Artists will depict your RPG characters / monsters!

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[Dotting to stare at in amazement later] ;)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"


Ruloc wrote:

Ordin Gandread and N'Tara

[starts to squeel like a fangirl] IT'S PERFECT!!!!!!!! It's almost exactly like I pictured him!!

Another funny thing about it, N'Tara and Ordin are likely to never meet, but they look so perfect together. (but that doesn't stop me from making a summoner XD)

Props man!!

Just another post to express my admiration for your art posted so far, very cool.

Why do I get the feeling I have been skipped over?

Liberty's Edge

@John Kretzer: My mistake, I copied your request after Sins, so it dropped a line. But your Aleashia is next up now. :)

Dotting for later. I have a character in mind that I would love to see drawn up, but I have to flesh him out a bit more. P.S. This is an awesome thread! Thanks so much!!

Ruloc wrote:
@John Kretzer: My mistake, I copied your request after Sins, so it dropped a line. But your Aleashia is next up now. :)

Awesome I can't wait. Thank you.

The Exchange

Even though my character(s?) have been drawn, I come back to see what other awesome things Ruloc will post. I can't wait for other characters to be posted, and I can't wait to come up with my own character designs for the art.

Ruloc wrote:

Had to jump one, so here's

Arasmes ibn'Fayad and Caliphana

Holy crap!!! Awesome!! Thank you soooo much!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like something done for my webcomic, if you're game. You can find it at We play around with all styles and depictions.

Xane is a sentient skeletal warrior, usually in tattered shirt and pants, and wields a halberd. His eyes are always a nebulous blue, with a brighter blue in the center.

Vinny (Vincenzo) is a kobold dressed in pirate finery, and a devilish grin. He dual wields a rapier and dagger, but rarely draws first. A real lady's humanoid.

I'll post it on the site and where i got it(unless you wish it not to) toss in an elven babe if you want to, but its Vinny's thing, not Xane's.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like to throw in a request.

Nicos Lebeda

A tiefling Bladebound Kensai. He is albino, with shoulder length bright white hair. He is in his late teens, tall and slim, with completely red eyes (no white at all) with slitted pupils. His horns are very small, not actually breaking the skin on his forhead, more like subdermal implants (Reference), and he usually attempts to hide them with his hair. He is the illegitimate son of an envoy to Cheliax from Brevoy, and his father doted on him (until his death) so he carries himself in a manner that tends to come off as arrogant to others. His only real signature items are his battered pewter mug that denotes him as a follower of Cayden and his fathers Aldori Dueling Sword which is also his Black Blade. It has a damascus steel blade with a swan (the symbol of his fathers house) for the pommel. His clothing should be plain and worn but clean, with no armor.

Thank you in advance, I really like the work that's been put up so far.

Liberty's Edge

Here's my try on Aleashia. :)

Dark Archive


Ruloc wrote:
Here's my try on Aleashia. :)

That is awesome. Espewcialy how you included her prehensile hair.

Thanks alot. I may come up with any request in a week.

Do you also draw super heroes?

The Exchange

shadowmage75 wrote:

I would like something done for my webcomic, if you're game. You can find it at We play around with all styles and depictions.

Xane is a sentient skeletal warrior, usually in tattered shirt and pants, and wields a halberd. His eyes are always a nebulous blue, with a brighter blue in the center.

Vinny (Vincenzo) is a kobold dressed in pirate finery, and a devilish grin. He dual wields a rapier and dagger, but rarely draws first. A real lady's humanoid.

I'll post it on the site and where i got it(unless you wish it not to) toss in an elven babe if you want to, but its Vinny's thing, not Xane's.

DUDE! I love your comic! I can't wait for the next installment/the pic of Vinny and Xane!

First, as many others have said, I want to saw how beautiful the artwork is! I love to draw myself, but not anywhere near as good (especially at anything that isn't a cat lol). At any rate, I would love to throw my hat in the ring too. I've got two potential requests, you can pick which ever suits your fancy. I also have posted on the requested website forum too, but have the descriptions here as well.

