Looking for some beefy dragonoid races


Hey gang just wondering if anyone has any ideas for some decent beefy dragon like races to use as basic front liners for a dragon's army. Trying to stick to PF material if possible.

And a question at the end if i add a template to a kobold which has 1/4 cr before classes does that make it a 1/3 or a 1 cr?

a) pretty much limited to half-dragons. Note I haven't seen Bestiary 3 yet.

b) depends on the CR increase of the template. CR +1 would take it to CR1/2. +2 would take it to CR 1. +3 would take it to CR 2. Etc...

Dark Archive

1/2 Dragon Hobgoblins (CR 1/2)
- very militaristic and a love of warfare.

1/2 Dragon Bugbear (CR 2) also a goblinoid.
- for more powerful leadership

Scarab Sages

Younger dragons?


Kobolds who worship the dragons. Give them barbarian levels.

Also, templates will improve a 1/4 CR by 1, so it ends up being 1/3. Half Dragon kobolds are also fun :) I did an entire campaign around templating most things with half dragon levels (druid was messing with nature and draconic stuff)

Wyverns make for excellent aerial support for the front lines. If you want to play up the relationship between wyverns and dragons, then they also make great expendable troops.

Shadow Lodge

Don't forget the Draconic reach of all scalykind. Kobolds, Lizardfolk, Troglodytes. Just building these folk with character levels gives you huge flexibility.

Greetings, fellow travellers.

In addition there is the dracotaur - but its in 3.5D&D MMIII and needs conversion/ is not OGL so I can't reproduce it here.
It's a quadruped, massive strength and natural armor (trivia: gets +8 STR but has fav. class sorceror if used as player race; go figure...)


Liberty's Edge

Giant, advanced kobolds.

Liberty's Edge

Read up on the "Red Hand of Doom" Module from either 3.0 or 3.5. This nasty scenario had a lot of unique draconic creatures to draw from, and they would require little to convert. Some samples of the creatures I've encountered in this campaign are a Green dragon-esk creature with multiple scythe like appendages and a large Rhino like creature with Blue draconic scales that could breath electricity as often as a real dragon and we ridden by goblins like massive meat tanks.

I found my old MM4 and MM5 last night and ive been looking at the spawn of Tiamat and i am considering making them more powerful off shots of the kobold breeds hm many good ideas thanks gang thou im sure my group will not :)

was actually considering using wyvrens with flyby attack and vital strike as scouts and messengers considering they would set off less alarms flying around than an adult green dragon hm....

Sokurah Cyclops beastmasters with packs of Chupacabras on leashes are pretty essential troops in any dragon army.

What Challenge Ratings are you looking for?

Liberty's Edge

Nagaji, in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer. Easy enough to just flavour them as dragon-people rather than naga-people.

lower end of the cr pool, i think im going to use the spawn of tiamat that look kinda koboldish for the most part and retcon them into new breeds of kpbp;d i especially like the greenspawn zealots, raiders and sneaks. Im thinking they were created thou experimentation of my young and inexperienced dragon overlord and his loyal alchemists, and clerics. The dragon is green as will all the minions so breath weapons wont cause a problem with friendly fire issues.

Troglodyte, lizardfolk they make good larger stronger reptilian warriors, kobolds are small and not very beefy but are very dedicated to their dragons.

If you want you could use the dragonborn race from dnd 4e.

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