Critique my Magus?


She's supposed a 9th level character, and functions as the party frontline fighter and a secondary ambush/trap finder (good perception modifier). She was made with 20 point buy ability scores and rolled hit points, and had 46,000 GP for equipment.

Catfolk Magus (Skirnir) Level 9

Str 18
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 10

71 Hit Points

Speed 30 ft

AC 25
Touch AC 13
Flat-Footed AC 22
Armor Check -1

Base Attack Bonus +6
Basic Melee Attack +9
Basic Ranged Attack +8

Fortitude Save +8
Reflex Save +6
Will Save +6

CMB +10
CMD 23

+2 Mithril Battleaxe
+2 Heavy Darkwood Shield
+2 Mithril Breastplate
Belt of Physical Might (+2 Str, +2 Dex)
Bag of Holding Type IV
4 Potions Cure Serious Wounds
6 Potions Cure Moderate Wounds
3 Potions Lesser Restoration

Skills with ranks

Knowledge Arcana +14
Perception +14
Spellcraft +14
Survival +11


Skill Focus Perception
Shield Focus
Improved Shield Bash
Extra Arcane Pool
Extra Arcane Pool
Extra Arcane Pool




All simple and martial weapons
All shields
Light and medium armor

Spells Per Day
Level 0 5
Level 1 5
Level 2 4
Level 3 2

Arcane Pool
12 Points Per Day

Magus Arcana
Arcane Redoubt
Ghost Blade
Enduring Blade

Class Abilities
Arcane Bond (Heavy Wooden Shield)
Spellstrike (Can be used with weapon or shield bash)
Sorcerous Shield
Shielded Spell Combat

All 0 level magus spells

1 level magus spells

Burning Hands
Chill Touch
Ray of Enfeeblement
True Strike
Stone Fist
Magic Missile
Reinforce Armaments

2 level spells

Acid Arrow
Defensive Shock
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Bear's Endurance

3 level spells

Water Breathing
Lightning Bolt

Racial Abilities
+2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Catfolk are agile and amiable, but they are known for their lack of common sense and self-control.
Low-Light Vision: In dim light, catfolk can see twice as far as humans.
Cat's Luck: See above.
Sprinter: See above.
Natural Hunter: Catfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks.
Languages: Catfolk speak Catfolk and Common. A catfolk who has a high Intelligence score can choose from the following bonus languages: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, and Sylvan.

Good? Did I pick a good feat selection? Did I pick good spells? Good arcana? Are my equipment and ability scores good?

Since you're going catfolk it just makes sense to go dervish dance. Not only does your race give a bonus to dexterity but it also is often considered a graceful race. I also suggest shocking grasp for how rare resistances are for lightning and that it does good damage. Also you can't cast spells if you're using a shield and an axe at the same time. You might like the kensei archetype because of it's fighter feel and it's improved martial abilities.

You shall destroy your enemies with finesse and a sharp blade.

Black_Lantern wrote:
Since you're going catfolk it just makes sense to go dervish dance. Not only does your race give a bonus to dexterity but it also is often considered a graceful race.

I don't want to play a dancing character.

I also suggest shocking grasp for how rare resistances are for lightning and that it does good damage.


Also you can't cast spells if you're using a shield and an axe at the same time.
Yes, I can. I can use my shield hand for that.
You might like the kensei archetype because of it's fighter feel and it's improved martial abilities.

The Kensai gives out some abilities that I don't want.

Black_Lantern wrote:
You shall destroy your enemies with finesse and a sharp blade.

I'd rather be a dexterous and mobile shield warrior.

I've only done Magus in theory, not practice. But I have done Monks, Alchemists, Inquisitors, and Gunslingers before, so I know resource management. I truly doubt you'll need THAT MUCH extra Arcane Pool. I'd grab Toughness or TWF somewhere in there, and maybe start working towards Missile Shield

Other than that, it looks good to me. The AC is around where it should be, the spell selection is mostly good (I agree with Shocking Grasp), but if you aren't dead-set on the axe, maybe go for something with a higher crit-threat-range, so you can get crits with spells more often. And make the weapon a +1 Keen regardless of whether you stick with the axe.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I'd rather be a dexterous and mobile shield warrior.