Akilah Swiftfoot:
Akilah Swiftfoot: She is a 20 year old Natural Lycanthrope Crossblooded Sorcerer (current character). Her bloodlines are Elemental (Air) and Draconic (Silver). I would love to see both her human and her were-serval forms if possible. The descriptions will be more of when she's manifested elements of her bloodlines.

For her "human" form, Akilah looks a lot like the actress Alexis Bledel ( Their facial structures are very similar, but Akilah's hair is a silvery white. She also has freckles reminiscent of her Serval form, and some very light silver dragon scales mixed in with her pale human skin. Her eyes are an icy blue color (where the pupil disappears when she is casting). She does not have a tail nor does she have wings (her flying has manifested from her air elemental side). Her hands have become a bit claw-like at the fingertips. I have contemplated on whether or not she has small silver dragon-like horns. I can leave that up to you if you feel it fits her image.

For her hybrid form, Akilah is a were-serval, though her fur has become silver instead of the tawny color of a normal serval. All the black markings remain (including the four arching spots she has on her forehead as her signature spot pattern. There is otherwise no set spot pattern elsewhere). Her eyes are the same icy blue as her human form. For her hair, its more or less intermixed with the fur along the back of her head and neck, and it is also silver in color.

General personality and clothing:
She's extremely inquisitive, and has a bit of a sarcastic streak when it comes to humor. While growing up, she was known for pulling pranks on her mentor and had disliked reading. This has changed quite a bit as she began adventuring (she is absolutely fascinated by dragons, which have not been seen for centuries in her world, and that was before she found out she has dragon blood). For clothing, she tends toward more earthy colors and wears no shoes in her hybrid form. Her clan is from a forest that borders the desert, so that gives a bit of an idea on the sort of clothing she prefers. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty, fighting both in melee with her claws, and with her magic at both close and far ranges. She does have a spellstoring dagger, but its more for her human form than when she is in hybrid form. She spends most of her time in hybrid form unless she is in town.

Zalura is an 18 year old Changeling Witch/Harrower from Ustalav. The closest image I could find of her was The changes would be her hair is black and is straight. It hits about mid-back on her. Also, her eyes are one deep blue and the other is a forest green. Her clothing is Varisian traveler type, with a red bladed scarf as her favorite weapon. She also has a blue and purple butterfly tattoo on the back of her left shoulder (she is a follower of Desna). She is very laid back and friendly, and quite enjoys fortune telling. Her familiar is Eyla, a silver short-hair tabby cat with green eyes. The cat enjoys riding on her shoulder or sleeping in the hood of her dark green cloak.

Thank you so much in advance!

Liberty's Edge

John Kretzer wrote:

Do you also draw super heroes?

Can't say that I've tried yet, but why not?

Ruloc wrote:
Here's my try on Aleashia. :)

The sort of girl my mother always warned me about.

Shifty wrote:
Ruloc wrote:
Here's my try on Aleashia. :)
The sort of girl my mother always warned me about.

Your Mom warned you about girls with prehensile hair?

Ok here is a super hero request....acualy two.

My oldest running super hero is Romula....she has been thru many custume changes. So I'll go with the latest. Yes it is completely slutty...but she just has been thur a bad break up...and is trying to attract a mate. She is a intelligent wolf turned into a human and has very little understanding of human culture...anyway enough back story.

She is young pretty girl with straight blond hair that goes about to the mid back. Her eyes are the only thing unusual about her appearence being canine yellow. Her current custume is a black skirt with black fishnet stockings. Her top is a black leather corset with a black leather high heel low boots and wears fingerless gloves and has claws. She is a wolf shamen that cast spells...or if you could have a ghostly image of a wold in the drawing that would be great.

The second one is Kat'kiira my alien martial artist.

She is a beautiful alien women with foxlike ears and tail. She has long wavey hair. She is indigo(including her hair) with orange spotchs. She wears a skin tight high tech alien armor that is black with silver trim and wields a hi-tech battle staff(have the ends glowing with power.

If you could do the two separetly that would great. And thanks again. I showed the picture of Aleashia to my game group and they loved it.

John Kretzer wrote:
Your Mom warned you about girls with prehensile hair?

