Theologian Cleric with the Animal domain and Boon Companion feat

Rules Questions

I have a question for all the sharp rules-minds out there :)

If I create a Cleric with the Animal domain, I'll get an Animal Companion on level 4, which is effectively a level 1 Animal Companion. If I take the feat Boon Companion, my Animal Companion will be effectively level 4 (equal to my own character level).

This much is clear - but! What if I am not just a Cleric, but a Theologian Cleric (Archetype from ultimate Magic), with the ability "Focused Domain", which states the following:

Ultimate Magic, p. 32 wrote:
"All level-dependent effects of the granted powers from the theologian’s domain function as if she were two cleric levels higher than her actual cleric level."

Am I now a 4th level Cleric with an effective 6th level Animal Companion? Or not?

Thank you in advance for any and all insights!

Grand Lodge

No, the Theologian itself would give you a -1 animal companion, instead of -3. Boon companion raises this to have an animal companion equal to your level. Not really a good combo.

"The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were four levels higher, to a maximum bonus equal to your character level".

Poorly written, but I agree it should cap out as 'equal to your level'.

Its also a cheezy feat and a bit too good - especially when you consider it against the Ranger class and the archtypes that make them wait til 11th level to hit parity. :p

Grand Lodge

I agree, Boon Companion doesn't increase your effective level for companion abilities above your total character level.

After reading the relevant ability, domain power and feat again, I tend to agree. The Boon Companion feat is so muddily written that I'm still a bit puzzled though. That feat really could have been written clearer :)

Thank you for your help!

I don't think it was an 'official source' Feat.

I had the same confusion on first read of it too, no doubt many others have... the author did few favours!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It seemed more appropriate to necro this thread than to ask elsewhere--a Theologian 4/Otherclass 2 with Boon Companion would still have an effective 6-level Animal Companion, right?

The answer to your question is yes.

As a level 4 cleric, your animal domain gives you an animal companion equivalent to that of a level 1 druid (cleric level -3).

The Boon Companion feat makes your cleric level count as 4 levels higher, level 8. This gives you a level 5 animal companion. This is allowed, because it is lower than your actual character level.

The Theologian archetype makes things weird. Boon Companion makes your ability function as if you were a level 8 cleric. If you were a level 8 cleric, the Theologian archetype would make your cleric level count as 2 levels higher, level 10, which would give you a level 7 animal companion.

The wording of the Theologian archetype means that it makes you count as having two more levels of cleric, but only for the purpose of domain powers. As Boon Companion is not a domain power, as far as it is concerned, your character level is just 6. So, the maximum level of animal companion you could have is level 6.

Sorry if that was too long-winded. Hope it helps.

Grand Lodge

Theologian 4 = Druid 3 for animal companion

Boon adds 4 levels on top of that, up to your character level.

So Theologian 4/something else 2 would have AC at 6.

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