Pathfinder Battles Case Content Experience


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Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters Description wrote:
Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

As Cases of Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters miniatures will soon be arriving at your doorsteps (and mine) I'm interested in finding what your experience is with your case(s) purchase. How accurate is the Paizo/WizKids description? The only way to really know is to do some data collection.

This is what I'm asking. As you open your case(s), please keep track of which miniatures you get out of each case. If you have two or more cases, please tally them separately. Hopefully we'll all "get a nearly complete set of figures."

How successful Paizo/WizKids are at meeting that goal will greatly influence my decision to purchase future cases.

I'll be posting here as soon as my case arrives.


Content List:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
5 Orc Brute
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
9 Watch Officer
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf

14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat

24 Gargoyle
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
26 Spectre
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur
31 Ogre
32 Troll
33 Ettin
34 Chimera
35 Manticore
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider
37 Frost Giant
38 Succubus
39 Lich
40 Vampire

Okay, I got my case today, 4 boxes of boosters containing 16 small/medium boosters and 3 large boosters each. So far, I've opened 2 of the 4 boxes of boosters:

Box 1:
01 Goblin Warrior
02 Goblin Hero
05 Orc Brute
06 Orc Warrior
07 Skeleton
08 Watch Guard
09 Watch Officer
12 Giant Spider
15 Mummy
16 Human Rogue
18 Elf Wizard
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
26 Spectre
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa (which I wish had a better paint job)
30 Minotaur
33 Ettin
37 Frost Giant (with the non-removable hand broken off; thank goodness for krazy glue)
40 Vampire

Box 2:
03 Goblin Warrior
04 Goblin Hero
05 Orc Brute
06 Orc Warrior
08 Watch Guard
09 Watch Officer
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
17 Human Ranger (bow and arrow bent upward)
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
24 Gargoyle
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
26 Spectre
31 Ogre
33 Ettin
34 Chimera
40 Vampire

I'm really hoping I don't find another vampire or ettin in the next two boxes.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Swiftbrook wrote:
As you open your case(s), please keep track of which miniatures you get out of each case. If you have two or more cases, please tally them separately.

I would only add that posting the contents of each brick separately would give us a bit more info to work with.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

How big are these cases?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Zaister wrote:
How big are these cases?

Roughly 15.5 x 15 x 7.5 inches. Weight will vary based on the minis inside, but it's generally over 6.25 pounds.

Joe Wells wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
As you open your case(s), please keep track of which miniatures you get out of each case. If you have two or more cases, please tally them separately.
I would only add that posting the contents of each brick separately would give us a bit more info to work with.

Good idea. I'll do that.

Bluescale wrote:
Okay, I got my case today, 4 boxes of boosters containing 16 small/medium boosters and 3 large boosters each.

Bluescale, clearification: Paizo/WizKids are calling the boxes of boosters "Bricks". Thanks for the info!


Zaister wrote:
How big are these cases?

A case contains 4 bricks.

Opened the rest of the boxes:

Brick 3:
03 Goblin Warrior
04 Goblin Hero
05 Orc Brute
06 Orc Warrior
08 Watch Guard
09 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
17 Human Ranger
20 Dwarf Fighter
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
26 Spectre
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
31 Ogre
32 Troll
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider
28 Succubus

Brick 4:
01 Goblin Warrior
02 Goblin Hero
03 Goblin Warrior
04 Goblin Hero
06 Orc Warrior
07 Skeleton
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
13 Wolf
14 Venomous Snake
16 Human Rogue
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat
25 Hal-Orc Barbarian
27 Seelah
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur
33 Ettin (sigh...)
35 Manticore
39 Lich

So it looks like with one case, I got every one of the random minis. Now I just have to wait for the black dragon to arrive...

Swiftbrook wrote:
Bluescale wrote:
Okay, I got my case today, 4 boxes of boosters containing 16 small/medium boosters and 3 large boosters each.

Bluescale, clearification: Paizo/WizKids are calling the boxes of boosters "Bricks". Thanks for the info!


Thanks, I adjusted what I wrote for the second set after seeing this message when previewing my post.