They might not have had prehensile hair, but they are the sort of girls who would :P

Dark Archive

Ruloc, the half orc barbarian portrait was finally shown at my table, and many jaws were dropped.
So, in a few minutes I found myself besieged by 35+ yo gamers pestering for their own custom character portrait like a feral mob of spoiled children.

I understand you're pretty swamped by requests (the price of success!), but here I go nonetheless - take your time, and most of all have fun drawing stuff!

Darkrall - Human Male Cleric of Sarenrae

Tall, intimidating, with dark long hair and a scar on his face (left cheek).
Wears a burnished banded mail armor decorated with phoenix themed elements, the helm covering his eyes but not the rest of the face, and forged to look like a fiery bird of prey. His gloves, boots and cloak are trimmed with snakeskin.

Also wields a large metal shield sporting the image of the goddess (a female angelic being wreathed in flames), and an oversized warhammer of bluish metal.

Azula - Half Elf Female Bard

Has long curly red hair with no fringe/bangs, bright green slanted elven eyes, and freckles. Wears golden earring looking like tree leaves and a small round earring at the tip of the ear, a torque necklace more apt for a male, a green cloack and high boots with an ankle strap.

Her green tinged leather armor is so tight that looks more like a corset, over a white shirt and bright red pants; she's equipped with a shortbow and a silver flute (western concert type).

Getro "Quickfingers" - Halfling Male Rogue

Sports long black hair tied in a ponytail, with no facial hair except for thick eyebrows - and a perennial know-it-all smirk. His attire is a dark brown full leather armor, covered in pouches, straps and buckles, with overknee boots, and a tattered and dirty black cloack from which emerges a dangling grappling hook.
Is also armed with twin shortswords and a bandoleer with 5 throwing knives.

Rumi - Human Female cleric of Kurgess

Wears splint mail over cerimonial vest, exceedingly clean and neat looking; has shoulder lenght wavy blond hair, is just under 6' tall and slim (athletic looking, kinda like field jumping athletes). She's equipped with heavy wooden shield, morning star and light crossbow as ranged weapon.
Yep, it's from the original request. ;-P

Once again, let me know how to digitally buy you a beer, and thank you!

Wow, these are amazing. Beautiful style. I was wondering if you could do a drawing of my current PC, been playing her for a half dozen years. AD&D Elven Bladesinger (Mage-Fighter).

Her pale skin has a very slight blue hue that sets of and enhances her expressive eyes. Eyes that reflect the hardships undergone, whilst showing a playful and flighty nature. As the shadows play across her elegant features her eyes take on a sapphire cast. Her seraphic face is framed by a swathe of thick silvery hair that curls down her back to rest on the small of her back. Her svelte body gracefully flows across the floor, hinting at the danger in her attractive frame.

She wears sleeveless scale mail, that channels the air elements blowing her long hair around her. Down each arm a snake tattoo wraps around, the head in the palm of her hand. Long thigh-high black boots, which just expose a winged serpent tattoo upon her legs.

On her hip is a long elven curved-blade (katana), jade hilted with no guard.

Is there anything else you would want?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Ok, if someone wants to try their skill this one, let me know! I can't find anything that makes a good representation of what I have in my head.


Kimiko Kaijitsu – Gunslinger (Musket Master) / Rogue (Sniper)
17 years old, blue-green eyes, Human of Tian (Japanese) descent
5’3” tall with a small frame typical of Tian women, but still some curve. Has a stubborn and feisty personality from growing up in the shadow of her older sister Ameiko. The face I see when I picture her is of Ellen Wong (played Knives in Scott Pilgrim vs the World).

Kimi has a style all her own that is somewhere between a pirate, a gunslinger, and a gypsy. She wears her pants comfortable but well-fitting, with a long-sleeved shirt under a fitted vest and a bright multicolored sash at the waist (blues, greens, and purples). Boots are knee-high with a low heel (no more than ½ inch, flat not spiked). She wears a bandolier with many pouches (think adventurer’s sash from Seekers of Secrets) to hold her various musket ammo and gear. She also wears a light, sleeveless, duster-type coat that falls to about knee-length. Leather bracers cinch up the shirt at her forearms so she doesn’t catch it when loading, and she wears a pair of light fingerless gloves to protect her hands without losing tactile senses for finer tasks.

