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Couple questions about a PFS legal Inquisitor character.
I would like to make a melee based, lawful good Inquisitor of Angradd. On page 91 of the APG guide it doesn't list these "minor" deities.
My question is, can I choose Angradd as my Deity take a LG Domain and be proficient in Angradd's chosen weapon, the great axe.
Or am I limited to taking Torag and using his chosen weapon of the Warhammer?
Second question, can multiple subdomains be taken. Can I take Protection/Defense/Purity ? Defense subdomain replaces the low level power of Protection while the Purity subdomain replaces the higher level power of Protection.

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I don't know inquisitors, but I'm pretty sure that with clerics that get two domains, you can still only get one subdomain of the same domain.
Just checked the Advanced Players Guide:
If a cleric selects a subdomain, she cannot select its associated domain as her other domain choice (in effect, the subdomain replaces its associated domain). Subdomains are treated as equivalent to their associated domain for any effect or prerequisite based on domains. If a subdomain has two associated domains, the cleric can only select the subdomain for one of her domains.