Wild Stalker Ranger Archetype

Rules Questions

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So, something doesn't add up on the Wild Talents ability. first of all, it says it replaces the same thing as the rage powers ability replaces (favored enemy 2-5), and it starts at 6th level, gives a benefit every 5 levels thereafter, but says "(to a maximum of 4 times at 20th level)". maybe it;s my math, but 6 plus 15 is 21?

Your math is right. The archetype is messed up. Two different wild stalker abilities replaces the same ranger abilities, you can get double the rage powers that way, AND you don't actually ever get the fourth and final wild talent. I think someone here had a major brain fart.

My only solution is that maybe you do only get three wild talents, but you get them at 8th level and it replaces the second, third, and fourth favored terrains instead. Still seems kinda wonky that way, but... *shrugs*

Grand Lodge

There is no errata?

It's from UC. Who knows when there will be errata? That's not the only archetype that's messed up, and not the worst example. They really have their work cut out for them.

If the ability was 6th and every 4 levels thereafter, replacing the 2nd through 5th combat style feats, it would get you 4, not overlay the same Ranger ability, and makes sense considering you lose the first combat feat for Uncanny Dodge. Just sayin'.

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