The musket itself is nearly as long as Kimiko is tall - approx to her shoulder or a little shorter (no less than ¾ her own height). I almost see the length as semi-comical for those who initially see her carrying the rare weapon, and then the laughing stops when she applies her skill with it. She also carries a rapier and has a knife in one boot.

Born on the day of the Swallowtail Festival, Kimi has become a fan of butterflies and wears a small set of glass and wire butterfly earrings with a matching choker necklace. She wears her hair just above shoulder length, layered and with purple streaks. When out ‘adventuring’, she wears a head scarf to keep it neat (think something along the lines of a Varisian head scarf, without any coins).

@ruloc: After seeing your pic of Kalee, I'm almost certain that you are the one I would need to draw my favorite character. When I get a good description, I'll be looking to you for some commission work.

...And as my doctor would say, "You're absolutely Brilliant"

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Also, what does typical commission work run in $$?

The Exchange

I don't think it costs anything. That or I got an extreme discount.

Ruloc your work is simply amazing. I am especially fond of the Unnamed Orc, and Aleashia. Is there any chance I could get you to tackle my dwarven sorcerer? I know you must be busy, but if you can his description is on the 1st page near the bottom. Thanks if you can and thanks for your time even if you can't.

CaroRose wrote:
Also, what does typical commission work run in $$?

I've talked with a lot of artists before and the #'s change depending on variables. A commission typically has copyrights transferred to the purchasing party, so if the intent is to distribute on mass (e.g. company logo, mascot, or simply photocopied advertisements) the price will jump considerably versus private ownership for display. That said, a name pays for a lot as well; the more fame and demand, the higher the price. You will also be paying for consumed resources, such as paint, canvas, charcoal or what have you.

At the very least I would say look at the kind of effort you want put into your piece, determine a reasonable time that it could be accomplished (in working hours, not deadline dates), and pay by the hour for a specialist profession. depending on talent and picture size, $10.00 an hour is the MINIMUM I'd negotiate for, probably looking more at $30-ish.

Most artists I know would consider you kind of a dick if you wanted to pay them less than minimum wage for their time, but most of them are starving anyway so they'll take your money. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

Liberty's Edge

Nice Post Ed. :)

Well I do this here for free because I can use the practice and experience. And because I like Pathfinder. ;)

But I do plan to work as freelance Illustrator sooner than later and want to at least earn enough to do it as part time job. I'm sure there's a time coming where I have to stop taking free requests. I already have enough to keep me going for a month.

I hope I can squeeze in another one of your Characters soon, but I'm very busy till next week.

Ruloc wrote:

Nice Post Ed. :)

Well I do this here for free because I can use the practice and experience. And because I like Pathfinder. ;)

But I do plan to work as freelance Illustrator sooner than later and want to at least earn enough to do it as part time job. I'm sure there's a time coming where I have to stop taking free requests. I already have enough to keep me going for a month.

I hope I can squeeze in another one of your Characters soon, but I'm very busy till next week.

No prob!

...and if your thinking about it, my birthday's on the 15th. ;)

Pfft Taurean! Mines 22nd, Gemmenons for the win :p

Shifty wrote:
Pfft Taurean! Mines 22nd, Gemmenons for the win :p

Aha, but of what year? And time of date? I am Taurean in only the most simple of zodiological study. There is much more to planetary alignment and birth than I suspect you know!

My full stats are:
- Sun: Taurus III
- Moon: Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp
- Mercury: Taurus I
- Venus: Taurus II
- Mars: Scorpio III
- Jupiter: Capricorn II
- Saturn: Scorpio II
- Uranus: Sagittarius II
- Neptune: Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp
- Pluto: Libra-Scorpio cusp

(I do, however, jest as I do not believe in predetermined destiny. Writing horoscopes is just some useless knowledge i picked up out of boredom.)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here is Tenno Yuki.

