What's the suggested build for this AP?

Carrion Crown

After a few days of looking through people's builds that have 20 and sometimes 25 points involved (starting at 22 stats no less!), I was wondering what was the suggested build for this AP? I had my players (four in total) go with 15 points, would that be too hard?

All APs are built on the assumption of 15 point buy party of 4.

I currently am running, CC with 20 point buy party of 4.
15 point buy generally becomes a good "give and take" on the stats
20 point buy is the most manageable and gives the PCs a small security blanket.
25 point buy is more of a power game or they have few than 4 PCs.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I got 5 players at 15 and they are mostly doing very good. I'd think if they were only four players, the AP might actually be constantly challenging.

I have 2 PCs. Roll 4d6, drop the lowest. With so few PCs I allow rolling three lines and choosing the one you want. It leads to consistently higher stats than a 15 point buy but generally less than a 25.

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