Bluescale wrote:

33 Ettin (sigh...)

You know, if you're that thrilled with the Ettin, I'd be happy to take him off your hands

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

So Bluescale's haul included:

No duplicates within a brick.
83 total figures.
33 common, 22 uncommon, 28 rare (16 medium, 12 large).
Lots of gobbies.
Roughly 2-3 of each common (one lizardfolk! bummer!)
Roughly 2 of each uncommon
1-3 of each rare
At least one of each fig.

Thanks much, Bluescale!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bluescale wrote:
25 Hal-Orc Barbarian

I've met Hal the Orc Barbarian. Pretty nice guy for an orc.

Is there a pic somewhere of the ettin? Maybe you could sell a couple of them.

Bruunwald wrote:
Is there a pic somewhere of the ettin? Maybe you could sell a couple of them.

The official picture of the ettin. In the game I'm currently GMing, I'll probably end up using all three ettins, I was just hoping for another Giant Caveweaver Spider, as having two of them would have been very useful come Monday night.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I previously posted this is in the Heroes and Monsters thread.

I received my two cases arrived. I broke them open and some of the miniatures I just love and others are just so so for me.

I was surprised the trolls were so small compared to the minotaurs and the ogres but I do like the mini.

Not overly impressed with the zombie, skeleton or mummy.

Love the Werewolf, goblins, ettins, spiders (especially the large one), best Lich I have ever seen, the rats are incredible, and I like the succubus.

I like almost all the player character minis - a couple are do not seem to represent their class well for me like the druid but it is okay.

I am a happy camper. With two cases I got 5 trolls, 5 ettins, 2 large spiders, 2 manicores, 2 minotaurs, 3 ogres (not my favorite but I am sure we will get more in Runelords) and at least 2 of the other larges. Really almost a perfect distribution. I would like some more rats I think.

Thank you Paizo and Wiz Kids. I look forward to Runelords, Encounter Packs and whatever else is coming. Need a mini for Wet Papa Grazuul.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Funny, the minis I want more of are all commons and there are only four of those. A very good distribution.

Question for people who already have their minis, did you use an express shipping method?

Shem wrote:
With two cases I got 5 trolls, 5 ettins, 2 large spiders, 2 manicores, 2 minotaurs, 3 ogres (not my favorite but I am sure we will get more in Runelords) and at least 2 of the other larges.

Your numbers seem off. You listed 19 of the 24 larges you get in two cases, but only 5 of the 8 pieces. That leaves 5 for the 3 unlisted pieces so 1 piece was missing in a case. More likely, one of the 5s should have been a 4.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

No they were both 5s.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Should these be showing up in our order screen?

While I see my initial subscription from last Sept I see nothing else reflected in my account.

Did you kids who already have your orders see any activity in your account or was it 'hey look what's on my doorstep'?

Shem wrote:
No they were both 5s.

Interesting. So what piece did you get only 1 of?

miniaturepeddler wrote:

Should these be showing up in our order screen?

While I see my initial subscription from last Sept I see nothing else reflected in my account.

Did you kids who already have your orders see any activity in your account or was it 'hey look what's on my doorstep'?

On December 29, I received the following e-mail:


Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters have arrived at our warehouse and are ready to ship!

Your Pathfinder Battles subscription case and premium will ship to you based on the shipping option you have chosen on your My Subscriptions page:

If you have chosen to "Never Hold Anything":
We will be setting up Battles Subscription orders on Tuesday, January 3rd! This process sets up an order with the subscription items (Heros & Monsters case plus Black Dragon booster) as well as any items in your sidecart that are ready to be shipped and authorizes the payment method. When our system has set up your order it will automatically generate an email to you saying "In the next week or so, we're expecting to ship , the next volume of your subscription." That email will also indicate if we had any problems authorizing your payment method. You will receive your Encounter Pack discount code(s) in the shipping confirmation email when we ship your case(s) of miniatures.

If you have items in your sidecart that are ready to ship, they will be processed with this Battles subscription shipment. If you need to change your address, payment method or add/cancel additional items we recommend you do this as soon as possible. When your subscription order has been generated by our system please make sure any changes to your address or payment method, have been applied to BOTH the pending order and your subscription(s).