That chicken spanking voodoo magic revealed I have the Twins pretty much through and through... even born on a Wednesday.

I have two requests, and one of those two will be the character I will play in an upcoming Rise of the Runelords game, as my DM plans to get the updated version, I think it was the Anniversary Edition book.

Anyway, the first is Amber Laveen, a demon-spawn Tiefling Bard with the fiend blood coming from a Succubus, who's instrument of choice is a violin (or a similar instrument, if violins don't exist on Golarion).

Amber is a rather voluptuous woman with long, flowing red hair that reaches down to her waist in length, along with somewhat tanned skin and amber-colored eyes. Her fiendish heritage manifests in the form of the small, sharp-tipped horns on her head (which are black in color) and her jet back tail. Personality-wise, Amber is surprisingly serene and calm for a demon-spawn, possessing an unearthly and alluring grace both in dance and in her musical displays.

Her clothing of choice is red dress with yellow highlights, likely of a Varisian style, with a low-cut top showing off some of her cleavage (though not too much) and the skirt reaching down slightly above her knees in length. She wears simple black shoes and white socks, a belt with pouches filled with various tools that she might need as well as a golden necklace with the holy symbol of Desna on it. She is almost never seen without her signature violin nor the rapier that she uses when she has to defend herself.

Her story:
a demon-spawn (likely having a Succubus in her family line) Tiefling born and raised in Korvosa by one of the many Varisians there, being lucky enough to avoid being killed as an infant as she seemed relatively normal until her teenage years. When her dark heritage was discovered, she managed to avoid being killed as her adoptive parents couldn't bring themselves to killing the girl, as she had grown out of the lingering evil associated with her heritage. However, Amber herself decided to leave off to travel the world, trying to find a place for herself as a traveling musician and adventurer.

The second (and the one I'm more likely to play) is Chrysanthe Spiros, a daemon-spawn Tiefling Wizard who's specialization is Illusion spells, specifically Shadow spells.

Chrysanthe easily stands out in certain places, having deathly pale skin, gleaming yellow eyes and violet hair reaching below her shoulders in length. She has an as-of-yet unspecified problem with her vision, which causes her to wear glasses. Proud and somewhat hedonistic, Chrysanthe usually has a malicious grin on her face.

Here is a non-colored reference of her. The dress could use more elaborate details (even though the main colors ARE black and yellow), something more befitting a Chelish style. The bracelets should be silver and decorated with onyx gems, and the necklace should be golden and have a large green gem on it.

Her story:
Chrysanthe is a Chelish fiend-tainted lady of the noble house of Spiros, which was destroyed by the House of Thrune in 4704 AR, being falsely accused of heresy by other noble families just as they were gaining enough power to ascend past their rivals. Forced to escape into Nidal, she worked for the Umbral Court for a while but was again chased by agents from Cheliax. She finally lost them in Varisia, where she settled down in Magnimar to study up on magic and ready herself for the day when she takes revenge on Queen Abrogail of Thrune with both the magic she learned to wield while working with the Shadowcasters of Nidal and the secrets she herself had found through her studies.

Liberty's Edge

I have one drawing request. I'm excited to see what happens.

Janessa, my pirate for the Skulls and Shackles Adventure Path.

Female Human Druid (Aquatic) / Cleric of Besmara [Domains: Water (Oceans), War (Tactics), familiar in exchange for 1 domain]


About 5’10”, wiry with signs of muscle tone.
‘Soft’ rounder/oval face, sharp-ish nose
Green/blue eyes, thick-ish eyebrows
Impish grin
Dark brown hair, just past shoulder-length, curly and chaotic. Perhaps in a pony-tail that refuses to stay bound. Also a braid or two, with sea shells, bones, feathers, etc, woven in.
Long, slender fingers
Breasts are on the smaller size, and amount of cleavage is left to the artist.
Parrot familiar [blue and yellow plumage]
Regular pistol in belt
Leather belt with kraken buckle
Barefoot, ankle jewellery (coral anklets, etc)
Pants with bottoms rolled up, white sailor’s shirt
Floppy leather hat
Dagger in left forearm sheath
Wrist and arm jewellery (coral, gold, leather, etc)
No earrings.
Leather and coral choker with Besmara holy symbol (skull and crossbones)

