space cowboy's page

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The intent is clearly to replace both abilities but to not give you the shaft on the combat feat side. So what if it was poorly written? Yoi lose the full combat style and favored enemy for a range of other options, whether you feel the replacement abilities should be written differently or not.

If the ability was 6th and every 4 levels thereafter, replacing the 2nd through 5th combat style feats, it would get you 4, not overlay the same Ranger ability, and makes sense considering you lose the first combat feat for Uncanny Dodge. Just sayin'.

The best way, in my opinion, to set up a massive undead army is through a pyramid scheme. You control X number of undead that, themselves, can summon and control undead which can, in turn, create undead that can do the same until the lowest level controllers are controlling all of the 'mook' undead.

This could also provide some strategy or role playing sessions as your players try to neutralize mid- to upper-level controllers to break some of the control the master NPC has over some portion of his army.