rampage and kill all those fat souls that haven't been corrupted by his touch.

The stem of peoples issues with your take on Asmodeus (correct me if I am wrong)

1. Devils corrupt and taint souls to give them power to fuel a war against the good god/extraplanar creatures/the realms. A quest for both power and conquest

2. Demons are by nature, chaotic and destructive and would be more likely to release Rovugug, though probably not organized enough to bother.

3. Asmodeus is a soft touch, he does not come down to personally interact with the affairs of mortals. That's what makes him cool, nit's a well known fact if he could come down and start swinging at the people he didn't like, he would be joined and possibly out matched by the sheer volume of good/good inclined deities. It is his cunning use of contracts and fine print that keep him in a position of power over the other gods, not superior power.

4. There is nothing cunning or clever about being a linchpin in the sealing of Rovugug to "fool" the other gods. There is no end game for him, they couldn't have done it without all of their help.


That all said, here are my recommendations;

a) If you are a player with it as an objective. Worship Demons not devils and get it done for the sake of chaos. WOOT CHAOS!

b) If you are the DM. Create a cult of demonologists, or clerics of Rovugug, or intelligent Rovugug spawn attempt to break their master/father free.

c) If you want to beef us Rovugug or Aesmodeus in your story, unless your character is a god or godling, start looking at demigods as major NPCs. Rather than interacting directly with the Gods, you can deal with fanatics that support their gods.

Shadow Lodge

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Feh! In the End Times, all the pitiful gods of this paltry orb will fall before the Outer Gods.

HappyDaze wrote:

There's no argument. I'm proposing a different spin on the story - one that Asmodeus worshippers might cling to. There might even be some truth to it, at least around the edges.

I rather like the idea that Asmodeus participated expressly for his own benefit. He picked up street cred with the goody goody gods, may have enjoyed seeing a rival fall to Rovagug during the caging, and may well be holding the key as a trump card in case someone tries to eliminate him. None of this really conflicts with the setting.

I quite like the idea too. I never really understood why the other Gods gave Asmodeus the key - seemed a bit silly to me.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Steve Geddes wrote:
I quite like the idea too. I never really understood why the other Gods gave Asmodeus the key - seemed a bit silly to me.

Who said they gave him the key, maybe he created the lock for the key. Maker's keepers, so it is said. Asmodeus is the god of slavery, who better than a god of law to fashion the bindings that enslave chaos in the prison?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Alzrius wrote:

No, daemons just want to destroy all mortal life. Annihilating all of creation is Lawful Evil - just look at the asuras.

Actually, I got the Book of the Damned on Daemons recently, and it's pretty clear on the topic. Their ultimate goal is pretty much obliterating all of existence, including eventually themselves. Wiping out mortal life and souls is just pretty much the first most manageable step. You'd be aces with them. Heck, the first Daemons were created from the turmoil of natural disasters and souls crying out in vindictiveness over pointless, tumultuous, maddening deaths.

To be honest, that's the book that made me wonder if Golarion's a little too dark for me. :/

Silver Crusade

Grargfarger wrote:

I have been dying to know how to free Rovagug and unleash him upon the world.

Any advice would be amazing

Sounds like you have the making of an adventure path, an entire campaign!

Sounds like there may be a cult of Roguvug to deal with, Possibly agents of Cheliax, and by extension Asmodeus to deal with....

Oh and i almost forgot. I believe

There is Zon Kuthon.....there are these Structures (thanks to Mr hansen) called Star towers , there was one in the crimson throne campaign, and another features the book "plague of Shadows" they are i think like "accupuncture needles" in the earth that are there to help maintain Roguvug's prison

So you have lots of interesting elements you can deal with to spring Roguvug.

Happy daze also presents some interesting ideas concerning Asmodeus. Wheels within Wheels.

Well as a GM you have lots of materiel to work with. I will be interested in reading this thread to see what ideas people comes up with

Good luck.

Kthulhu wrote:
Feh! In the End Times, all the pitiful gods of this paltry orb will fall before the Outer Gods.

+1 this, get some help from the dark tapestry. I'm not extremely well versed in the lore of the world, but I see no reason that this would not work.

Drakli wrote:
To be honest, that's the book that made me wonder if Golarion's a little too dark for me. :/

Nah, that's just Todd Stewart.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kthulhu wrote:
Feh! In the End Times, all the pitiful gods of this paltry orb will fall before the Outer Gods.