If you have chosen to "Hold for Monthly Shipment":
Your Battles subscription shipment will wait until we set up January subscriptions orders, currently estimated to begin on Thursday, January 12th. This process sets up an order with all of the January subscription items as well as any items in your sidecart that are ready to be shipped and authorizes the payment method. When our system has set up your order it will automatically generate an email to you saying "In the next week or so, we're expecting to ship , the next volume of your subscription." That email will also indicate if we had any problems authorizing your payment method. If you need to change your address, payment method or add/cancel additional items we recommend you do this as soon as possible. You will receive your Encounter Pack discount code(s) in the shipping confirmation email when we ship your case(s) of miniatures.

You can view your subscription(s) on at:

You can view Battles Subscription Frequently Asked Questions here:

If you have questions or concerns, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your business.

Best regards,
Paizo Customer Service

Grotnar wrote:
Question for people who already have their minis, did you use an express shipping method?

I had the standard shipping method, which is why I was surprised to see them so soon. After all, for the last three months, my physical copies of subscriptions arrived days after they were out in stores.

Bluescale wrote:
Grotnar wrote:
Question for people who already have their minis, did you use an express shipping method?
I had the standard shipping method, which is why I was surprised to see them so soon. After all, for the last three months, my physical copies of subscriptions arrived days after they were out in stores.

Mine arrived today. But I had them shipped to alternative address so I won't be able to get my hands on them until tomorrow. Had I known they would arrive on a Saturday I would have had them shipped here. Darn.

Anyway, I chose the cheapest shipping as well and this is much faster than my normal subscription shipments.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
miniaturepeddler wrote:

Should these be showing up in our order screen?

While I see my initial subscription from last Sept I see nothing else reflected in my account.

Did you kids who already have your orders see any activity in your account or was it 'hey look what's on my doorstep'?

On December 29, I received the following e-mail:

** spoiler omitted **...


I went and double checked my account and I see them there sitting waiting to be rolled into my January Subscription order.

All is right with the world again!


Bluescale wrote:
So it looks like with one case, I got every one of the random minis. Now I just have to wait for the black dragon to arrive...

Hmm. My case arrived in a very large box half-full of packing peanuts. I would've considered it over-packed if it weren't for the large gouge punching all the through the outer box. I had to plunge my hands into the peanuts below the case to fish out the black dragon, which was in the same box, along with a catalog and a holiday card. Perhaps yours was packed differently?

As it happens, I haven't put my new minis away yet, so they're still separated by brick. (No, I did not let them get mixed up yet, even though I'm about to put them together on a shelf. Until they go on a shelf, what's in a brick box is what came together. I know it doesn't make sense, but I can't help it.)

I've already checked, and I got at least one of each. Yay! So, here's the list by brick and mini number -- the way Bluescale did it -- followed by commentary.

Brick 1:
Common 1-13
01 Goblin Warrior (S)
02 Goblin Hero (S)
03 Goblin Warrior (S)
04 Goblin Hero (S)
05 Orc Brute
07 Skeleton
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
Uncommon 14-23
14 Venomous Snake
16 Human Rogue
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
Rare 24-40
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur (L)
31 Ogre (L)
34 Chimera (L)
40 Vampire

I was very happy with almost all of the minis in this brick. Pros: The snake and the spider look really cool; I was blown away by the detail of the sculpt on the Skeleton, which is just a mook; and the werewolf and minotaur look particularly fierce. Middlings: On the one hand, the human rogue could pass as a halfling; on the other hand, that helps make up for the complete absence of halflings in the set. Cons: There's some curvature in the soft plastic of the ogre's club and the half-elf cleric's sword, and the chimera's right wing was tucked behind its paw instead of posed in front of it. I very gently managed to move the wing, but now it's pressed against the pinkie; one way or another, it's going to be touching that paw. Maybe it has an itch.

The rest will come later. I'm not making you wait on purpose, it's just that I need to eat.