In case the artist is curious, also provided is Janessa's history:

Janessa History:

Janessa was born in the sea. She almost died in the sea, too. Her father didn’t scoop her out of the water until she began to drift on the tide. Janessa has memories of her birth, fuzzy around the edges, more sensation than perception. Starting with warmth and her mother’s beating heart loud in her ears, sliding, a burst of cold, a blanket of cold, salt in the mouth and nose and lungs, darkness on the border, salt, wet, stifling, something slimy sticking to her back and face, pure darkness. Then the fiery light of day, lances of heat on her skin, sweet salty breeze and roars of victory from mother and father.

Her mother Lassichia Three-Braids, a cleric of Besmara, was adamant on a sea birth. Her father Verthans Stormcaller, a druid following the ways of Gozreh, was delighted with the idea. So, on the shores of the sea, Janessa came to be born. As soon as she could walk strongly, her mother went back to the sea life and brought along her daughter. Some ships consider woman on board bad luck, and Janessa watched her mother and fellow crew sink those ships during raids. She learned to thumb her chin at superstition. Those early years on various ships’ crews were full of wide-eyed wonder. The exotic atmosphere of foreign ports, the rush of blood during raids and escapes, and the open skies and freedom all defined who Janessa became. All thanks to the sea.

Lassichia taught her daughter about the Pirate Queen’s expectations and faith. Janessa dutifully listened, but her desires were more primal. She cared about the wind, the waves, and the creatures below. Looting and pillaging were secondary benefits in her eyes. Recognizing her daughter’s talents, Lassichia passed on Janessa to Verthans every time they made a new port. Somehow the druid always knew where to be to pick up his daughter. Together they would explore those shores, the woods or hills close by, and dive into the deep. After some weeks together they would travel to a new port and arrive just in time to be picked up by her mother.

This routine continued until she was deemed ready by both mother and father. Janessa did not have a rebellious streak, having enough freedom in her life to not feel stifled. It was time, however, for her to make her own reputation. So, with a final party she departed to find her own crew.

Over the next few years, she sailed on a variety of vessels, not all of them buccaneers. Most recently she sailed on an experimental craft, the ‘Roaring Dragon’. Rumours were the ship was a joint commission of Absalom and Alkenstar. It didn’t fly nation colours, but the make-up of the crew gave strong hints as to ownership. The ‘Roaring Dragon’ wanted a few local experts on board for advice. Janessa was brought on due to her low reputation but obvious sailing and druidic skill. She was sworn to secrecy through a geas until she left the crew and the ship was dismantled. The ship was testing black powder cannons and their utility on boats. Janessa saw the power of firearms first-hand and was impressed. She convinced her shiplover, one of the Alkenstar craftsmen, to teach her how to make and use ‘simple’ firearms. Janessa saw the weapon’s potential, and compared to arcane magic, it was a natural weapon. Sulphur, charcoal and saltpetre all come from the earth, and wood and metal are used in other acceptable weapons for druids. Janessa had discovered the ace up her sleeve.

After the ‘Roaring Dragon’ experiment was dismantled, Janessa came to a tavern in Port Peril called the Formidably Maid in search of her next crew. She wasn’t sure how many drinks she had, but they quickly went to her head and she passed out on the table...

Thank you! I hope this intrigues someone.

Silver Crusade

Okay, I've wanted to draw my Cleric... but well. I suck at drawing.

Erkos, Elf-born Tiefling (Pitborn) Cleric of Besmara


Age: 16
Gender: Male
Eyes: Elven in appearnce, one is red the other gold
Skin: Pale, silken white
Foot type: Digigrate hooves
Build: Very scrawny, weighing about 78 lbs or so
Hair: Black, down to his midback
Notes: His chest is the most muscular thing about him (has to be, so he can actully flap his wings)
Has a very large wingspan, about 25 feet from wingtip to wingtip if his wings were spread out competly.
He's very... feminine in looks, almost "bishie" to use an anime term.
He has long black horns that resemble an eastern dragon's. One has six tines, the other has five.
He usually either wears a simple leather set of armour or long black robes.
Very important, he's got glasses, just simple ones.