Hahahahahaha. Sooo much same *points at alias posted in PbP thread*

I went with a massive arcane pool because I have to spend it on both my weapon and my shield, and because I plan to be using that feature a tremendous amount.

I am dead set on the axe. As for a keen weapon, I'm not buying anything with a special quality. I can use my arcane pool for that.

I could drop Levitate for Shocking Grasp.

*shrug* Cool. You know what you want, and it's a good enough build to do what you want it to do. I'd still drop at least one of the Extra Arcane pools to improve your ability to attack with the shield, (picking up shield slam if possible, because it's SO fun), but that's all I got.

You know what I forgot to do? Add the +1 AC from shield focus.

Hmm. I could drop shield focus for shield slam, no? I just don't want to get rid of the arcane pools do to the fact that I need them for both weapon and shield, not just weapon.

Hmm. No shield slam. The TWF prerequisite puts me to pause.

My correct AC is:

AC 26
Touch AC 13
Flat-Footed AC 23

And not:

AC 25
Touch AC 13
Flat-Footed AC 22

Ohhh, right. Magus doesn't need to TWF because spellstrike. Nevermind XD

Using a sword and board might be what you are looking for flavor but there are a lot of Magus abilities you miss out on not haveing a free hand.

I get a modified spellstrike because of the archetype I took. I can't TWF with magic, but I can cast spells with my shield arm.

Gnomezrule wrote:
Using a sword and board might be what you are looking for flavor but there are a lot of Magus abilities you miss out on not haveing a free hand.

All I miss out on is spell recall and knowledge pool, and I'm fine with that.

Do you really feel that Ghost blade is worth it at your level?
I would think unless you expect a lot of incorporeal stuff you would be much better off with a different arcana. I mean if you wanted to use the Brilliant Energy aspect you will be blowing almost half your arcane pool right there. (Remember: The Ghost Blade arcana just lets you add it to your list of ones to choose from, it doesnt put it right on the blade; it would be 1 point to add it to your list and 4 to use that one from the list)

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Black_Lantern wrote:
Since you're going catfolk it just makes sense to go dervish dance. Not only does your race give a bonus to dexterity but it also is often considered a graceful race.

I don't want to play a dancing character.

I also suggest shocking grasp for how rare resistances are for lightning and that it does good damage.


Also you can't cast spells if you're using a shield and an axe at the same time.
Yes, I can. I can use my shield hand for that.
You might like the kensei archetype because of it's fighter feel and it's improved martial abilities.
The Kensai gives out some abilities that I don't want.

You can't do that with a heavy shield. Also potions are a poor investment, Consider umd and clw wands. I'm sorry it's just when I think of catfolk I don't think of their strength being higher then their dexterity is all. Also mithril is a poor investment considering your strength. You might want to consider getting rid of a couple of those extra arcane pool feats because going twf with shields is going to be hard with your current set up. Also consider getting a warhammer instead because of swarms.

Interzone wrote:

Do you really feel that Ghost blade is worth it at your level?

I would think unless you expect a lot of incorporeal stuff you would be much better off with a different arcana. I mean if you wanted to use the Brilliant Energy aspect you will be blowing almost half your arcane pool right there. (Remember: The Ghost Blade arcana just lets you add it to your list of ones to choose from, it doesnt put it right on the blade; it would be 1 point to add it to your list and 4 to use that one from the list)

I am expecting a fair amount of incorporeal stuff. It's quite a bit pricey, but I think I may end up in a situation where I want the Ghost Touch part.

I take it you have no interest in battlefield control spells?