Brick 2:
Common 1-13
01 Goblin Warrior (S)
02 Goblin Hero (S)
05 Orc Brute
06 Orc Warrior
07 Skeleton
08 Watch Guard
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
Uncommon 14-23
15 Mummy
18 Elf Wizard
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid
22 Gnome Fighter (S)
23 Dire Rat (S)
Rare 24-40
24 Gargoyle
26 Spectre
27 Seelah (Human Paladin)
32 Troll (L)
33 Ettin (L)
35 Manticore (L)
39 Lich

Found some time while making dinner. Pros: Lots of cool, detailed sculpts with good paint. Middlings: On the one hand, the dire rat is as big as the dwarf fighter and the ettin is too big for its base; the flip side of being out-of-scale is that they could easily represent a variant a size larger, so you're effectively getting a bigger mini for a smaller price. Cons: The lich's demonskull staff keeps on flopping over to obscure his scary face like a weird mask, and it's a pity how much exquisite detail was given to the druid without getting the basics right (crazy eyes, bald front half of her head, spell scroll as big as a bedroll).

Brick 3:
Common 1-13
03 Goblin Warrior (S)
04 Goblin Hero (S)
05 Orc Brute
07 Skeleton
09 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
Uncommon 14-23
14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
21 Human Druid
Rare 24-40
26 Spectre
28 Werewolf
29 Medusa
32 Troll (L)
33 Ettin (L)
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider (L)
38 Succubus

Pros: The succubus pulls off hot and pitiless, and the wolf and werewolf could easily be different forms of the same creature. Middlings: The half-elf cleric's sword isn't bent. And the human druid's eyes aren't crazy. Cons: The giant caveweaver spider's right mandible is growing out of its eye (which I see in the blog photo now that I'm looking for it) -- but aside from that it's awesome!

Brick 4:
Common 1-13
01 Goblin Warrior (S)
02 Goblin Hero (S)
07 Skeleton
08 Watch Guard
09 Watch Officer
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf
Uncommon 14-23
14 Venomous Snake
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
19 Half-Elf Cleric
22 Goblin Fighter (S)
23 Dire Rat (S)
Rare 24-40
26 Spectre
27 Seelah (Human Paladin)
29 Medusa
31 Ogre (L)
32 Troll (L)
37 Frost Giant (L)
40 Vampire

Pros: I got a human ranger! That's a character I like to play; and with holding the bow the way he is, you could pretend that it's a crossbow if you want. Lots of characters use bows or crossbows. Very flexible mini. Middlings: I don't really need that many Seelahs or sword-wielding clerics; but I suppose that I could use the Seelahs as wealthy fighters (or high-ranking officers), and the half-elf clerics could pass for human paladins. Cons: The frost giant's right hand was broken off.

Dark Archive

Just as a side note, my case did have the boosters taped down so I believe I received the lots after this issue was discovered. I have placed my bricks in spoiler tags to conserve on space.

Brick 1:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
5 Orc Brute
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
9 Watch Officer
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf

14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
17 Human Ranger
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric

24 Gargoyle
26 Spectre
29 Medusa
30 Minotaur
33 Ettin
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider
40 Vampire

Brick 2:
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
5 Orc Brute
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf

16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
21 Human Druid

25 Half-Orc Barbarian
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
28 Werewolf
31 Ogre
32 Troll
37 Frost Giant
39 Lich

Brick 3:
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
6 Orc Warrior
9 Watch Officer
10 Lizardfolk Champion
11 Zombie
12 Giant Spider
13 Wolf

15 Mummy
18 Elf Wizard
19 Half-Elf Cleric
20 Dwarf Fighter
21 Human Druid

24 Gargoyle
25 Half-Orc Barbarian
28 Werewolf
30 Minotaur
33 Ettin
34 Chimera
39 Lich

Brick 4:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)
6 Orc Warrior
7 Skeleton
8 Watch Guard
10 Lizardfolk Champion
12 Giant Spider

14 Venomous Snake
15 Mummy
16 Human Rogue
17 Human Ranger
22 Gnome Fighter
23 Dire Rat

26 Spectre
27 Seelah, Human Paladin
29 Medusa
31 Ogre
32 Troll
35 Manticore
38 Succubus

Overall Count:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)-2
2 Goblin Hero (Red)-2
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)-3
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)-3
5 Orc Brute-2
6 Orc Warrior-4
7 Skeleton-3
8 Watch Guard-2
9 Watch Officer-2
10 Lizardfolk Champion-2
11 Zombie-1
12 Giant Spider-4
13 Wolf-3