This is a request, so if someone is nice enough to help me?

Grand Lodge

Oh wow, can't believe I have only just found this thread! your Art-fu is amazing and if I may, I would love to get a couple of characters brought to life.


profile and appearance:
He is 5'11" and of a athletic build not bulky from years spent ranging. He has a handsome square-jawed face with a short beard which he uses in attempt to cover a deep, old scar down the left side of his face. His hair is thick, shaggy and blond at about shoulders length.

He wears old and an oft repaired studded leather tunic of faded black (nearly grey from years of washing, repair and wear) shirt and trousers; he carries a large sword (Great sword) and a longbow slung at his back. All of his equipment is left over from previous rangers and is well looked after and well treated.

He is a fairly happy go lucky type and is usually quick to laugh and share a joke, always having at least a half smile on his face.

Drake's story - He was originally drawn up to play in quest for the everflame but the group didn't work out. I had taken the time to make him and flesh out a back story for him and so I ported him over to PFS and have had an amazing time playing him!

Have only been playing RPGs for a year, so may not be up to some of the great standards already set on here!

This is the original story for him:

Drake's story:

Drake was not born under a mystic sign, with a magical sword, heir to a lost kingdom or even a mysterious child delivered to the steps of the temple one dark night. He is the third son of a local merchant, and being the third son was surplus to requirements. His brothers would take over the family business and his father would not have him living off his profits; so he was sent out to find his own way in the world.

His way led him to the town's rangers, where he showed aptitude in both tracking, combat and knowledge of the local area. It was while out tracking with Arnama, that Drake earned his right to carry the Everflame in this year's quest, by discovering a number of Orc tracks leading back to a cave deep in the Broken Crags, the very caves the village use in times of danger. The Orcs had been raiding the outlying farms and buildings of Kassen for weeks, but by the time the town 's watch arrived they had vanished without a trace. The small boat moored by the river explained why the rangers could not track the Orcs back to where they came from. Despite being outnumbered, the two rangers quickly dispatched the green skinned raiders, but not before their chief could deliver a savage cut to Drake, barely missing his eye and opening his face from cheek down to chin. After a number of stitches and a dressing from Arnama, the pair explored the cave and found several sacks of grain, a number of stolen valuables and even managed to return farmer Erstwick's prize winning Hog; Daisy! They loaded the boat and returned to Kassen.

Away from ranging on his rare days off, he can be found playing dice or tiles with his friends in the Seven Silvers with a drink never far from his hand and a jape and a smile even closer. Standing at 5' 11", Drake has Shaggy blonde hair and a beard that covers the scar down the left side of his face. He wears an old, badly repaired studded leather tunic and faded black (nearly grey from years of washing and wear) shirt and trousers; he carries a large sword and a longbow slung at his back. All of his equipment is left over from previous rangers, but he dreams of one day being able to buy his own.

I have a second character that is so much fun to play i would love to see what you can do with her:


Rhea's details:

Rhea is an Elven wizard

She is 6'4" and of a slender build and pale. She has spent a number of years locked away, researching as an obsession any scroll, magical item or pursuit of power that she can get her pale skinned hands upon. Her rare excursions away from her research is to take in over the top and hammy shows at the local theatre where she has learned the finer points of communication... ... or not.

She wears expensive dresses of the finest cuts and styles, her jet black hair is usually pulled back into a bun but a lock or two always seems to escape. In her hand at all times is an ornate book of her arcane research.

I have a mini that i painted up for her if my description is not up to scratch enough - Halfway down the page

If you can do something for them that would be fantastic.

Look forward to seeing what else you come up with for the other guys and gals on here too.


The Exchange

Ruloc wrote:
Here is Tenno Yuki.

Thank you! He looks amazing. You did a much more mature take on him than I normally envision, but I really like it. Again, much appreciated.

First off, all this art is extremely well done, and you guys are immensely awesome. So starting off with thanks for doing this for people.