I just started playing a level 4 dervish dance elven magus. I play like a switch hitter ranger build. I have the usual spellstrike evocations, like frigid touch and shocking grasp, but also a few control spells. This allows me to assess the battle on a round by round by round basis. A timely color spray, grease or glitterdust can really help the party. And while it is awesome to crit fish with my scimitar for spectacular damage, for me it is just as fun to help the entire party be more awesome. I also don't have the hit points to remain in melee all the time. In fact I have the least HP in the whole party. Somehow the rogue even has 10 more than me!

How about mirror image for defense? You have a lot of direct damage spells. Have you considered building in a little more flexibility with your spell selection? Vanish is always fun.

When I was building my magus I decided that the control spells were just too good too pass up.

Black_Lantern wrote:
You can't do that with a heavy shield.

Yes, I can. I just lose my AC bonus for the round.

Also potions are a poor investment, Consider umd and clw wands.

We already have somebody with cure wands. I just bought the potions because I had some extra gold and the party could always use some extra healing. I won't be healing often enough to justify getting UMD and wands myself.

I'm sorry it's just when I think of catfolk I don't think of their strength being higher then their dexterity is all.

I ignore racial averages. PCs are emphatically NOT average. My PC being unusually strong for a catfolk is not something I consider a problem. If she were a usual catfolk, she wouldn't be an adventurer.

Also mithril is a poor investment considering your strength. You might want to consider getting rid of a couple of those extra arcane pool feats because going twf with shields is going to be hard with your current set up.

I have no intention of going TWF. I have improved shield bash to handle DR or getting disarmed. I have the ability to use arcane pool on both my weapon and my shield, and I'm the main damage dealer in the party, so I'm going to need a really big pool. As for mithril, I want to maintain my speed. I want a good AC, but I don't want medium armor.

Also consider getting a warhammer instead because of swarms.

I don't want to be a hammer fighter. I want to be an axe fighter.

Sobchak wrote:

I take it you have no interest in battlefield control spells?

I just started playing a level 4 dervish dance elven magus. I play like a switch hitter ranger build. I have the usual spellstrike evocations, like frigid touch and shocking grasp, but also a few control spells. This allows me to assess the battle on a round by round by round basis. A timely color spray, grease or glitterdust can really help the party. And while it is awesome to crit fish with my scimitar for spectacular damage, for me it is just as fun to help the entire party be more awesome. I also don't have the hit points to remain in melee all the time. In fact I have the least HP in the whole party. Somehow the rogue even has 10 more than me!

How about mirror image for defense? You have a lot of direct damage spells. Have you considered building in a little more flexibility with your spell selection? Vanish is always fun.

When I was building my magus I decided that the control spells were just too good too pass up.

Battlefield control is already well covered by the other spellcasters. What we need is someone who can hand out the damage, so I went with self buffing for my melee damage potential and attack spells for further pain.

Not sure how long you will have the character but your int is pretty low and you will need to bump it two points to make use of your last 2 level of spells. Certainly doable just wanted to point it out in case it was overlooked.

I would also like to +1 shocking grasp partially because spells that require saving throws won't be your friend with a low intelligence and partially because shocking grasp is an awesome spell for magus in general. Coupling it with the intensify metamagic feat will provide a nice bump to your nova potential. something to think about if you play the character long enough to add another feat.

As to witch spell to switch out for shocking grasp I would nominate any of your 1st level damage spell that requires a saving throw.

I've already added shocking grasp. My spell list at the moment is:

All 0 level magus spells

1 level magus spells

Burning Hands
Chill Touch
Ray of Enfeeblement
Expeditious Retreat
Stone Fist
Magic Missile
Reinforce Armaments
Shocking Grasp

2 level spells

Acid Arrow
Defensive Shock
Bull's Strength
Cat's Grace
Bear's Endurance

3 level spells

Water Breathing
Lightning Bolt

As for my lowish Int, I'll get a magic item for that in a couple levels. That won't be a problem.

Liberty's Edge

Black_Lantern wrote:
You can't do that with a heavy shield.


She needs a name. I'm thinking Beket-hotep, Nefert-iri, Nefert-ari, Ta-sheri, or Iset.

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