Feyblooded sorcerer build advice please


I'm running a homebrew where one of the PCs is looking for her long-lost sister. I decided to make the sister one of the minor BBEGs in the campaign, which is about a fey invasion. The PC will have a chance to 'convert' the sister, or they'll have a showdown and (I expect) the sister will die, perhaps whispering a few clues for later and setting the PCs against the evil fey. In the meantime, I've set it up so that all the cannon fodder for the evil fey army (goblinoids mostly) are terrified of her, and due to how she's been talking up her sister the PC, they're afraid of the PC too.

The sister has been abducted by the fey to their realm for a while, where a lot of time has passed, allowing her to become more powerful than the PC(s). I've decided that this was because of her mixed human and fey blood making her a good go-between for minor villains used by the main BBEG. That's why I'm thinking she should be a feyblooded sorceror, circa level 10 (the PCs are currently level 6).

I could use some advice on her build - feats and spells, mostly. I want to emphasize how badass she is to scare the cannon fodder like that, preferably with fey-themed abilities (dreams, shadows, animals, phantasms, etc.). Or if someone has alternate class/prestige class ideas, I'd like to hear about them, too.

If anyone has any bright ideas about how I could extend the fey blood theme to the PC somehow, that'd be great too. I thought about offering her a bonus fey feat, but thought that'd be unfair to the other PCs. I also thought about making a special prestige class to offer her, but I have no experience doing that, so it'd probably end up unbalanced.

So... halp?

Nobody has any ideas? <:(

Silver Crusade

If you want to emphasis the "feyness" of the character then I would suggest a lot of enchantment and illusion spells. Put some points into intimidate and look at feats that will boost that, maybe Skill Focus or the like. Beyond that, whether the NPC's army is afraid of her is less a function of mechanics and more a matter of background and "fluff." With the right personality and role-playing Bruce Banner could become more frightening than the Hulk.

Silver Crusade

Just as a bit of advice from one DM to another, Fluff should always be story driven rather than mechanics driven. Never let the mechanics get in the way of good storytelling.

I'm not so much worried about the NPC scaring the army (as you pointed out, that's fluff, which can go any way I want) as in justifying it to the PCs through her abilities. I want her to be a tough encounter, mechanically as well as fluffwise.

So... any advice on feats?

Rotolutundro wrote:

I'm not so much worried about the NPC scaring the army (as you pointed out, that's fluff, which can go any way I want) as in justifying it to the PCs through her abilities. I want her to be a tough encounter, mechanically as well as fluffwise.

So... any advice on feats?

At level 10 She'll have five feats (six if human) plus a bloodline feat. I suggest the following: Spell Focus & Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, Persistent Spell, Toughness, and Silent Spell. Normally I'd say take Improved Initiative but since this isn't a PC Dodge or Lightning Reflexes would probably be a better choice for her bloodline feat.

For actual spells you'll want to have Charm Person, Mage Armor, Shield, Protection from [most useful alignment], Invisibility, Mirror Image, Tongues, Dispel Magic, and Confusion. I'd recommend Feeblemind as her 5th level spell although some might consider that mean.

Grand Lodge

Fey are really evil when it comes to pranking people. If you play up they Fey part, you basically troll people until it hurts.

Xexyz: Thanks for your recommendations, that's exactly what I was hoping for. She is human, so I have an extra feat to play with.

blackbloodtroll: The higher-level fey I'm using are a bit darker and more serious than usual, but thanks for the reminder - I'll have to see what kind of pranks the minions might get up to.

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Rotolutundro wrote:

I could use some advice on her build - feats and spells, mostly. I want to emphasize how badass she is to scare the cannon fodder like that, preferably with fey-themed abilities (dreams, shadows, animals, phantasms, etc.). Or if someone has alternate class/prestige class ideas, I'd like to hear about them, too.

It's a really cool idea. The suggestions above are good, and I definitely suggest working on the Spell Focus to milk the fey bloodline's bonus to compulsion spell DCs.

The fey bloodline also has some things that work on melee touch attacks (the touch of laughter ability, the poison spell) so you might think about how she might excel at delivering those. (You could also not use them and focus on other abilities, but since they're there, consider it).

I'd make sure she has a few spells in her arsenal that aren't save-or-nothing, and don't rely on Will saves to fail, just in case a PC gets lucky.


If anyone has any bright ideas about how I could extend the fey blood theme to the PC somehow, that'd be great too. I thought about offering her a bonus fey feat, but thought that'd be unfair to the other PCs. I also thought about making a special prestige class to offer her, but I have no experience doing that, so it'd probably end up unbalanced.

So... halp?

I'd suggest giving her the Eldritch Heritage feat as a bonus feat, or a 1/day SLA that's 0 level or 1st level.

Just around the same time (but it doesn't have to be exactly the same time, so it feels more organic to the story), also give the other PCs some other feat or ability based on their own backgrounds as well.

DeathQuaker wrote:
good stuff

Thanks for the great advice, DeathQuaker! The SLA/EH feat is a good idea, I'll have to think about it. I'm a little worried about putting her in melee, though. More thinking to be done.

Silver Crusade

I would also recommend that you look at Arcane Blast as a feat.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd also consider the Sylvan bloodline.

The Fey Bloodline +2 DC to compulsion spells (plus spell focus and greater spell focus if you like) seems like it can make for a scary encounter!

AoE compulsion spells like Confusion make it highly likely that at least someone is going to fail their save.

And the Bouncing Spell metamagic feat makes single target compulsions much likelier to stick.

Also look for spells that have cool effects.