In a lot of ways, Rovagug is quite a bit Dark Tapestry-esque itself, come to think.

Shadow Lodge

pipedreamsam wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Feh! In the End Times, all the pitiful gods of this paltry orb will fall before the Outer Gods.
+1 this, get some help from the dark tapestry. I'm not extremely well versed in the lore of the world, but I see no reason that this would not work.

Isn't that kind of like fighting a forest fire by nuking the forest?

Kthulhu wrote:
pipedreamsam wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Feh! In the End Times, all the pitiful gods of this paltry orb will fall before the Outer Gods.
+1 this, get some help from the dark tapestry. I'm not extremely well versed in the lore of the world, but I see no reason that this would not work.
Isn't that kind of like fighting a forest fire by nuking the forest?

Yeah, except he does not really want to fight a forest fire, he more or less wants to start one. So nukes should work, I just think it will burn very fast.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Timothy Hanson wrote:

Yeah, except he does not really want to fight a forest fire, he more or less wants to start one. So nukes should work, I just think it will burn very fast.

Actually, I think it's more like igniting an A-Bomb using sticks of dynamite.

Shadow Lodge

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I'd look at it the opposite way: It's using a nuke (the Outer Gods) to light a stick of dynamite (Rovagug).

At any rate, I think James has said that he pretty much considers Rovagug one of the Great Old Ones.

Shadow Lodge

In Golarion, daemons != qlippothim != Dark Tapestry.

Rovagug wasn't a Great Old One, but a qlippoth. The Dark Tapestry, being an extension of the Material Plane, is as much an abomination to the qlippothim as daemons and humans.

As for the OP, the one and only answer is... ask your DM.

Shadow Lodge

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Hey, I'm just going by what JJ said. Personally, I'm all for nebulous and conflicting accounts of the origins of some of the older things in the multiverse. Maybe Rovagug was a qlippoth. Maybe he was a Great Old One. Maybe he was just always a god. Who knows? Maybe the Star Towers are Elder Signs.

Kthulhu wrote:

Hey, I'm just going by what JJ said. Personally, I'm all for nebulous and conflicting accounts of the origins of some of the older things in the multiverse. Maybe Rovagug was a qlippoth. Maybe he was a Great Old One. Maybe he was just always a god. Who knows? Maybe the Star Towers are Elder Signs.

Maybe Rovagug is simply misunderstood because no one is willing to remove that blasted thorn from his body. I bet, if one were brave enough to pull the thorn that is causing him so much pain, he'd be all kinds of cute and cuddly too :P

Shadow Lodge

Go for it Tels. I'll watch from over here....

points to a different planet...preferably in a different star system

Why is the mental image of a happy Rovagug following a humanoid around like a gigantic atomic powered puppy so amusing?

Liberty's Edge

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He is Golarions version of Ruby Weapon, no?

I read the same thing about him being equated with a Great Old One.

I think it gives them a scale of power worthy of their intent, at least.


Rovagug = Lavos. JS.

Dark Archive

Can someone please point me to the books that has material on all the Rovagug-lore mentioned here? I've only read Legacy of Fire and Gods an Magic. Where do the Star Towers feature? What scenario features the other children of Rovagug? Where is the story of Akaechec being created to protect Rovagugs prison?

The Star Towers are mentioned in Curse of the Crimson Throne, the novel Plague of Shaodws, and the Inner Sea World Guide.

Achaekek wasn't created to guard Rovagug's prison, he was created to stop people from threatening the Gods power. After 4 mortals ascended to Godhood via the Star Stone, Arazni, a minor-deity, was slain by Tar-Baphon, a mortal, and Lamashtu stole some of the powers of Churcanus, and the death of Aroden, the Gods realized they were not as invincible as they thought. So they created Achaekek as their agent, an assassin that would seek out those who threatened their powers and slay them. However, fearing his potential turning, they restricted his power from ever harming a true God. Achaekek can kill any being up to and including demigods, but no higher.

A mortal that wished to unleash Rovagug would threaten the Gods' power, and Achaekek seems to 'just know' when such actions or people exist.

Information on Achaekek is kind of scattered about, I suggest you use the Pathfinder Wiki and look at their sources to find more information.

There is probably quite a bit on Rovagug in the faiths of corruption book. And I agree that Rovagug is on par (or at least as close as any of the well known diety's can get) with the powers of a great old one.

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