14 Venomous Snake-2
15 Mummy-3
16 Human Rogue-2
17 Human Ranger-3
18 Elf Wizard-3
19 Half-Elf Cleric-3
20 Dwarf Fighter-1
21 Human Druid-2
22 Gnome Fighter-1
23 Dire Rat-1

24 Gargoyle-2
25 Half-Orc Barbarian-2
26 Spectre-2
27 Seelah, Human Paladin-2
28 Werewolf-2
29 Medusa-2
30 Minotaur-2
31 Ogre-2
32 Troll-2
33 Ettin-2
34 Chimera-1
35 Manticore-1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider-1
37 Frost Giant-1
38 Succubus-1
39 Lich-2
40 Vampire-1

Overall, I am pleased with the set as it is my first venture in pre-painted plastic miniatures EVER. I am happy to report that my Frost Giant's right arm was secure. I would like to see future sets facial sculpts to be a little cleaner and detailed and Erik has promised more washes so that I am happy about that. Thank you Paizo for this wonderful product, my wife and I enjoyed opening each and every booster!!

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Just as a side note, my case did have the boosters taped down so I believe I recieved the lots after this issue was discovered. I have placed my bricks in spoiler tags to conserve on space.

Good to hear you got a case with the boosters taped down. Unfortunately, your larges follow the same pattern as everyone else despite being from a different lot. That makes it more likely there are two levels of rarity for the larges.

Dark Archive

Mandor wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Just as a side note, my case did have the boosters taped down so I believe I recieved the lots after this issue was discovered. I have placed my bricks in spoiler tags to conserve on space.
Good to hear you got a case with the boosters taped down. Unfortunately, your larges follow the same pattern as everyone else despite being from a different lot. That makes it more likely there are two levels of rarity for the larges.

What is the other level of rarity for larges? How does that level look in terms of distribution of figures?

In each brick, one booster contains Chimera, Manticore, Giant Caveweaver Spider, or Frost Giant. The other two boosters contain Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, or Ettin.

On average, it looks like we can expect 1-4 of each common, 1-3 of each uncommon and rare, 2 of each large rare and 1 of each large very rare. (Note that there has been one report of a case containing no halflings/dire rats but we don't have a case breakdown).

Here are the rarity levels and the avg # found per case (assuming WizKids made an equal number of each common, an equal number of each uncommon, an equal number of each rare, and an equal number of each large rare).

Common - 2.538461538
Uncommon - 2.2
Large Rare - 2
Rare - 1.777777778
Large Very Rare - 1

For the record, my case was one of the earlier ones without the boosters taped down. It.. um.. made opening them easier! :) </pollyanna>

I've finally opened my case. I'll post a break down soon if I get the time. I did get a full set. Lotsa good stuff in here, but also other things that are not great. Overall, it's a pretty good set.

As far as packaging goes, my boxes were not taped, with the exception of the dragon, which is the only one that does not need to be taped.

As a side note, love the goblins, I got 8 or so. Good first effort, though, I expect the Rise of the Runelords set to raise the bar.

Mandor wrote:
On average, it looks like we can expect 1-4 of each common, 1-3 of each uncommon and rare, 2 of each large rare and 1 of each large very rare. (Note that there has been one report of a case containing no halflings/dire rats but we don't have a case breakdown).

I'm changing commons to 0-4 and uncommons to 0-3.

Based on Aravan not getting the halfling/dire rat combo and D.M.T. not getting a Zombie or a Dwarf Fighter.

I'm a little lazy, does anyone have the average quantity (besides the listed qualities) for a typical case? How many miniatures total are you getting on average?

83 minis per case, on average.

Shadow Lodge

About 4-5 came loose in their boxes, none broken, 3-4 bent, my boxes where not taped... final count has at least one of each model. 83 Total.

