I have a question... |

I have a question. . .
One of my pcs, in preperation of an adventrure he fears he won't survive, said that he wants to do/pay for a way to transfer his "essence" if he dies, so that he is able to come back.
I told him I would look into it. Is this possible? If so, what would be involved (process, cost, etc). It sounded an awful lot like becoming a lich, to me.
Thanks for the help.

Richard Leonhart |

tell him that shouting avacadabra doesn't kill anyone, except perhaps of laughter.
This being said, he should look into beast-bonded witch (if he wants a new character that can do that) or just use the spell magic jar.
Being a lich also helps.
Other possibility might be clones or thelike, all in all he has to be an arcane caster for nearly all the possibilities (the clerics want to go to heaven when they die) except perhaps bard.

Drejk |

Clone spell does exactly that. He has to hire high-level spell caster if available or buy a scroll if 15th level spellcasters are rare in your campaign and has a 1 cubic inch of flesh preserved.
Of course that course depends on availability of high level magic in your campaign. Finding 15th level caster or 8th level scroll can be a quest in itself.