Hold Person might be a better a nastier spell, but Hideous Laughter screams "fey"

Here are a few compulsion spells:

2nd - Hideous Laughter
3rd - Hold Person, Deep Slumber
4th - Confusion, Crushing Despair, Terrible Remorse
5th - Dominate Person, Feeblemind, Symbol of Sleep

Feats: Spell Focus Enchantment, Greater Spell Focus Enchantment, Bouncing Spell, Quicken Spell?
Traits: Magical Lineage: Hideous Laughter?

With magical lineage: hideous laughter, the fey-sorceror can launch quickened hideous laughters as 5th level spells and bouncing hideous laughters as 2nd level spells. Pretty rad!

Ooh, check out the Moonstruck spell!

Talk about a fun spell! Single target means you can modify it with Bouncing Spell.

Turn a PC into a crazed werewolf! That seems incredibly appropriate for a fey villain.

Grr, net ate my original post.

Thanks for all the great ideas! Beebs, the spell list is great, and Moonstruck fits really well with prior events in the campaign as well as being a cool thing to do.

AoG, Arcane Blast is interesting and a good way to keep her dangerous without going into melee (I hope).

LazarX, I did consider the Sylvan bloodline, but I don't feel like an animal companion suits her as well as laughing touch, even if I do want to avoid melee. Then again, maybe something large... Thanks for the suggestion!

The campaign is pbem, so I have time to tweak her into something nasty - with your help, REALLY nasty. :D

It's sometimes difficult to make properly challenging solo encounters. For a build like this, it might make sense if she often travels with a big, strong animal/monster, which she is keeping under control with her Compulsion magic. An huge dire animal might fit the Fey theme best.

Choose a small race, pick "Sylvan Bloodline" (Wildbblooded Fey) and get a RoC for some flying fun at first level.

Corlindale wrote:
It's sometimes difficult to make properly challenging solo encounters. For a build like this, it might make sense if she often travels with a big, strong animal/monster, which she is keeping under control with her Compulsion magic. An huge dire animal might fit the Fey theme best.

Excellent point. Okay, the Sylvan bloodline does make a bit more sense with that view.

Wasum, sorry, what is a RoC? But as she is the sister of the human PC, she has to be human as well.


But as far as she's human (due to bonus spell probably the best choice anyway) you'd have to use reduce person on yourself in order to fly. Still pretty cool!

Wasum wrote:


Oh, I thought it was an acronym for something else! Haha, thanks for the suggestion. :)

Capital C is capital confusing, sorry:|

Hmm. Rather than a SLA or feat, is there a good dark-fey-ish item she might carry that could be passed on to her sister (a rogue)? Her sister is pretty low on magic anyway, so an interesting object might be just the ticket.

Edit: In fact, any suggestions as to making her gear flavorful and interesting would be welcome as well. (I.E. what kind of magic stuff might she walk around with?)

I made her sylvan bloodline with a giant wasp companion. For feats I think I'll go with:
1 Eschew materials sorceror bonus
Spell focus: enchantment human bonus
Spell focus, greater: enchantment
3 Bouncing spell
5 Quicken spell
7 Sorcerous bloodstrike
Improved initiative sorceror bonus (bloodline)
9 Toughness

I'm thinking maybe a silver and/or anarchic dagger for a weapon, other stuff TBD.

I know it's more of a rules question, but: how do you apply the advancement to the animal companion? Is it in addition to the values on the Animal Companion Table, or does the ACT represent everything all bundled up?

Grand Lodge

You should make her a changeling. She could still be a half sister.

Rotolutundro wrote:

I made her sylvan bloodline with a giant wasp companion. For feats I think I'll go with:

1 Eschew materials sorceror bonus
Spell focus: enchantment human bonus
Spell focus, greater: enchantment
3 Bouncing spell
5 Quicken spell
7 Sorcerous bloodstrike
Improved initiative sorceror bonus (bloodline)
9 Toughness

I'm thinking maybe a silver and/or anarchic dagger for a weapon, other stuff TBD.

I know it's more of a rules question, but: how do you apply the advancement to the animal companion? Is it in addition to the values on the Animal Companion Table, or does the ACT represent everything all bundled up?

I really don't think she's going to get much use out of Quicken Spell at level 10, to be honest. I also prefer Persistant Spell to Bouncing Spell, but YMMV.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

You should make her a changeling. She could still be a half sister.

Interesting. Something to think about, at least.

Xexyz wrote:

I really don't think she's going to get much use out of Quicken Spell at level 10, to be honest. I also prefer Persistant Spell to Bouncing Spell, but YMMV.

Yeah, I guess Quicken is a bit of a crusher spell slot-wise. Maybe I'll take Persistent instead. If I push her up a level I'll take Arcane Blast as well.

Grand Lodge

Changelings also have a the stats to do a sorcerer build well.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Changelings also have a the stats to do a sorcerer build well.

If I put the human bonus in Charisma, there doesn't seem to be a great deal of difference. Am I overlooking something?

Rotolutundro wrote:
I made her sylvan bloodline with a giant wasp companion.

Dunno, about wasps, but assuming they function similar to bees... they are all very 'pheromone' specific, when it comes to identifying friends...

Perhaps the NPC's sister gives off the same scent as the NPC did... and if the wasp survives the encounter (and the NPC sister does not), the wasp begins to follow the PC sister around (acting in a similiar capacity to a animal companion (though perhaps at a reduced HD?)
Heck, you can even hint at some of this during the encounter, by having the wasp unwilling/unable to differentiate between the two sisters, and not attacking either.

That'd be an interesting reward.

That might be really interesting. I'd just have to hope the rest of the party didn't kill it, first... If they give me the opportunity, I'll try and establish how it might be friendly to the sister.

If the sorceror survives, though, any other ideas as to interesting "object" rewards?

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