33 Common, 22 Uncommon, 28 Rare - no duplicates in a single brick.

Brick 1:

Orc Brute
Half-Orc Barbarian
Dwarf Fighter
Goblin Warrior (Blue)
Goblin Hero (Blue)
Goblin Warrior (Red)
Goblin Hero (Red)
Elf Wizard
Half-Elf Cleric
Lizardfolk Champion
Giant Spider
Venomous Snake
Human Rogue

Brick 2:

Lizardfolk Champion
Orc Warrior
Human Druid
Seelah, Human Paladin
Gnome Fighter

Dire Rat
Elf Wizard
Watch Guard
Dwarf Fighter
Goblin Warrior (Red)
Goblin Hero (Red)
Orc Brute

Brick 3:

Giant Caveweaver Spider

Giant Spider
Venomous Snake
Half-Elf Cleric
Elf Wizard
Watch Officer
Human Druid
Goblin Warrior (Blue)
Goblin Hero (Blue)
Orc Brute

Brick 4:

Frost Giant
Goblin Warrior (Blue)
Goblin Hero (Blue)
Human Rogue
Seelah, Human Paladin
Half-Elf Cleric
Gnome Fighter

Dire Rat
Giant Spider
Venomous Snake
Human Ranger
Watch Guard
Watch Officer


1 Goblin Warrior (Red)-3
2 Goblin Hero (Red)-3
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)-2
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)-2
5 Orc Brute-3
6 Orc Warrior-1
7 Skeleton-4
8 Watch Guard-2
9 Watch Officer-2
10 Lizardfolk Champion-2
11 Zombie-4
12 Giant Spider-3
13 Wolf-2

14 Venomous Snake-3
15 Mummy-2
16 Human Rogue-2
17 Human Ranger-1
18 Elf Wizard-3
19 Half-Elf Cleric-3
20 Dwarf Fighter-2
21 Human Druid-2
22 Gnome Fighter-2
23 Dire Rat-2

24 Gargoyle-1
25 Half-Orc Barbarian-1
26 Spectre-3
27 Seelah, Human Paladin-2
28 Werewolf-2
29 Medusa-3
30 Minotaur-1
31 Ogre-2
32 Troll-3
33 Ettin-2
34 Chimera-1
35 Manticore-1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider-1
37 Frost Giant-1
38 Succubus-1
39 Lich-1
40 Vampire-2

Scarab Sages

Here is what I pulled from a sealed case:

1 Goblin Warrior (Red) x3
2 Goblin Hero (Red) x3
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue) x3
4 Goblin Hero (Blue) x3
5 Orc Brute x3
6 Orc Warrior x3
7 Skeleton x3
8 Watch Guard x3
9 Watch Officer x2
10 Lizardfolk Champion x2
11 Zombie None
12 Giant Spider x3
13 Wolf x3

14 Venomous Snake x3
15 Mummy x3
16 Human Rogue x3
17 Human Ranger x3
18 Elf Wizard x3
19 Half-Elf Cleric x2
20 Dwarf Fighter None
21 Human Druid x2
22 Gnome Fighter x1
23 Dire Rat x1

24 Gargoyle x2
25 Half-Orc Barbarian x1
26 Spectre x3
27 Seelah, Human Paladin x2
28 Werewolf x2
29 Medusa x2
30 Minotaur x2
31 Ogre x2
32 Troll x2
33 Ettin x2
34 Chimera x1
35 Manticore x1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider x1
37 Frost Giant x1
38 Succubus x2
39 Lich x1
40 Vampire x1

It's crazy that I got only 1 Gnome/Dire Rat out of the whole case, and ZERO zombies. No Dwarf Fighter either. One of my two "Seelah, Human Paladin" came out of the pack with the shield arm broken off.

Grand Lodge

Mandor wrote:

Here are the rarity levels and the avg # found per case.

Large Rare - 2

How do you figure 2 of each Large Rare per case? I count 8 Large miniatures and 12 Large boosters per case or 12/8 or 1.5 Large Miniatures per case.

I agree with the standard booster rare calculation of 1.777 etc. This makes the Large Rares slightly more rare than the other Medium Rares. Not a big deal, just fascinating.



Mazra wrote:
How do you figure 2 of each Large Rare per case? I count 8 Large miniatures and 12 Large boosters per case or 12/8 or 1.5 Large Miniatures per case.

