Looking for GM to run original dwarf-centric adventure / campagin


I'm fairly green at doing and I'm having fun with the campaign I'm playing currently in but pbp is pretty slow.I was thinking of an adventure that involves the sister to the character I'm playing in the other pbp,who accidentally ended up elsewhere attempting to follow said character to make her return home.She contacts a seer to check up on her sister's whereabouts who tells her to pray and hope for the best as its all she can really do.Resigned,the character decides that she'll undergo a coming of age ritual to make her father proud and take his mind off her wayward sister.She decided to perform a Gladdringgar and find her father's name carving--which she is bewildered to discover is located in Droskar's Crag--in the depths of the settlement that had once been the theocracy of Ordrik.Which members of the Pathfinder Society are very interested in.The question is---how strong can she possibly become to not only reach Droskar's Crag alive,get inside,locate her da's Gladdringgar,make her own kangreddin,and return home to her day as a proper adult? Or,better yet,who could help her accomplish her task?

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