That said, I'll toss my request into the ring. :) I've tried several times to get this one done but sadly never had much luck, here's hoping that changes.

Karish, Hellbred Binder:
RACE/SEX: Female Human Hellbred
AGE: Early Thirties
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 158 lbs.
GAME STATS: Str 16 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 8 Cha 17

Karish had probably been considered beautiful once, before whatever had happened to her occurred; her appearance looked to have once been fair and strong, if perhaps a little taller than some might have preferred. Her hair is slightly wavy, full and long, hanging down to the middle of her shoulderblades, and of a deep blood red so dark it seems almost black. Her skin is a dark brownish red in shade, visibly scarred and burnt over all, riddled with breaks and cracks, the whole of it reminiscent of a barren wasteland, scorched and broken by the heat of a relentless desert sun; her face bears the reddish shade and scalded texture of the rest of her body, but has been spared the riddling cracks and breaks that much of the rest of her suffered. Her teeth are black, and not at all human in shape, seeming more like fangs. The top of her head is oddly shaped: where her forehead should end it instead rises in a row of small yellowish bony spines, forming a natural crown of horns that holds her hair up and away from her face, though a few stray locks have managed to find their way down regardless. A star-shaped scar stands out vibrantly, slightly darker than the rest of her skin, in the center of her forehead. Her ears come to slight points, and have scars that suggested they had been pierced, despite lacking any adornment now. The sclera of her eyes are entirely black, veined with pale yellow rather than the expected red, with irises of a darker yellow-gold that seems to glow slightly on its own and pupils that are not the expected empty black but rather orangish-red like her eyes had been filled with fire.

She seems to be more wiry strength than raw muscle, toned and fit but not bulky. Her appearance is for all other purposes that of a human traveler in her late twenties or early thirties, save her hands - her fingers end in small white claws each approximately half an inch long and wickedly sharp. A star-shaped scar, exactly mirroring the one on her forehead, adorns the palm of her left hand.

Karish dresses in the garb of a traveler or adventurer. She wears a simple grey tunic, light blue denim traveling pants and comfortable brown mountain boots with thick leather soles. All of her clothing shows at least some wear from long use and time on the road, though it seems to remain in overall still good condition. Over her normal clothing she wears a suit of steel chainmail, overlaid with a black vest that has a few pockets for stray or useful small objects. At her wrists she wears bronze bracers, a small inscription or maker's mark of a cat and a falcon standing side-by-side adorns the one on her left hand just before the wrist. In her right hand she weilds a halberd, currently held with blade end pointed at the ground and the haft passing behind her.

She stands facing slightly to the left, head turned to look at the observer, left hand extended out towards them with hand bent back, palm out to show the star brand. Her halberd in her other hand points down at the ground, its haft passing behind her. An aura of fire surrounds the weapon's head and haft up to her hand, as well as both her arms up to her elbows. This glyph is drawn on the ground around her feet.

Ruloc wrote:
Here is Tenno Yuki.

I may have been watching to much LoK, But that cat is definitely water tribe.

The Exchange

Ed Girallon Poe wrote:
Ruloc wrote:
Here is Tenno Yuki.
I may have been watching to much LoK, But that cat is definitely water tribe.

You may be right...

I approve.

The Exchange

Ed Girallon Poe wrote:
I may have been watching to much LoK, But that cat is definitely water tribe.

Inuit actually, the original inspiration of the Water Tribe. When I come up with characters I try to costume them a bit in regional outfits. Since this character was for Jade Regent, I thought Inuit would be a good inspiration. And Ruloc just nailed it.

(prods post with toe to see if still alive)

Liberty's Edge

yeah, should have poked this one up some time ago. I do have a lot of work on my plate and some trouble with my computer. I hope I can continue next week. :/

No worries, we can wait.

Good luck man.

I blame myself... every time I request this character be drawn something happens >_<

Liberty's Edge

Don't worry, Orthos. Everyone who posted a request is blaming themselves, thinking they've cursed the thread. Myself included.

No cursing!

Positive thinking!

Good vibes!

...and sleep.

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