Officially, all 8 larges are all rares.

Unofficially, there seems to be 4 rares and 4 very rares.

Two boosters in every brick always contain a Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, or Ettin. The third booster always contains a Chimera, Manticore, Giant Caveweaver Spider, or Frost Giant. Auggie's 30 cases plus the 7 cases reported here so far have all had this 2:1 ratio. Auggie also noted that the booster with the very rare was always located in the same place in the brick.

We don't have enough reports yet to be certain WizKids produced two rarity levels for the larges, but it looks likely.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I'm lazy, so I didn't put much work into my results:
I got at least 1 of everything.
I got 10 goblins, which I could have used last Friday.
My boxes were all taped.
My 5-year-old daughter and I had fun opening them.
2 Ettins, 2 Minotaurs, 2 Ogres, 2 Trolls, 1 each of the others.
My frost giant had separated from his base, but he snapped right back on.
I got a total of 82 minis.


Grand Lodge

Mandor wrote:

Two boosters in every brick always contain a Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, or Ettin. The third booster always contains a Chimera, Manticore, Giant Caveweaver Spider, or Frost Giant. Auggie's 30 cases plus the 7 cases reported here so far have all had this 2:1 ratio. Auggie also noted that the booster with the very rare was always located in the same place in the brick.

Gotcha! So every case should average two of the Minotaur, Ogre, Troll or Ettin. And each case will have one each of the Chimera, Manticore, Giant Caveweaver Spider and Frost Giant. This means the Frost Giant in particular will become very rare indeed. It could make the GOL version look like a bargain. It does sound like there are two levels of rarities among the Large Rares. You ratios are correct in light of this. Thanks.



Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My sealed case arrived today:

(5) ORC BRUTE x2 (one with a broken base)
(11) ZOMBIE x1
(13) WOLF x3
(15) MUMMY x3
(18) ELF WIZARD x3
(23) DIRE RAT x1
(24) GARGOYLE x2
(26) SPECTRE x2
(28) WEREWOLF x2
(29) MEDUSA x2
(30) MINOTAUR x2
(31) OGRE x2
(32) TROLL x2
(33) ETTIN x2
(34) CHIMERA x1
(38) SUCCUBUS x1
(39) LICH x2
(40) VAMPIRE x1

Pulled at least 1 of each mini, and my boxes were all taped. 82 minis in all. And the majority look great in person! :-)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
thunderspirit wrote:
My sealed case arrived today: ...

My numbers and distribution match yours exactly.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I did not keep track per Brick, but here is my experience, repost from the product thread.

Ok I got my Set.. Here is what I Have to say about My experience..

The Good

Paint Jobs are very well done though as many have said It seems that some faces did not come out well

Size is good and should match well with D&D minis

Got 2 cases and in both cases got fulls sets

The Bad

Some of the molds especially around the faces where really bad, very rough .

The packaging was horrible, like some have mentioned if you are going to buy these in single boxes you have to be weary about how easy it is to open them to see what is inside since they are not wrapped

The majority of my Minis where lose from the plastic molds that where supposed to hold them in the boxes and in one case for the Human Ranger this may have lead to the tip of the arrow being broken off.

The distribution in my small sample of 2 cases did not match their rarity, I was very surprised how many Uncommons I got and rares I got compared to Commons. One pattern I noticed was that in a brick if I pulled a Wolf I always also got a Werwolf in the same Brick. I was very disappointed I pulled 6 Ettins!! I had Rares out number my Commons and Uncommons! Below is my list and distribution:



1/Goblin Warrior/C/8
2/Goblin Hero/C/8
3/Goblin Warrior/C/2
4/Goblin Hero/C/2
5/Orc Brute/C/6
6/Orc Warrior/C/4
8/Watch Guard/C/4
9/Watch Officer/C/6
10/Lizardfolk Champion/C/4
12/Giant Spider/C/6
14/Venomous Snake/U/4
16/Human Rogue/U/2
17/Human Ranger/U/6
18/Elf Wizard/U/6
19/Half-Elf Cleric/U/4
20/Dwarf Fighter/U/6
21/Human Druid/U/4
22/Gnome Fighter/U/4
23/Dire Rat/U/4
25/Half-Orc Barbarian/R/4
36/Giant Caveweaver/R/2
37/Frost Giant/R/2

Though I am satisfied over all, I hope there are some improvements, and My small example of poor distribution is not actually a common problem.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Dragnmoon wrote:
The packaging was horrible, like some have mentioned if you are going to buy these in single boxes you have to be weary about how easy it is to open them to see what is inside since they are not wrapped

Just as a quick note: my boxes were all taped shut.


Skeld wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
The packaging was horrible, like some have mentioned if you are going to buy these in single boxes you have to be weary about how easy it is to open them to see what is inside since they are not wrapped

Just as a quick note: my boxes were all taped shut.


THey said in the main thread that it was a production problem caught half way through the run.


If you're missing some minis from your set, we have singles available for purchase.

Sovereign Court

Sealed case. All the boosters were taped. Nothing broken, although I wouldn't mind much if the Lizardfolk Champions had all been broken.

Seemed to be some variability in quality of painting on the faces, but I might be imagining that (just put them all back in their boxes). Pretty happy with the rarities, other than that I think Gargoyle should have been uncommon and elf wizard rare. And Lizardfolk Champion should have been so rare no one ever saw it, ever.


1 Goblin Warrior (Red) x2
2 Goblin Hero (Red) x2
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue) x2
4 Goblin Hero (Blue) x2
5 Orc Brute x3
6 Orc Warrior x3
7 Skeleton x4
8 Watch Guard x2
9 Watch Officer x2
10 Lizardfolk Champion x4 (godamnit)
11 Zombie x3
12 Giant Spider x2
13 Wolf x1


14 Venomous Snake x2
15 Mummy x2
16 Human Rogue x2
17 Human Ranger x3
18 Elf Wizard x3
19 Half-Elf Cleric x3
20 Dwarf Fighter x3
21 Human Druid x3
22 Gnome Fighter x2
23 Dire Rat x2


24 Gargoyle x2
25 Half-Orc Barbarian x2
26 Spectre x2
27 Seelah, Human Paladin x1
28 Werewolf x1
29 Medusa x3
30 Minotaur x1
31 Ogre x2
32 Troll x2
33 Ettin x3
34 Chimera x1
35 Manticore x1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider x1
37 Frost Giant x1
38 Succubus x1
39 Lich x2
40 Vampire x1

Scarab Sages

I am happy to report the following results from my one sealed case:

1 Goblin Warrior (Red) - 2
2 Goblin Hero (Red) - 2
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue) - 4
4 Goblin Hero (Blue) - 4
5 Orc Brute - 3
6 Orc Warrior - 2
7 Skeleton - 3
8 Watch Guard - 2
9 Watch Officer - 3
10 Lizardfolk Champion - 2
11 Zombie - 3
12 Giant Spider - 2
13 Wolf - 2

14 Venomous Snake - 2
15 Mummy - 3
16 Human Rogue - 2
17 Human Ranger - 3
18 Elf Wizard - 3
19 Half-Elf Cleric - 1
20 Dwarf Fighter - 2
21 Human Druid - 3
22 Gnome Fighter - 1
23 Dire Rat - 1

24 Gargoyle - 3
25 Half-Orc Barbarian - 2
26 Spectre - 1
27 Seelah, Human Paladin - 2
28 Werewolf - 1
29 Medusa - 3
30 Minotaur - 2
31 Ogre - 1
32 Troll - 3
33 Ettin - 2
34 Chimera - 1
35 Manticore - 1
36 Giant Caveweaver Spider - 1
37 Frost Giant - 1
38 Succubus - 2
39 Lich - 1
40 Vampire - 1

83 total minis (34 common; 21 uncommon; 28 rare). Brick 1 contained 21 minis (9 C; 5 U; 7 R). Brick 2 contained 20 minis (8 C; 5 U; 7 R). Brick 3 contained 20 minis (8 C; 5 U; 7 R). Brick 4 contained 22 minis (9 C; 6 U; 7 R). No broken minis, and all boxes were sealed.

Overall, I am very happy with the distribution, although I would have liked a couple more Dire Rats.

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